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On the death of Drusus, Agrippa, who had been recklessly

by its exiled leaders meet with any better fortune. Soon

Agrippa played a conspicuous part in the war against Lucius, .

able to correct some of Ptolemy's results, previously taken on

about 450. Mention is made occasionally of silver and

which his marriage involved. Although he was a worshipper of


than by relying on his Grace's future patronage; and his Grace

(C26H28O14). This glucoside is readily hydrolysed by

as ``grey amices'' (from the ordinary colour of the fur), to

sea-bathing. There are ruins of a castle and an old decayed

there was discovered in 1903 a copy of the head of the Hermes

Dubuque, Iowa, where he took a prominent part in Republican

Riviera is entirely absent from Algiers, but in summer

though somewhat out of date, is useful for bibliography.

of Shoa at Ankober, and beat the local representatives of

taking advantage of certain properties of the constituents.

upon ice, the monomethyl ether of alizarin is precipitated.

FIG. 25.

Ampsaga as far as Cyrenaica. The much more detailed list of

horse's mane and a slender neck. Although the figure of the

reputation. For a time he was director of the physics

or physicians. To such writers the poetical form was

refined, philosophic, sentimental, chivalrous, yet cunning

Simcox (1866), Drake (1872), Richardson(1889), Gwatkin and

Dulcinea del Toboso; Argamasilla de Alba (3505), 22 m. S.E.,

of Dublin, who survived him. An international committee was

19, poisoned, it was said, by order of Cn. Calpurnius Piso,

the north over an open plain. The Russian commander massed

escape of gas; it also firmly fixed the gas check to the

Amongst these are Estat Jes fideles apres la mort; Sur

+ 2H2O = R.NH2 + H2CO2; by heating the mustard oils with

AMES, a city of Story county, Iowa, U.S.A., about 35 m. N.

piece of bowel can be trusted to do all that, and more than,

normal condition of the glands, but the neighbouring

Idea of an Aether.---The wider view, according to which

Confederate outposts west of the Alleghenies lay no farther

Syrian and probably ``Hittite'' city of importance, known from

this, reversal was not permitted, the cell being put into

Vindiciae Sabbathi (1641, 8vo) had a profound and lasting

image, after par-axial rays of different colours are united

various sovereigns from Edward I. to George II. In the 13th

enemy, but to destroy their naval stores. The troops of the

From A. Birmingham; Cunningham's Text-Book of Anatomy.

Latin translation of 100 Fabulae Aesopicae by an Italian

curves of a moulding or a decoration, it was strictly kept in

has largely increased. The most distinctive industry is

the animal after their fashion and set up its head in their

and history of this civilization, or to answer any but a

end, Nyamsasi, which was an island in 1889, has become a

known in trade for some time afterwards as Australian rubies.

of alcohol from fermented liquors in the article SPIRITS.

AMMONIUS SACCAS (3rd century A.D.), Greek philosopher of

of adventure and the proselytizing zeal of the followers of

NH2.(CH2)3.CH(NH2).COOH, histidin or a-amino- b-imidazol-

title, Grundzuge der Theorie der optischen Instrumente nach

cliff. Sandstone (mainly along the north-east coast),

difficulties to that railway extension from1 Olhaman which

one time a common practice in answer to an indictment, and was

discordances as to whether the stars possessed appreciable

his beautiful wife. The development of this alliance was

opportunities. Italy coveted Tripoli, but that province

too high-pitched; his ideas are too much in the air; they do

condensed milk consumed in England is imported from abroad,

ed., 1875), and portions of it in R. W. Griswold's successive

literature, first associated with Poor Richard's Almanack

simplest of his compositions, stands out distinctly from them

their circular form and curve inward, from the ground upward,

Africa. Upon the discovery of the truth, Boniface, although

See A. Harnack, History of Dogma, vol. iv. passim.

AIKMAN, WILLIAM (1682-1731), British portrait-painter, was

celebration. The earlier usage of the Armenians is expressed

John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his diary from

Arts. He completed his university successes by winning the

are terra-cotta tiles, pottery, rugs, refrigerators and

G.C.M.G. four years later, lieutenant-general in 1830, a

(Vienne, 1882); Catalogue of the Colonial Office Library, vol.

thoroughly sated, that Christ gave them of his own body to

1901 16 22,318 238,465 51,822,557

in Latin must have rested upon the first syllable in all

north, including Milo and foimolos, Santorin (Thera) and

was established. He then came forward as the lieutenant

respect for utility itself. In another way beauty reasserts

syllable was long, or on the third syllable from the end if

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