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Literature and Genres and their Elements

● Can be defined as pieces of work that are valued as works of art especially novels,
plays, and poems
● The body of written works produced in a particular language, country or age, pr the body
of writings on a particular subjects
● Literature is a collection of the best writing from all over the world

Literature Genres and Their Elements

1. Literariness
-An artistic written expression as opposed to traditional forms like myths, folktales,
legends, hallads, proverbs, folk drama which had oral cultures as their life and basis

➢ Author
-A modern concept tied to the notion “authority” and a culture of possessive
-An author is an individual who asserts himself/herself and holds authority over
the meaning of his/her composition

What are the differences between modern fictions and older forms of Narrative?
● Older Forms of Narrative
-Written by and for people from high society or the elites
-Follow a strict set of rules in writing
● Modern Fiction
-Written by diverse number of writers from different social backgrounds
-Sometimes mixes different qualities of literary work to form a more
creative and innovative piece

➢ As imaginative writing, fiction is written by authors who self-consciously make

use of creative techniques and devices to render their name is the best way
➢ Ironically, it is in creative distortion and the use of figurative rather than plain
language of truth for a literary author is most clearly expressed
➢ Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best:“Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures”

2. Fiction
-Is created from the imagination, not presented as fact, though it may be based on a true
story or situation
-The word is from the Latin fictio, “the act of making, fashioning, or molding”
-Fiction is an interplay and interlaying of other elements like character, setting, point of
view, and tone
-Like the other genres, fiction makes use of figurative language, especially symbol and
Elements of Fiction
● Plot
-Is the element that shapes how the events are told in a sequence or a pattern
-A plot is sometimes referred to as the “spine” of a story. Plots are the results of
choices made by te characters: the characters take action (or don’t) and events
happen as a result

A. Exposition
-it is the beginning of the story and prepares the way upcoming events
unfold. It is in the part of the plot, where major characters are introduced,
the setting is established, and major conflicts of the story are revealed
-This is also the part where the character’s backstory is presented for
viewers to gain insight into the reasons why the main characters think and
believe in a certain way
B. Rising Action
-It is the point where the main problem or conflict is revealed. During the
point of rising action, the protagonist will struggle to face the conflict which
could be internal (protagonist vs. self ) or external (protagonist vs.
antagonist, protagonist vs. nature/society) and chronicles how the main
characters deal with the curveball that comes their way
C. Climax
-The climax is the turning point in the story, often centered around the
protagonist’s most difficult challenge or their bleakest moment
-The climax is the most exciting part of the story and initiates a turning
point in the character’s lives
-The climax is where the protagonist receives new information, accepts
the information - realizes it and may or may not necessarily agrees with it
and then acts on that information
D. Falling Action
-It is the point that occurs immediately after the climax and reveals the
details of the consequences, good or bad, that the main characters must
deal with after the turning point of events. It sets the stage for the
E. Resolution/Denouement
-Is the part where the outcome of the event and the fate of the protagonist
and antagonists are revealed
-This part is where the protagonist resolves the conflicts and the loose
ends of the storyline are tied up unless, there is a sequel planned wherein
there are cliffhanger scenes to enable further development in the plot line

Elements of a Short Story

● Characters
-these are the persons who portrayed a particular role in a story or composition
>Protagonist >Antagonist
-attributes or traits that the characters have or portrayed
-characters who have changed their behavior or attitude in the story
-characters who have constant behavior or attributes in the story

● Setting
-It indicates not only the time and place but also the social environment

● Plot
-It pertains to the sequence of events that happened in the story

Dramatic Structure
“The whole is what has a protasis, epitasis and catastrophe” - Aristotle (Poetics)

Freytag’s Pyramid (Dramatic Arc)

>Rising Action
>Falling Action

Types of Plot
1. Linear Plot
2. Episodic Plot
3. Cumulative Plot
4. Circular Plot
5. Plotless Plot

● Conflict
-It is the problem faced by the characters in the story
>Internal >External

● Point of View
-It is where the angle of the story is being told
>First Person
>Third Person
Limited- few thoughts of the characters
Omniscient- all of thoughts of the characters
Types of First Person POV
1. Objective First Person
2. Subjective First Person

Types of Third Person POV

1. Omniscient Third Person
2. Objective Third Person
3. Close Third Person

● Theme/Idea
-The expression of a central idea of the story

● Irony
-It is a literary device in which there is a contradiction of the expectation between what is
said and what is really meant

Types of Irony
1. Verbal Irony
2. Situational Irony
3. Dramatic Irony

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