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Faith and Religiosity- Filipinos hold Kanya-kanya Syndrome - Filipinos

a strong belief in God. Because of our tend to be self-centered and
innate religiosity, we are able to competitive, which makes them
understand and accept reality in the jealous of and competitive with
perspective of God's will and plan. others, especially with their friends
The faith of the Filipinos is who appear to have attained some
associated with “bahala na”, which, position or prestige. The lack of a
rather than being seen as a source of sense of duty among those working
psychic energy or a significant in the government bureaucracy is
psychological support system on another example of these traits in
which we can rely during difficult action.
times, may be positively viewed as a
source of mental energy.
Lack of Initiative- Filipinos lack
Pakikipagkapwa-tao - Filipinos are initiative and are typically passive.
compassionate and open to other Waiting for instructions on what
people. We treat people as people needs to be done. People heavily rely
and treat them with respect and on authority figures and the
dignity. A fundamental sense of government to take care of their
justice and fairness as well as needs. This is connected to how you
concern for others are aspects of feel about in charge. Filipinos
pakikipagkapwa-tao. frequently lack urgency and have a
Pakikipagkapwa-tao produces tendency toward laziness.
camaraderie and a sense of intimacy
amongst people. It serves as the
Extreme Family-Centeredness -
basis for both a feeling of social
One of the Filipino's greatest assets
justice and for unity.
Joy and Humor - The love of social can also be their biggest weakness
gatherings and festivities, the ability because of their enormous concern
to laugh even in the most challenging for their family. To the cost of
situations, and the popularity of consideration for the greater
political satire are all examples of the community or for the common good,
Filipinos' sense of humor and joy. We excessive care for the family fosters
have a kind nature, a sense of humor, the creation of an internal group to
and a tendency toward cheerfulness, which the Filipino is strongly
which add not only to the charm of committed.
the Filipino people but also to their

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