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This That These Those (Demonstrative Pronouns)

Name: Result: __/19 Date: __/__/20__

those who have not talents to

1. Leave the bustle and tumult of society to ________
occupy themselves without them.

2. But ________'s what they do.

these was to obtain the food she had come to seek.

3. And the first of ________

4. But ________ is not the place for special study.

5. Many cities had he seen, and known the minds of ________ who dwelt in

6. But ________ is no place for him.

7. The first of ________ is too well known to need much description.

8. The first of ________ was the day I won my appointment at Trenton,

Missouri, in a competitive examination with seventeen competitors.

9. I have not seen it from ________ day to ________.

10. If I should not be so fortunate, the money is better in your hands than in
the hands of ________ who will murder me.

11. And the first of ________ was not long in arriving.

12. I have never seen them from ________ day to ________.

13. ________'s the way they say it.

14. But ________ time it was quite different.

15. The first of ________, would be to adopt the Spanish proportion between
gold and silver; the second, the French; the third, a mere popular barter,
wherein convenience is consulted more than accuracy.

16. Now, one or two of ________ who were in the boat escaped, against all
likelihood, to tell the story.

17. But ________ time it was our turn.

18. All on board the vessel had been launched into the sea at the same
moment, and ________ who were not now on shore were past all succour.

19. ________ who knew him best loved him most.

20. On every occasion its confirmation followed, not without amazement on

the part of ________ who gave it.

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