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Started on Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 3:01 PM

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Completed on Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 4:31 PM
Time taken 1 hour 30 mins
Grade 20.00 out of 30.00 (67%)

Question 1


Mark 9.00 out of 15.00


1.     A group of researchers (2009) compared the website design features of a South Korean food manufacturer & importer company
Dongsuh Corporation ( and U.S. company Procter & Gamble ( The Dongsuh site included animation,
streaming video, clickable images, rollover navigation bars, and pop-under windows, embedded video of a man and woman enjoying a
cup of coffee etc. The P&G site had much less animation and it was quite subdued. P&G relied on static navigation bars, did not utilize
pop-up windows, streaming audio, or streaming video.

 2.     A company seeking to source products from a Chinese company had to send two executives, rather than one, to negotiate the deal.
The reason for this was that the manager who had operational and delegated decision- making responsibility was seen as too junior to
negotiate with senior Chinese managers. As a result, the UK manager was accompanied by a senior manager, who was seen as having
equivalent status and power to his Chinese counterpart, thus doubling the amount of time ‘wasted’ and the costs of the trip, in addition to
the senior manager’s salary.

3.     A century ago in the US, there was a greater consensus on cultural norms, religion and what it meant to be a “true American.” Ethnic
identity of immigrants largely disappeared in one or two generations after arriving in the country. Today, there is no such consensus on
cultural norms, religion, and behavior that define a U.S. culture. Recent immigrants experience less pressure to become Americanized like
the earlier immigrants.  Immigrants of different origins recognize their own roots, cultural identity and values and they exist together to
create the whole ethnically diversified country. What two evolving concepts does this situation in US reflect?

4.     A Western businessman in Riyadh who did not appreciate that to an Arab, business is always personal and therefore time is well
spent on building up personal relationships before any deal is discussed in detail, let alone agreed. He arrived with his return flight
already booked and was not prepared to be flexible when discussions took longer than he expected. He did not win the contract in
competition with those who were prepared to take more time building trust as a priority before detailed negotiations began.

5.     Tomalin and Nick’s Framework of Communication Styles for cultural understanding.

1. They have design based on their cultures. Every culture is different. Korean is different from the Proctor and Gamble culture. Any
advertisement, websites and movies made in accordance to the culture of people living there then that becomes a hit.

2. This is based on Achievement vs Ascription Cultures. In Achievement Cultures, people are given rewards or are promoted based on
their performance whereas in Ascription cultures, people are promoted based on who they are. Their experience and status matters. As
the China is an Ascription culture and UK is achievement culture, so to make deal with Chinese managers, UK manager was accompanied
by a senior manager otherwise Chinese would have not liked dealing with a junior manager.
3. Earlier the US was a melting pot, wen the ethnic communities came to US , they also turned into the US Culture and their individual
identities were lost. But today, it has become a salad bowl, all the cultures are living with their separate identities in the country. We can
see melting pot like a tea when we make a tea chemical reaction happen and all the ingredients cannot be seen separate , they are
formed as a separate entity. Whereas in salad bowl, all the ingredients can be seen separately.

4. The Arabs are polychronic that is the in-time cultures whereas the western cultures in Riyadh are the monochronic cultures. In
Polychronic cultures, they use the time to build personal relationships before any deal. They first try to know the person and then they
make a deal. For them the deadlines can be stretched and time is flexible. Whereas in monochronic cultures, time has a great importance
and they are rigid about their deadlines. Hence, the deal couldn't be done between them . The businessman from Riyadh should research
about the Arab culture and understand that they are polychronic so they will take time to build a relationship. Also, the Arabs should
understand that the businessman is monochronic and hence they should not have taken the discussion so much longer. They should have
valued his time.

5.  He used a communication style matrix. His idea was to describe the communication features in three areas- verbal, non-verbal and
written language.

The Communication Style Matrix is as follows-

1. Direct vs Indirect

Direct Communicators and clear in what they say. And they are less sensitive if they cause any offence. Whereas Indirect Communicators
are not clear and they avoid causing any offence to anyone. Examples Direct- Germans , Indirect - Asian People

2. Details vs Suggestions
In Details culture, everything is said in a great details to avoid any kind of misunderstandings whereas in Suggestions, they don't say in
details and they leave for others to interpret.

Eg- Details- Chinese,  Suggestions- North Americans

3. What/Why vs Why/What

What/Why Communicators say exactly the point first and then they give the context whereas the Why/What people give the context first
and then come to the point.

Eg- What/Why- Europeons, Why/What - Indians

4. Formal vs Informal Communicators

Formals communications call you formally by sir/ma'am/Mr/Mrs until they know you. Eg- Formal- Europeon, Informal- USA

5. Emotional vs Neutral Communicators

Emotional people express themselves by showing their emotions through voice modulation, expressions and neutral people control their
emotions. Eg- Emotional- USA, Neural- UK

6. Fast vs Slow

Fast communicators speak fast and allow interruptions where Slow people speak slow and avoid interruptions.

Eg- Fast- USA , Slow- Japanese


Question 2


Mark 11.00 out of 15.00


Q. 2 Below are the values for Hofstede’’s Cultural Dimensions with respect to India and three other countries: US, Germany
and Japan.

Select any ONE foreign country and discuss the migration experiences of an Indian IT Professional there.
What misinterpretations can possibly occur?  

  Dimension India USA Germany JAPAN

1 PDI 77 40 35 54

2 IDV 48 91 67 46

3 MAS 56 62 66 95

4 UAI 40 46 65 92

5 LTO/STO 51 26 83 88

6 IVR 26 68 40 42

Taking USA

1. As the PDI of India is high and US in Low, PDI refers to power distance index, high PDI means power is centralized and people don't
question authorities whereas in USA, everyone is equal. So, in his office he may call his seniors sir/ma'am which is not there in US cultures
they call everyone by their first name. And he might wait for his mentor to give him the task but in USA everyone are equal and there is a
flat hierarchy. He might also not speak in meetings at first but in USA everyone takes part in the decision making.

2. IDV refers to Individualism. USA has high IDV means that everyone focusses on themselves and their families. Whereas in India, people
are collective. In office he will come across people who will focus on themselves only so that they can win rewards whereas in India , it is
almost in between so people also think about the groups and love intrinsic rewards.

3. MAS refers to masculinity and feminity. Here both the values are almost same. Both cultures have importance towards quality of life.

4. UAI- Here also both the values are almost same. Both are in between so both think about their present.

5. LTO/STO- USA focus on short term goals and for them the free item for leisure is important. And India has value in between. He can see
people in his offices focussing on short term career goals, and taking their leisure time also. In USA , people say 'work hard and party
harder'. But in India, people don't take too much of the leisure time.

6. IVR- In India, the IVR value is low, means they control their desires. And also there are strict norms on the behavior in Indian Society.
Whereas in USA, people give importance to their desires and aspirations. Also in USA, their is a freedom of speech, people can say
whatever they have in their minds, and people have a great importance towards their happiness rather than the norms of society. So there
he might make judgements initially on the people as people are so open there and they do anything their heart says. If people love certain
dress they wear it but in India people have to think first. He might see people in his office saying whatever they want and wearing
whatever they want. Also in India, even if a person is unhappy in their marriage they don't take divorce because marriage is so sacred in
India but in USA, if someone is unhappy then they get out of that. For them their happiness matters the most. Also in India, many children
are forced to choose careers in medical and engineering, many careers like DJ, Bartender are not considered good in families here but in
USA, children are allowed to choose their careers on their choices.

The misinterpretations that can occur are-

1. He might not party so people at his office might think he is different and rude .
2. He might wait for his mentor to give him work and not participate well in meetings.

3. He might call his seniors ma'am/ sir and people think he doesn't want to get informal with them.


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