WHLP-Personal-Development-Week-3-Oct-19-23-2020 ABOG, MARJUN

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Grade 12 - Personal Development

Week 3, Quarter 1
October 19-23, 2020
Day & Time Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
ESP - Personal  Discuss developmental  Read with understanding Module 1: Lesson 3: Personal submission
Development tasks and challenges Developmental Stages in Middle and Late by the
during adolescence; Adolescence parent/guardian to the
 Evaluate one’s  Do/Answer the following: teacher in school
development through the  What’s In, pages 15 & 16
help of significant people  What’s New, page 17
around him/her (peers,  What’s More, pages 21
 What I Have Learned, pages 22
parents, siblings, friends,
 What I can Do, page 23
teachers, community  Assessment, page 24
leaders); and  Additional Activity, pages 24 & 25
 Identify ways that help Note/reminders:
one become capable and  Write your answers in the worksheet
responsible adolescent provided for you.
prepared for adult life.  Don’t forget to write the following: Name,
Grade and Section, Date submitted
 If you are providing additional sheet, please
use intermediate paper and staple it.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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