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Dear Respondent, I am a student of Balaji Institute of International Business.

As a part of my curriculum I am conducting a survey for ITC BINGO and would be grateful to you if you could spare sometime and answer this questionnaire.

Your Name Your Current Occupation PART - 1 1. Are you a regular consumer of packaged snacks of brands like Frito L ays, Haldirams, Parle, Bingo etc?
y Yes y No

2. Please indicate your sex.

y Male y Female

3. Please select the category that includes your age.

y < 15 y 15 24 y 25 34 y 35 44 y 45 54 y 55 64 y 65<

4. Of the following, which is your most preferred brand of packaged snacks?

y Frito-lays y Bingo y Haldirams y Parle

5. What is it that makes you prefer a particular brand?

y Brand Name y Variety Offered y Price y Availability y Packaging y Taste y Any Other, Please Specify.

6. Among similar priced products like Lays and Bingo, on the count of which one of the following factors would you mind having to switch from your preferred brand to another?
y Variety Offered y Offers and Discounts y Availability y Packaging y Taste y Any Other , Please Specify

7. Where would Bingo figure in your list of preferred snacks?

y Most Preferred y Second Preferred y Least Preferred y Not Preferred at all.

8. When are you most likely to consume packaged snacks?

y Morning y Afternoon y Evening y Night y All through the day. y Not at all.

9. What medium is most likely to influence your decision in selecting a snack?

y Advertisement in print and electronic media y Endorsement by your favourite celebrity y Peer reviews and Preferences y Visibility and Availability in the market y Any other, Please specify.

10. What is the one thing that differentiates Bingo from the rest, if at all anything does? (You can select more than one).
y Taste y Varieties y Availability y Quality y Quantity y Pricing y Promotions

11. What is your weekly expenditure on branded snacks?

y >Rs 200 y Rs 100- Rs 200 y Rs 50- Rs 100 y < Rs 50

12. What is the one change in the product that would make you a Bingo loyalist? Any suggestions you got for the brand and the company?


Multi dimensional scaling questionnaire:

1. Please rank following pairs of Brands from most similar to most dissimilar pairs. The most similar pair should get rank 1; the second most similar pair should get rank 2 and so till 5 .

Pair of Brands


Frito Lays - Bingo Frito Lays - Haldirams Frito Lays Parle

Bingo - Haldirams Bingo - Parle

Haldirams - Parle

2. Please rate brands given below on given attributes on a on the 5 point Semantic differential scale where 5 means excellent, 4 means good, 3 means not good nor bad , 2 means bad and 1 means disgusting.(same rating can be given to multiple brands like availability at two stores a re excellent both can be given 5 )

Attributes Price Availability Quality Promotion Packaging Variety Taste






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