Exam Oral Advanced 5

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Leonardo davinci was a florentine polymath of the Italian Renaissance.

who was born in Italy on April 15, 1452

Da Vinci was the inventor of anatomical cuts and the representation of the
human figure in different planes. This scientist Who is interested in
exploring the human body and how it works; which objective was to
perfect the representation of the human figure.
He also studied bone and muscle structures and He tried to understand
their functional mechanisms. He entered different branches of medicine:
as Neurology studied the eyes and the brain and also introduced in
Embryology and drew the first representations of a human fetus.
As an engineer and inventor, Leonardo developed ideas far ahead of his
time, such as the helicopter, the battle tank, the submarine, and the
Very few of his projects were ever built because most of his projects were
very advanced.

His most famous historical association is painting. Two of his best known
works, The Mona Lisa and la ultima cena.
La ultima Cena It is an original wall painting by Leonardo da Vinci this
picture was made, approximately between 1495 and 1498.
The MonalisaThis painting is famous and painted in oil. this picture was
made, approximately between 1503 and 1519.

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