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Request for Tender - Feasibility study for a Community owned Solar PV Farm

1. Introduction
Mullingar Sustainable Energy Community [MSEC], [The “Contracting Authority”]seeks
quotes from a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to carry out the necessary
analysis and research and present the feasibility for a community owned Solar PV farm
according to the details in the Specification provided at Appendix 1
Mullingar Sustainable Energy Community’s’ aim is to improve the energy efficiency of the
The appointed consultant will be required to carry out and demonstrate a feasibility study
for a community owned Solar PV farm. The purpose of this feasibility study is to support a
commercially viable plan to develop a community owned Solar PV farm exporting electricity
to the grid. Please refer to Appendix 1 for a full specification. Please also refer to “Mullingar
SEC High level Feasibility report 120922-RED.pdf” document provided showing previous

2. Instruction for Tenderers

Your proposal must include the below information. Failure to address each item may result
in exclusion from the competitive process and any response that is not in the requested
format may be rejected.

Please note - this tender is subject to funding.

Tenderers are required to submit the following completed documentation:
• Quote – please complete the Form of Tender provided in Appendix 2. Your costs must
be quoted as a FIXED PRICE in Euro with VAT rate and amount clearly defined and
remain valid for 6 months from the closing date of this tender call and the duration of

• Proposed Methodology –Outline a detailed methodology of no more than 5 sides of A4 as

to how the tender brief will be completed including:
✓ The process used for completing the brief, overall approach to the work and tasks
outlined and associated timelines
✓ The number of days/hours associated with each task required to complete the brief
✓ A detailed budget for the delivery of each strand of the brief and an outline of all
associated costs/expenses
This forms part of the award criteria & is essential for evaluation

• Track record/experience – Please provide details as below to demonstrate capacity

and capability in relation to delivery of the service
√ Detail the Nominated Contact & all personnel to include all subcontractors assigned
to this project indicating their areas of relevant expertise. Please include tailored
CVs, with a maximum of 2 x A4 pages per team member
√ Indicate the specific roles they will fulfil within the brief
√ Detail experience and / or relevant qualifications of all personnel assigned to the
contract. Previous experience of similar projects is a mandatory requirement for all
of the project team. Any changes to the project team proposed will required prior
approval from MSEC
This forms part of the award criteria & is essential for evaluation

• Tax Compliance – for the successful supplier, evidence of Tax Compliance or

declaration demonstrating that the you have fulfilled obligations relating to the
payment of taxes under the law or of the relevant State in which the tenderer is
established will be required - Please complete Appendix 3

• Declaration – Please complete Appendix 4

Appendices 2, 3 & 4 have been made available in word format

3. Award Criteria
Tenders will be evaluated on the information provided at the time of tender. The contract
will be initiated immediately following confirmation of funding.
The evaluation criteria used will be the Most Economically Advantageous Tender by reference
to suitability and cost.
Marks will be awarded under the following criteria [scored from 100 marks weighted as
indicated below]. Tenders will be required to score a minimum of 60% on criteria B and C to
remain in the competition:
Criteria Maximum
A. Cost - will be assessed on the basis of the completed Form of Tender 20%
B. Capacity to Deliver - will be assessed based on the level of resources 30%
indicated and details of personnel involved

C. Methodology/Addressing the Specification of Requirements - will be 50%

assessed on the basis of meeting the specification as outlined in
Appendix 1 of this tender call document
Total Marks 100%

For full transparency and clarity please note the below scoring mechanism and rationale will
be operated by Contracting Authority for non-cost criteria:
Score Meaning Interpretation
81% - 100% of Excellent An excellent response demonstrating excellent
the marks understanding offering assurance to client – strongly
71% - 80% of Very good A very good response demonstrating very good
the marks understanding offering assurance to client – fully
61% - 70% of Good A good response demonstrating good understanding
the marks offering assurance to client – well supported.
Less than 60% is unacceptable
Tenders must demonstrate how they meet all of the above criteria in their tender submission
in order to enable the awarding authority to assess fully the extent of their offers.

The Contracting Authority is entitled, but not obliged, to seek clarification of tenders in the
course of the evaluation process. No change in the price or substance of the tender shall be
sought, offered or permitted.

4. Submission of Tenders
The Contracting Authority is using the Tender Postbox facility and tenders must be
submitted electronically via the eTenders post-box facility on only.
Only Tenders submitted to the electronic post-box will be accepted. Tenders submitted by
any other means (including but not limited to by email, fax, post, or hand delivery) will not
be accepted.
Tenderers must ensure that they give themselves sufficient time to upload and submit all
required tender documentation before the Tender Deadline. Tenderers should consider the
fact that upload speeds vary.

Closing date for Tenders - The closing date for tender submission is specified on the
Etenders Contract notice. It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure that their tender
is complete and is uploaded/submitted by the designated deadline.

Queries - The closing date for submitting queries is specified on the Etenders Contract
notice. All queries regarding this tender should be through the Questions and Answers
facility on, including any omissions which would prevent tenderers
from submitting a comprehensive tender. Please submit queries as soon as possible. In
circulating responses, queries will be edited to avoid disclosing the identity of the querist
and will be circulated to all parties who have expressed an interest in the procurement on
the eTenders website.

Extension of Tender Period - The Contracting Authority reserves the right, at its sole
discretion, to extend the closing date for receipt of tenders by giving notice in writing (by
electronic means) to all parties who have expressed an interest in the notice via eTenders.
Tenderers will be responsible for any costs incurred by them in the event that they are
required to attend clarification or other meetings or make a presentation of their proposals.
Tender Validity Period - To allow sufficient time for Tender assessment a Tender Validity
period of 6 months is required, this period commencing on the closing date by which the
Tenders are to be returned and the duration of the contract.

5. Additional Information
• Ownership of Documents and Copyright - All documents produced by the consultant in
connection with this appointment and submitted to the contracting authoritywill be
considered the property of the contracting authority and may be used by them at any time,
including for other projects, without the prior approval of the consultant
• No additional fees or costs, other than those originally quoted for the services when
tendering, will be paid and any additional fees or costs will be borne by the tenderers
themselves, unless otherwise agreed. Contracting Authority will not be liable in respect of
any costs incurred by interested providers in the preparation of the tender or any
associated work effort.
• Contracting Authority may withdraw this tender process at any time prior to a written
contract being entered into.
• Please note that the lowest tender may not be chosen.
• Responses to this tender request will be evaluated in their own right. No recognition will
be given to information previously submitted.
• Before any contract is awarded, the successful tenderers (and agent, where appropriate)
will be required to promptly produce a Tax Clearance Access Number, or in the case of a
non-resident tenderer, a statement from the Revenue Commissioners confirming
suitability on tax grounds. All payments under the contract will be conditional on the
service provider(s) having their taxes in order.
• Contracting Authority reserves the right to terminate contracts with providers who are
underperforming or in breach of the terms and conditions of their Contract Agreement
• If for any reason it is not possible to award the contract to the designated successful
tenderer emerging from this competitive process, or if having awarded the contract the
contracting authority considers that the successful tenderer has not met its obligations,
the contracting authority reserves the right to award the contract to the next highest
scoring tender on the basis of the terms advertised. This shall be without prejudice to the
right of the contracting authority to cancel this competitive process and/or initiate a new
contract award procedure as its sole discretion.
• After the official opening of Tenders, information relating to the examination, clarification,
evaluation and comparison of Tenders and recommendations concerning this contract will
not be disclosed to Tenderers or any other persons save as required by law.
• Any conflicts-of-interest involving a tenderer must be fully disclosed to Contracting
Authority. Failure to disclose a conflict-of-interest may disqualify a bidder or invalidate an
award of contract, depending on when the conflict-of-interest comes to light
• Detailed pricing of all Tenders will be examined for arithmetical errors and the following
approach to the correction of such errors will apply:
o Where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and words, the amount in words
shall apply.
o Where there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total amount derived from
the multiplication of the unit price and the quantity, the unit price as quoted will normally
govern unless, in the opinion of Contracting Authority there is a gross mathematical error
in the unit price, in which event the total amount as quoted will govern
• Contracting Authority reserves the right (but shall not be obliged) to request Tenderers to
attend interviews. These interviews will be for the purpose of clarification only. If this
proves necessary, Tenderers will be informed as soon as possible with regard to the
proposed date for interviews.
• If a Tender fails to comply in any respect with the requirements set out in this Invitation to
Tender or is ambiguous, Contracting Authority shall be entitled at its absolute discretion,
(but shall not be obliged):
o To reject the Tender as non-compliant.
o Without prejudice to the Contracting Authority’s right to reject the Tender, to meet with,
raise issues and/or seek clarification from the Tenderer in respect of the relevant Tender.
o Without prejudice to the Contracting Authority’s right to reject the Tender, to request the
Tenderer to provide the Contracting Authority with information or items which have not
been provided or have been provided in an incorrect form; and/or
o Without prejudice to the Contracting Authority’s right to reject the Tender, to waive a
requirement which, in the opinion of the Contracting Authority, is not material and/or is


Please ensure you have included all required documents with your tender submission as
failure to submit may disqualify you from the competition.

Mullingar Sustainable Energy Community [MSEC], are looking for a suitably qualified and
experienced consultant to carry out the necessary analysis and research and present the
feasibility for a Community owned Solar PV farm according to the details in the Specification
The consultant will be responsible for ensuring that ethical and safeguarding standards will
be met throughout the process, ensuring that data protection and confidentiality
provisions will be met. The consultant will be expected to work in a collaborative manner
with the SEC throughout the course of the work.

Aim of the Feasibility Study

The aim of the feasibility study is to build upon other research carried out by MSEC and
stakeholders such as SEAI and Westmeath Co. Co. There are four main objectives to the
study namely:
1. System Design
2. Finance
3. Glint and Glare
4. Stakeholder Engagement
The intention for the completed feasibility study is to be used by the MSEC team to create a
strong business case for community led development

The feasibility study will need to include the following elements:

Parameter / Details / notes

System design 1. Assessment of the available solar resource in the study area. The
assessment should include consideration of varying solar irradiance
and diffusion.
2. Estimate of potential Solar PV generation in terms of kWhs.
3. Include recommendations and land parcel options for increasing
site area up to 5MW.
4. Assessment of commercially viable minimum system scale.
5. Specification for the on-site Solar PV system e.g. Solar array
configuration, kWp of system, Inverters, civil works (foundations,
substation buildings, security).
6. Layout of site taking into consideration the active venting of gases
due to it being a former land filled site.
7. Assessment of typical energy yield exported to the grid.
8. Specification for the grid connection infrastructure e.g.
Substation/equipment parameters, protection, power quality.
Parameter / Details / notes

9. Grid connection process roadmap. Confirmation of the available

grid infrastructure within a suitable distance of the site.To include
existing and currently planned grid connection stations.
10. Research into planned development of the local grid

Glint and Glare A Glint and Glare report sufficient for planning application is required.
Assessment As a minimum the assessment should consider the potential impacts on
ground-based receptors such as roads, rail and residential dwellings as
well as aviation assets. A 1km survey area around the project site is
considered adequate for the assessment of ground-based receptors,
whilst a 30km study area is chosen for aviation receptors. (The G&G
study associated with Planning Ref: 22113 of Westmeath Co Co is
considered to be best practice.).

Financing 1. Assessment of capital costs, including panel procurement, balance

of systems costs (electricals, comms and civils), inverters (if not
included in the balance of systems), grid connection, RESS and
possible future carbon credit value, equipment, installation,
development and commissioning.
2. Assessment of operation and maintenance costs, including a
maintenance schedule and budget for any reactive maintenance
(i.e. maintenance for unforeseen outages or downtime). Operation
and maintenance, asset management, maintenance Reserve
Account (to cover general maintenance and inverter
refurbishment), insurance, Grid fees, and any other operational
3. A calculation of FTE job creation for the lifetime of the project
4. Overview of existing models of successful community owned
structures and recommendations for Mullingar SEC community
owned structure and financing options.
5. Project financing roadmap
6. Identification of key financial risks
7. Recommend mechanisms to distribute profits to the community
8. Identify and recommend sources of funding for the project including
but not limited to:
a. Grants from EU and National institutions
b. Local fundraising via Co-Op or similar mechanisms.
c. Lending Institutions and Investment Funds
Parameter / Details / notes

Stakeholder 1. Identify the range of stakeholders at national, regional and local

Engagement levels to be engaged in order to build support for the project.
2. Prepare a community engagement plan that will:
b. build support for, and reduce potential opposition to, the
proposed solar farm development.
c. address local concerns about the proposed development.
3. Attendance by the consultant(s) at one public consultation meeting
will be required.

Methodology Approach - The tenderer should set out a detailed methodology for the
feasibility study to include the following information [please also refer to section 2 of
this document] :
Item Notes

Delivery • Outline of proposed methodology and deliverables to demonstrate

plan[refer to understanding of the requirements above.
Instructions to • Programme for delivery set out according to the deliverables above.
tenderers] • A cost and timeline breakdown for the four main deliverables
• Any other recommendations the consultant would like to include in
the study if not mentioned specifically.
Page limit – maximum 5 sides of A4

Previous Please also refer to “Mullingar SEC High level Feasibility report 120922-
Work/Reference RED.pdf” document provided showing previous studies. This is
Document intended to give background to the consultant and to avoid
overlapping work.

Output of the feasibility study -While the overall feasibility study should be compiled in a
written report, it is to be developed as a working tool rather than simply a finished paper
report, soft copies of all materials should be provided. The format should facilitate the
1. Drawings and maps to be provided in an editable format e.g., AutoCAD, GIS and should
include significant topography.
2. Technical, Site and Financial analyses and data should be accompanied with supporting
spreadsheets or software models for further development by the SEC team.
3. Business Plan document
4. Presentation of the study/Business Plan details to the SEC team should facilitate this.
5. Attendance at two community engagement events to assist in educating the community
about the project. This should occur within 1 year post report publication.
Reporting for the study -The MSEC committee shall be the client and point of contact for
the Consultant. The MSEC will facilitate any local engagement to be included in the study.

Timescale - The work should be completed over 6 to 8 weeks post award of the contract
[subject to funding approval timelines] .

Budget: It is expected that the tender will not exceed €33,000 in total inclusive of VAT & all

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