Study of Organizational Behavior in Education

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Study of Organizational Behaviour in Education

Dr. Radhika Kapur

Educational institutions are regarded as organizations, which are a consciously and
determinedly co-ordinated social units, comprising of two or more people. The organizations
operate to implement their tasks and functions to achieve the desired goals and objectives.
The members of the organizations are dedicated towards the performance of their job duties,
which are geared towards achievement of a common goal or set of goals. The main purpose
of this research paper is to study organizational behaviour in education. The effective
implementation of organizational behaviour in education contributes to the enhancement of
job performance, incurs job satisfaction and leads to achievement of desired goals and
objectives. The main areas that have been taken into account are, nature and features of
organizational behaviour, scope of organizational behaviour, need of organizational
behaviour in education, contribution of educational fields to organizational behaviour, career
development for organizational behaviour and challenges and opportunities for organizational
Keywords: Organizational Behaviour, Education, Management, Career Development,
Challenges, Individuals

The success of any educational institution depends upon the efficiency and capability
of the management and the efficiency of the management depends upon the human skills and
needs and aspirations of individuals. Organisational behaviour refers to the behaviour of the
individuals within the organisations, the reason being, organizations can operate efficiently, if
the human resources are skilled and capable. It is an accepted fact that an organisation can
progress only when its people are industrious. Organisational behaviour is a field of study
that researches the influence of the individuals, group and structure upon the behaviour of the
organisations. It covers three determinants of behaviour within the organisations, i.e.
individuals, group and structure. It is an applied field, as it applies the knowledge acquired
about individuals, and the effect of structure on behaviour, to make the organisations work
more effectually. Organisational behaviour is an academic discipline concerned with
defining, understanding, expecting and controlling human behaviour within an organisational
environment (Baijumon, & Yakoob, 2015).
Organizational behaviour is the study of how the individuals behave both
independently and within informal and formal groups. The performance of the organization is
eventually dependent on the motivational levels of its human resources and enthusiasm and
capability of the individuals to work pleasantly and co-operatively towards the achievement
of common objectives. In this discipline, one will discover and examine the interconnections
of individual personality and work, the features of the organizations and their environments
and the challenges presented by the combination of these factors. Organizational behaviour
helps to understand different activities and conduct of the individuals, working within an
organization. It also helps to stimulate them and they enrich their learning and understanding.
People, environment, technology and structure are the four main components of
organizational behaviour. These components play a crucial part in influencing organizational
behaviour (Baijumon, & Yakoob, 2015).
Nature and Features of Organizational Behaviour
Organizational behaviour has emerged as a separate field of study. The nature and
features, it has acquired have been identified as follows: (Baijumon, & Yakoob, 2015).
A Separate Field of Study and not a Discipline - By definition, a discipline is an
accepted science that is based on a theoretical foundation. But, organizational behaviour has a
multi-interdisciplinary orientation and is, therefore, not based on specific theoretical
background. Therefore, it is reasonable to call organizational behaviour as a separate field of
study rather than a discipline. Organizational behaviour is progressing on a daily basis, there
has been numerous research conducted in this area and individuals have recognized its
significance. This field addresses the influence of motivation, teacher behaviour, vibrant
learning, approaches and observations, conflicts, student stress, and group and individual
learning. A systematic study of how individuals behave within the classroom as well as in the
office identify that certain traits show up on both grounds (Scalza, 2007).
An Interdisciplinary Approach - Organizational behaviour is essentially an
interdisciplinary approach to study the aspects of human behaviour at work. Within the
working environment, there are certain rules and policies that individuals have to follow. For
instance, one of the most imperative areas that should be operated in an effective manner is
verbal communication. Individuals get involved in verbal communication in all types of
organization, which may be in a formal or in an informal way. Politeness, decency and
respectability are the factors that need to be taken into consideration, when communicating
verbally with each other. The language that is made use of should be sophisticated and
refined. An interdisciplinary approach tries to integrate the pertinent knowledge drawn from
related disciplines like psychology, sociology and anthropology to make them applicable for
studying and analysing organizational behaviour.
An Applied Science - The nature of organizational behaviour is applied. What
organizational behaviour primarily does is the application of various researches to provide
solutions to organizational problems relating to human behaviour. The basic line of
difference between pure science and organizational behaviour is that while the former focuses
on fundamental researches, the latter concentrates on applied researches. Organizational
behaviour involves both applied research and its application in the analysis of the
organization, therefore, organizational behaviour is known as an art as well as a science.
A Normative Science - Organizational behaviour is also termed as a normative
science. While the positive science discusses only the cause and effect relationships,
organizational behaviour suggests how the findings of applied researches can be applied to
socially framed organizational goals. Thus, organizational behaviour deals with what is
accepted by the individuals and society involved within an organization.
A Humanistic and Optimistic Approach - Organizational behaviour applies
humanistic approach towards the individuals working within an organization. It deals with
the thinking and feelings of human beings. Organizational behaviour is based on the belief
that people have an inherent aspiration to be autonomous, imaginative, resourceful and
industrious. It also realizes that individuals working in the organization can and will realize
these potentials, if they are provided with adequate conditions and environment. Environment
affects the performance of the individuals working within an organization.
A Total System Approach - The system approach is one that integrates all the
variables, affecting the functioning of the organization. The systems approach has been
developed by the behavioural scientists to conduct an analysis of the human behaviour in
view of his or her socio-psychological framework. An individual’s socio-psychological
framework makes the individual a complex one and the systems approach makes an attempt
to study his or her complexity and find solutions to it.
Scope of Organizational Behaviour
The main elements of people, structure, technology and the social system are required
to be understood, when understanding the scope of organizational behaviour: (Baijumon, &
Yakoob, 2015).
People - The people establish the internal social system of the organization.
Individuals within the organization may work individually or in groups of two or more.
Groups are large or small, formal or informal, official or unofficial. They are dynamic and
undergo changes within the course of time. Human organization undergoes transformations
on a daily basis. In the present existence, organizations are not the same, as they were earlier.
Individuals are achievement oriented and aspire to make use of innovative methods and
techniques within the tasks and functions. People are existing, thinking and feeling, being
who created the organization and try to achieve the objectives and goals. Thus, organizations
exist to serve the people and not the people exist to serve the organization. Organizations are
the associations of individuals and they differ in many respects. The study of individuals,
includes aspects such as, personality, perception, approaches, behaviours, values, norms, job
satisfaction, learning and motivation.
Structure - Structure defines the sole relationship of the individuals within an
organization. Different people in an organization are assigned different roles in accordance to
their educational qualifications, experience and abilities and they establish certain
relationship with others. It leads to division of labour, so that individuals can perform their
duties or work to accomplish the organizational objectives. For instance, when an individual
possesses adequate knowledge of computers, technology, English language skills,
maintaining records, etc. then he may be assigned the job of a technical worker. Work is
multifaceted and various job duties are to be performed by different individuals. They are
directors, managers, supervisors, accountants, technical, clerical workers etc. These
individuals are related to each other to accomplish the goals in a harmonized manner. Thus,
structure relates to authority, power and duties. The superior, such as the leader has the
authority and his subordinates are required to obey him.
Technology - Technology facilitates the physical and economic conditions within the
working environment, which may smooth the operations of the individuals. In the present
existence, technology has gained prominence and individuals are making use of it to make
their work more manageable. When the usage of technology was not common, then
individuals used to manufacture the goods, by making use of tools and machines. It was more
time consuming as well as cumbersome. With the advent of technology, individuals have
augmented the manufacturing of products and that too in a shorter duration of time. The
nature of technology depends upon the nature of the organization and has an impact upon the
work or working conditions. Thus, technology generates efficiency and at the same time,
imposes restraints upon the individuals in various ways.
Social System - Social system makes provision of an external environment within
which the organization operates. The environmental conditions need to be amiable and
pleasant for the existence and effective functioning of the organization. The main areas that
are essential for the organization to exist in an effective manner are, internal and the external
environmental conditions. Laws, rules, and polices are the main areas that need to be framed
adequately to make the social system operate in an appropriate manner. The efficiency is
regarded as imperative in making the social system of the organization productive. One
organization cannot provide everything and therefore, there are existence of numerous other
organizations within the community. For leading to progress and development of the
community and the country, all organizations should focus on generating productivity. All
these organizations have an influence upon each other. The approaches of the individuals,
resources, skills, and the use of manpower are the main areas that have to be taken into
Need of Organizational Behaviour in Education
The significance of organizational behaviour is realized in all areas, whether it is
education, management, administration, science, technology and so forth. By acquiring
knowledge about organizational behaviour, an individual is able to understand, how he would
be able to carry out his tasks, functions and activities within the organization. There are
number of factors that highlight the need of organizational behaviour in education and these
have been stated as follows: (Baijumon, & Yakoob, 2015).
Organizational behaviour conducts researches upon the factors that have an impact
upon the individual and group behaviour within the organizations and how organizations
manage their environments. There are certain norms and principles that individuals need to
take into consideration, when they are working independently or when they are working in a
group. When an individual works on a project or conducts research and analysis on an
independent basis, he should be honest, truthful, diligent and put in his best effort to improve.
On the other hand, when the individual is working in a group, he has to develop effective
communication skills with each other, assign job duties and understand each other’s needs
and requirements. Organizational behaviour makes provision of a set of tools, equipment,
theories and concepts to understand, investigate, examine, describe and manage attitudes and
behaviours within the organizations.
The study of organizational behaviour can make improvements and bring about
changes in the individual, group and organizational behaviour to attain individual, group and
organizational objectives. The job duties within educational institutions is not always
manageable, they are demanding and strenuous. At the initial stage, employees may not be
sharp in their performance, teachers find it difficult to control the class and sometimes, their
teaching is also not up to the desired standard, where students are able to acquire efficient
understanding. Within the course of time, changes come about in the job performance of the
teachers and they begin to find their jobs interesting and pleasurable. On the other hand,
students also find it difficult to learn various concepts, but understanding organizational
behaviour enables them to enhance their knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities.
Organizational behaviour can be analysed at three levels, the individual, group and
organization as a whole. A complete understanding must include an examination of
behavioural factors at each level. The individual level of the organizational behaviour
includes that individual must be modest, well-mannered, truthful and honest in his or her
conduct. The group level consists of team spirit, mutual understanding, and effective
communication processes. The organization as a whole consists of factors which may
include, proper conduct, diligence, resourcefulness, conscientiousness, honesty, truthfulness
and righteousness that are fundamental in the achievement of organizational goals and
objectives. When conducting an analysis of organizational behaviour, factors are adequately
determined, which prove to be barriers within the course of implementation of tasks and
achievement of goals. Measures are formulated to eliminate the barriers.
The job of the educator is to make use of the tools of organizational behaviour to lead
to an increase in effectiveness, and the ability of the organization to achieve its goals. The
main goal of the educational institutions is to lead to growth and development of the students
in an effective manner. If the students are able to acquire efficient understanding of the
concepts and perform well in class, this indicates efficiency in organizational behaviour. On
the other hand, if the students do not perform well and experience learning problems, this
indicates that organizational behaviour should be improved. Management is the process of
planning, organizing, directing, recruiting, leading and controlling an organization's human,
financial, material and other resources to improve its effectiveness. Management of resources
is an imperative area and this can be efficiently implemented by practicing organizational
Educationists and teachers in their job acquire thorough understanding of
organizational behaviour. It leads to an increase in one’s personal awareness and outlook on
the following attributes: (Baijumon, & Yakoob, 2015).
Working with people from different cultures – Within the educational institutions, in
most cases, individuals belong to different backgrounds and categories. The teachers and the
educators should work with them in an adequate manner, make provision of equal rights and
opportunities and not discriminate against anybody. The procedures and the laws within the
institutions should be appealing to the workforce. What might seem motivating to the
principals might not appeal to their workforce at all. Or the style of communication of the
principals or the head mistress may be straightforward, but the workforce may find it
intimidating and uncomfortable. There may be differences in the viewpoints and perspectives
of the individuals, but they should understand the reason behind, why a person is saying what
he is saying. The principals and the heads of the departments must learn how to adapt the
managerial styles into their cultural, geographic and religious disparities.
Workforce diversity - Organizations are progressively becoming a more
heterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, race, age, ethnicity and sexual orientation.
These differences between the individuals cannot be unnoticed, they have joined educational
institutions to teach and to learn, so that they are able to enhance their lives. So principals and
the head mistresses must recognize the fact that they don’t leave their existences, cultural
values and perceptions at home. While performing their job duties, they must learn to assist
the diverse group of people by stating their different lifestyles, family requirements and work
Customer Service – Most of the organizations have been unsuccessful, the reason
being, its employees have not been successful to provide the necessary service to its students.
In schools or training centres, when students are not able to enhance their understanding and
performance, then it is believed that teachers are not making provision of necessary service to
its students. Management needs to create a customer responsive culture. Organizational
behaviour can provide considerable guidance and assistance in helping managers form such
cultures. Cultures in which employees are approachable, pleasant, considerate, proficient,
knowledgeable and prompt in responding to the needs of the students are contributing in the
rendering of a crucial customer service. In schools, instituted in rural areas, parents are
normally reluctant in sending their children to schools, especially girls. The reason being,
they train them in all kinds of household work and feel they just have to get married when
they grow up and instead of learning academic concepts, they should learn domestic chores.
In such cases, teachers approach the parents and convince them to send their girls to schools
and make them realize the significance of education.
Ethics – In the present existence, the educationists are required to create a morally
strong conditions for the staff members and the students, where they can work efficiently and
confront a minimal level of ambiguity, regarding what establishes appropriate and
inappropriate behaviour. Organizational behaviour is the path of acquiring an understanding
of how elements of the workplace are put into place. As a promising individual, one can
develop his own-self with the help of these learnings and participate in the implementation of
the managerial roles positively. In organizations and educational institutions, it is essential for
the managers and the educationists to put into operation, the traits of morality, decency,
honesty and goodness in their conduct. The struggle to develop the understanding of the
qualities and positive aspects in organizational behaviour has led to the development of
number of theoretical views that can be helpful in making provision of solutions to the
problems that educational leaders experience in their work (Owens, & Valesky, 2014).
Contribution of Educational Fields to Organizational Behaviour
There has been important contribution made by the educational fields towards
influencing organizational behaviour. On the other hand, in various educational disciplines,
there is a study of organizational behaviour. Organizational behaviour is an applied
behavioural science that is built upon assistances from a number of behavioural disciplines.
The principal areas are psychology, sociology, social psychology, and anthropology
(Baijumon, & Yakoob, 2015).
Psychology - Psychology is the science that aims to measure, describe, elucidate and
sometimes bring about transformations in the behaviour of humans and animals. Valuable
contributions are made by psychologists in the field of organisational behaviour. Many of the
theories dealing with personality, attitude, learning, motivation and stress have been applied
in organisational behaviour to acquire understanding of the work related phenomena such as,
job satisfaction, commitment, assurance, absenteeism, turnover and well-being of the
employees. Understanding the psychological principles helps in the acquisition of knowledge
of elements of individual behaviour such as, learning process, motivation techniques,
personality determinants, personality development, perceptual process and its implications,
training process, leadership effectiveness, job satisfaction, individual decision making,
performance appraisal, attitude measurement, employee selection, job design, job rotation,
skill development and work stress.
Sociology - Sociologists conduct research and study the social system, in which the
individuals perform their roles. Sociology studies the individuals, in relation to their fellow
human beings. Sociologists studying the structure and function of small groups within a
society have contributed to a large extent to a more complete understanding of behaviour
within the organisations. They put emphasis on studying the social systems, in which
individuals perform their job duties. Focus is put upon group dynamics. The concepts,
theories, models and techniques of the sociologists help significantly to acquire
understanding of the group dynamics, organisational culture, formal organisation theory and
structure, organisational technology, bureaucracy, communications, power, conflicts and
inter-group behaviour in an improved manner. Within the organization, individuals need to
develop mutual understanding and effective relationships, terms and conditions with each
other to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Therefore, establishment of relationships
and mutual understanding with the fellow human beings is a fundamental component of
organizational behaviour.
Social Psychology - An area within psychology that mergers the concepts from
psychology and sociology and that put emphasis upon the influence of people on one another.
Social psychologists make a contribution to determining, assessing, understanding and
changing approaches, identifying communication patterns, and building trust. They have also
made important contributions to the study of group behaviour, power and conflict. Within the
organization, the occurrence of conflicting situations are the major impediments within the
course of achievement of the desired goals, and when two or more individuals are involved in
a dispute, they usually bring their communication terms to an end. When individuals do not
have effective speaking terms with each other, then it would be difficult for them to work in
collaboration. Thus, it is important that within an organization, when individuals are working
with each other, they should avoid conflicting situations and disputes to every possible
extent. The leaders are the individuals, who exercise control and authority over the
individuals, but what is important is, they need to establish cordial and amiable terms with
their subordinates and not be dictatorial in their approach. Pleasantness, amiability and
politeness are the main factors that lead to accomplishment of organizational goals.
Anthropology – Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings
and their activities. Anthropologists work on cultures and environments that have helped to
understand the differences in fundamental values, attitudes and behaviour between the
individuals in different countries and within different organisations. Much of the current
understanding of organisational culture, organisational environments and differences among
national cultures is a result of the work of anthropologists or those making use of the methods
and strategies in an appropriate manner. It has been stated that organizational behaviour is the
study of human behaviour within the organizations. Organizational behaviour makes
provision of the set of tools, theories and concepts that help in understanding, analysing,
describing and managing the attitudes and changes within the organization. The area of
anthropology helps in understanding the differing natures of human beings and their
activities. Therefore, organizational behaviour too understands various approaches, outlooks
and performances of the individuals. The individuals will be able to incur job satisfaction and
achieve their desired aims, when there will be collaborative learning opportunities available
(Owens, & Valesky, 2007).
Career Development for Organizational Behaviour
The crucial areas that need to be recognized for career development of organizational
behaviour have been stated as follows: (Baijumon, & Yakoob, 2015).
Managerial Challenges – The managerial challenges that the individuals experience
regarding the management of the institution are, workforce diversity. The managers must
learn to respect different cultures, norms, values and ethics. They have to shift their
philosophy from providing equal treatment to everybody, to recognising the differences and
responding to those differences in a way that will ensure employee retention and greater
productivity, while at the same time eliminating any kind of discriminatory treatment. An
increasingly diverse workforce presents both the opportunities and challenges for the
organisations. If diversity is not managed in an appropriate manner, it can lead to higher
employee turnover. There will be difficulties in the communication processes amongst the
individuals and occurrence of conflicts and disputes. Women gradually moved into the
occupations, previously dominated by the males and in the same way, men also moved into
occupations previously dominated by the females. These developments have their own
suggestions for human resource managers within the organisations. In the present world,
especially in nursery schools, there is an increasing number of teachers, who are below 30
years of age. Youth in jobs, mainly work to live an efficient life and to satisfy their needs,
they possess adequate knowledge and information, which they normally want to put into
Workplace Issues and Challenges - These issues also have behavioural inferences.
Major issues under these are, first is employee privacy, in this case, employers have stated to
intervene and influence the personal lives of the employees. Managers need to be sensitive to
this issue, since this trend generates the feelings of antagonism amongst the employees.
Second is employee rights, it involves disagreements and the issues associated with job
ownership and individual rights while at work. Third is unionism, it is recently union
membership that has been gradually decreasing. As a result, organisations carry the burden of
providing services to the employees, which were earlier provided by the union. Organisations
need to take extra precautions to ensure that workers are treated equitably, otherwise, union
membership will begin to increase once again. Fourth is changed employee expectations,
traditional motivators like job security, attractive pay, additional perks and so forth, do not
interest present day employees and they demand empowerment, and expect quality of status
with the administration. Participative management instead of authoritative leadership, flexible
timings, opportunities to work from home, leading by example are the more recent
Organizational Challenges – Schools and educational institutions are different in
various aspects from each other. These differences are with regards to the availability of
infrastructure, civic amenities, instructional methods, number of classrooms, buildings,
number of teachers, students and staff members and availability of teaching and learning
materials. Technology in education is considered imperative that has contributed in making
learning manageable. Management of technology and innovations, will lead to success of the
organizations as well as individuals. Only those organisations would be successful that would
maintain their flexibility, continually make improvements in their quality and out-perform
their competitors with innovative products and services. The major challenges for the
managers is to encourage employee ingenuity, resourcefulness and acceptance for
transformations and changes. The major organizational challenge is, individuals have to
collaborate with each other in the creation of the pleasant and an amiable working
environmental conditions. The principals, directors and heads should be magnanimous
leaders within the educational institutions. They should always listen to the ideas and
suggestions that are provided to them by the other individuals, and then put them into practice
for the common welfare.
Learning Challenges – The educational institutions should be able to deal effectively
with learning challenges, experienced by the students. There are various types of problems
and challenges that influence the workings of the individuals, hence, individuals should learn
to cope up with them in an effective manner. Educators have to cope with this
internationalism and must change to acquire a global perspective. There are individuals, who
do not show interest and enthusiasm towards learning, they experience problems, hence,
teachers should be aware of how to make them acquire understanding of the concepts and
arouse interest and keenness within them towards acquisition of knowledge and information.
They have to work in an efficient manner with these students and understand their cultures
and learn to become accustomed to the different learning styles regarding students. Some
students are able to learn effectively by providing oral explanation, some are able to learn by
dictating notes and so forth. There should be provision of devices for the students with
learning disabilities, especially, who are experiencing visual impairments or hearing
Environmental Challenges – The educational institutions should operate in
accordance to the environment, they need to be aware of the internal and the external
environmental conditions. The teachers need to update the knowledge and understanding of
the students regarding the environmental conditions. For instance, students at all the levels of
education are provided knowledge regarding maintaining the environmental conditions,
preservation of the natural resources, curbing pollution and keeping the environment clean.
Educational institutions exist within the environment that is undergoing changes on a
continuous basis. There have been introduction of new schemes, policies and strategies,
which the teachers and the students should be aware of. There should not be any
discrimination regarding the pay and reimbursements of the teachers. They should be given
equal pay for the work they are doing and should be considered equal, irrespective of their
castes, creed, ethnicity, qualifications and religious backgrounds.
Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behaviour
Acquiring an understanding of organizational behaviour in education contributes to a
major extent in enabling individuals to work co-operatively with each other. For the
successful functioning of the educational institutions, it is important that individuals should
integrate with each other in an effective manner. The challenges and the opportunities for
organizational behaviour has been stated as follows: (Robbins, & Judge, 2013).
Responding to Economic Pressures – Financial problem is one of the major problems
that individuals experience in the acquisition of education. This is usually common amongst
the deprived, marginalized and socio-economically backward sections of the society.
Economic pressures are also common amongst the directors and the heads, when they have to
instigate new strategies, methods, techniques or procedures in their work. When individuals
are positive and establish effective communication terms with each other, then they will be
able to cope with economic pressures.
Equal Opportunities – Within educational institutions, there are individuals belonging
to different cultures and backgrounds. They have different religious backgrounds, castes,
ethnicities and genders. In this case, it is important that there should not be any kind of
discrimination against anybody and treatment of all the individuals should be done on an
equal basis. When individuals possess differing viewpoints against each other, then it would
be difficult for them to work collaboratively with each other and they would possess the
feelings of antagonism and resentment.
Managing Workforce Diversity - One of the most important challenges for the
organizations is adapting to people from diverse groups. This challenge is described as
workforce diversity. Whereas globalization put emphasis on the differences among people
belonging to different countries, workforce diversity reports differences among people within
given countries. It recognizes a workforce of women and men, different castes, creeds,
religions and ethnic groups. Individuals are also included with a variety of physical or
psychological abilities, and people who differ in age and sexual orientation. Managing this
diversity is a global concern.
Improvement in Curriculum and Instructional Methods – Organizational behaviour
leads to improvement in the curriculum and instructional methods and the teaching-learning
processes. The functioning of the educational institutions and their standing within the
community depends upon the teaching and the curriculum and instructional methods. When
these tasks are put into operation in an effectual manner, then individuals will also be able to
implement organizational behaviour effectually. Organizational behaviour can provide
considerable guidance in assisting the teachers and principals to create such cultures, in
which students take pleasure in learning and understanding the concepts.
Improving the Proficiency and Skills of the Individuals – Besides academic concepts,
it is essential to make improvements in the skills and proficiency of the students and the
teachers. The proficiency and skills can be improved by development of effective speaking
and listening skills, communicating to the students, the information regarding essential areas
and also improving creative and extra-curricular activities. Majority of students take pleasure
in getting involved in creative activities. Participating in extra-curricular activities stimulates
the mind-set of the students and enables them to develop interest in studies.
Stimulating Innovation and Change – Stimulating innovative methods and techniques
and bringing about changes and transformations within the educational institutions in all the
areas, such as, teaching, learning, extra-curricular activities, infrastructure, building,
classrooms, technology, and so forth is an opportunity as well as a challenge. It is considered
as an opportunity because, it enables the individuals to develop and improve upon their
knowledge and understanding and it is challenging because, in some cases, such as in nursery
schools, teachers and the principles are not completely aware of the knowledge and
information regarding how to implement innovative methods and strategies or bring about
Coping with Temporariness – In the present existence, teachers and students must
learn to cope with temporariness, flexibility, freedom, and changeability. The study of
organizational behaviour can assist a person in understanding a working environment that is
undergoing changes and transformations in various areas. These are, continual change,
overcoming resistance to change, and creating an organizational culture that thrives on
changes in an improved manner. When changes come about within the working environment,
individuals need to learn to cope with changes and adequately adjust to them.
Working in Networked Organizations - Networked organizations allow people to
communicate and work together even though there may be differences between them on the
basis of various issues. Individuals make observation visits to other schools, educators from
different universities collaborate with each other on research projects and exchange ideas,
suggestions and viewpoints. This is considered as one of the imperative areas to improve
knowledge. Independent contractors can communicate through the usage of technologies in
different institutions and enhance their learning.
Helping Employees to Balance Work Life Conflicts – Organizational behaviour
provides assistance to the employees to create a balance between work life and personal life.
Work in most cases is demanding, which does not permit the individuals to take out time for
their own self or family members. In such cases, individuals feel stressed and overwhelmed
and feel at conflict with themselves. Therefore, organizational behaviour makes provision of
information to the individuals to implement time management skills and maintain cordial
terms and relationships with the other individuals, so that they are assisted in the management
of work life conflicts.
Creating a Positive Working Environment – Organizational behaviour contributes in
the creation of a positive working environment. The positive working environment is when
individuals work collaboratively with each other, they have mutual understanding,
communicate with each other in an effective manner, recognise their responsibilities in an
appropriate manner and devise effective solutions in case of occurrence of conflicts and
disputes. In the case of positive working environment, it is vital for the individuals to
determine that they will never get involved into a conflicting situation. Positivity in the
working environmental conditions is a vital aspect to incur job satisfaction and achieving
personal and organizational goals and objectives. When there is a positive working
environment, individuals take pleasure in their work duties and render an effectual
performance towards their job.
Improving Ethical Behaviour – Ethical behaviour is referred to being honest, truthful,
fair, decent and moral in one’s implementation of tasks and functions. For instance, academic
honesty is an imperative area within the course of academic performance. In the present
existence, principals and the heads must form an ethically strong conditions for his or her
employees, where they can do their work industriously with minimal uncertainty about what
are the differences between what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. Institutions that
encourage a strong ethical mission, encourage the employees to behave with integrity, and
provide strong ethical leadership. These can influence the decision making of the employees
to conduct themselves ethically.
Organizational behaviour is the field of study that examines the impact that
individuals, groups, and structure have upon the behaviour within the organizations. For the
purpose of applying such knowledge towards making improvements within an organization’s
effectiveness. The field of organizational behaviour makes provision of knowledge and
information to the individuals, regarding how they are able to put into operation their tasks
and functions in an appropriate manner and work towards the achievement of organizational
goals. Organizational behaviour is a field of study, meaning that it is a different area of
proficiency with a common body of knowledge.
When understanding organizational behaviour, it is important to understand the
theories, principles and the strategies and practically make use of them. It studies three
determinants of behaviour within the organizations, these are, individuals, groups, and
structure. In addition, organizational behaviour applies the knowledge acquired about the
individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on the behaviour to make organizations carry
out their tasks and functions operatively. Organizational behaviour is the study of what the
individuals do within an organization and how their behaviour affects its functioning. The
reason being that organizational behaviour is concerned precisely with the employment
related situations. One should not be surprised that it put emphasis upon the behaviour as
related to concerns such as, jobs, work, absenteeism, employment turnover, productivity,
human performance, and management.
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