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NUMBER 2011-13 JULY 12, 2011

IN THIS ISSUE ~ NEWS & NOTES ~ SPIRITUAL GROWTH RETREAT ~ TPL and so much more..... Dear friends, This week I am attending the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Nashville. Ive been to quite a few General Assemblies over the years. The first one I attended was in 1993, in St. Louis. The Mississippi River was flooding that year; the convention center and hotels were on high ground, but I remember seeing city streets disappear into murky river water, still-lit streetlights emerging out of the flood, each one lower than the one before it. I remember one time, when I was in seminary, serving as an Assembly usher. It was my job to hand out notices, and count people if a standing vote was called for during business sessions. I remember hearing a great many outstanding sermons (and a few mediocre ones). I remember sitting in overly air-conditioned convention centers. I remember being strangely moved in Portland, in 2005, upon the election of Sharon Watkins as our General Minister. I remember many things from past assemblies, but perhaps the best memories come from the Christian fellowship that is experienced in worship, and which continues as we dine together in various restaurants and hotel ballrooms. It was in Indianapolis, in 2009, that I enjoyed a wonderful midnight milkshake at Steak N Shake a Midwest restaurant chain with the members of Imperfect, the youth band that had earlier led the entire assembly in song. It was over those milkshakes that we made plans for Imperfects visit to Bixby Knolls Christian Church a month later. As amazing as attending a General Assembly is (and I am truly thankful for the opportunity to do so), that same Christian fellowship experience is available

A prayer for Bixby Knolls Christian Church

Use me to bring wholeness to my neighbor. Use my church to bring wholeness to our community. Show us how your kingdom of shalom can be made real on earth through us. right here at Bixby Knolls Christian Church. Every Sunday, we gather to worship God, to pray for one another, and to hear sermons that, I hope, rise above being mediocre at least once in a while. And every Wednesday at 6:00, we have the opportunity to enjoy dinner together, and strengthen the bonds of Christian fellowship. Perhaps one Wednesday, well even make milkshakes. But I, for one, will finish mine long before midnight. Blessings,

Pastor Danny

Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (a Disciples of Christ Church) (562) 426-0428


Oct. 2011


ECC. 3:1-8

Regional Disciples Womens Spiritual Growth Retreat Loch Leven Camp & Conference Center

Friday-Sunday, October 7-9, 2011

Come join us as we explore For Everything There is a Season. The program and music for the weekend will be Spirit filled, joyfully uplifting, and will appeal to our diverse group of women, all in the sublime mountain setting of Loch Leven.

Facilitator: Susan Gonzales-Dewey

Register early to reserve your spot at the retreat!

Early Registration (deadline Sept. 6th): $135 Late Registration (deadline Sept. 20th): $145 Scholarship deadline: Sept. 6th

For more information:

Watch the mail for your registration forms, or request one from your Church Secretary or Pastor, or go online to: For more information, contact Jill Foster at or Maureen Estolas at See you in October!

Needed. Help Needed

We need someone with a truck to remove the big box on the stage that has the old 9 Christmas tree and the wooden stand box and dispose of it. It is a 2 man job. There are many small clean up jobs around the church. If you see something that needs taken care, and if you can do it that would be great or just let the office know.
Vacation Bible School begins next week! We can never have enough help. Plan to be part of the excitement and come to the VBS meeting on Wednesday, morning, July 13, 10:00 a.m., room 115. Decorating of the sanctuary will take place on Sunday, July 24, after the final worship service, about 4:00 p.m. VBS closing ceremony is Friday, July 22, 11:30 a.m. followed by a light lunch. ALL ARE WELCOME! Come and see what your kids have done and learned this past week. It is a blessing you wont want to miss!!

The memorial service for Margaret Howe is this Saturday, July 16, 3 the sanctuary followed by a reception in Fellowship Hall Pray that Chuck Fowlers surgery goes well. Pray that Pastor Danny and family have a blessed, educational, safe and fun week at the General Assembly in Nashville. Praise that Leslie Brown, daughter of Ken and Margo is doing well after being hit by a car as she was crossing the street. Praise for Betsy Hilling that after six years, her surgery has been successful!
To have your news, joys, or concerns included in next months newsletter, send a note to Pastor Danny at, or call the church office.


Thank you so very much for your very generous contributions to the Kim Foot and Ankle shoe drive. Your generosity has made our box overflowing! It will be emptied soon. The shoe drive ends on July 31.

Have you handed out any Treasure Box menus for the month of July? Set a goal for yourself and give a couple to people you dont even know. A smile and hello is a great opening to help another. Our next deadline is Wednesday, July 20, 9:00 a.m. We will continue our youth litter pick-up to help clean-up the front of our church and sidewalk. We all love our home and BKCC is our home away from home. Meet in front of the church at 11:00 a.m. this Saturday, July 16 to help.

Our sanctification does not depend as much on changing our activities as it does on doing them for God rather than for ourselves. -Brother Lawrence

a bible quiz 1. Who did Jesus send to catch a fish that had a coin in its mouth? Matthew 17:24-27 2. Who met his wife at a well in Midian? Exodus 2:15-21 3. What plant sprang up miraculously to give shade to the prophet Jonah? Jonah 4:6 4. What kind of tree did the weary Elijah sit under? 1 Kings 19:4 5. What plant was used to lift up a sponge to the dying Jesus? John 19:29 6. According to Matthewss Gospel, an earthquake occurred when Jesus died on the cross. What other spectacular event occurred at that time in the temple? Matthew 27:51 7. How long did the wind that parted the Red Sea blow? Exodus 14:21 8. According to Gods covenant with Abraham, how far did Abrahams land extend? Genesis 15:18 9. In Revelation, where does the pure river of the water of life flow out from? Revelation 22:1 10. What famous city had Nebuchadnezzar as a ruler? 2 Kings 25 and how many did you get right?

Next newsletter deadline is Sunday, July 27, 5:00 p.m.

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