Clown Alley by Laws

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Article I: NAME
Section 1. The name of this Chapter shall be
The Villages Clown Alley 179, Inc, PO Box
60, Lady Lake, FL 32159, which is affiliated
with the World Clown Association, Inc. and
the Southeast Clown Association. Our
chapter commenced existence as Lady Lake
Clown Alley 179 on February 1, 1991. The
name was changed to The Villages Clown
Alley 179 on January 1, 2004. The Alley
acquired tax exempt status in 2016,
changing the name to The Villages Clown
Alley 179, Inc.

Section 1. The Villages Clown Alley 179,

Inc. is dedicated to the art, education and
enjoyment of clowning. We bring laughter
and family fun to young and old alike, while
serving our community.

Section 2. We are a nonprofit and service

organization that shares out (our)time and
talents, promoting the art of clowning for
our members through educational
workshops, while socializing with like-
minded people who enjoy the art of


Section 1. The chapter shall not have capital

stock or compensation for officers, but shall
admit applicants to membership upon such
uniform conditions as may be prescribed in
its By-Laws.
Section 2. The applicant must be a Village
Resident, pay a yearly membership fee and
meet other uniform conditions as may be
prescribed by the Executive Board
(hereafter called the Board). A membership
card will be issued to each qualifying

Prospective members to The Villages Clown

Alley 179, Inc. will be restricted to persons
who have completed a Board approved
clown course or have been a clown with
another organization. Prospective members
to this Alley must fill out an application
form, pay required dues and submit proof
of a current background check. Applicants
must appear before the membership at a
meeting in full makeup and perform a
clown skill prior to being admitted as
members. Applicants must read and sign
the Code of Ethics before being sworn in.
ACTIVE MEMBERS – Pay dues in a timely
manner and participate in the affairs of the
Alley, such as attend meetings, participate
in gigs and serve on committees or hold
LIFETIME – Clowns reaching the age of 80
(eighty) (At the beginning of the calendar
year, January 1, any clown who has reached
the age of 80 (eighty) may become a lifetime
member upon approval of the Board and
are no longer required to pay dues, but
retain voting rights.  

The Membership Chairperson will keep

complete records and issue an up to date list
of members by the second week of February
to members. In addition, the Chairperson
will issue an addendum list on a regular
basis, of new clowns to the Alley.
CLOWN NAMES – When a member of The
Villages Clown Alley 179, Inc. terminates
their membership, either by voluntary
withdrawal, written notice, or failure to pay
dues for one year ( * see Article III, Section
4 Duration of Membership) their clown
name will be held for one (1) additional
year. After a year, that name will become
open for use again. When an Alley member
passes away, to honor the memory of their
dedication and service to the Alley, the
deceased member’s clown name will be held
for three (3) years before it becomes open
for use again. EXCEPTION: The names
Sassy and Hoppy have been permanently
retired, through a vote by the membership.
New clowns will not choose a name that is
the same or similar as one already in use.
All names are subject to Board approval as
per stated in the By-Laws.
Section 3. Voting – The voting right s of this
Alley shall be equal and no member shall
have more than one (1) vote upon each
matter submitted to a vote at a Business
Meeting of the members.
Section 4. Duration of Membership –
Membership in this Alley may be
terminated by voluntary withdrawal, by
written notice, failure to pay dues for one
year, or as otherwise herein provided in the
By-Laws. All rights, privileges and interest
of a member shall cease on the termination
of membership.
Section 5. Suspension and Expulsion – For
cause and upon reasonable notice, any
member may be suspended or terminated.
Sufficient cause for such suspension or
termination of membership shall be a
violation of the By-Laws or Code of Ethics,
or any lawful rule or practice duly adopted
by this organization, or our local, state or
US government. Suspension or expulsion
shall be by a majority  vote of the Board.
The member shall receive a verbal warning
by the Board. If further action is needed, a
certified with return receipt letter from the
Board will be sent. A second certified with
return receipt letter will result in expulsion.
The member may meet with the Board to
show just cause why they should not be
removed from the Alley.
Section 1. The annual dues for membership
shall be set by the Board and a majority
vote by the membership.
Section 2. Members who fail to pay dues in
a timely manner (by the end of January)
will be notified by the Membership
Chairperson. If they are unable to attend
meetings, dues may be mailed or brought in
by another member.
Section 3, All current memberships will
begin January 1st and end on December
31st of each year. New members joining in
the last three months of the year (October,
November or December) will not have to
pay dues again in January.
Section 1. The Alley shall have a Board
meeting the third week of each month, or as
determined by the President
Section 2. There shall be a Business Meeting
on the first Monday of each month, or as
determined by the President.  All matters
requiring a vote shall be tabled until the
Business Meeting, when possible.
Section 3. The second, third, fourth and
fifth Mondays of each month are designated
as workshops for bettering the Art of
Clowning and signing up for pending gigs.
Votes that are time sensitive and cannot be
tabled until a Business Meeting may be
required to continue Alley operations.
Section 4: Quorum – A total of 50% plus
one (1) of active members present will
constitute a quorum. If fewer than 20 (16)
members are present, a vote cannot be
Section 5. Special meetings may be called by
the President, or can be called by the
President upon written request of one-third
of the active members of the Alley.
Section 6. The suggested Order of
Business at a Business Meeting shall be as

Call the meeting to order

The Pledge of Allegiance Inspirational

Reading and approval of the minutes of the
previous meeting

Treasurer’s report and filing for audit

Committee reports

Old business

New business

Gig reports and pending gigs


Gig sign ups


Section 1. The elected officers of the Alley

will be the President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer and Gig Master.
Elections will be held at the November
Business Meeting. The immediate past
President may serve on the Board in an
advisory capacity, but has no vote, except to
break a tie. Other members may attend at
the request of the President, but have no

Section 2. The Board shall meet upon the

call of the President at such time and place
as they may designate, and shall be called to
meeting on demand of a majority of

Section 3. The Executive Board shall have

general supervision of the affairs of the
Alley, business meetings, time and place of
meetings, recommendations, and shall
perform such other duties as specified in
the By-Laws.

Section 4.The authorizing of any amount of

money over three hundred dollars ($300)
(three hundred and fifty dollars ($350)must
be approved by the general membership.

Section 5. A majority of the Board shall

constitute a quorum at any meeting of the
Board. Any less number may adjourn until
such a time that a quorum is present.

Section 6. Any member of the Executive 

Board unable to attend a meeting of the
Board shall contact the President or the
Secretary to state the reason for the
absence. If a Board member is absent from
three (3) consecutive meetings for reasons
that the Board has failed to declare to be
sufficient, their resignation may be deemed
to have been tendered and accepted.
Vacancies will be appointed by the Board
for the remainder of that term.


Section 1. The elected officers of this Alley

shall be President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer and Gig Master.
These officers shall constitute the Executive

Section 2. All elected officers shall be

current, active members for at least one (1)
year, and be in good standing.

Section 3. No member shall hold more than

one office at a time and no member shall be
eligible to serve more than two (2)
consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 4. Each elected officer shall take

office in January. Any officers from the
preceding year may act as advisors to the
current Executive Board. Only the past
President has a vote, and only in the case to
break a tie.

Section 5. Vacancies in any office may be

filled for the balance of the term by a vote
of the Board.
Section 6. PRESIDENT – The President
shall be the chief officer of the Alley and
shall preside at meeting of the Alley and the
Executive Board. He/She shall also
communicate matters to the membership
and the Executive Board, promote the
welfare, increase the usefulness of this
organization and perform other duties as
are necessary to the office of President.

Section 7. VICE PRESIDENT – The Vice

President may be designated by the
President to perform all duties of the
President in the event of temporary
disability or absence by President.

Section 8. TREASURER – The Treasurer

shall keep an account of all monies received
and expended, and shall make
disbursements authorized by the Board and
membership. They also have the authority
to pay all normal and regular monthly bills.
The Treasurer shall make a report at the
monthly Business Meeting. The funds,
books and vouchers in his/her hands shall at
all times be subject to verification and
inspection by the Board. All checks, drafts
or other orders for payment or monies,
notes and other evidence of indebtedness
issued in the name of the Alley shall be
signed by the Treasurer. Checks may be
issued by the President or Vice
President(Treasurer). The Treasurer will
only accept receipts for payment at our
regular weekly meetings. Reimbursements
will be issued at the following Business
Meeting. Deposits are accepted at any
scheduled meeting. The Treasurer will
deliver over to their successor, or in the
absence of a Treasurer- elect, to the
President, all books, monies and other
property for audit at the end of their term.
The Treasurer and the President are
responsible to complete tax exempt audits
and such documents as required to continue
tax exempt status.

Section 9. SECRETARY – The Secretary

shall keep a complete record of all meetings
of the Alley and of the Executive Board.
He/She shall have general charge and
supervision of the books and records of the
Alley. The Secretary shall sign all papers
pertaining to the Alley as they may be
authorized or directed to sign by the Board.
The Secretary shall serve all notices
required by law and by these By-Laws, and
shall make a full report of all matters and
business as pertains to members at the
Business Meeting. He/She shall keep
membership records. The Secretary shall
make all reports required by law and
perform such other duties as may be
required by the Alley or the Board.

Section 10. GIG MASTER – The Gig

Master shall be the only person receiving
information on gigs. The Gig Master will
provide a sign-up sheet for members to sign
up for each gig. It shall be their
responsibility to have the sign-up sheets at
each meeting or workshop. Sign-up sheets
shall be kept for one (1) calendar year. It
will be the Gig Master’s responsibility to
give proper notice to any firm or
organization that books a gig with the Alley
in the event not enough clowns sign up for
that gig. The Gig Master will maintain an
up to date list of all establishments the Alley
does gigs for, including name, address,
phone numbers, email address and contact
persons. The Gig Master will review the
sign-up sheets prior to each gig and appoint
one person to be the Clown in Charge (CIC)
for that gig. (See Article VII, Section 2)

Section 11. TRANSITION -  All officers

shall deliver over to their successor all
books or property at the time of a new
officer’s installation. The retiring officer
shall assist their successor in a way to
ensure a smooth transition of officers.



Section 1. COMMITTEES – The President,

subject to the approval of the Executive
Board, shall annually appoint such standing
committees or subcommittees as may be
required by the By-Laws or as they may
find necessary. Such committees may be
chaired by a member appointed by the
Section 2. CLOWN IN CHARGE (CIC) – It
will be the responsibility of the CIC to know
the location of the gig, the meeting place
and time and who is going on the gig. The
Gig Master will provide the CIC with this
information. The CIC will make sure they
have adequate supplies and make a contact
call to confirm the clowns that are expected.
The CIC will report any concerns to the Gig
Master after the completion of the gig.


POSITIONS – Other appointed positions
shall include, but are not limited to 50/50,
Security Checks, Balloons/Supplies,
Communications, Greeter, Historian, Skit
Books, ID’s and Buttons, Membership,
Music/Band, Parliamentarian,
Photographer, Sunshine, Ukulele and
Workshop Committee.


Section 1. All proposals by a member for
any amendments or changes to the By-Laws
shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the
By-Laws Committee, who will then review
them with the By-Laws Committee within
sixty (60) days of receiving such proposals.
The Committee will then review and vote on
the amendments and submit them to the
Executive Board at their next meeting for
review prior to distribution to the
membership. The Executive Board will not
dismiss any changes proposed by the By-
Laws Committee without a vote from the
membership. The By-Laws, with noted
changes, will be sent to all members prior to
the next Business Meeting, where a vote will
be required for approval.


Section 1. The fiscal year of the Alley shall

begin on the first day of January of each
year and shall end on the thirty-first day of
December of the same year. Installation of
officers will be held at the January Business


Section 1. References – Without changing

their importance, the Secretary may, from
time to time, on notice to members of the
Alley and the Board, renumber these By-
Laws, so as to serve the purpose of ready
reference. Reference in the By-Laws to
Articles shall be corrected, when necessary
by the Secretary to conform to renumbered


Section 1. If it should ever be necessary for

the Alley to dissolve, all remaining assets,
after payment in full of any debts,
obligations and necessary final expenses,
shall be distributed and paid over to an
organization dedicated to nonprofit
purposes which has established its tax
exempt status pursuant to Section 501(C) of
the Internal Revenue Code.


Section 1. All meetings and committee

meetings shall be conducted by the
authority of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly
Proposed Amendments 2020(2022) by the
By-Laws  Committee: Annemarie Prioriello
(aka Ravioli) Chairperson,
Carolyn Brown (aka Winkx),
Janet Comesky (aka Hop-Scotch),
Nikki Nixon (aka Petals)
Kyril Monts (aka Wud-N-Hed)

Chris Bleistein (aka Calzoney) Chairperson

Pat Reilly (aka Pattie Hattie)
Janet Comesky (aka Hop-Scotch)
Irene McGee (aka Miss Gabbie)
Audrey Kelly (aka Waddles)

Ratified by membership September 7, 2020

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