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Welcome to Academy Stars Pupil's Book 3 The Pupil’s Book Pack contains: 1 Pupil’s Practice Kit 2 Pupil's Resource Centre To access Academy Stars Level 3 Pupil’s Book Pack: 1 Go to hitps:// 2 Follow the step-by-step instructions on screen to help you register. 3 Your access code is printed in the box below. Your access code: ‘Academy Star Puss oS AS3P988101187632 “gm nd acoso emmanuel Your subscription will be valid for two years from the date you activate your aecess code. Each code allows one user fo register. For customer support please contact Academy “Stars @) iw L=ToTo) 9 Alison Blair Jane Cadwallader [ome ion Scope and sequence Vocabulary review Idescrbing ‘What class are you i? How old are Welcome — peopie, food, clothes, objects, you? What’s your favourite... ? pt ary, people, activiles, anima Tecan see ... There's / are Aboy is wearing Atschoo) schol subjects, rooms and Presont simple or present ‘good at / not good at + nouns: ‘ctivities continuous?: He plays... He's Imagoodat English. Im not good (3 ‘Adverbs of sequence wotching at Pe Reading time I: The Swiss FarilyRobinson Play t Charlie's homework ‘Athome _Chotesanditee time ‘Adverbs of frequency: Ialwoys/ — How often do you ... ? How often do Buildings and breakfast usvally/sometimes / hardly ever you watch afl? Once a month, p22 Frequency expressions: an Review 1 ‘Around Places around town tobe: presentsimple or past Wh- questions with was / were: men ‘Adjectives todescribe people simple? Yesterday she was sad. Where were you on Saturday? pee rity Today she's happy Reading time 2:Sarn ond the number 22 bus Play 2: The outing Safar Food ond tableware Countable and uncountable How much / many... There's / edventuré Solon ‘nouns with some / any: there are ... How much spinach is pas There’ some water. there? Theres a lot. Review 2 My Fomily and musicol instruments Past simple regular verbs: Past simple yes /no questions: cgrondpd. Aion vorbs Yesterday he played the drums. Did you like painting at kindergarten? p60 Dressing up Pane Under the Seacanimals ‘Comparing two people, animals Superlative form of short adjectives: pe ‘Adjectives ‘or objects: The starsh is slower My dads the tallest. 0 than the seahorse. Review 3 ‘Once upon Past simple regular verbs Past simple irregular verbs: Past simple with Wh- question form: 7 ao Adverbs ‘He had a cake. He did't have What did you eat? paz accake. Reading time 3: The race & The wind andthe sun Play 8: The dolphin Rockin 0846s inatistory museum there was /were..: Thore was Yes /No questions with there was / eos Materials ond objectsin ahouse mammoth inthe cave! were p96 Zoo words Were there any parrots? No, there werentt Review 4 for oi! SPottsclotnes andequipment have to/ don’t have to Why... ? and Because... Be forall ealthy eating Tom has to jump high. Why do they have to... ? Because pt they need Reading time 4: Kings oftheSea Play 4: The coin Let's ‘Months and dates Future plans with going to: ‘Questions with going to: Are you celebrate! Festivals He's going to climb {going to vist Spain? Yes, Fam. p22 Languages Review 5 y Pe ea eC aue Astor: sequence events Whatto do when you dont understand word ‘blog: infer feetings Howto learn new words Astory scan and categorise Use a cicionary to find meaning Aninformational website: contrast twoiexis Used cictionary to find speling Posty: racognise features and interpret meaning Naiceriyre in & poem Aninformative text: identify facts Aectives ‘traditional story: analyse for inference adverbs Alaciual text: use labels in a text to aid omprehension Salt motivation Emails compare and contrast information| Seltrolection Amagazine ortice: identify and inter information Howto learn outside the classroom Listen for spect words Sequence events Follow sequenced information LUsten for specific information Listen for specific inforrmotion Sequence events listen to 0 trecitonal story Analyse information Compare and contrast information listen for spectic inforrnation Provide sequenced information Give suggestions ‘and meke a plan Askand onswer questions about famiy ‘Actouta story Actouta story Describe apicture Actouta roleplay Discuss a topic Ps) Astory. wrtea dialogue using speech marks Ablog post use copitol letters ond punctuation {storys pion and write. story using o ‘Mind map" A satorl website: moke paragraphs in cawebsile txt Apoem: write rhyming poetry An informative text: wrlle text from notes. A story: write a summary A description: use topic sentences ‘An email use connectors of addition Aletter use connectors ot sequence eae ee ear) it! oie) Let's choose an after-school cub! Let's do a survey! ‘Are you a good detective? Planning o North aor ea /ea! Pole adventure Factor opinion? Write on animal puzzle Adiflerent point ofview Areyoua.good —oyor ol oi! archaeologist? Let's make and ploy a game! Welcome Meet the Academy Stars. iF: ail e. I’m their big brother. This year, I want to learn how to fig use a dictionary. | ee | I mae ¥ * ee —_ 1 ¥ : | This year, I want And I want to {I'm Charlie. I’m their little to learn about write emails brother. This year, I want to | celebrations to schools in see lots of animals. Let’s go to § around the world. other countries! the sea and to the desert, too! i 5 Do you want to come with us? | come Meet the characters WB: page 4 sson 1 Meet the Academy Stars 2 Look at the picture. Write the names. 1. Who's wearing ... @ a yellow T-shirt? Ella © green trousers? b a blue skirt? dared T-shirt? 2 Who's holding ... a a robot? © a book? b a football? d abag? 3) 12 Listen and match the information to the Academy Stars. Age Class Favourite Favourite Favourite Favourite colour food sport animal @.. . Bea & & 5 Charli \ 8 _ &€£OeLG \ #oeok # msm SF @ 4 & SY Ask and answer the susstions, in Activity 3 with a friend. [Be! o Welcome Deseribe people WB: page 4 Find and write. 1 four animals giraffe 2 two rooms 3 four items of furniture 4 three forms of transport 5 six places in the town 6 six activities your notebook. Where is / are the .. ?. What is / are .. doing? a 1 2 Write five questions about the picture in a Is it. ? / Are they... ?. How many ... are there? Are there any .. ? Is there a... ? 3 &¥ Ask and answer questions about the picture with a friend. Be a star! yr Monday 10th September 9:00 science 10:00 English 11:00 break time (Take out your eae rk science books, 12:30 lunch please. 7 1:30 music 2:30 computer studies 3:30 PE Homework: social studies and maths Identify and use new words: school subjects and activities WB: page & son 1 Vocabulary 13 Listen, point and say. @)14 Listen and play the game. What's next? i SO £7 EQ science English computer music break time studies Ge" RK BG Pie (a= Pes maths social studies homework & Write the new words in your notebook. maths a Look at the picture. Ask and answer. “ {T's at half ‘past eleven. e @)1.5 Sing the song. oursshootdoy by > TD om The clock goes tick-tock-tick-tock. English, PE and social studies. The lessons go by. Then it's break time with my buddies! Now what have we got? N {What time is art? The clock goes tick-tock-tick-tock. Science, music and then art. The lessons go by. Computer studies — we're all so smart! Now what have we got? The clock goes tick-tock-tick-tock. ™ The lessons go by. 5 Now what have we got? How many school subjects are in the song? | a 0 song WB: page 8 kd Lesson 2 Reading 1 Look at the title and the pictures. Girel® the answers. 1 The textis ... a adiary. b astory. 2 It’s about... a aboy. b aman. 3 He's... a atschool. b inashop. Scan the text. Underline the new words from Lesson 1. j).6 @ Read the text. Why are the school subjects difficult for Joe? Joe’s new school [ It’s Joe's first day at his new school. He sees a teacher and says, ‘Hello, my name's Joe. I'm new. I'm looking for my classroom.’ The teacher says, ‘Your classroom is over there.’ It’s nine o'clock and Joe is in the classroom. It’s time for maths. Joe is sitting next to Paul. That's strange. My maths book is different, Joe thinks. “You can look at my book,’ says Paul. It's ten o'clock now and the pupils are in the music room. They're playing the recorder. The teacher says, ‘Repeat after me, please!’ Joe thinks, Oh! This is difficult! : tr _ | f'¥ At oreok time, the pupils always play in the playground, It’s break time now, but Joe is sitting‘in the classroom. The teacher asks, ‘What are you doing?’ Joe says, ‘I'm reading the maths book. This maths is difficult for me.’ ‘OK, Ican help you,’ says the teacher. I's time for computer studies. The pupils are in the computer room. Joe is looking at a computer. Oh dear. This is difficult for me. | don’t understand it, he thinks. Then the door opens and a boy comes in. ‘Is this Class Five?’ he asks. ‘Yes, it is,’ says the teacher. “Oh, nol’ says Joe. ‘I'm in the wrong class.’ Joe and the other pupils laugh. ‘Tm in Class Three, not Class Fivel’ says Joe, Joe goes to his classroom. ‘Bye! See you in the Bisvato lnc? says Paul computer room difficult laugh music room think ‘ bt | fa Learning to learn ee Ae What do you do when you don’t understand a word? Do you... 1 look inadictionary? 2 askafriend? 3 ask the teacher? ae Ask questions about the words in the vocabulary box. ja i What does ‘difficult’ mean? Lesson 3 Reading comprehension j 1 Answer the questions with full sentences. 1 What do the pupils study at ten o'clock? They study music at ten o'clock. 2 Where is Joe at break time? 3 What do the pupils study in the computer room? © Values 2 © Whois speaking? 1 ‘Imnew. Joe Do you help new pupils in your 2 ‘You can look at my book.’ school? 3 ‘OK. I can help you’ ——= = = 4 ‘I'm in the wrong class!" 3 © Think. Order the sentences 1-6. L] Joe goes to Class 3. L] Joe sits next to Paul. L] The teacher helps Joe. U1] Joe starts at a new school. They're in the music room. LC Joe goes to the classroom. Sounds and spelling 4 17 Listen and say the chant. Look at the spelling. Three clean sheep asleep in a heap. 5 )1.8 Write the missing letters ee or ea. Listen to check. 1 eat 2 gr n 3 icecr. m 4str_t 5 pl se 6 tr Unit 1 Reading comprehension: sequence events Sounds and spelling: e@ or ea (Jiv/) WB: page 10 Present simple or present continuous? football on Wednesdays Now he's | watching | footbot on We. ¢ y He always 2 When does Joe do these acti ies? Write now or always. 1. Joe is painting in art club. now 2 Joe goes home at five o'clock every day. 3 Joe is doing his homework. 4 Joe is playing a computer game. 5 In the evenings, Joe eats dinner at six o'clock. 3 @ Write what you think Joe does or is doing. 1 It’s three o'clock now. Joe is going home. ] 2 It’s nine o'clock now. Joe 3 After dinner, Joe always 4 In the morning, Joe always & & Discuss with a friend. What do you do every day? What are you doing now? Unit 1 Use present simpio or prosent continuous? WB: page 11 Lesson 5 Language in use after before first second then 1 19 @ Listen and say. \® What lessons have we got today? ‘® Well, first we've got English. ¢ & Great! I’m good at English. ® Second, we've got PE i ® Oh, I'm not good at PE. Za & Then it’s break time. After break time, we've got science. ‘@ | like science. Are you good at science? @ Yes, | am. And, we've got art before lunch. & Fantastic! 2 & Complete the text about lessons on Monday. On Mondays, we've got lessons before break time and we've got _ lessons after break time. First, we've got and I’m at that. Second, we've got and I’m at that. After lunch, we've got . My favourite subject is What _ you good at? 3. &Y Now make a new dialogue. =? _/ Are you good at sport? | ‘ —- ae No, Fmnot! 1, — (I'm good at art. | < Oh, I'm good at art, too! | Z“ aneey a Unit 1 Use good at / not good at + nouns Use new words: adverbs of sequence WB: page 12 lesson 6 Listening and speaking 1 )110 Listen to the chant. ircl® the words you hear. 2 #110 Complete the chant. Use the words from Activity 1. Listen again and check. In our _English__ class each day, This is what we learn to say. May | out? Caney May | come & s Can you repeat that, please? ae) In our English class each day. This is what we learn to say. Is correct? Is this 2 How do you that in English? In our English class each day. This is what we learn to say. 3 SY Say the chant. Listening: listen for specific words Speaking: say a chant ‘WB: page 13 Lesson 7 Writing 1 @ Look at these sentences from the story on pages 10-11. What do we use to show that people are speaking? He sees a teacher and says, ‘Hello, my name's Joe. I'm new. I’m looking for my classroom,” ‘OK, | can help you,’ says the teacher. 2 Add speech marks and finish the story. After school, Joe goes to the Joe's wearing his football football club. He sees Paul. shirt. He says, Hurry up, Paull He says, ‘Hello, Paul. Do you What are you doing? Ot Peg aetna, Sa Paul is sad. | haven't got Yes, | do, says Paul. my football shirt, he says. i £ Joe says, Don’t worry! I've got two shirts. Paul is happy! He says, 6 Now Joe and Paul are playing football. Joe is good. Paul says, Unit 1 Write a dialogue using speach marks WB: pages 14-15, ¢ A) YT LA ipa ge tty Lea ol Learn new games. cia “d - Make a website Ss This is a cool club! ar": Are you good at science? Learn about flowers and animals. This is a great club! Are you good at sport? Do you like running? Come to our club! senile Lucy’s answers ingedand Sam’s answers in(blue). drawing ball games plants and animals — running Choose a club for Lucy and Sam. Discuss with a friend. Write. A good club for Lucy is ' because she likes * she’s good at 3 _ A good club for Sam is ¢ because he likes ® and he’s good at © Unit 1 Analyse and evaluate options WB: pages 16-17 Reading time si Wewiss Family Robinson " =k - Read the story. Say how the family arrive on the island and leave. This is a story about the Swiss Family Robinson. Mum, Dad and the three brothers, Fritz, Ernest and Jack, are crossing the sea in a boat. Their boat is old and small, but they like it. One day, there’s a big storm. It's very windy and the family is very scared! Suddenly, their boat hits some rocks. ‘Oh no!’ says Dad. ‘Our boat is broken!” | The next morning, it isn’t windy. It’s very sunny and the family walks to the beach. ‘What a beautiful beach!’ says Mum. ‘We're on an island, and there are no people!’ says Dad. ‘What can we do?’ asks Mum. together’ They all help. Dad and Fritz make some beds. There is no school, so Mum is the teacher. Every day they have science, maths, social studies and English lessons. In the afternoons, | they do homework. Dad and Fritz look for food. They find coconuts, bananas and fish to ect. Jack and Ernest find a baby elephant and a baby monkey on the island. They like playing together!

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