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Teacher’s Name IOANA IURA

School CNME

Class 10

Age of Students 17

Proficiency Level of Students Intermediate

Size of Class 20

Date of Presentation 14.05.2022

Subject Reported Speech

Estimated Duration of the Lesson 50 minutes

Performance Objectives At the end of the lesson, students will

be able to understand specific
information about reported speech,
and will be able to speak by using
reported speech .

Criterion Level At least %75 of the students will be

able use reported speech in daily life
and classroom activities.

Materials Textbook, visuals, audio,



Part 1.Warm Up

Teacher : Good morning guys.

Students : ------

Teacher : How are you today ?

Students : ---------

Teacher : I am fine.Thank you.Can you remember our last week subject ? What did we learn
last week?

Students : -------------

Teacher : Do you like dancing?Let’s dance…

Part 2.Explain the aim

Today,we are going to learn new words,play games,do some exercies and we will learn to talk
about reporting someone’s speech to another one.Please all of you, take care to join all of the
activities.We will play games,learn new vocabularies and new structures.Let’s start with new

Part 3.Vocabulary

3.1.Teaching new vocabularies and pronunciation of the these words listed below.





Make a phone call

Run away




3.2. Vocabulary Exercise 2 : Please try match pictures correctly with the words listed
page 2.

1-………. …. an 2-…………….. the city 3-………………

advertisement someone.

4- …………………. 5-………………… 6-…………….. ……….

7-………… the rain. 8-………………….. 9-


3.3. Vocabulary Exercise 3 : Read the sentences and match with the right picture.

a.The new law was announced in the TV

1. 2. program.+

b.A building was collapsed by the

demolition team yesterday.+
3. 4.
c.A waste mass was dumped to our
garden .+

d.The fireman assisted the old man.+

5. 6. e.People were evacuating the city.+

f.He run away when he see us.+

g.He is not an optimisticperson because

7. 8. of his ideas.

h.I make a call when i see a thief.+

i.The water ,which is streaming ,is so

9. cold.

Part 4.Pre-reading: Answer the following questions on your own.

1.Do you like rainy days?Why ? Why not?

2.Have you ever gotten wet in the rain before?

Part 5.Reading: Read the passage and round the italic words.

July was hot and dry.Then,in August,the skies opened.Writing from Berlin on August
13,2002,journalist John Hooper reported that it had been raining for more than 24
hours straight.A huge weather system was dumping rain on eastern and central
Europe.The journalist noted that people were already evacuating Prague and were
just beginning to leave Dresden.As Hooper wrote his story,about 50,000 residents
were streaming out of Prague.The city’s 16th century Charles Bridge was in danger of
collapsing.Still,Mayor Igor Nemec told reporters that the historic Old Town should
remain safe.Dr.Irena Kopencova wasn’t that optimistic.She told Hopper sadly that
many original copies of the most treasured poems in the Czech language had
been lost.The danger didn’t stop tourism.”Flood tourists” moved from city to city
gaping at the flood of the century.One speculated that it might even be the flood of
the millennium.John Hooper didn’t agree.He thought climate change was causing
these events and believed that they would get worse.Today more and more scientists
are warning that governments have to do something about climate change.

Part 6.Reading Comprehension

Exercise 6.1: Read the questions and answer them according to the

1.Why did not JohnHooper agree the idea of the flood of the millennium ?

2.What did Dr.Irena Kopencova tell sadly?

3.Why are scientists warning the governments?

Exercise 6.2: True or False(Correct the False ones)

a.The rain had been raining for more than 32 hours TRUE FALSE

b.”Flood Tourists” stayed in the city they lived TRUE FALSE

c. Charled Bridge was in danger. TRUE FALSE

d.John Hooper agreed with the idea of flood of the

milennium TRUE FALSE

Part 7.Inductive Grammar Teaching

7.a)Giving the Form

Teacher wants studetns look at the passage again and students say structures writing in bold
and teacher writes them on the board with students directions.

7.b)Giving the Meaning

Exercise 7.1:Match the words with their “reported” situations.

a.the following day
3.tomorrow c.that day d.then week e.would
f.the following week

8 g.that h.there
8.this i.the day before

Exercise 7.2: Convert following the sentences to the Reported Speech.

Direct : He said; "The test is difficult.

Indirect :

Direct : She said; "I watch TV everyday.

Indirect :

Direct : He said, “I am coming today.

Indirect :

Direct : Tuncay said, “We had a very large dinner yesterday.

Indirect :

Direct : They replied, “we'll leave tonight.

Indirect :

Exercise 7.3:Solve questions on Socrative.

Students will solve the problems which are on the Socrative and teacher will calculate the
average of the class.The room name is ELT2REPORTED.

Part 8.Listening -

Students listens a dialogue about reported speech,take notes about reported speech
and fill in the tables according to the dialogue.

Exercise 9.1:Who is Who – Match the photos with names

1. 2. C) ALFRED

3. 4.

Exercise 9.2:Match the sentences with persons by using tick.


In love with boss

He is a gossipy

The idea of Alfred is silly

according to him.
The boss invited her to dinner.

The person asked all details

about boss to Alfred
The person who says that the
boss has a family

Part 10. Playing Game

Now,we are going to play a game.This game has no metarials.We will start by having our
class make a circle.I will start by asking a question about one of your friends and you will say

whatever you learned about the student who is on your left.You will make a sentence by using
reported speech.

Part 11. Cue Response Drill

 Teacher shows some pictures to the students and they make sentences by using
Reported Speech according to the comics.

Part 12 Speaking

Teacher will give papers to the students and they will work in pairs.Students will fill in the
blanks according to eachother’s paper.There are some gaps in their papers and they will ask
some questions about the gaps eachother ,they will tell the sentences by using reported speech
and the other student will fill the blanks according to his/her friend’s sentence.

Part 13.Summary of the lesson

 We have learned “Reported Speech” today and its usage areas.We can make sentences
by using reported speech and we can speak by using it.Who can summarize the
structure of Reported Speech and give an example ?

 Part 14.Assignment

Please,talk with your parent about his/her future plans and take down notes.Write a
paragpaph about his/her plans by using reported speech.

Complete the Self Assessment and Evaluation part.

Part 15.Self Assessment and Evaluation.

a.Self Assessment

1. “How are you going to open it?”

Ron asked Harry _______________________.

2. “Why do you keep looking out of the window?”

Hermione asked Mr Lovegood _____________________.

3. “Where does he keep going?”

Snape asked Lily __________________.

4. “Why did Dumbledore leave you this Snitch?”

Mr Scrimgeour asked Harry ___________________.

5. “What’s You-Know- Who doing?”

Ron asked Harry ___________________.

6. “How can I be alive?”

Harry wondered ________________.

7. “Where do you think we are?”

Dumbledore asked Harry ____________________.

8. “What will you give me in return, Severus?”

Dumbledore asked Snape ___________________.

9. “What must Potter do?”

Snape wanted to know ___________________.

10. “Who are you going to use as a shield today, Potter?”

Woldemort asked Harry _____________________.


1-"Let's stay behing and got the job finished" He suggested __________
behind and ___________ the job finished.

A) staying/getting
B) stay/getting
C) to stay/to get
D) stayed/got
E) that we should/got

2-She complained __________ waiting for me for two hours.

A) that she has been
B) that she had been
C) she has been
D) to be
E) that she is

3-Jack said they __________ a play at school the following month.

A) are going to give
B) were going to give
C) will give
D) gave
E) had given

4-He asked if __________ an earthquake in Tokyo last year.
A) there had been
B) had there been
C) there was
D) was there
E) that there had been

5-My daughter admitted __________ so interested in her fiance if he

weren't rich.

A) not being
B) for not being
C) her not being
D) that she wouldn't be
E) she isn't

b.Self Evaluation

New Vocabularies

Write 7 new vocabularies you learned and write their Turkish meanings.


1- 1-
2- 2-
3- 3-
4- 4-
5- 5-
6- 6-
7- 7-

Understanding My Learning

1.I can understand activities in this text book. 1 2 3 4 5

2.I can understand the teacher’s speaking. 1 2 3 4 5

3.I can understand the grammar structure. 1 2 3 4 5

4.I can use the grammar in the activities. 1 2 3 4 5

5.I can understand the listening in this. 1 2 3 4 5

6.I can understand the reading in this lesson. 1 2 3 4 5


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