Math-4 Parallelogram DETAILED-LP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


A. Content Standards
 Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of time, perimeter, area, and
B. Performance Standards
 The learner is able to apply the concepts of time, perimeter, area, and volume
to mathematical problems and real-life situations.

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies

 Find the area of parallelograms using sq. cm. and sq. m.

 Measurement


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages: pp. 268-272, MELC, PIVOT 4A BOW
b. Learner’s Materials Pages: K12 Math 4 pp. 200-202
c. Textbook Pages:
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resource

IV. Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s

INTRODUCTION Good morning class!! How are you today? Good morning,
Sir. We are
I’m glad to hear you that. fine. Thank
Please remember always to wear your facemask and observe social
distancing to protect ourselves against the COVID-19. Do not forget
to use alcohol after we touch something.
Is it clear class?
Very well! (Indicator 4) Yes Teacher!

Are you excited for our new lesson this morning? Yes Teacher!

Before we start, there are flags on your desk. Can you raise your
Ok, put it down.
If you want to ask some question, you may raise the blue flag.
If you want to answer a question, you may raise the white flag.
I have also a flag here for myself. The green flag will tell you to go
or to start in your individual and group activity.
The red flag will tell you to stop if the time is up in our activity. And
these tells you also to behave or keep quite if we are too noisy.
(Indicator 3) Yes Teacher!
Is it clear, class?

Class, I encourage you to attain the class attentively. Every time

you answer the questions correctly, your group will receive a point.
At the end of the class, the group that receives many points will
have a surprise reward later.
Are you excited? Yes we are!

Now, before we start let us not forget to pray. Stand up everybody

and bow down your heads.
(See video)

What I Need to Know

Say: In this lesson, you will be able to enjoy finding the area of a

Are you ready? Yes Teacher!

Let’s sing a math song to a tune of “Top of the World”. (See video)

Drill Expected
Okay class let’s play a game. answer:
The name of the games is “Pass a-parallelogram”. The a. 54
mechanics is simple, when you hear the music, you’re going to pass b. 14
the parallelogram box at the back. When the music stops, the pupil c. 32
who holds it will pick a meta-card inside the box and answer the d. 45
written question. e. 30

Did you get it? Are you ready? Yes Teacher!

Annotation: Examples:
Mental a. 6 x 9= b. 7 x 2= c. 8 x 4= d. 5 x 9= e. 3 x 10=
computation for
fast leaners.

Review Parallelogram
Class, did you notice the shape of the box we used?
What is the shape of the box?
Very good! It’s a parallelogram. A
What is the parallelogram? What are the characteristics of a parallelogram
parallelogram? is a special
type of
that has both
the pair of
opposite sides
parallel and
Very good! Another?
of the opposite
angles of a
is equal.

Like all other

the sum of all
Very good!! angles is 360º.

Class what is the formula to find the area of a rectangle?

The formula to
find the area of
a rectangle is
A= LxW
Can you solve the area of these rectangles? (See picture in the PPT) Expected
Raise the white flag if you want to answer. answer:
Examples: a. L= 12m, W= 3m b. L= 9cm, W= 8cm a. 36m2
c. L= 10m, W= 11m b. 72cm2
c. 110m2

Dino is a Grade 4 pupil in Isaias S. Tapales Elementary School. His
teacher in EPP-ICT 4 gave an assignment to search in the internet
the map of their school. He captures the map using the snipping tool
and edited it by using the MS Paint. Dino notice that most of each
side of the building’s roof are shape like parallelogram. (Indicator 1)
He remembered that parallelogram was discussed in their
mathematics class. He wonders, what is the area of each side of the
roof of the building? (See picture in the PPT)
Yes Teacher!
Can we help Dino to find the area of each parallelogram?

Class, do you know how to use the snipping tool in the computer?
Do you know how to edit and crop pictures in MS Paint? JPEG – Joint
What are the file formats in saving a picture? Photographic
(Indicator 1)
Expert Group


Very Well! Graphics
For the fast What’s New
learners, I let Activity 1
them answer the Let’s help Dino to solve the area of a parallelogram.
problem in their These are the sides of the roofs of each building.
own way of Each square is equivalent to 1m2.
I let them answer
also using the
steps in solving
word problem
with and without

Count the
Did you still remember to find the area of the square? squares inside
the rectangle.

Count the
Another way to find the area of the rectangle.
number of
squares in the
length and
width then
Very good!
To get the area of a parallelogram, count the number of squares
inside the plane. Or just count number of squares in the length and
width then multiply it.

The length of a parallelogram is what we called as base, and the

width is height.
Yes Teacher!
Are you ready?
I will call a representative in each group to answer on the board. answer:
Each time you get a correct answer, your group will receive a point. 1. 36m2
2. 30 m2
Group 1, Martin, can please answer number 1? 3. 35m2
Group 2, Ella. 4. 75m2
Group 3, Martha. 5. 54m2
Group 4, Mary Ann
Group 5, Mayet.

Let’s answer it one a time to maintain social distancing.

How did you get the area of a parallelogram? We count the

number of
squares inside
the plane

We count the
number of
squares of the
base and
height then
Very good! multiply it.

What operation did we use to find the area of a parallelogram? Multiplication.

What do we call the length of a parallelogram? Base.
How about the width of a parallelogram? Height.

Thus, finding the area of a parallelogram is the same in finding the Yes. (Answer
area of a rectangle? Why? vary)

Okay, Let’s find out more!

What’s In
Activity 2
Class let’s have a group activity.
(Group pupils into 5 groups according to set plan)

You can work in your set only to avoid physical contact.

I have here a brown envelope containing of materials and
instructions to work with.
ENGAGEMENT Let us do our work efficiently by helping each other.
Your group will be graded in rubrics posted on the board.

Remember, at the end of the period the group with the highest
score will received a prize.
If you have question just raise your white flag.
I will give you three (3) minutes to do your work.
And post your outputs in the board for presentation. Yes Teacher!
Are you ready?

 By counting the number of squares (Group 1 and 3)
- Cut the height of a parallelogram and paste it to the other side to
form into a rectangle.
- Count the squares inside the plane. Paste your work in a manila
paper and write your answer neat and clear.
- Write your answer in square units

 By estimating the average of the inner and outer measures

(Group 2 and 4)
Annotation: - Connect the dots to form into a parallelogram.
Highlighted - Count the number squares in base and number of squares in the
activity for fast height.
learners. - Estimates the area of parallelogram.
- Write your answer in square units and post it on the board using
the manila paper. Yes Teacher!
 By using the formula of a rectangle (Group 5)
- Color the “Philippine Ethnic Design” inside the parallelogram
- Solve the given using the formula of a rectangle
- A= L x W.
- Write your answer in square units and post it on the board
using the manila paper.
- Use the steps in solving word problem
Yes Teacher!
Okay class let us check your answer. Let’s post it one group at a
time to maintain the social distancing. Please explain you answer. Maranao,
Class, did you notice the arts inside the parallelogram of group 5? Tagbanua,
What are those ethnic designs found inside the parallelogram? Agta
What are ethnic group representing in each design?

Very good!
You studied well in your MAPEH Art class.

Now, let’s go back to your outputs.

How did you find the answer?

How were you able to find the area of the figure assigned to your
In how many ways were you able to find the area?

Now let’s derive the formula of a parallelogram. A rectangle

If we are going to cut the height of a parallelogram it will form into a

right triangle. Then were going to move the right triangle and align it
to the other side of the parallelogram.
What plane figure does it formed?

The area of the

rectangle is A=
Length x Width.
Again, what is the area of a rectangle?

Now let us go back to my question earlier.

“Thus, finding the area of a parallelogram is the same in finding the
area of a rectangle?”

The area parallelogram is the same with the area of a rectangle.

The length is equal to base and the width is equal to height.
Therefore, the formula of a parallelogram is A = Base x Height or
The same with the are of a rectangle, A=l(w). A = base x
The product will always be written into square units (e.g.: cm 2, m2, height
…) A=b(h)

What is the formula to find the area of a parallelogram? Expected

1. 72 cm2
What’s More 2. 432 cm2
Class, Let’s get your drill board and complete this table. 3. 84 cm2
Parallelogram Base (b) Height (h) Area (A) 4. 36 m2
Annotation: 1 8 cm 9 cm 5. 102 m2
Highlighted 2 18 cm 12 cm
activity for fast 3 12 cm 7 cm
learners. 4 12 m 3m
5 34 m 3m
Answer it using the formula of a parallelogram.

Parallelogram Base (b) Height (h) Area (A) Height.
1 8 cm 72cm2 Multiplication.
2 18 cm 12 cm A=base x
3 12 cm 96cm2 height
4 125 m 14 m A=b(h)
5 34 m 408m2

ASSIMILATION What I Have Learned

Okay class let’s summed it up!
What do we call the length of a parallelogram?
What how about the width of a parallelogram?
What is the operation to find the area of a parallelogram?
What is the formula to find the area of a parallelogram? Expected
a. b= 6m, c=3m
 The area of a parallelogram ca be completed using the
b. multiplication
formula Are of a parallelogram = base x height
c. A=b(h)
 If A is the area of a parallelogram, b is its base, and h is its
d. 18m2
height, then A = b x h and is expressed in terms of square

What I Can Do
Do we have a Gulayan ng Paaralan in our school?

Class let us solve this problem.

The “Gulayan ng Paaralan” of Isaias S. Tapales Elementary School

has a shape of a parallelogram. Mr. Ramonsito Rivera, the school
EPP coordinator wants to find out the area of the gulayan. It has a
base of 6 meters and a height of 3 meters. What is the area of the
“Gulayan ng Paaralan”?

a. What are the given?

b. What operation to be used?
c. What is the formula to find the area?
d. What is the area?

What I Can Achieved

1. What is the formula in finding the area of a parallelogram?
a. A=lxw b. A=b(h) c. A=lxh d. A=b(w)
2. Find the area of a parallelogram.
a. 462m2 b. 460m2 c. 426m2 d. 462cm2

3. How many squares are there inside the

a. 40 sq. unit b. 46 sq. unit
c. 43 sq. unit d. 45 sq. unit

Annotation: 4. The area of a parallelogram is 112 cm2, and the height is 8 cm.
Highlighted What is the base of a parallelogram?
activity for fast a. 16 cm b. 12 cm c. 14 cm d. 15 cm
5. The area of a parallelogram is 36 m2, and the base is 4 m. What
is the height of a parallelogram?
a. 6 m b. 9 cm c. 9 m d. 6 cm

Home Activity:
Solve the problem.
The residential lot in the shape of a parallelogram has a base of 16
m and a height of 12 m

Make your own problem solving in finding the area of a

parallelogram with a Length of 45m and a width of 120m.
Answer the problem using the steps of solving word problem.
REFLECTION Copy this in your notebook:
Write your personal insights and reflection based on what you have
learned from the lesson using the following prompts.
I learned that __________________ (concept you have known
from the lesson)
I realized that __________________ (the challenges you have
encountered in the lesson)
I intend to ____________________ (what will you do with the
concept learned and how will you overcome the challenges you
have encountered?

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