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Educational Reformation

Compiled to Fulfill the Tasks of The English for Islamic Studies II Course

Supporting lecturer:

Hapid Ali, S. Pd, M. Pd

Arranged by:

Putri Amilah (1212020201)

Rifdaa Aulia (1212020214)

Rofi Nurjamil (1212020224)




2022/1443 H

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah ta'ala who has bestowed His
mercy, taufik, and guidance, and bestowed His favors and gifts, so that the author can
complete this paper smoothly without any obstacles. Shalawat and greetings may always
be poured out for the lord of the people, namely the great prophet Muhammad SAW.

We received a lot of help from various parties for the preparation of this paper,
therefore we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Lecturer in the English for
Islamic Studies II Course, Hapid Ali, S. Pd, M. Pd. who has given so much support and

In the preparation of this paper, we have gained useful knowledge. We get a lot of
information through social media. Several journals became references for making this
paper. So we get a lot of references to be used as a paper. We know that this paper is far
from perfect, especially the materials in it. Therefore, we hope that readers can provide
constructive criticism and suggestions that are useful for us in the future. Hopefully this
paper can be useful for us and for the readers.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Bandung, 17 September 2022



FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY ........................................................................................... 1
A. Background ............................................................................................................................. 1
B. Formulation of the problem..................................................................................................... 1
C. Destination .............................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 3
A. Definition of Educational Reformation ................................................................................... 3
B. Background of Reformation in Education............................................................................... 4
C. Some Aspect of Education must be Reformed ........................................................................ 6
CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................................... 8
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 8
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................................... 8
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 9



A. Background

Education reform that begins with the policy of autonomy in the education unit
education, and culminate in the expansion of the authority of teachers in developing driven
learning since the end of the 20th century has penetrated all aspects education, even PP No.
19 of 2005, concerning National Education Standards (SNP), mandates to standardize eight
aspects of education, namely curriculum content, formulation of graduation competence,
educators and education staff, learning process, facilities and education infrastructure,
financing, assessment and management.

These educational reforms have brought about a paradigmatic change in all aspects,
including in the learning process. Indonesian pedagogy, namely active learning based on
constructivism theory. The concept of learning since the era of educational reform is more
dominated by students. They who do more of the interaction process in the classroom, both
with teaching materials and with their peers. They search for scientific information from
various sources literature, discuss the findings, practice the skills to operate the knowledge,
perform analysis, synthesis, and final conclusions.

Such is the concept of learning in the era of reforms to date. The class really belongs
to the students for them to develop learning activities through interaction with learning
resources, tools, and learning facilities as well as with peers. Active learning will not run
well without enriching learning resources. which includes messages, people, materials,
tools, techniques, and the environment that can affect the process and student learning
outcomes. Thus, active learning requires the support of outside facilities humans who can
help the process of student learning activities.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is definition of educational reformation

2. What the background of reformation in education

3. What are some aspects of education must be reformed

C. Destination

1. Knowing the definition of educational reformation

2. Knowing the background of reformation in education

3. Know some aspects of education must be reformed



A. Definition of Educational Reformation

Reformation is etymologically originating from the word formation, which means

arrangement or form agency structure. Education is knowledge about educating. National,
which is concerned with their own nation. Reform means change radical for improvement
in the social, political or religion in a society or country. People who do or think reformers
are called reformers who are none other than people who advocate improvement efforts it
is non-violent.

Reform means change by seeing future needs, emphasizing original form, do better
by stopping deviations and practices that incorrectly or introduce more procedures well, a
complete overhaul of a system of life in the political, economic, legal, social and of course
including the fields of education. Reform also means improving, correct, perfect by making
something wrong becomes right.

Education reform is an effort improvement in education. Reform education has two

basic characteristics, namely: programmed and systemic. The educational reform
programmed refers to the curriculum or program an educational institution. Included in
This programmatic reform is innovation. Innovation is introducing a new idea, new method
or new means to improve some aspects in the educational process so that change occurs in
contrast to before with certain defined purposes.

Education reform is a must. Because, the ways that have been implemented in the
management of education is not will be able to solve problems which appears today.
Monetary and economic crisis which was followed by a crisis of politics, trust and security,
accelerate the realization of reform education. Necessary educational reforms
comprehensive and fundamental, concerning cultural-foundational, political-policy
dimensions, technical-operational, and, contextual dimensions. Patchwork in today's
education world must be avoided, because it will only result in delaying the arrival of a
more severe disaster again.

B. Background of Reformation in Education

Education reform that begins with the policy of autonomy in the education unit
education, and led to the expansion of the authority of teachers in developing learning
driven since the end of the 20th century has penetrated all aspects of education, even PP
no. 19 of 2005, concerning National Education Standards (SNP), mandates the
standardization of eight aspects of education, namely curriculum content, formulation of
graduation competencies, educators and education personnel, learning process, educational
facilities and infrastructure, financing, assessment and management.

These educational reforms have brought about a paradigmatic change in all aspects,
including in the learning process. Indonesian pedagogy, namely active learning based
onconstructivism theory. This theory offers a pedagogical process that relies more on
expansion and enrichment of learning resources to facilitate student learning activities,
because In constructivism theory, teachers must provide opportunities for students to do
exploration, elaboration, then finally confirming to the teacher as a senior learner who have
more experience in exploring the materials they learn.

The concept of learning since the era of educational reform is more dominated by
students. They who do more of the interaction process in the classroom, both with teaching
materials and with their peers. They search for scientific information from various sources
literature, discuss the findings, practice the skills to operate the knowledge,perform
analysis, synthesis, and final conclusions. Teachers help them learn guide students to
practice operating their theories in class,guide students to repeat lessons with their peers,
and even guide them to conduct experiments in the laboratory. Such is the concept of
learning in the era of reforms to date. The class really belongs to the students for them to
develop learning activities through interaction with learning resources, tools, and learning
facilities as well as with peers.

Active learning will not run well without enriching learning resources. which
includes messages, people, materials, tools, techniques, and the environment that can affect
student learning processes and outcomes. Thus, active learning requires the support of
outside facilities humans who can help the process of student learning activities. Among
these facilities are materials that must be prepared and provided by the teacher in the form

of printed materials or digital material provided on a computer. Thus, active learning
developed in the constructivism paradigm requires the support of more learning resources
complete, not only the text books they read, but also the various materials provided by the
teacher as a source of their learning. In other words, that active learning requires media
support that can deliver students' acceleration of teaching materials what they learn.

Then, the active learning process as regulated in the regulation of the Minister of
Education National (now Education and Culture), developed in three escalative processes,
namely exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. The exploration process is the student's
exploration process to the information contained in the textbook, as well as the materials
provided by the good teacher print and digital, as well as other materials commonly
accessed from the classroom library or virtual library available in information in
cyberspace. Then, information-the information is processed by students more analytically,
parsed and re-synthesized, so that they are able to take the essence of the information they
read as knowledge that will affect their behavior change, this is what is meant by

However, they should not be left to conclude their own knowledge, so a

confirmation process is needed. The students must be accompanied by the teacher in
compiling the final conclusion, either by justifying the student's conclusions or criticizing
them the student's conclusions and formulate what should be shared between students and
students teacher.

Thus, in the active learning process, the teacher has an obligation to convey their
knowledge, experience and views on the materials they

learn. The time to deliver the message is very limited, because most of the learning
time is used by students to explore and elaborate. students to absorb information from
teachers who have been sucked in by the process of exploration and elaboration that

dynamic process with self-study, discussion, repetition, practice and others. If

observed, that teachers are expected to be able to present learning media as a means of
learning that distributes knowledge information effectively, in a short time but a lot of

information is presented. This is in line with the view of Schramm (1997: 194) which stated
that the use of media as a teaching supplement in the classroom, would be effective and
more easily accepted by the classroom teacher. In the teaching and learning process, the
role of a teacher in using learning media is very important to achieve learning objectives.
Teacher Professionals often use media when teaching, as a channeling tool knowledge
information to students.

C. Some Aspect of Education must be Reformed

Future forecasters (futurists) say that the 21st century is called the century of
knowledge, because knowledge has become the main foundation of all aspects of life
(Trilling and Hood, 1999). The changes that occur in addition to the rapid development of
technology, are also caused by extraordinary growth and development in science,
psychology, and the transformation of cultural values.

The era of knowledge causes changes in the human perspective on humans, the
human perspective on social and natural problems, the human perspective on the world of
education or changes in the role of parents / teachers / lecturers in the world of education,
as well as changes in the pattern of relationships between them. The era of knowledge has
brought about significant changes in the order of employment and the world of education.

The era of knowledge has forced us to adjust a number of rules, ways of working,
behavior and has even overturned the paradigm that was considered correct in the previous
era. The most misguided thing happens when today we are still using the old ways in a
changing era.

The era of knowledge has given birth to a new order of life, which has different
characteristics compared to the manual era or the era of industrial machines. Knowledge
has become virtual capital (human capital) which greatly determines the development and
progress of civilization in this era.

Changes in the education system in the Knowledge Age, including:

• Knowledge-oriented education is developed in all directions in a balanced way.

The current flow of education emphasizes that whatever one learns in college must be
useful for society later. So education must be practical, what is learned must be applied

• Learning that is limited to the educational stage becomes lifelong learning.

If we calculate the level of education is around 12-17 years, from elementary to

college. Is it enough time even though changes in society are very fast? The knowledge
gained can become obsolete, therefore students must always learn new things so as not to
face the risk of being eliminated from the job market.

• Diploma/bachelor recognition becomes recognition of real strength.

In the past, degrees were used as a standard to measure one's abilities, but the reality
in today's world of work is that degrees are not the main consideration. A person can know
his abilities if tested with his skills, fluency in English and computer skills so that one's
real competence can be known, rather than relying on diplomas or degrees.



A. Conclusion

Education reform is an effort improvement in education. Reform education has two

basic characteristics, namely: programmed and systemic. The educational reform
programmed refers to the curriculum or program an educational institution.

Education reform that begins with the policy of autonomy in the education unit
education, and led to the expansion of the authority of teachers in developing learning
driven since the end of the 20th century has penetrated all aspects of education, even PP
no. 19 of 2005, concerning National Education Standards (SNP), mandates the
standardization of eight aspects of education, namely curriculum content, formulation of
graduation competencies, educators and education personnel, learning process, educational
facilities and infrastructure, financing, assessment and management.

Future forecasters (futurists) say that the 21st century is called the century of
knowledge, because knowledge has become the main foundation of all aspects of life
(Trilling and Hood, 1999). The era of knowledge has given birth to a new order of life,
which has different characteristics compared to the manual era or the era of industrial

B. Suggestion

To create quality, equitable, and affordable education. Education reform includes

four areas, namely bureaucratic reform, glorification of educators and education personnel
(CAR), fulfillment of educational facilities and infrastructure, and reform of the learning


Yusufhadi Miarso, Menyemai Benih Teknologi Pendidikan (Jakarta: Kencana

prenadamedia Group, 2013), 641.

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