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I011 SPM Lab 1 Naman Chaware

Naman Chaware I011

Lab: 1
Software Project Management
Aim: Prepare the basic requirements in SPM based on the following points as mentioned below.

a. Assess the need for project plan document

Ans: The general idea of having a project plan document is to decide the policy how the
entire project is going to be worked upon. It’s just like a guideline to the team members
working on the project about how to proceed with it to finish project well in time and just
like the intended final product. It defines project goals and objectives and also specifies
what team would do which task to achieve the goal. It lists all the resources that would be
needed over the time of completion. It’s consisted of predicted timeline to show to the
customer and also to be on time by yourself.

b. List the basic points required for the document

1. The requirements and stakeholder needs
2. Scope of the project
3. What’s there to deliver
4. Estimated due dates
5. Estimated project timeline
6. Risk assessment and management plan
7. What team will do what?
8. Allocation of resources
9. Quality assurance
10. Communication plan

c. Identify the problem and value proposition addressed by the project

Value proposition is answer to the simple question, why the customer should buy your
product. It expresses the most obvious benefit that clients obtain by doing business with
you. Every value proposition should address a customer's problem and position your firm
as the solution provider. Solving a problem in the world is what makes your project idea
successful in real world. So find a apparent problem and find a solution.

d. Design the phases along with the final products/deliverables

1. Initiating
2. Planning
3. Monitoring and Controlling
4. Execution
5. Closing

e. Discuss the roles and responsibilities with the stakeholders of the project
Individuals or businesses with a vested interest in the success of their initiatives are
referred to as stakeholders. Stakeholders have legal decision-making authority and may

I011 SPM Lab 1 Naman Chaware

be able to influence project timing and budgeting. Most project stakeholders have
commercial duties, such as teaching developers, financing initiatives, determining
schedule parameters, and setting milestone dates.

f. Outline the time required and draw the project timeline to identify meaningful points,
referred to as milestones
Milestones are Checkpoints in your project timeline that mark the successful completion
of key events, tasks, or sets of activities.

Examples of milestones:
 Start and end dates of project phases
 Key delivery dates
 Client (or stakeholder) reviews and approvals
 Resource acquisition completion dates
 Team hiring and training completion dates

Example of Project Timeline:

Gantt Chart, Historical Timeline, and Vertical Chart Timeline are examples of project
timelines. A project milestone is a crucial moment in the life cycle of a project. It could
be the beginning or the conclusion of a project. It might also signal the end of a
significant period. A project milestone may also be described as a marker that indicates a
change in the status of the project. Project milestones serve as checkpoints during the

I011 SPM Lab 1 Naman Chaware

project's life cycle. As well as keeping a project on pace. The milestone is reached when a
project reaches this point in time.
g. Review the plan and verify its correctness based on project management goals before
preparing the final document

Here are some steps to review the plan:

 Remember Your Deliverables
 Summarize Your Findings
 Conduct an Assessment using the Evaluation Criteria
 Provide Meaningful Comments
 What to Look For
 Continually Reference the RFP
 Skim, Then Review
 Segment Your Review
 Understand the Customer
 Thoroughly Read the RFP

Here are some steps to verify its correctness:

 The objective is clear
 The data gathered for creating the project is correct.
 The project can help the target audience by making their work easier.
 The stakeholders see a good vision and are happy to invest in the project.

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