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A pleasant morning to everyone. My This topic aims to…….

respect to our school heads headed by

Since we talk about modifier, what is
Ma’am Marilyn T. Tabaosares, Ma’am Edith
C. Gallegos, Sir Ricky Patiña and Sir Nilo G.
Deslate. To our Department Head, Ma’am For example:
Nanette O. Pedregosa, to my fellow Now your turn. You will choose which
Language Teachers in attendance from would be the better sentence in the set of
TNHS and Brgy. High Schools. Today I would sentences I am going to present. I’m going
like say Thank you to Ma’am Twitams and to give you 5 second to read and analyze
Ma’am Nanette for having a confidence on the sentence. You can write the letter of
me in giving this task. I hope I will not your answer in the chat box. The first
disappoint them but what I am sure is, I will person who got the correct answer will
try my very best. receive a regular load worth Php20.00. we
The topic that was assigned to me is have 5 questions all in all so therefore we
about, “Using Modifiers Correctly”. But will be having 5 winners. May I request ___
before I will discuss that topic, I would like to help me identify the winners.? Thank
to share to you the “Tips on How to Build a you, ma’am.
Positive Relationship With Fellow Are you ready? Let’s start.
Teachers” according to (Meador 2019)
highlighting about collaboration with peers. Thank you everyone for your active
For us teachers, Collaboration is essential participation. To all the winners, may I ask
because every now and then we collaborate your CP no.? you can PM or you can type in
with our fellow teachers. ………. our chat box. I will personally send you your
load later.
I hope as we go through on this
discussion, we can apply this so called One of the Common modifier Mistakes is –
“Collaboration”. And I am very open for any Misplaced Modifier.
constructive criticism because I do believe Slide #29 – for example
that there is always a room for
Slide #30 – at this juncture let us revise the
sentence to make it much better. The same
Without further ado. Let’s start this mechanics applied. Write your answer in
lesson with an activity. Let’s start with the chat box. Whoever got the correct
“Picture Analysis”. answer first will receive our price. You have
- Literally, the learners will answer 10 seconds to do this activity. Let’s begin.
“the world is so hot”. The Second Common Modifier Mistakes is –
Next, let’s have sentence analysis. Please Dangling Modifier.
write your answer in the chat box. Now, its time for our workshop.
- Some learners or some of you
answered, its Marie and some
answered it’s a dog. Why do you
think so? Because the sentence
itself is confusing.
- What do you think is the correct
answer? Why? We will discuss
that right now.
Our topic for today is all about, “Placing
Modifier in their rightful Places (Using
Modifiers Correctly”

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