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Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales

Panos Siozos, PhD Nick Malekos Kyriaki Raouna

Panos Siozos is the CEO and Nick Malekos is the head Kyriaki Raouna is a Content
Co-Founder of LearnWorlds. Growth Marketer of Learn- Creator for the LearnWorlds
He holds a PhD in Educational Worlds. He is a results based team with more than three
Technology and has worked and well-rounded Digital years of experience in digital
extensively as a computer Marketer with years of expe- marketing. Graduated from
science educator, software rience in the education indus- the University of Hudders-
engineer, IT manager and re- try that doubles as a youth field with a Guidance degree,
searcher in many EU funded trainer and volunteers’ coor- she has equipped herself with
research projects. Before fol- dinator in his free time. hands-on experience in edu-
lowing the startup route, he cation management and ca-
was working in the European reer guidance.
Parliament as a policy adviser
for research and innovation.

©2020 LearnWorlds. All Rights Reserved.

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales
5 Ιntroduction
6 What is an Email Sequence?
6 Different Types of Emails and Sequences
9 How to Set up Your Email Sequence
11 Email Sequence Templates for Course Sellers
12 7-Day Course Launch Email Sequence
15 15-Day Course Launch Email Sequence
19 30-Day Course Launch Email Sequence
22 Example of a 7-day Course Launch Email Sequence
35 Email Sequence Goal-Based Templates
36 Onboarding / Welcoming
43 Conversion
49 Engagement
56 Upsell
62 Templates Email Templates
63 Welcome email templates
68 Question email template
70 Newsletter email templates
75 Announcing the course email templates
80 Opening the course email templates
83 Giving bonuses email templates
86 Announce cart closes email templates
88 Ask for a review email template
90 Thank you email template
92 Sending out an ecommerce email receipt
93 Re-engaging your email subscribers
96 Nurture-building Emails
98 Conclusion

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales
Course Launch
Email Templates
& Sequences to
Boost Your Sales
As a course instructor you may be asking ‘ok, so what can email really do for
my business?’ and the answer is...a lot.

There is no doubt today that email marketing rules the online business main-
stream. As research shows, email marketing never ceases to be relevant and
offers the best way to generate leads. While going through recent statistics,
you can see that in 2018 email users were up to 3.8 billion and this number is
expected to reach up to 4.3 billion by 2023.

Email is a necessary tool that helps online businesses attract and nurture
leads that can result to more sales.

Email sequences couldn’t be too far away from the basket, and have proven
to be an essential tool for building an effective relationship with your email list
members in the process of turning them from leads into paying customers...

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 5
What is an Email Sequence?
An email sequence is a number of emails scheduled to be sent in a specific
timeframe where each one serves a different purpose. It is essentially a series
of automated marketing emails.

Otherwise known as an ‘autoresponder’, an email sequence plays a huge role

in your email marketing strategy and describes a series of emails that are sent
out to your audience at a timely and methodically manner.

Email sequences have some obvious and hidden benefits attached to them.

They nurture your leads and forms better relationships

They ensure your email leads get the best of your content at any time
they join
They provide valuable information and advice to your audience
They create a unique personalized experience to your leads
They automate your marketing efforts (selling your courses while you sleep!)

In order to fully exploit the power of email marketing and set up an email
sequence for your followers, first you need to build an email list with contacts
that belong to your target audience - those people to whom your course is
mostly relevant and a must-have product.

Once you have your email list, you are ready to learn more about what email
sequence is and how it can help your online school get more sales and gain
brand awareness.

Different Types of Emails and

There are many types of email sequences and the differences are found in the
goal of your each email campaign.

What it includes and urges your email list members to do is directly associat-
ed with what you want to do and your business goals.

Each sequence might have a different purpose like:

Welcoming new students

Informing with news, tips and blog posts

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 6
Nurturing leads (from a free course or a lead magnet) to buy a course
Launching a new course
Engaging in conversation

Each email you send out needs to follow a specific plan of action and a goal
which will potentially bring your leads one step closer to ‘closing the deal’ or
in marketing terms, ‘making the sale’.

For example...

Do you want people to get to know more about what you do? Then, you can
create an email that links to your site - either your course description or blog.

Do you want people to build trust in your product? You can create an email that
links out to customer reviews and testimonials.

Do you want people to engage with you in a more direct way? Create an email
inviting them to join a webinar or a podcast talking about your course.

Do you want to inform them about the launch of your new course? Then,
create an email that tells them when and where this takes place in the form of an-

Do you want to welcome people and show them around your site? Create an
email that allows them to explore your website and find the information they need
the most.

... TIPS
What’s awesome about sequence emails is that you get to
write them ONCE and then you choose an email marketing
1 tool that will send them out to subscribers directly, and…
your job is done!

Don’t forget to setup your email notifications in Learnworlds.

They are also part of your email sequence welcoming new
users, students, customers and customizing the whole learn-
ing experience.

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 7
Each email sequence can include multiple different kinds of emails to engage
your audience in different ways, leading them to the final desired result.

To guide your way through different types of email sequences, in this article
we present the most prevailing ones that you will need as a course instructor.

▷ The ‘Welcome’ Email

An email that welcomes new members to your online community. It usually
provides them with an incentive to explore your online school and purchase
your courses. Also, informing email subscribers about what they expect to see
in your emails and how useful is being a member of the email list - presenting
the benefits.

▷ The Question Email

This is the email that aims to entice and attract attention. It takes the form of
the ‘helpful email’ and lending them a hand - letting them know that you are
there for them and building on awareness.

▷ The Newsletter Email

An encouraging email that urges subscribers to check out your blog content,
your videos/webinars, read and share your school’s or industry news, learn
about new features or try out alternative solutions you provide.

▷ The ‘Announcement’ Email

A notifying email that informs subscribers for news and updates.

For example:

a) Course Launch - announcing the launch of your course (date/day) -

countdown, providing a course outline and focusing on the benefits it
b) Course Registration Open Call - encouraging them to take a pick in your
course, linking to your course page description and offering an open
call to course enrolment/pre-registration.
c) Feature Update - letting know subscribers about the launch of a new
feature or access to new course material.

▷ The ‘Offer/Bonus’ Email

a specialized targeted email that promotes an offer the email subscribers can
claim within a limited-time, encouraging them to take new steps (get their
coupon codes, download an ebook, join a VIP webinar etc.)

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 8
▷ The ‘Last Chance’ Email
this is similar to abandoning cart email that is used on retail sites - ‘Claim
Your Spot’ providing a ‘Last Call’ to indecisive people.

▷ The ‘Product Review’ Email

the email that asks your email subscribers, students or community for con-
structive feedback and reviews on your product.

▷ The ‘Nurture’ Email

an email that helps your subscribers get to know you better. It usually shares
industry or company news and informs them on what’s going on ‘behind the

▷ The ‘Re-engagement’ Email

an email that is designed to ‘win back’ your subscribers and regenerate their in-
terest in your product. It usually sends out a reminder or a warning that you are
going to unsubscribe inactive users. This could also be packed with a unique offer.

▷ The ‘Thank You’ Email

this is the email that sends out a ‘thank you’ note to subscribers for being loyal,
supporting your school and taking an active role in the learning community.

These are just a few types of emails you can send out to your subscribers once
you set your email marketing strategy up and running. Each one is used with
a certain purpose in mind and helps to serve your business needs.

On that note, you should make sure to create emails that use the best and
most appropriate visuals that go with it and match with your brand. Apart
from designing good-quality photos, you need to come up with a catchy mar-
keting copy, and choose your colours and graphics carefully.

SUMO has a great deal of email marketing examples to show, coming from
businesses who have nailed it!

How to Set up Your Email Sequence

Your email sequence could be about any topic, but it should always relate to
your school’s subject and online courses. After all, it needs to create aware-
ness and get people interested into what you are offering.

To help you create a winning email sequence, there are a few steps you need
to take into account...

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 9
☞ Step 1: Name the sequence
Naming the sequence can give you the pointers you need to create your se-
quence. In a way, it sets up the context and prepares the ground for it, it keeps
you focused and driven to your goal.

The name of your sequence describes what it is going to come up in the next
emails, and can easily become the headline/subject line of your email.

A few examples:

a) Step-by-Step Guide on how to Get Fit in 30 days [Sports/Fitness]

b) Mastering the Science of Social Media: Your Very Own Free Toolkit
[Business/Digital Marketing]
c) Best Strategies on How to Ace Your Next Job Interview [Job Search/
Career Advice]

☞ Step 2: Set up the sequence

Each autoresponder tool has different guidelines as to how you can set up
your sequence, however they all follow a ‘standard route’ to it.

First, create the sequence and give it the name you have decided for it. Then
finish your email draft and complete your email series. Decide when you want
each email to go out to your list of subscribers - these could only be a group
of subscribers or everyone. Finally, click save and you are ready to go.

☞ Step 3: Set time to the content

Your email sequence starts as soon as each subscriber enters your email list.
It’s up to you to decide how many days after the subscription you want these
emails to be sent out. What’s great is that no email content is lost and each
subscriber receives it on the days scheduled e.g. Day 1, Day 3, Day 5 and so on.

This means that you can create a 10 email sequence that is sent out within the
duration of 30 days. Alternatively, it could be just one or two per week, or even
a total of 30 emails sent out on an annual basis!

Looking at it from this scope, we see that email sequences are perfect fit for drip
marketing campaigns that allow you to have control on what kind of content
your subscribers get to have access to and when, with specific times and dates.

A good rule of thumb is to have more emails that are crammed together in the
beginning of your sequence and spread the rest out later. Sending an email

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 10
each day for two or three days in a row to a fresh lead joining your email list
is great to get them hooked!

This concept is probably easier understood once you get down to the real
thing and check out some email sequence examples of your own...

Email Sequence Templates for Course

Whether you have created an email sequence or not yet, we offer a couple
of templates to help you out. The logic behind these follow the two key
phases of the course launch which are:

1) educating your audience and 2) presenting your course.

In phase 1, you can send out informative material to your email list to help cre-
ate an understanding around the topic and build awareness on your subject.
These could be 5 to 6 nurturing or engagement emails that are sent out be-
fore the launch of your course.

Such emails go out to people who aren’t yet fully aware of what you do and
need more convincing information to decide whether to buy from you or not.

If it’s 14 days (two weeks) prior to your course launch, you can send them infor-
mative pieces of content that includes blog posts, ebooks, a PDF, case studies,
invitation to webinars, videos, offer group coaching, short guides or checklists.

In phase 2, you are ready to take real action…sending that owl outside the
Hogwarts grounds.

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 72
Course Launch Email Templates
& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 11
7-Day Course Launch Email


Send course teaser

Send FAQ email DAY 6
(your video)

Offer a freebie

Send the course

Gather feedback DAY 7

DAY 3 DAY 4 Say thanks

Closing cart
email 1

THE LAUNCH Closing cart
OF THE email 2

Last call

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 12
DAY 1 Email 1: Your course teaser

☑ Announce the launch of your online course in due date (on a specific
day/ time)
☑ Tell your audience what your course will be about, who is it for, what
can it help others do
☑ Create a media accompaniment e.g. a video talking about your course.

DAY 2 Email 2: Your Course Description Details

☑ Provide more details on your course - what does it include?

☑ Give some insight into your course - the basic outline including number
of classes, modules and bonus material
☑ Focus on value proposition - what makes your course offer unique?
☑ Include the sharing option on social media to build excitement

DAY 3 Email 3: Your Course Becomes Available

☑ Inform your audience that they can register on your course

☑ Include testimonials on your email or a link to an external page
☑ Provide a link to your course sales page and a more detailed description
☑ Create urgency to join your course with a specific ‘closing’ date

DAY 4 Email 4: Gathering Feedback

☑ Create a survey/questionnaire and ask your students for feedback

☑ Get a review or a quote on what was useful or not in terms of course
content and administration

DAY 5 Email 5: FAQ Email

☑ Study your feedback and provide answers to FAQs - Frequently Asked

☑ Tell your audience that you offer money guarantee
☑ Give out the course duration time, accessibility details and the closing
date (cart closing)

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 13
DAY 6 Email 6: Give out a freebie

☑ Extend the closing date

☑ Offer a renovated checklist for your online course (or a free 1:1 coaching
☑ Encourage your existing students to bring a friend to get a discount on
your next course

DAY 7 Email 7: Thank your audience

☑ Say thank you to your audience for being part of your course launch
☑ Include more testimonials from students talking about your course
☑ Show social media posts that people have shared boasting about your

Email 8: Your Cart is Closing (Email 1)

☑ 9am on second-to-last day: Come up with a logical argument saying

that this is the best time to buy
☑ Give reference to your freebies and your course discounts
☑ Remind your audience that they have limited time left to buy your

Email 9: Your Cart is Closing (Email 2)

☑ 10-11am: Mid-day reminder of the closing cart

Email 10: This is Your Last Chance (Email 3)

☑ 10pm: A reminder sent out two hours before the closure of the cart say-
ing that it is the last chance to buy

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 14
15-Day Course Launch Email

Closing cart
email 1

Closing cart
Send newsletter 3
email 2

Closing cart

Offer a reward
(free win course)

DAY 3 DAY 13

Send the course

Say thanks

DAY 6 DAY 11

Send newsletter 1 Send FAQ email


Send newsletter 2


Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 15
DAY 1 Email 1: Making the Announcement! _

☑ Tell people when you expect to have your course ready

☑ Include a countdown image/Gif

DAY 3 Email 2: What is this all about?_

☑ Introduce yourself, your school and the upcoming course

☑ Provide an outline of what it is about and how people can benefit from it
☑ Build excitement around your course by creating a poll on a relevant topic

DAY 5 Email 3: Did you know? The Newsletter Email_

☑ Tell people something they are more likely to NOT know about
☑ Provide links to your blog - if you have one or write about interesting
statistics on your course subject
☑ Present the results of your poll and showcase your content/learning material

DAY 7 Email 4: The Course is Live!_

☑ Inform your audience that your course is ready

☑ Make it easy for them to enroll and link to your sales page
☑ Remind people who is this course for and how they can benefit from it

Email 5: Newsletter Email_

☑ Remind the benefits of being part of this community

☑ Offer a free ebook download

DAY 9 Email 6: Have you tried this? - FAQ_

☑ Provide explanations on how your audience can use your course

☑ Answer commonly asked questions and further guidelines to those who
have enrolled on your course
☑ Ask them if they need help with anything related to your course

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 16
DAY 11 Email 7: Thanking Your People & Review Email_

☑ Show your love to your audience and send out your ‘Thank You’ note
☑ Share relevant testimonials and social proof
☑ Give out credits to other sites or key people sharing what they are say-
ing about your course
☑ Ask your audience if they are willing to share their learning experience
with your course

DAY 13 Email 8: The Bonus 1+1 Offer_

☑ Offer a reward to your audience for their dedication to your business

☑ Encourage people to enroll on your course and offer a mini-course for
free or the next one with 10% discount

Email 9: Newsletter Email_

☑ Share an invitation to a webinar offering group consultation

☑ Provide link to free resources - articles and industry news

DAY 15 Email 10: Don’t Forget - Closing Cart (Email 1)_

☑ 9am: Remind subscribers for your offer or discount, telling them this is
the best time to buy and should not be left out - FOMO

Email 11: Complete Your Order - Closing Cart (Email 2)_

☑ 12pm: Mid-day reminder of closing cart. They still have some time left to
enrol to your course

Email 12: Still Here? Your Cart is Waiting (Email 3)_

☑ 1 hour before closing: this is the final warning for closing cart

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 17
All-in-one platform
for online courses

30-Day Course Launch Email

Closing cart Closing cart Closing cart

email 1 email 2 email 3

Send course teaser

DAY 30
(your video)

Pre-Closing cart

Send the course

DAY 29

DAY 12 Send newsletter 4

Send invitation
Send newsletter 1 DAY 28
to podcast

Follow up
DAY 15 Send newsletter 3

DAY 17 DAY 28

Offer a reward
(free ebook)


Call for webinar
(answering FAQs)

DAY 19 Send newsletter 2 DAY 21

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 19
DAY 1 Email 1: Your Course Teaser

☑ Create a video talking about your upcoming course

☑ Introduce yourself and what you do with your online school - what’s
your purpose?

DAY 6 Email 2: Providing more details about your course

☑ Tell your audience when they should expect the course to be live (spe-
cific date/time)
☑ Provide an outline and insights to the course - what it is going to include?
☑ Come up with a value proposition and show how you stand out from
your competitors

DAY 12 Email 3: Appearing on Media

☑ Show testimonials and reviews coming from different sites and men-
tions/credits from popular companies
☑ Invite your audience to a live podcast where you will be appearing to
talk about your course

Email 4: Newsletter Email

☑ Link to your blog resources and offer a mini-course for free

☑ Share industry statistics focusing on FOMO (fear of missing out)

DAY 15 Email 5: The Follow Up Email

☑ Ask your audience what are their thoughts on the previous podcast
☑ Share current reviews, social proof and testimonials from royal followers
and invite more people to have their say
☑ Remind people that your course is going to be launched soon

DAY 17 Email 6: The Course is Available for the Public

☑ Announce that the course is live and ready for people who pre-registered
☑ Call for people who might be interested
☑ Provide a full description of your course and link to your sales page

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 20
DAY 19 Email 7: Newsletter Email

☑ Offer a free checklist and a course outline to entice more people on

joining your course
☑ Provide a link to blog articles and show off customers testimonials

DAY 21 Email 8: Basic Guidelines & FAQ Webinar

☑ Make it easy for people to leave their comments and reviews on your
☑ Ask for both positive and negative/constructive feedback
☑ Call for a webinar that answers FAQs

DAY 25 Email 9: Give thanks & Offer a Gift

☑ Show your recognition and gratitude to your loyal followers and their
prompt responses
☑ Offer a complimentary ebook to help your audience understand your
course learning material

DAY 26 Email 10: Newsletter Email

☑ Call for a webinar that gives out free consultation

☑ Share the newest article of your blog and link to other industry resources

DAY 28 Email 11: Giving out useful resources - The Newsletter Email

☑ Create an infographic with useful stats on a topic relating to your course

☑ Conduct your own research and share your results on your blog
☑ Link to your website or other business accounts e.g. YouTube, Instagram,

DAY 29 Email 12: Pre-closing cart

☑ Tell your audience that the cart is going to close on specific date
☑ Remind them of the benefits of joining the course and the discount the
get with it

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 21
DAY 30 Email 13: Your Head’s Up - Closing Cart (Email 1)

☑ 9pm on second-to-last day: remind people that the cart is closing and
tell them that this is the best time to buy

Email 14: Are you here? - Closing Cart (Email 2)

☑ 11pm: Second warning on closing cart and that course accessibility will end

Email 15: Still interested? - Last Chance (Email 3)

☑ 3 Hours before the closing of the cart. This is the last call for joining
your online course

These three email sequence templates can guide your way to creating yours.
They show which are the most important emails that need to be sent to your
email subscribers, preparing them for the launch of your course. Don’t be afraid
to change them and make a unique sequence that will work for your audience!

As you can see, there is a variety in the use of emails (and their types) and this
helps to create awareness and build excitement around the launch of your course.
Thanking your audience and asking for feedback is also a necessary part of the
process, which you will need to fuse into your email marketing campaign.

Now, check the following example to see how this works in real life...

Example of a 7-day Course Launch

Email Sequence
The following email sequence is an example that gives you an idea of what
yours should look like and how it works out. It uses the template of the 7-day
course launch email sequence used in this article.

While it’s not necessary to have the same material send out for each email,
you can just use it as a source of inspiration.

The following email sequence prepares a course launch email for a CV writ-
ing course created by an online instructor and career coach.

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 22

Email 1

Email Subject: I have a great announcement to make.

Date: 7 May 2019

Hi Emma,

After spending years on how to write a CV effectively, you may have

concluded that no amount of drafts are good to be sent out to em-
ployers or even close enough to what you have dreamed for.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Searching for a job can become an exhausting process, and the bur-
den to come up with the perfect CV to impress employers it’s pains-
taking. I know exactly how you feel. I have been there, and some-
where in the process I have decided to give an end to that.

Check out my video:

[Image & Link to the video]

This is why I have decided to create a career-changing course that

will help you land your dream job through the write-up of an awe-
some CV that will stand out from the competition.

Today, I am really excited to introduce you to my new course ‘How to

Write a CV That Gets the Job’ that is starting in 3 days from now, on
May 9th at 12:00 noon to be exact!

So, keep an eye on your inbox to see the course opening soon!

Talk soon! :)

CV & Career Coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 23

Email 2

Email Subject: I think you might like this

Date: 8 May 2019

Hey Emma!

I get it, you are tired of not getting the attention of employers.

That’s why I keep coming back to you. Reading the blog posts I am
suggesting may help you engage deeply with what is being held
there and the work that is taking place of the official launch of my
course on CV Writing.

What if I told you I have created an exceptional bundle of text, quiz-

zes and activities on the subject?

Here are some tips and advice I give out on my blog to help you out
and prepare you for the real thing…

[Button with Link to the blog]

I am glad to introduce to my new course ‘How to Write a CV That

Gets the Job’ that will finally help you land your dream job.

In the course you will learn:

How to ‘sell’ yourself effectively on paper
How to strategically use action words and verbs on your CV
How to write a career summary and other CV sections from scratch
How to ensure there is nothing missing on your CV!

So, I have to say, I am really excited about this course! I hope you will
get thrilled about it too…

Make sure to keep an eye on your inbox to see the course opening
soon! And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.


Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 24

Email 3

Email Subject: ‘How to Write a CV That Gets the Job’ is open! (Go,
go, go…)

Date: 9 May 2019

Great news!

Three days ago, I announced that my online course ‘How to Write

a CV That Gets the Job’ is due and is now live! Your support has
been overwhelming and it’s amazing that until today over 100 peo-
ple have already signed up and counting!

Here’s what a reviewer wrote about it:

“I joined the course to learn how to write a CV that would talk about my
skills and work experience and discovered the secrets on how to present
myself in the best light possible! I updated my CV and the next day I re-
ceived an email invitation for a job interview. How awesome is that?”

Now you can see what others are talking about and what they can
achieve with just a little work!

Remember, I’m offering you the chance to learn how to write a CV

that will help you climb the stairs leading to the job interview room
and land your dream job!

Join our community of 100+ people who are learning the same thing
and get your interview invite in only a matter of days.

Be sure to claim your spot on this course while enrolment period is

open - until May 14th!

With respect!

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 25

Email 4

Email Subject: Tell me something Emma.

Date: 10 May 2019

Hey there,

Thanks for being part of our community! I want to ask one last thing
before you start digging in...

Without your feedback and reviews, it is impossible that I improve

your learning experience.

If you dig our stuff and get value out of it, I would really appreciate if
you could please provide me with some feedback here:

[Link to external site]

I want to personally thank you for being one of my students. I truly

LOVE my students and will always be here if you need me.

Much respect,
Your Coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 26

Email 5

Email Subject: Emma, what are you waiting for?

Date: 11 May 2019

My course on ‘How to Write a CV That Gets a Job’ is out and about!

Are you considering joining?

[Link to course page]

So, here’s the thing. If you don’t get called for an interview within
a month after writing a CV that follows the course guidelines, I will
give you your money back!

That is a guarantee!

Your Top Questions Answered:

Q1: How long does this course offer last?
The course is open for you to join until May 14th and you may enrol
by following this link [insert your link]!
Q2: Is it possible for someone to check my CV? I am in need for some
Yes! Send your CV at and I will get
back to you in no time!
Q3: Do I really need to enrol on ‘How to Write a CV That Gets a Job’
Yes. It includes everything you need to know about CV writing that
gets one step closer to where you want to go!

If you’re not yet sure about it, let me tell you this:
‘How to Write a CV That Gets a Job’ gives you the best tips, tech-
niques and direction to succeed in your job search and make a great
impression to employers.

This course will get you from jobless to employed. No matter who
you are, where you live, or what you want, ‘How to Write a CV that
Gets a Job’ is the master key to unlock your career potential and get
you right at the top of the professional ladder.


Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 27

Email 6

Email Subject: I almost NEVER do this, but I’m doing it for you, Emma.
Date: 12 May 2019
I want to take a moment and thank you, Emma.
I’ve been feeling especially grateful lately for all the support I am
getting from our community. There is nothing that brings me more
joy than helping incredible people realize their career potential and
aim higher in the professional life!
So, to show my thanks, I wanted to do something special for you:
I’m giving you 3 exclusive gifts…
Here’s how you get access:
For the next 48 hours, when you claim a spot at my online course,
you will get exclusive access to these gifts:
Gift #1: A CV Checklist to find if your CV has everything it needs to
make it pass the ATS - Applicant Tracking System.
Get yours today! - [Link to Checklist Download]
Gift #2: Request your free of charge 10-minute 1:1 coaching session
and essential advice and tips on your CV.
Drop me an email at and we will
arrange this on a dedicated time that suits both!
Gift #3: Tell a friend and get a 15% discount off the next course!
Tell a friend about this course and get a discount for the next course
that is down the line.
[Social Button Link - Recommend to a Friend]
Remember – your chance to claim your spot on ‘How to Write a CV
that Gets a Job’
…to grab your value-packed CV checklist …
…to claim your free 1:1 CV consulting session…
…to get your 15% discount on the upcoming course...
...ends Sunday on May 14th at 11:59 PM ET, so claim your gifts now
before you miss out…

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 28

Email 7

Email Subject: Just one moment to say thank you.

Date: 13 May 2019

I have no words to thank you, Emma…

I’ve been feeling especially grateful lately for your support! There is
nothing that brings me more joy than helping incredible people like
you realise their full potential and advance in their professional life!

These are just a few of the kind words I received as an appraisal:

[More Examples of Testimonials]

I have to pinch myself that I get to wake up every day and do this
for a living.

I am always looking to add value to your life in whatever way possi-

ble. I love the connection we have and would hate to lose it.

I look forward to continuing our journey together! I will continue

working to help you create and make the most of all the opportu-
nities that lie ahead in every aspect of life, especially in your career.

Your coach,

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 29

Email 8

Email Subject: Last chance to claim your spot on ‘How to Write a CV

That Gets a Job’.

Date: 13 May 2019, Time: 9:03

Hey Emma,

This is unbelievable.

I thought the last time I released ‘How to Write a CV That Gets a Job’
was crazy, but this is pure insanity…

I was up most of last night, drinking my favourite cherry-flavoured

tea and answering emails from people about a CV class, which is
part of my super exclusive, career-changing course.

I dozed off for a couple of hours and woke up early this morning to
realize that it almost completely sold out! The response on the CV
checklists and 1:1 coaching appointments that are on offer was im-
pressive as well...

Click Here to See if Your Spot on ‘How to Write a CV That Gets a Job’
is Still Available!

Now is the time to get yours because…

We Are Almost Completely Sold Out!

After having 10 spots available yesterday, there are just 4 left, and
from the looks of things they will be gone in a matter of hours.

Many people have asked if we can reserve them a copy since they
are on holiday, or work trips, but it's just not possible.

If you were sitting around thinking you would get your spot in the
next couple of days…

It won't be there.

Once these 4 spots are gone, they're gone. So make sure you don’t
miss out…!

If you're sitting on the fence about this program, now is the time to act.

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 30

Email 9

Email Subject: Last chance to claim your spot on ‘How to Write a CV

that Gets a Job’ Course.

Date: 13 May 2019, Time: 10:45


This closes tonight!

Today is the last day to enroll in my in-depth career-changing course

that has the power to get you one step closer to your dream job!

[Link to the course page]

When you enroll before midnight tonight, drop me an email and I

can go over everything you need to know about the course!

Talk soon, Emma!

P.S. I did something interesting. I asked previous students of mine

what they would tell someone who is thinking about joining the pro-

Here is the direct quote:

‘This course about CVs is amazing. It helped me see things differently! On
top of that, it got me the job at the company I always wanted!

If you want this to happen to you, I would love to help you out!


Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 31

Email 10

Email Subject: The offer to enrol on the ‘How to Write a CV That

Gets the Job’ course ends...on midnight!

Date: 13 May 2019, Time: 22:00

Hello Emma,

We are only a couple of hours away to saying goodbye to the offer

on ‘How to Write a CV that Gets the Job’ and it feels like it’s the end
of an era...

Check if Your Spot on the course is Still Available!

If you want to join the course, you still have some time to do so be-
fore it’s gone!

[Link to the course page]

Talk to you soon!


Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 32
With this email sent as the last in the email sequence, you close off the course
launch email marketing campaign. It’s important to tell your audience that
this doesn’t mean the end, and that you are going to keep in touch sharing
further information, learning material and of course, online courses.

☞ However, it doesn’t end there...

Don’t forget an email sequence is just the start of the journey! Once you build
your mailing list, you need to communicate with your audience frequently and
keep sending those newsletters, stories, testimonials, and business updates.
This helps to stay in touch with your audience and could just include 1 or 2
emails per week.

... Last tips for writing great email sequences

Think of your goals before writing the email: decide what
1 you want your subscribers to do and write an email serving
that specific purpose.

Use evergreen content: send out messages that don’t expire

and are relevant to your subscribers at any time and place.

Stay simple: the most effective emails are short, straight-to-

3 the-point and are written in plain text.

Be personal: apart from the recipients’ name, you can use

4 personalized tags to create a more personalized content.

Reflect your own brand: your text and design should match
5 with the feel of your website and make sure to show off your
course effectively - in a positive light.

Come up with effective subject lines: think about FOMO

6 subject lines, ones that spark curiosity, are funny, offer a solu-
tion to a problem on the spot and share social proof/stats.

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 33
Upon that very last point, we offer a couple of extra ideas to get you started...

☞ Bonus: Email Subject Ideas for Inspiration

Email subject titles can be smart, funny, informative but they can also be
off-putting and misleading sometimes. Getting them right matters as they set
the tone of each email and prepares the reader of what it’s going to follow.

Also, it’s the first thing people get to see on the email and they need to be at-
tention-grabbing to entice them to click and open the email. When you create
email subject titles for email sequences, they need to be carefully chosen since
these are leading the way to your course launch and serve a specific goal.

The goal is either:

1. to make people interested in an offer,

2. to state the benefits behind an action,
3. to spark curiosity,
4. to offer a solution to a problem,
5. to make them feel valued,
6. to tell them what they are missing out (FOMO),

...leading them this way to the decision to take the next step!

Here are a few examples of good subject lines to use:

▷ LinkedIn: “This is how much working from home saves you”

▷ Yummly: “Most Popular Recipes this Week”
▷ Inc: “18 Habits Highly Successful People Have (And the Rest of Us Probably Don’t)”
▷ Target: “Moms are loving these fave maternity looks"
▷ Star Market: “Exciting changes are on the way!”

Get some more inspiration and write catchy titles for your courses or emails.

Email subject titles and to a greater extent, email sequences are all about set-
ting the scene, feeding the inbox of your email subscribers with useful content
and information.

It’s a marketing tool that communicates well with the public and builds on
engagement and interaction with your existing leads, nurturing them on be-
coming your potential students. Isn’t that a great reason to start using them?

In the next chapter, you can find ready-to-use templates you can copy and
customize to start selling online courses today!

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 34
Email Sequence Goal-Based
☞ Onboarding / Welcoming
Give your customers an overview of the course/school and
the structure, and explain how they can benefit from it.

DAY 1 DAY 11 DAY 13

How to go through What results/value

Welcome a course/program/ to expect
[Welcome] school/social (e.g. certification)
[Guides] [Promotion]


List of available How to use the course

courses contents (zoom calls,
[Course Presentation]
quizzes, ebooks, etc.)


Breakdown of the most How to navigate the

popular course course (e.g video,
(explain course items) interactive, subtitles)
[Course Presentation] [Guides]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 35
Day 1
Email Subject: Welcome to our learning community!

Dear [Recipient's name],

We are happy to have you as part of our learning community. Let

me show you around and walk you through the onboarding pro-

You can check out your course subscription and monitor your prog-
ress on this page:

[Link to the student’s profile]

Here's where you'll find your school colleagues - our active community:

[Link to the community page]

Here’s where you can get inspired and read through our indus-
try-related articles:

[Link to the Blog Resources]

Your learning journey begins! Please feel free to browse, and if you
need any assistance, do not hesitate to reach out.

Your coach,

[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 36
Day 3
List of available courses
Email Subject: Your personal course recommendations have arrived!

Hi [Recipient's name],

While preparing for your next session of course [Title of the pur-
chased online course], why not explore these other popular online
courses? I am sure that these topics will strike a chord with you:

▷ [Title and Link to Relevant Online Course #1]

▷ [Title and Link to Relevant Online Course #2]
▷ [Title and Link to Relevant Online Course #3]
▷ [Title and Link to Relevant Online Course #4]

Learning never exhausts the mind! We strive to give you the best
learning experience possible.

See you at our next online session.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 37
Day 5
Breakdown of the most popular course
Email Subject: Keep moving forward with [Course Title]!

Hello [Recipient's name],

In [Course Title] you will learn so many things that will be valuable
to you.

Here's what I mean. This course walks you through the following

▷ [Mention topic #1]

▷ [Mention topic #2]
▷ [Mention topic #3]
▷ [Mention topic #4]

All these concepts answer the goal of [mention the goal of the
course] that will equip you with everything you need to succeed in
your next steps.

Don't let the momentum fade! Keep moving forward in your stud-
ies, and soon you will enjoy the fruits of your learning.

If you haven't already done so, make sure to join the course's dis-
cussion forum, so you can share your insights about the course's
subject with your fellow students in the community.

And don't forget! Anytime you need help with your learning pro-
cess, we are always here for you.

See you at our next online session.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 38
Day 7
How to navigate the course
Email Subject: Here's how to get the most out of your online course

Hello [Recipient's name],

We'd like to share with you some useful information about getting
the most out of [Course Title].

When we designed this course, we made sure to enrich it with fea-

tures, such as:

[list the type of content material that the course includes, e.g.,
class notes, presentation videos, interactive videos, ebooks, subti-
tles on videos, worksheets, quizzes, and so on]:

▷ [content material #1]

▷ [content material #2]
▷ [content material #3]
▷ [content material #4]

This entire course has been designed with your needs in mind. We
want you to have useful and practical learning resources at your
fingertips. This is all we seek to do - as we have mentioned in our
previous communication - to provide you with all of the tools nec-
essary for success.

So, enjoy your learning, and see you at our next online session.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 39
Day 9
How to use the course materials
Email Subject: Find out how to use the [Course Title] materials

Hello [Recipient's name],

Here is a mini-guide to help you navigate the online materials re-

lated to [Course Title].

You can use the resources to support your learning process in each
of the course topics. Below are general guidelines for identifying
course materials, or you can jump right to the topic you need:

▷ [write the course’s #1 topic]

□ [Name the topic's #1 content material, where the learner can
find it and describe how to use it]
□ [Name the topic's #2 content material, where the learner can
find it and describe how to use it]
▷ [write the course’s #2 topic]
□ [Name the topic's #1 content material, where the learner can
find it and describe how to use it]
□ [Name the topic's #2 content material, where the learner can
find it and describe how to use it]
▷ [write the course’s #3 topic]
□ [Name the topic's #1 content material, where the learner can
find it and describe how to use it]
□ [Name the topic's #2 content material, where the learner can
find it and describe how to use it]

Feel free to keep this email as a reference and return to it whenever

you need.

Also, don't forget! We are always here to assist you with your learn-
ing process.

Keep going forward with your learning, and enjoy it!

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 40
Day 11
How to go through a course/program/school/social
Email Subject: [Recipient’s name], We have 4 tips to help you suc-
ceed with your online learning

Hi there,

Do you know how to make your online learning successful to meet

your goals?

Well, this is what we want to share with you today. Our best tips for
taking online courses and nailing them!

[Feel free to edit the following tips and personalize them to fit your
online school’s strategy]

☞ Tip #1 Treat an online course like a classroom course

With online classes, it is important not only to have discipline
but also the dedication to follow through. Flexibility is fine, but
you shouldn't postpone your work indefinitely.
☞ Tip #2 Take responsibility for your actions
Identify your goals at the start of the online course, and monitor
them systematically until you finish.
☞ Tip #3 Manage your time effectively
Develop a schedule with specific hours for reading, watching
lectures, completing assignments, and participating in the
community forum.
☞ Tip #4 Set up a regular study area and stay organized
Establish a routine in a specific study environment. Make sure
you have a stable internet connection to prevent lagging while
taking your online courses.

Keep this email as a reference whenever you need a focus point or

a little extra boost to keep going forward with your online learning.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 41
Day 13
What results/value to expect (e.g., certification)
Email Subject: Your personal course recommendations have arrived!

Hi [Recipient's name],

Let us tell you what you should expect after you complete the
[Course Title] online course.

You will be able to:

▷ Identify the first learning outcome (e.g., Learn and recall key ▷
terms and concepts relevant to [write the course topic])
▷ Identify the second learning outcome (e.g., Read and evaluate
research articles on [write the course topic])
▷ Identify the third learning outcome (e.g., Gain hands-on experi-
ence with [write the course topic])

Once you finish the online course, you will receive a digital badge
of completion via email that you can share with your network and
include on your resume.

Then, we will grade all the assignments you have submitted. Upon
completing the online course and achieving a grade higher than
[write the minimum grade requirement for passing the assign-
ments], you will be awarded the digital certificate of achievement.

Already feeling the excitement? We certainly do! Our goal is to

enhance your knowledge and skills by providing you with the best
learning experience possible.

We have more thrills coming your way, so stay tuned!

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 42
Email Sequence Goal-Based
☞ Conversion
Motivate your leads to buy a course (attract new enroll-
ments using lead magnets, email grabbers, auto-tagging)


Thank you for your in-

terest in {your school}.


Introduce yourself,
the team
[Student Engagement]


Present your product & Describe the elements

why it would be useful of the course as value
for your subscribers. for the learners.
[Course Presentation] [Course launch]

DAY 10

Describe the outcome

of the course as value
for the learners
[Course Presentation]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 43
Day 1
Thank you for your interest in {your school}
Email Subject: Welcome to [Name of your Online School]

Dear [Recipient's name],

Ready for incredible learning experiences? We sure are ready to pro-

vide you with some super interesting topics through our online courses.

In the days ahead, we will send you a few emails to get to know you
a little better and to introduce you to our teaching team and courses.
Meanwhile, take a look around and let me help you get started:

▷ You can browse through our online course categories and select
your next learning experience on this page:
[Link to your school’s online courses page]

▷ Check our FAQs section to have most of your inquiries directly

[Link to the FAQs page]

▷ Get in touch with our tutors to discuss what skills you want to
learn, what are your goals, and aspirations. Our team will help
you select the best online course tailored to you:
[Email link of your online school or of your tutor(s)]

▷ Follow us on social media to always stay informed about our

news and exciting new courses:
[Links to your online school’s FB. LinkedIn, or other official so-
cial media profile that you keep updated]

The first step to your learning journey has begun! Now move for-
ward and enroll in one of our amazing online courses.

[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 44
Day 3
Introduce yourself, the team
Email Subject: [Recipient's name] our instructors want to meet you!

Hi there!

Let’s skip the small talk formalities and cut to the chase. Our
[Name of your Online School] is awesome, and that’s thanks to our
highly skilled instructors

Meet our stellar team of instructors:

▷ [Name of your #1 instructor]

[Instructor’s first name] is highly skilled at [write the topic of
Here is what [Instructor's first name] teaches at [Name of your
Online School]:
[Link -or list of links- to the online course taught by the profes-
sor at your school]

▷ [Name of your #2 instructor]

[Instructor’s first name] has extensive knowledge and experience
in [write the topic of expertise] and has trained some of the
[name a few companies or individuals the instructor has
trained] around the world.
Here is what [Instructor's first name] teaches at [Name of your
Online School]:
[Link -or list of links- to the online course taught by the profes-
sor at your school]

Congratulations on taking another step towards your learning journey!

Now move forward and enroll in one of our amazing online courses.

[CTA button linking to your online courses’ page]

[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 45
Day 5
Present your product and why it would be useful for
your subscribers
Email Subject: Introducing [Name of Online Course], the online
course you’ve been searching for

Hi [Recipient's name],

How long have you been struggling to build your skills in [write the
course's subject]?

Well, the struggle is over! We have created the course [Name of the
Online Course] that has everything you need to master your skills
in this area.

Check out my video to learn more details:

[Image & Link to the video]

We will cover the following topics:

▷ [write one learning subject]

▷ [write a second learning subject]
▷ [write a third learning subject]

I’ll follow up with more great information about the course [Name
of the Online Course].

Also, be sure to check your inbox for details on the course's opening

Thank you,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 46
Day 7
Describe the elements of the course as value for the
Email Subject: Grow your skills in [write the course's subject]

Hi [Recipient's name],

Did you know that our school provides [write something that your on-
line school offers as an added value for learners] for all our learners?

Aside from that, the course [Name of the Online Course] includes
practical videos, ebooks, quizzes, and mini-guides that provide you
with in-depth knowledge and skills in [write a skill that the course
offers the learners] and [write a second skill that the course offers
the learners].

It’s true! [Name of your Online School] is the one place to learn ev-
erything about [write a learning subject that you offer] and [write
another learning subject that you offer].

Why not start now? Discover what skills you will master next by
exploring our online courses page!

[Link to your online courses’ page]

Learning never exhausts the mind!

[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 47
Day 10
Describe the outcome of the course as value for the
Email Subject: [Recipient's name] become everything you have al-
ways dreamed of!

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them." (C. Grosser)

Wouldn't it be great if you could [write the most important goal

that the learners can achieve thanks to the course]? No need to
imagine it anymore because we have made it real for you.

When you complete the course [Name of the Online Course] you
will be able to [write a value or skill that the learners will gain from
the course] and [write another value or skill that the learners will
gain from the course].

It’s true! [Name of the Online Course] consists of everything you

need to learn about [write a learning subject that the course of-
fers] and [write second learning subject that the course offers] to
build your own opportunities and shape your future to the exact
direction you want.

The wait is over. Enroll in [Name of the Online Course] today by

clicking the link below.

[Link to the online courses’ enrollment page]

[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 48
Email Sequence Goal-Based
☞ Engagement
Get customers to execute meaningful actions (start a
course, take a test, get a certificate, etc.)


Start your first course!

[Student Engagement]


Watch your first video!

[Student Engagement]

DAY 6 DAY 8 DAY 10

Attend your first

Take your first quiz! Read your first ebook!
live class!
[Student Engagement] [Student Engagement]
[Student Engagement]

DAY 15

Get your certification!

[Student Engagement]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 49
Day 2
Start your first course!
Email Subject: Time to up your skills with [Name of the Online

Dear [Recipient's name],

Thank you for joining our incredible community of learners at

[Name of your Online School] and for signing up for [Name of the
Online Course]!

We hope this course will exceed your expectations and provide you
everything you need to up your skills in [insert a field of expertise
that your courses cover] and [insert a second field of expertise
that your courses cover].

The course includes [write the number of the course’s modules]

modules. To ensure you are mastering the material, each module
will include a set of lecture videos, along with readings, discussions,
and review questions.

Now, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get started!

[Link to the Online Course]

Let's talk soon.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 50
Day 4
Watch your first video!
Email Subject: [Recipient's name] we‘ve got a special video for you

Dear [Recipient's name],

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and you've

already taken the first step by joining the course [Name of the On-
line Course].

Our goal is to facilitate your learning process as much as possi-

ble and to be there to guide you through whatever you may need
during your learning.

That’s why we’ve put together a series of educational videos [or

write instead “a video”, if you only have one video available in the
course] available during this course.

[Link(s) to the video(s)]

In the video(s), you will learn about [write the course's topic] and
how to excel at [write the goal the course helps learners reach].

Have a great time learning!

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 51
Day 6
Attend your first live class!
Email Subject: [Recipient's name] don’t lose momentum!

Dear [Recipient's name],

Are you enjoying your learning so far with [Name of the Online
Course]? We’d love to have your feedback and answer any ques-
tions you may have.

The main thing we want is for you to succeed. Thus, we are hosting
a live session on [write the date and time for the live session].

During the live session will focus on the main points of [write the
course topic], as well as discuss how you've been doing so far.

Feel free to send us your questions or comments before the live

session by replying to this email, and we will make sure to address
them live.

Join us on [write the date and time for the live session] and move
your learning forward.

Click on the link below to save your seat.

[Link to the Live Session]

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 52
Day 8
Take your first quiz!
Email Subject: You’re unstoppable! Time to test your skills on [course

Dear [Recipient's name],

This is an exciting time for you! It's looking like you're making prog-
ress in the [Name of the Online Course], getting closer to complet-
ing your goals.

How about taking a quiz to see how well you know the material?

There is a quiz at the end of every section in the course, so you can
easily test your progress.

[Link to the Online Course]

Keep in mind that failing a question shouldn't scare you. It is per-

fectly fine to miss some of the quiz questions. If you do, you can use
that in your favor to master the learning sections.

Be unstoppable and keep moving forward; success awaits you!

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 53
Day 10
Read your first ebook!
Email Subject: Here's an ebook you don't want to miss

Dear [Recipient's name],

[Name of the Online Course] is filled with learning material on

[write the topic of the course], each with its own distinct value.

Have you checked out yet the ebook [write the title of the online’s
course ebook]? It’s available in the course material section of the
[Name of the Online Course] and you’ve got direct access to it
through the course.

Now that’s an ebook you do want to read because it provides you


▷ [write one thing that the learner will gain from the ebook]
▷ [write another thing that the learner will gain from the ebook]
▷ [write a third thing that the learner will gain from the ebook]

For access to this fantastic resource, click the link below:

[Link to the ebook]

Please remember! We are always here to support you in your learn-

ing and to ensure that you are moving forward.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 54
Day 15
Get your certification!
Email Subject: Time to get your certification on [course topic]!

Dear [Recipient's name],

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed all the sections of

the [Name of the Online Course]!

Getting your certification is the next step. Log in to the online

course [Name of the Online Course] and complete the assignments
and assessments:

[Link to the Online Course]

You will receive your official certification on [write the course topic]
by email once you have completed the required coursework and
passed the assessments.

And then, the sky’s the limit! You can download your certificate,
attach it to your resume, share it through social media, and/or print
it yourself.

Continue to push forward; success awaits!

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 55
Email Sequence Goal-Based
☞ Upsell
Sell additional courses (or other offerings) to existing users


Since you took this class,

you might also enjoy
these ones!
[Course Presentation]


If you liked the previous

class you took, then you
will love this one!
[Course Presentation]


People who followed Upgrade your

the course you took also knowledge with this
bought these courses. course bundle!
[Course Presentation] [Course Presentation]

DAY 10

Unlock everything {your

school} has to offer with
this membership package!
[Course Presentation]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 56
Day 1
Since you took this class, you might also enjoy these
Email Subject: Your personal course recommendations are here!

Hi [Recipient's name],

Here are some freshly picked courses, tailored to your interests and
based on the course you took on [write the topic of the course that
the learner completed].

▷ [write the title of a course and place the link]

▷ [write the title of another course and place the link]
▷ [write the title of a third course and place the link]

Keep the momentum going, roll up your sleeves, and start learning
something new today!


Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 57
Day 3
If you liked the previous class you took, then you
will love this one!
Email Subject: [Recipient's name] top course pick just for you!

Hi there,

If you liked the course [Name of the Online Course the learner
completed] then you’ll love these too:

▷ [write the title of a course and place the link]

▷ [write the title of another course and place the link]
▷ [write the title of a third course and place the link]

Get a head start on your future and expand your potential with
[subject of interest].


Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 58
Day 5
People who followed the course you took also
bought these courses
Email Subject: Students interested in [write the subject of interest]
also enjoy these courses.

Hi [Recipient's name],

See what your peers studied up next and get inspired to start your
next learning journey with [Name of your Online School]:

▷ [write the title of a course and place the link]

▷ [write the title of another course and place the link]
▷ [write the title of a third course and place the link]

Discover new pathways of development and unlock your potential.

Start today!

[Link to your Online School’s course catalog]


Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 59
Day 7
Upgrade your knowledge with this course bundle!
Email Subject: Want to excel in [write the topic]? These courses are
what you need.

Hi [Recipient's name],

Why shouldn't you be able to access all the knowledge you need to
excel in [write the topic]? Well, now you can!

We have an amazing course bundle for you that will help you get
proficient in [write the topic] and it contains the following courses:

▷ [write the title of a course]

▷ [write the title of another course]
▷ [write the title of a third course]

Not only you can add all of these courses to your course list and
get a head start right away, but you can also get them at a dis-
counted price, only for [write the price]!

Click on the following link now to add this course bundle to your
online learning toolkit.

[Link to the course bundle page]

Invest in your future learning today.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 60
Day 10
Unlock everything {your school} has to offer with
this membership package!
Email Subject: [Recipient's name] sky’s the limit! You can have it all.

Hi [Recipient's name],

What would you say if we told you that you can start improving
your skills and performance today?

[Name of your Online School]’s membership plans make this easy

for you with access to quick and actionable online courses and
resources to improve your skills and accelerate your growth.

Check out our membership plans and select the one that best
meets your needs. It's sure that you will find the perfect one for you.

All memberships contain:

▷ [Write an advantage common to all your membership plans,

e.g., 24/7 access to learning resources, free online counseling, etc.]
▷ [Write an advantage common to all your membership plans]
▷ [Write an advantage common to all your membership plans]

You can opt for the flexibility of our monthly plan, or save extra
money by choosing to pay annually.

Choose your membership plan

[link to your membership plans’ page]

Walt Disney said, "The way to get started is to quit talking and start
doing." So, take action today and build your future!.

Your coach,
[your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 61
Email Templates
Email can do wonders for your online courses. Apart from becoming the main
channel of communication between you and your audience, it can help to
inform people in your network about your courses, promote them to new and
old subscribers and eventually sell them.

What’s great about emails is that you can customize each so that it contains
the right information you intend to get out.

The following list of email templates presents different types of emails

that serve a specific cause and fulfills these purposes:

Welcoming emails: Welcoming new subscribers

Question emails: Browsing pain points and offering solutions
Newsletters: Informing subscribers about company news
Announcement emails: Announcing course launches
Offer/bonus emails: Offering course discounts
Product review emails: Asking for feedback
Thank-you emails: Thanking subscribers for their dedication
Re-engagement emails: Reaching out to inactive subscribers

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 62
Welcome email templates
Email subject: I have a great announcement to make.

Hi [recipient’s name]

After spending years on how to [subject] you may have conclud-

ed that no amount of trying brought you closer to what you have
dreamed for.

Not anymore.

Going through searching about [subject] can become an exhaust-

ing process. I know exactly what you went through. And I have
decided to put an end to that.

This is why I have created a life-changing course that will help you
[solution to a problem]. I am really excited to introduce you to my
new course [course name] starting [number] days from now.

So, keep an eye on your inbox to see the course opening soon!

[Reiterate change and how the course will affect people]

Talk soon! :)

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 72
Create and sell
online courses

Welcome email templates
Email Subject: Welcome to [company’s name]

Hi [recipient's name],

Hooray and thank you so very much for subscribing!

[course subject] will magically appear in your inbox [frequency of

forwarded emails].

I know you get tons of emails and your time is extremely valuable.
That’s why you’ll only hear from me when we release a new course,
or I’ve got something else important to share.

If you’re ready for [your subject] now, here are a few of our recent

▷ [Valuable content]
▷ [Another type of valuable content]
▷ [Yet, another type of valuable content]

Now, I’d love to learn more about you - your hopes, dreams, and
how I can most help.

Tell me more about yourself.

I sincerely hope our resources can help you [explain how it will
help]. Thanks again for subscribing and I’ll look forward to connect-
ing soon!

With love and appreciation,

[Your name and School]

P.S. If you want to find us on social media, you can find us here:
[Facebook] [LinkedIn] [Twitter]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 65
Welcome email templates
Email Subject: Welcome to [Company name]

[recipient’s name],

I am very excited that you are starting to investigate your options in

us and have trusted us to accompany you on this adventure. I hope
you will find all questions and answers you have about [subject].

Read the below carefully before you start:

Tell us more about yourself. What is your number one challenge

when it comes to [subject]?

PS: You can stay updated with new course materials, latest news,
and interesting blog articles by following us on our social media
pages. You can find us here:

▷ [Facebook]
▷ [Twitter]
▷ [Linkedin]
Wish you all the best of luck!

[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 66
Welcome email templates
Bonus Welcome Email After Registering on the Course

Email Subject: Welcome on-board!

[Recipient's name], I am more than happy to announce that from

now on you are part of our learning community!

Let me show you around…

This is the place to meet with your school colleagues - our vibrant

[Link to Community page]

Here, you can check out your course subscription details and moni-
tor your learning process:

[Link to student profile]

Aaand, this is the place to get inspired and read through our indus-
try-related articles:

[Link to Blog Resources]

That is all from me for now! I will let you browse around, but if need
help don’t hesitate to contact me!

Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 67
Question email template
Email Subject: Let’s get to know each other better!

Hey there!

[company’s name] are here! I’m excited to send you some top-
notch content.

Quick question. I don’t want to write stuff you don’t want to read.
That sucks for everyone.

So, if you don’t mind, tell me in a sentence (or more, if you’re brave)
“What is the biggest struggle in [subject]”.

I read every email and your struggles will help me determine what
to write and send for you :)

Talk soon,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 68
Question email template
Email subject: I have been wanting to ask you...

Hey there,

Have you taken the time to wander around my blog’s content? If

yes, you will see that I have a couple that may interest you!

[Link to blog/website]

For my students, I would like to offer the best resources and tips on
[course topic] available, but more often than not, it takes time from
me since I search more into than other instructors are willing to do.

As teacher and student - we are building on current knowledge and

we learn how we can work together effectively, I would like to ask
you ‘Which is the best piece of advice to receive for [subject]’?.

I am asking you this because I am currently working on an article

regarding the same subject and your opinion matters a lot!

Your Coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 69
Newsletter email template
Email subject: How to break out of [adverse situation]

I want to ask you something, [recipient’s name], and it’s a little per-
sonal.Well, two things actually...

#1 [question n.1]
#2 [question n.2]

The reason I ask is that, as you may have noticed, [describe a situ-
ation that is inferior to that your subscribers should be]

It doesn’t have to be this way, [recipient’s name].

So even if you’ve been through [adverse situation], I’m going to

give you my top [number] strategies to get back in the game and
[what the recipient desires]...

Click to Watch: [link to content]

Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 70
Newsletter email template
Email subject: [unwanted behavior] will backfire. Do this instead.

Hey [recipient’s name]

Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and get [what the recipi-
ent might desire]?

Just imagine: You could [what the recipient might desire].

If this sounds appealing to you, you’re not alone...

In fact, I wrote a blog recently on this very topic that sent the peo-
ple in our community into a frenzy.

Within hours of being posted, it quickly became one of the most

popular blogs on my site in months.

I wanted to share it with you today in case you hadn’t caught it yet
and – even if you did – tell you exactly how you can use more com-
munication hacks just like this to [what the recipient might desire].

Now without further ado, here’s the article...

[provide the blog post text]

Well said...

[recipient’s name], if you want more [material] that you can use to
[what the recipient might desire].

Watch This Video: [video’s title]

Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 71
Newsletter email template
Email Subject: This video is probably not for you [recipient’s name]

[recipient’s name]


Whatever you do, DON'T click this link yet.

Before you decide to watch this video I’ve created for you, I need
you to answer this question (and be brutally honest with yourself):

[name the question]

You see, the strategies I’m about to share with you right now are so
powerful and so controversial I need to closely monitor how they
are used.

These techniques are intended for people who want to [what the
recipient desires].

Because if you use them, they will work... and work fast.

I’m cautiously releasing this information after years of develop-

ment, because I know it will help honest people [what the recipient

If you believe you are ready to use my techniques in the loving way
they were intended, then make sure you watch this video right now
while it’s still available...

OK, [recipient’s name], You Can Click This Link Now.

Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 72
Newsletter email template
Email Subject: [Recipient’s name] I hand-picked these articles for

Hello there,

I am reaching out because I have something important to tell you!

Recently, I have been working on these 3 articles that talk about

[Articles Topic] and can work as a great complementary resource
to the course you have joined recently!

This includes a 5 step-by-step guide and 2 complete research

reports discussing the importance of these skills you are currently
working on and learning more about through my course and their
relevance in the modern society and future workforce.

These are my best articles on the blog that are must-read for every

▷ [Article Title 1 and link to the article]

▷ [Article Title 2 and link to the article]
▷ [Article Title 3 and link to the article]

I hope that you enjoy reading these! Once you finish, let me know
your thoughts!

Thank you!

Your Coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 73
Newsletter email template
Email subject: [Recipient name], have you read this?

In case you missed it, I have recently uploaded this comprehensive

guide on [article topic] that prepares you on what my next online
course will be about.

Reading this guide, can help you discover how to do [what the stu-
dent desires] and get to learn the best from industry experts who
are sharing their unique tips and advice.

This article [article title] offers a 10 step-by-step to achieving [the

student’s goal] and it’s available for you on [link to your blog].

Once you read this, I would be happy to receive your thoughts on it!
Or you can leave your comments in the section below the article.

Your Coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 74
Announcing the course email templates
Email subject: I have a great announcement to make.

Hi [recipient’s name]

After spending years on how to [subject] you may have conclud-

ed that no amount of trying brought you closer to what you have
dreamed for.

Not anymore.

Going through searching about [subject] can become an exhaust-

ing process. I know exactly what you went through. And I have
decided to put an end to that.

This is why I have created a life-changing course that will help you
[solution to a problem]. I am really excited to introduce you to my
new course [course name] starting [number] days from now.

So, keep an eye on your inbox to see the course opening soon!

[Reiterate change and how the course will affect people]

Talk soon! :)

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 75
Announcing the course email templates
Email subject: I think you might like that.

Hey [recipient’s name]!

I get it, you are tired of [problem].

That’s why I have been sending you all these emails. But reading
the blog posts I am suggesting you doesn’t help you engage deeply
with what is being held there.

Just reading about [subject] without any interaction or practice

can become exhausting and with no effect.

What if I told you I have created an exceptional bundle of text and

activities on the subject?

I am glad to introduce to my new course [course name] that will

finally help you [solution to a problem].

In the course you will learn:

▷ [skill or knowledge]
▷ [another skill or knowledge]
▷ [yet another skill or knowledge]

So, I am really excited about this course! I hope you will get thrilled
about it too…

[call people to action]

Make sure to keep an eye on your inbox to see the course opening
soon! And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.

[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 76
Announcing the course email templates
Email Subject: You are lucky [recipient’s name]

Hey there!

What if I told you that you could completely transform your life in
just [number] days?

And that it’s possible to have more success in [field under study]
than you ever imagined?

If you’re ready for a complete personal breakthrough, I have an

unbelievably exciting opportunity to offer you.

On [date], I will release my next life-changing course on [course


This incredibly powerful, immersive program sells out completely.

There are extremely limited spots available and one of them could
be yours if you act fast.

Are You Ready for the [course name]? Get it here:

[call people to action]

My course is not for everyone. You must be serious about your

desire to transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary. To help
you decide, read the following statements and see if you identify
with one or more.


Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 77
and sell

Announcing the course email templates
The Effortless Way to [what the recipient desires].
All right, [recipient’s name].
I know you’re sick of wasting time, so let’s get right to the practical
advice that's going to get you the life of your dreams quickly:
In a few days I’m sharing crucial mindset shifts that will immediate-
ly open up your world to infinite possibilities of [what the recipient
If you’ve been stuck in a rut, not getting [what the recipient desires]
these new ways of thinking will radically change your perspective and
set you on the path to finally getting what you have been searching for.
[course name with a call to action]
If you want to [what the recipient desires] you have to [prerequisite].
Take it from me – when I first started out coaching, the biggest fas-
cination I had was with [domain subject].
[questions you had about the topic]. I want you to start thinking
this way.
So, in this course I will give you the answers on:
[course section name]
[description of the section/what will the recipient learn]
[another section’s name]
[description of the section/what will the recipient learn]
These very specific techniques raise your standard for the way you
deserve to [what the recipient desires] and allow you to feel your
most confident and in control.
Once you learn these techniques, you will immediately [what the
recipient desires].
I can teach you exactly how to [skills].
The best part is, it doesn’t take any more effort than what you’re
doing right now. It actually takes a lot LESS…
Discover [course name with a call to action]
Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 79
Opening the course email templates
[course name] is open! (Go, go, go…)

Great news!

[number] days ago, I announced my online course [subject name].

You support have been overwhelming; over 200 people signed up
and counting!

Here’s what a reviewer wrote about it:


Now you can see what others are talking about.

Remember, I’m offering [give the offer].

Join our community of 200+ people learning the same thing and
get your [subject name].

Be sure to take advantage of this discount while it lasts [ending

time]. I created a limited number of coupons and once these are
gone, the price for the course will go back up.

With respect!
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 80
Opening the course email templates
Email Subject: Stop what you are doing.

[recipient’s name],

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for…

My course [course name] is open and you can start studying now!

[call people to action]

Remember! This course will help you:

▷ [skill or knowledge]
▷ [another skill or knowledge]
▷ [yet another skill or knowledge]

So, what are you waiting for?

[Call to action]

Your Top Questions Answered

Q1: [first question you want to answer]

Q2: [second question you want to answer]
Q3: Do I really need [course name]?

If you’re not already [the ideal state your recipients should be in].

[course name] gives you the techniques and direction to [skills

offered]. Instead of a slow, grueling climb up the mountain to reach
your goals, it’s like a helicopter ride to the top!

[course name] will get you [course benefits]. No matter who you
are, where you live, or what you want, [course name] is the master
key to unlock [what recipients desire].

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 81
Opening the course email templates
Email Subject: This is standing in the way of the life you want.

Let's cut to the chase, [recipient’s name] because time is running


You want to transform your life to finally [what the recipient de-

My [course name] is THE step-by-step process of transformation

that will get you the life of your dreams, with me as your coach.

NOW is the best time ever to claim the course because I’m offering
a mind-blowing free bonus that [what the bonus involves] ...

… and this bonus disappears at midnight tonight.

I’ve removed any fears that could prevent you from trying my
[course name] by:

Sharing incredible real stories of people who changed their lives

with the program so you know it actually works.

Inviting you to JOIN ME – in our [free gift]. This incredibly rare, free
bonus provides [what the bonus provides].

So at this point, if there’s anything left standing in your way, it’s


[recipient’s name], all you need to do now is take my hand and let’s
go get you the life of your dreams…

Let’s Do This Together, [your name]: Give Me My [course name]


Your partner,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 82
Giving bonuses email templates
Email subject: I am saving an offer for you.

[recipient’s name],

As our way of saying thank you, here’s a discount code you can use
to get 20% off in any course:


Enter that code at checkout to get the discount.

See you soon,

[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 83
Giving bonuses email templates
Email Subject: I almost NEVER do this, but I’m doing it for you.

I want to take a moment and thank you, [recipient’s name]…

I’ve been feeling especially grateful lately for our amazing commu-
nity. There is nothing that brings me more joy than helping incredi-
ble people [field you are being helpful].

So, to show my thanks, I wanted to do something special for you:

I’m giving you [number] exclusive gifts…

Here’s how you get access:

For the next 72 hours, when you claim a spot at my training pro-
gram, you will get exclusive access to these gifts:

Gift #1: [gift’s name]

This advice-packed bonus webinar with me will supercharge your

results and [benefit].

Gift #2: [gift’s name] [more benefits]

Remember – your chance to claim your spot on [course name]

…get instant access to [gift n.1] …

...and grab your value-packed [gift n.2] …

...ends Saturday at 11:59 PM ET, so get your copy now before you
miss out…

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 84
Giving bonuses email templates
Email Subject: Free [Ebook/Course] Inside!

Hey there [recipient’s name],

I have got something special to offer to you, and this is a brand

new [ebook/course]! It’s about [Ebook Topic] and it can help you do
the following:

▷ [Ebook/Course Benefit 1]
▷ [Ebook/Course Benefit 2]
▷ [Ebook/Course Benefit 3]

This offer lasts for a limited time only so make sure you download it
today/join the course today!

Your Coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 85
Announce cart closes email templates
Email Subject: Last chance to claim your spot on [course name].

Hey [recipient’s name],

This closes tonight!

Today is the last day to enroll in my in-depth training program that

[the provided benefit].

It is called [course name].

And when you enroll before midnight tonight, I’ll also give you two
remarkable bonuses.

Bonus # 1- [name of the bonus] [description]

Bonus # 2- [name of the bonus] [description]

I go over everything you need to know about the program here


Talk soon, [your name]

P.S. I did something interesting. I asked previous students of mine

what they would tell someone who is thinking about joining the

Here are the direct quotes:


Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 86
Announce cart closes email templates
Email Subject: Last chance to claim your spot on [course name].

Hey [recipient’s name],

This is unbelievable.

I thought the last time I released [course name] was crazy, but this
is pure insanity…

I was up most of last night, chugging coffee and answering emails

from people about [course name], my super exclusive, life-changing
training program.

I dozed off for a couple of hours and awoke early this morning to
realize that we’re almost completely sold out!

Click Here to See if Your Spot on [course name] is Still Available

Now is the time to get yours because…

We Are Almost Completely Sold Out!

After having [number] spots available yesterday, there are just

[number] left, and from the looks of things they will be gone in a
matter of hours.

Many have asked if we can reserve them a copy since they are on
holiday, or work trips, but it's just not possible.

If you were sitting around thinking you would get your spot in the
next couple of days…

It won't be there.

Once these [number] spots are gone, they're gone. Don’t miss out…

If you're sitting on the fence about this program, now is the time to act.

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 87
Ask for a review email template
Email Subject: Tell me something [recipient’s name]

Hey there, [recipient’s name]

Thanks for being part of our community! I want to ask one last
thing before you start digging in...

Without your feedback and reviews, it is impossible that I improve

your learning experience.

If you dig our stuff and get value out of it, I would really appreciate
if you could please provide us seller feedback here:


I want to personally thank you for being one of my students. I truly

LOVE my students and will always be here if you need me.

Much respect,

[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 88
Ask for a review email template
Email Subject: Your opinion matters...

Hey [recipient's name],

Could you take a minute to give me some feedback on your

learning experience? It’s important for me to learn what works or
doesn’t, so that I can offer the best to all my students!

This link [link] will take you to a quick survey with 5 questions.
Completing it takes only up to 3 minutes!

Afterwards, I may ask you to leave a review on our website profile -

[link to business site].

I appreciate your help and thank you for your time and support!

Your Coach
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 89
Thank you email template
Email Subject: Just one moment to say thank you.

I have no words to thank you, [recipient’s name]…

I’ve been feeling especially grateful lately for your support. There is
nothing that brings me more joy than helping incredible people like
you excel at [activity/field you are being helpful].

I have to pinch myself that I get to wake up every day and do this
for a living.

I am always looking to add value to your life in whatever way possi-

ble. I love the connection we have and would hate to lose it.

I look forward to continuing our journey together. I will continue

working to help you create and make the most of all the opportu-
nities that lie ahead in every aspect of life, especially in [field under

Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 90
Thank you email template
Email Subject: Just one moment to say thank you.

I have no words to thank you, [recipient’s name]…

I’ve been feeling especially grateful lately for your support. There is
nothing that brings me more joy than helping incredible people like
you excel at [activity/field you are being helpful].

I have to pinch myself that I get to wake up every day and do this
for a living.

I am always looking to add value to your life in whatever way possi-

ble. I love the connection we have and would hate to lose it.

I look forward to continuing our journey together. I will continue

working to help you create and make the most of all the opportu-
nities that lie ahead in every aspect of life, especially in [field under

Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 91
Sending out an ecommerce email receipt
Email Subject: Thank you, [recipient’s name]!

Thank you for your purchase!

I hope that you enjoy going through the course lessons one-by-one
and learning more about your favorite subject on [course topic]!

Stay tuned for more! Find out more about upcoming offers, free-
bies, discount coupons by following my [social media profile(s)] -
[Link to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.]

Your coach,
[Your name]

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 92
Re-engaging your email subscribers
Email Subject: How’s everything?

Dear [recipient’s name]

It’s been a while hearing from you.

I hope that you are still interested in the course because we have
more to offer to you!

Come back and get a 25% off your next purchase!

Claim your offer now!

Your Coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 93
Get your free
online school
Re-engaging your email subscribers
Email Subject: [recipient’s name], is everything OK?

Dear [recipient’s name]

What have you been up to?

As a course instructor who wants to do the best for their students, I

am always looking for feedback about how I can help you achieve
more through the learning experience and want to check whether
you are getting out what you have expected!

I noticed that you haven’t opened my emails recently. Would you

mind letting me know why by clicking any of the following options?

▷ I am getting too many emails

▷ Emails aren’t relevant to me
▷ I get many ads and offers
▷ I want to keep getting these emails

Alternatively, you may unsubscribe from the list to stop receiving

emails from me.

Thank you for your help!

Your Coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 95
Nurture-building Emails
Email Subject: I have good news!

Dear [recipient’s name]

As a newly founded online school, [School’s Name] strives to give

out the best tools and learning resources to students interested in
[students’ goals/needs].

Each week, I travel to a different destination to meet with students

and deliver an informal class based on [chosen topic] that can help
students improve their knowledge and get their questions answered!

Check out my schedule for the next month and see if you can be

I would be more than happy to meet you in person.

Your Coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 96
Nurture-building Emails
Email Subject: So, here’s something you didn’t know.

Dear [recipient’s name]

The month that has just passed was crazy! I have been trying to
answer to as many emails and enquiries as possible.

I can assure you I tried my best, but the school’s community is

growing so quickly that was incredibly difficult to get back to each
and every one of you on the same day - like I usually do!

Also, we have been working closely with a group of experts in

[course topic] to prepare something special for you. This is literally
taking most of my daytime, but it is totally worth it!

While you may not be aware of what is going on ‘behind the

scenes’, me and the rest of the team we are doing substantial work
to gather the best learning material for you - including smart quiz-
zes, puzzles and other cool features as part of the course that you
need to try out!

Stay tuned for more!

Your coach

Course Launch Email Templates

& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 97
When launching a course, email is the main form of communication between
you and your students. This is how you welcome, thank, or inform your sub-
scribers and invest in the relationship you have with them.

Email sequences are easy to create and offer the opportunity to connect and
sell to your audience. The best thing is that they can be written once and used
again and again. The templates we have included in this book are ready-to-
use, by copying and pasting them to an email marketing software. With these,
you can start connecting with your audience and selling your courses on au-

Remember though, the most important part of email marketing is to set up an

effective communication channel with your audience. Our email sequences
start by offering valuable content and advice while connecting with the read-
er before going for the sale.

Once you get a hold of this, you can create another email sequence, and yet
another one to welcome your next courses and encourage your subscribers
to buy.

Keep improving and testing your email sequences to achieve even better re-
sults. So that, not only you can make changes in the wording you choose to
include, but also in the way you are approaching your audience. Language,
frequency of emails and promotional strategy are all yours to work with and

Our advice is to create a course on a subject you love. Working on your pas-
sion is the best way to connect with your audience and make it profitable by
caring for the little details and making a difference in their lives. Then, you can
rest assured that your audience is going to love it too!

Good luck with launching your next course!

The LearnWorlds Team

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& Sequences to Boost Your Sales 98
Course Launch
Email Templates
& Sequences
to Boost
Your Sales


The best platform to create, market

and sell online courses

LearnWorlds (CY) Ltd

Gladstonos 120 Foloune Building 2nd Floor, B1 3032
Limassol Cyprus

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