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Introduction to Tenderers / Works Requirement

Invitation to Tender

M&E/Energy Consultant
Heat Pump Feasibility Study at St. Francis Hospice Blanchardstown

Deadline Date for Receipt of Completed Tender:

As per E-Tenders

Completed Tenders/Quotations must be submitted via e-tenders

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This Invitation to Tender document issued herewith (“ITT”) is for information only and does not
constitute, and shall not be interpreted as, an offer for sale, prospectus, or the basis of a contract.
Nothing in this ITT is, or should be relied upon as, a promise or representation as to
HSE’s ultimate decision in relation to the award of the contract, the subject of this competition,
or as a representation of fact or promise as to the future.

The Health Service Executive (“HSE”) has prepared this ITT for the sole purpose of inviting tenders
from potential tenderers, on the terms set out herein, for the exclusive use of the interested
parties. The ITT may not be used for any other purpose. The information set out in this document
is provided as a guide only and does not purport to contain all the information that a Tenderer
may require in connection with the works.

None of the information shall constitute a contract or part of a contract between the HSE and any
Tenderer. No legal relationship or other obligation shall arise between the Tenderer and the HSE
unless and until an agreement has been entered into and formally executed in writing between
the HSE and the successful Tenderer and any conditions precedent to the effectiveness of such
documents have been fulfilled.

The HSE reserves the right to amend this ITT, its requirements and any information contained
herein at any time by notice in writing to the Tenderers. Whilst the information in this ITT has
been provided in good faith, it does not purport to be comprehensive or to have been
independently verified. The HSE is not bound to furnish any party with further information.

While all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information set out in the ITT is
accurate and up to date, no representation, warranty or undertaking (express or implied) is or
will be made and no liability or responsibility is or will be accepted by the HSE or by any of its
advisers as to the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of the ITT, any information contained in
the ITT or otherwise provided by or on behalf of the HSE (in writing or otherwise) to any interested
party or its advisers. The HSE expressly disclaim any and all liability arising out of such
documentation or information and any errors, misstatements, or omissions (negligent or
otherwise) in this ITT, or in any other information given to Tenderers.

The HSE reserves the right to discontinue or terminate this competition (or any part thereof),
choose not to proceed with any element of the works, change the basis of and the procedures for
the tender process, at any time, if in the opinion of the HSE, it appears that the works can thereby
be more advantageously procured, and in such event the HSE shall not be liable, whatsoever, to
any interested party.

Tenderers are recommended to read this document thoroughly.

No officer, employee, agent, or professional adviser of the HSE has any authority to give or make
any representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the information covered in this

The HSE does not accept responsibility for any loss or expense, which may be incurred by any
person in the preparation of a response to the ITT, nor for any costs or expenses resulting from
any interested parties participating in the process.

No responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising as a result of reliance on this document,
or for the information contained in this document or for any omission is or will be accepted by
the HSE or by any of its officers, employees, agents or professional advisers.

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All dates in the ITT are target dates only and may be subject to change at the discretion of the

The HSE does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender at all and shall not be obliged to
enter into the contract with any party.

Any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest must be disclosed by an interested party
to the HSE as soon as such conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest becomes apparent.
The appropriate course of action to be taken in such event shall be decided upon by the HSE in
its absolute discretion.

This ITT and all matters arising out of or in connection with this ITT shall be governed and
construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the Irish Courts to the exclusion of any other national or international law.

Recipients of this ITT in jurisdictions outside the Republic of Ireland should inform themselves
about and observe all applicable legal requirements in their jurisdictions. In particular, the
distribution of this ITT in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and, accordingly, recipients
represent that they are able to receive this ITT without contravention of any unfulfilled
registration requirements or other legal restrictions in the jurisdiction in which they reside or
conduct business.

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Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 5

2.0 SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT ............................................................................................ 5
2.1 Invitation to Tender ............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 The Tender Process................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Works under the Contract ..................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Payment under the Contract ................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Duration and Conditions of Contract..................................................................................... 8
2.6 Location and Details of the Areas / Facilities under the Contract ......................................... 8
2.7 Establishment and Operation of the Contract ...................................................................... 8
3.0 INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN TENDER SUBMISSION ............................................ 9
3.1 Completeness ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Mandatory Documentation ................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................................... 10
4.0 QUERIES AND SITE VISITS .......................................................................................... 11
5.0 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS .............................................................. 12
6.0 SUBMISSION OF TENDERS ......................................................................................... 14

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1.1 HSE is looking to appoint a suitable M&E consultant via a competitive tender process
using the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform’s Conditions of Engagement for
Consultants in order to carry out a Heat Pump Feasibility Study at St. Francis Hospice
Blanchardstown (SFHB), which provides a specialist palliative care service to people in North

1.2 HSE’s Estates Department will be the project coordinator. HSE Estates will manage the
process and will be the main point of contact with the successful tenderer for the duration of the

1.3 The works will be located within the St Francis Hospice Blanchardstown Campus,
Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 DE98.
2.1 Invitation to Tender
2.1.1 The documentation and information contained herewith constitute the ITT for the works
relating to the Feasibility Study to be carried out at St Francis Hospice.

2.1.2 This ITT documentation is provided to all candidates selected by the HSE for the purposes
of the restricted tender procedure.

2.2 The Tender Process

2.2.1 HSE proposes to engage in a competitive process for the appointment of an energy
consultant using the Conditions of Engagement for Consultants. As there is no HSE framework in
place for energy consultants, the competition is open to all suitable consultants on e-tenders,
with the goal of contracting the successful tenderer to carry out a heat pump feasibility study at,
SFHB Dublin.

2.2.2 Tenderers are required to submit a response to this ITT and to submit the associated
documentation before the closing date and time for receipt of tenders. Tenderers will be
evaluated to establish the lowest priced tender submission.

2.2.3 The tenderer submitting the highest scoring tender (based on lowest priced tender and
quality of report/audit) will be invited to enter into contract with the HSE. The successful Tenderer
will be required to execute the contract.

Activity Date
Issue of ITT Documentation As issued on E-Tenders
Dates for Site Visits TBC
Last date for queries 3 working days before
tender Deadline
Deadline for receipt of ITT As per E-Tenders
Anticipated date for Notification to Successful Tenderer Q4 2022
Commencement of the Works Q 4 2022
Completion of the Works 5-6 Weeks

Note: the above programme is a provisional programme only, the HSE will not be held liable for
any claims due to delays arising that may impact on the Contract award.

2.2.4 The successful Tenderer may be required to submit satisfactory evidence in support of
their ITT declarations prior to the award of tender. Failure by a tenderer to provide satisfactory
evidence may result in their elimination from the process. Where the successful tenderer cannot

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provide satisfactory evidence in support of the ITT declarations resulting in their elimination, the
HSE will be permitted to move on to the next lowest priced tenderer.

2.2.5 This ITT is not a contract, or part of a contract, or an offer to make a contract. There will
be no contract between the HSE and any Tenderer unless and until the contract is finally and
formally concluded, executed and exchanged at the end of the procurement procedure for the
specified services. The HSE has no obligation to enter into a contract with any Tenderer.

2.2.6 Further facilities may require feasibilities in line with the requirements set out in section
2.3.2 at a future date. This tender competition will also act as an evaluation for these yet to be
determined facilities. The successful tenderer for this competition may be invited to carry out
similar studies on other HSE/Section 38/39 orgs sites in the greater Dublin area following
completion of the works outlined in this tender.

2.3 Works under the Contract

2.3.1 The scope of the contract will include for all works relating to the completion of heat
pump feasibility at St Francis Hospice Blanchardstown, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 DE98. The
feasibility will cover all buildings, facilities, utilities and services at each facility, which are fed by
the main plant room unless otherwise specified.

2.3.2 Full details of those works required under this contract shall include but are not restricted
to the following:

 The objectives of the heat pump system, for example reducing cost or emissions;
 The existing heating systems;
 All factors affecting suitability of a heat pump system;
 The future uses of the site that could affect heat demand;
 The heat loads to be served, i.e. how much heat is required, when and where it is
 The existing heat sources, i.e. fuel used, heat medium, condition and whether they are to
be retained;
 The heat distribution system(s), i.e. type, operating temperatures and condition;
 The presence and scope of a building energy management system (BEMS), supervisory
control, and data acquisition systems;
 The availability of electrical power;
 MIC requirements.
 The site layout, i.e. scale drawings (if available) showing the entire site and the types of
ground cover (e.g. access roads, hardstanding and grass);
 The buildings in question, i.e. scale drawings of buildings to be heated (plans and
elevations), location of plant rooms and existing equipment;
 The location and size of existing plant rooms and space for external heat pump
 All available information on the ground conditions of the site (test boreholes, trial pits,
 The availability of heat sources, such as a river or lake for water-source heat pumps or
ground space for groundsource heat pump systems;
 Access for delivery of the system;
 All potential environmental issues;
 An asbestos report for the site;
 Any works that are planned and information on them (e.g. drawings); and
 The level of ongoing operational input that site staff can provide
 Develop outline profile for targeted thermal load (baseline)
 Develop preliminary commercial model for thermal systems (baseline).
 To survey targeted heating, chilling and electrical systems.

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 Estimate required capacity of heat pump system.
 Estimate carbon and energy reduction potential.
 Build preliminary business case to include outline costs.
 Present a design proposal with options for decarbonisation of thermal systems
 Outline ideal location for plant and equipment.
 Detail kWh savings, CO2 savings, cost savings, estimated cost to implement and detailed
 Outline any enabling works that need to be completed in advance.
 Compilation of a Final Report detailing findings as well as costs and annual savings
associated with heat pump.

The survey should include but not be limited to the following;

 Survey of heating systems to include:
o Boiler capacity, specifications and configuration, age, maintenance regime.
o Flow & return temperatures.
o Heating circuits.
o Control systems – schedules, set points etc.
o Building heating requirements – floor area etc.
o Identify metering requirements for subsequent design study.
o Location and proximity to other thermal systems.
 Survey of DHW systems to include:
o Boiler capacity, specifications and configuration, age, maintenance regime.
o Calorifier specifications, capacity & volume, operating temperature.
o Control systems – schedules etc.
o Identify metering requirements for subsequent design study.
o Location and proximity to other thermal systems.
 Survey of targeted refrigeration/chilling systems to include:
o Chiller capacity & specifications, configuration, age, maintenance regime.
o Control systems – schedules, set points etc.
o Flow & return temperatures.
o Identify metering requirements for subsequent design study.
o Location and proximity to other thermal systems.
 4. Survey of targeted electrical systems to include:
o Site grid capacity (MIC).
o Site main distribution board.
o Site sub-distribution boards relevant to potential heat pump locations.
o Assessment of available capacity.
 5. Preliminary identification of suitable locations for heat pump system.
o Space availability.
o Proximity to thermal systems.
o Proximity to available electrical distribution system capacity.
o Any other constraints.

Please note the feasibility is NOT to be developed specifically in favour of one type, technology
or brand. The report should be unbiased towards any specific type of technology but
recommendations can be made as part of the report i.e. high temp heat pump is only viable
solution and manufacturers x, y, z provide options for these, but HSE will require evidence of

Tenderer must be able to complete and issue reports (at least first draft) by 28th January 2023.
This date is open to negotiation depending on other tenderer commitments but is at the
discretion of the HSE to permit this.

2.3.3 Permissions and environmental constraints;

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It is important at the feasibility stage to look at what permits are required, and the likelihood of
these being granted. These could include permissions from:
 Planning authority
o Check whether exemptions are in place for the planned system.
 Building control
 Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
o Whether permission is required from the EPA will depend not only on the type of
system, but the other site requirements. For example, drilling boreholes on a site
with contaminated land may require EPA approval.
 National Parks & Wildlife Service
o This could be necessary if a protected species will be disturbed by works, for
Early engagement with the relevant authorities means that the time, cost and requirements
associated with an application can be identified and included in the feasibility study

2.4 Payment under the Contract

2.4.1 Payment for services provided pursuant to this ITT will be on foot of appropriate invoices.
Invoicing arrangements will be discussed and agreed with the successful Tenderer in due
course and will be subject to the Prompt Payment of Accounts Act, 1997, as amended by
the European Communities (Late Payment in Commercial Transactions) Regulations 2002

2.4.2 The HSE retains the right to withhold payment, where a consultant has failed to meet his
or her contractual obligations in relation to delivery of services to an acceptable level of
quality. In the event of dispute of the quality of work or otherwise, the HSE reserves the
right to refer the issue to an independent third party to assist in achieving resolution. The
decision of the third party will be final.

2.5 Duration and Conditions of Contract

2.5.1 The feasibility of the facility should commence immediately upon awarding of the tender.
As stated under section 2.2.3, this work will need to be completed and all reports fully
issued by 28th January 2023.

2.5.2 Information regarding the conditions of contract are contained in the Invitation to Tender

2.6 Location and Details of the Areas / Facilities under the Contract
2.6.1 St Francis Hospice Blanchardstown, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 DE98.
2.6.2 The HSE Project Manager is to be advised 2 weeks in advance of the feasibility to agree
access. Maintenance personnel may be required to liaise with the successful tenderer to allow
access to plant rooms etc., this will be co-ordinated through the project manager. Where access
to specialist areas (theatres, CSSD, etc.) is required, this will be arranged through the HSE project

2.6.3 Parking is available at the facility. The successful tenderer must be respectful of facility
staff & facility clients at all times and this issue will be an element of the desired methodology.

2.7 Establishment and Operation of the Contract

The following are the conditions applicable to the establishment of the Contract proposed:

2.7.1 Formal acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Contract will be a condition for the
award of the Contract. A draft set of these terms and conditions is included with the Invitation
to Tender Document.

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2.7.2 If for any reason it is not possible to conclude the Contract with or award the Contract to
the designated successful Tenderer emerging from this competitive process; or if having
concluded the Contract and/or awarded the Contract the HSE considers that the successful
Tenderer has not met, or cannot meet its obligations; the HSE reserves the right to admit the next
lowest priced Tenderer to the Contract and to award the Contract on the basis of the same terms.
This shall be without prejudice to the right of the HSE to cancel this competitive process and/or
initiate a new contract award procedure at its sole discretion.

2.7.3 At its absolute discretion, the HSE may elect to terminate this procurement process, the
Contract or any contract awarded under the Contract at any time.

2.7.4 The HSE reserves the right to change the scope of requirements at any time during the
period of the contract. This will be discussed with the successful service provider.

2.7.5 Prior to award of contract, HSE reserves the right to audit the successful Candidate, to
ensure compliance with all requirements as set out in the Invitation to Tender Documentation.

2.7.6 In the event of a tenderer withdrawing or being removed from the tender list, the HSE
reserves the right to contact any of the other candidates and to substitute them on the tender
list. If at preferred Tenderer stage or at latest within six months of contract award,
the Tenderer/supplier withdraws from the process or the contract is terminated, the HSE reserves
the right to award the contract to the next appropriate Tenderer.

2.7.7 This document is not a contract, or part of a contract, or an offer to make a contract.
There will be no contract between HSE and any candidate unless and until the Contract is finally
and formally concluded at the end of the procurement procedure for the specified services. The
HSE has no obligation to enter into a contract with any candidate or Tenderer.


3.1 Completeness
3.1.1 In order to assist the HSE in evaluating the extent to which a Tenderer meets the
qualification criteria, Tenderers are required to submit 3 no. sample reports from a similar facility
along with a quotation for each lot listed in Section 2.3.2. The sample reports will be used to score
each tenderer on quality of product.

3.1.2 Each ITT submission will be scrutinised to determine whether the requirements laid down
in this ITT have been met. This will be with respect of the requirements of Section 3.2, and the
Tenderer having provided all required documentation in support of their submission. Tenderers
must provide responses to all information sought within this ITT and must clearly explain any
assumptions made.

3.1.3 Clarification may be sought from the Tenderer in order to determine if a tender
submission is complete. If the tender is not complete in accordance with Section 3.2, the HSE will
be entitled, but will not be obliged, to reject the ITT as non-compliant. However, subject to the
HSE’s right to reject the ITT, the HSE will be entitled to:

 Meet with, raise issues and /or seek clarification from the Tenderer in respect of the ITT;
 Request the Tenderer to provide the HSE with information on items which have not been
provided or have been provided in an incorrect form; or
 Waive a requirement which, in the opinion of the HSE is minor or procedural.

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3.2 Mandatory Documentation
3.2.1 All Tenderers who wish to be considered in this competition must submit the following
 Evidence of technical and professional ability including the following:
- 3 no. sample reports as described in section 2.3.2. More reports can be submitted to
demonstrate capability. Reports that fail to match criteria outlined above will not be
considered as sufficient evidence of competence and will lead to disqualification
from tender.
- CV of full project team to include evidence of qualifications and competence
- Detailed methodology for conducting feasibility at healthcare facilities to ensure
minimum service disruption
 Quotation for feasibility and breakdown where required.
 Project programme for completion of all works

Tenderers who fail to submit any of the above items will be automatically disqualified from the

3.3 Assessment
3.3.1 This tender competition is being awarded to the most economically advantageous tender
as identified. The tender will be awarded on a weighted scale, taking into account the price of
tender submission and quality of report/product provided.

The tender score will be divided as follows:

 Price – 60%
 Quality – 40%

Those tenders received, and who have satisfied the criteria listed in the table below, will be
assessed and ranked to identify the highest scoring tender. In the event that two or more
tenderers have the same score, the lowest cost tender will be ranked higher. The applicant
submitting this tender may be invited to enter into the Contract with the HSE.

These criteria will be scored 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).

Tender quality will be scored on the following criteria:

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Award Criteria Evaluation of Criteria Weight
Project/Consultant Provide organisation chart and detail roles of individuals in the delivery of 10%
team feasibility services supported by evidence of their qualifications and

Full marks will be given to teams with demonstrated qualifications, experience

and expertise in the area of heat pump feasibilities/ technical surveys.

Feasibility Services Details of previous heat pump feasibilities services completed by tenderer (not 10%
strictly limited to HSE projects). Examples to include similar projects in terms of
type, scope and scale.

Full marks will be given to tenderer who submits sample report carried out on
similar healthcare sites demonstrating competency in all areas of the feasibility
and details of previous feasibility referees.

Project Overview of proposed methodology for planning, delivery & reporting of 5%

Programme feasibility to meet programme specified in Section 2.2.3 of this document.
Anticipated number of site days required per site.

Full marks will be given to tenderer who provides detailed weekly project
programme outlining progress per site and anticipated final issue date of

Alignment with Tenderer to satisfy all requirements as specified within this tender document. 5%
HSE requirements
Full marks will be given to tenderer where all tender requirements are satisfied
and Tenderer’s sample report clearly aligns with HSE requirements set out in
Section 2.3.2.

Familiarity with Demonstrate understanding of the organisation, its operations and 5%

Healthcare requirements relevant to the undertaking of heat pump feasibility and
Environment subsequent works within healthcare facilities.

Full marks will be given to tenderer who can provide sufficient evidence that
demonstrates previous experience of working in a healthcare environment.
This can be either through the sample report, report on specialist design work
carried out, feasibility studies for proposed works or similar.

Coherence of The Feasibility study report will be issued to facility senior management 5%
Sample Report following completion of report. Management to determine the programme and
budget of energy works to be carried out at each facility based upon the
feasibility study.

Full marks will be given to high quality feasibility reports produced to

international standards that provide comprehensive information, findings and
recommendations in a manner that can be clearly understood by both technical
and non-technical staff.

Price Full marks will be given to lowest priced tenderer. 60%

Note that the HSE reserves the right not to proceed with the tendered works.


4.1 All queries in relation to this Tender must be sent via the e-tenders facility. Email
enquires will not be responded to. Enquiries and questions from all Tenderers will be accumulated

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and answers, where appropriate, will be circulated to all Tenderers. The identity of the person
making a query will not be disclosed when circulating the response.

4.2 All queries should be submitted 3 working days before the tender return date to enable
responses to be issued to all Tenderers prior to the deadline date for the receipt of tenders.

4.3 If a Tenderer believes a query and/or its response relates to a confidential aspect of its
submission, it must mark the query as “Confidential”. If the HSE, at its absolute discretion, is
satisfied that the query and/or its response should properly be regarded as confidential, the
nature of the query and its response will be kept confidential. If the HSE is of the opinion that it
would be inappropriate to answer the query/request on a confidential basis it will notify the
Tenderer and require the Tenderer either to withdraw the query or to raise any objection within
2 days of such notification and state the grounds for its objection. If the Tenderer does not
withdraw the query/request or raise any objection within the specified period, or the HSE is of
the opinion that, notwithstanding the objection of the Tenderer, the query/request is not
confidential, the HSE may issue the query and its response to all of the Tenderers.

4.4 An opportunity to visit the site in advance of the tender submission date will be made
available to all Tenderers upon receipt of requests made through the e-tenders portal. The
tenderer must be accompanied by the site representative and may be accompanied by other site
staff (e.g. maintenance staff) during the site visit.

4.5 It is the responsibility of all Tenderers to familiarise themselves with the building,
function, layout, conditions, area and services, and to tender in accordance with the site
restrictions, constraints and conditions of same, as well as those particulars and specifications as
set out in this ITT.

4.6 Billing information, metered consumption data, detailed floor layouts, boiler house
locations, etc. will be provided to the successful tenderer upon contract award.

4.7 If any further facility information is required, other than that provided in the appendix,
HSE Estates will endeavour to provide upon request through the e-tenders portal. Please note
some information may be confidential or sensitive in nature and cannot issued as part of the
tendering process.


5.1 Tenderers should ensure that they provide sufficient information to allow the HSE to
assess all tender submissions adequately. Failure to provide a sufficient level of detail or to explain
adequately any relevant matters may result in such data or information not being taken into
account in the assessment process.

5.2 Tenderers are required to provide all of the details that they consider necessary to
provide a sufficient response to each question or item set out in this ITT and it should be noted
that the non-provision of any information requested or any failure to supply the information
sought may be considered grounds for exclusion from the competition. Failure to provide a
sufficient level of detail or to explain adequately any relevant matters may result in such data or
information not being taken into account in the assessment process.

5.3 The information requested in the ITT should be submitted in English and where copies of
original documents are provided in languages other than English, a complete and accurate English
translation should be provided or the documents will not be considered during the evaluation

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5.4 All financial information should be denominated in euro (€), except where financial
information is being provided in a certified or audited supporting document such as a set of
financial statements in which case it is sufficient for the information to remain in its original

5.5 Tenderers are expressly and strictly prohibited from discussing any aspect of their
response to the ITT with other Tenderers or otherwise exchanging information or colluding in
respect of the project. Any Tenderer who fails to comply with this requirement may be

5.6 No liability will be accepted for Tenderers' costs in connection with the procurement
procedure, irrespective of the outcome, whether or not the procedure is cancelled or postponed.

5.7 The HSE is subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003. Should you wish
any of the information supplied by you not to be disclosed because of its sensitivity, you should,
when providing the information, identify same and specify the reasons for its sensitivity. The HSE
will take this into consideration if it receives a request for disclosure, and may consult with you,
but may decide to disclose the information despite your view. It is not sufficient to include a
general statement that all your information is confidential or commercially sensitive.

5.8 Tenderers will not canvass any member, officer or employee of the HSE, in relation to this
tender competition. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in disqualification.

5.9 If for any reason it is not possible to execute the contract with the successful Tenderer
emerging from this competitive process; or if having awarded the contract, the HSE considers that
the successful Tenderer has not met, or cannot meet its obligations; the HSE reserves the right to
award the works to the next highest scoring Tenderer on the basis of the same terms. This shall
be without prejudice to the right of the HSE to cancel this competitive process and/or initiate a
new contract award procedure at its sole discretion.

5.10 At its absolute discretion, the HSE may elect to terminate this procurement process at
any time.

5.11 The HSE reserves the right, subject to procurement regulations and directives, to request
clarification of any matter set out in a response to the ITT or to request additional information
from a Tenderer after the final date for submission of ITT. HSE is entitled, but not obliged, to seek
clarification of any matter relevant to the selection of candidates.

5.12 Prior to award of contract, HSE reserves the right to audit the successful Tenderer, to
ensure compliance with all requirements as set out in Invitation to Tender documentation.

5.13 Tenderers are reminded that they may rely on the resources of other entities on condition
that they can prove to the satisfaction of the HSE that they will have these resources at their
disposal when necessary.

5.14 If the application is from a consortium / joint venture, Tenderers are required to provide
the information requested separately for each party. The consortium must appoint a single
supplier who will assume overall responsibility for delivery, and who is authorised to sign a
contract on behalf of all consortia members. The HSE will not act as an arbitrator between
members of project consortia.

5.15 Where, in order to prove its financial, economic and technical standing with a view to
being admitted to participate in the tendering process, a candidate relies on the resources of
entities or undertakings with which it is directly or indirectly linked, whatever the legal nature of
those links may be (including, for example, but not limited to, reliance on a parent company’s

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HSE Heat Pump Feasibility Study 27/09/2022
resources) it must establish that it has actually available to it the resources of those entities or
undertakings which are necessary for the performance of the contract e.g. by producing an
undertaking by those entities to that effect. If sufficient evidence is not provided, the Tenderer
will be evaluated based on its own financial, economic and technical standing.


6.1 The latest time and date for return of tenders is: As per E-Tenders

6.2 All tenders are to be submitted via the e-tenders facility


1.1 Site Layout

Heat Pump Feasibility Tender HSE Page 14 of 14

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