A Letter To Leni Robredo

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To our Future President, LENI ROBREDO:

As an up and coming member of the workforce, I wanted you to know that I am one of the millions who
have entrusted my life’s hopes and dreams for the next six years of my life. Some of us are just about to
start our journey after school education and about to embark upon another as corporate member of the
society, while some of us, our parents, grandparents, and orhers are spending the next six year about to
prepare for the rest of their lives after serving the country by being faithful Taxpayers. I want you to
know that I have been dreaming of a country that I can say out loud that stood against corruption and
bad governance and stood for the real power of democracy and good governance which is why it’s so
important for me to choose you as our President! I know not all of us share the same opinion of you.
Most of them only just hate you because you are the antagonist to the Administration of the Incumbent
President. Need I say his name? No. I dream of waking up to a country that stands together as one only
in one faction. Not a country divided into factions of 5 where one is the highest and one suffers the
lowest. I want us to be one. As what you have in your tagline, “Sa Gobyernong Tapat, Angat Buhay
Lahat”. I sure hope that you will live up to that. Just like how you live up to your platforms despite the
lack of support from the administration. WE ARE ALL SORRY FOR THAT.

As a Presidentiable, I know not most if not all of you have plans for us graduating students. You all have
plans for employment. As I may have witnessed in your interviews and platform programs presented, I
wish there are much concrete plans for the graduation sectors. I know that most of us might get to the
company where we had interships with. Some of us might not get any work at all. We all know it’s a
touch call and not a call to a promise of job to all of us graduating students. That’s a far stretch but, I
know as a citizen who have witnessed your prowess in good governance. I dream of you being able to
bringing all of us additions to the Filipino workforce to a country where talent and performance is given
its highest regard. Where actions are expected than words of promises to perform better just like all of
you candidates have been promising for almost, well 6 years now. I dream of you holding our beacon as
a symbol of new hope. A new breed that will lead the Filipinos to what a Philippines, really looks like not
in social media facades. Filipinos we can all be proud of.

We all know it’s you. We know that you are not the ‘lesser evil’ as they may have been trying to label
you from the beginning.


I dream of Filipinos not patronizing for their children when they are stubborn.

Instead just keep their children’s head above water and convince them that she loves them and she
really love them more than life and that all I will. Ever

Thank you for representing us and thank you for your courage!

We are rallying behind you, beside you and always with you.

My President, you will be!

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