Ingles Tarea

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In this vacation I like to get up as early as I do normally because it’s a

habit that I like to keep even if I don’t have to attend to any place.
I start my day listening to the news on an old radio that I have in my room.
Usually, when I get to my living room, breakfast its already made. I like to drink
a cup of coffee early in the morning so I can feel that I have energy through all
the day.
After breakfast, I walk my dog, because walking around the park early in the
morning is the best moment to breath clean air. The lack of traffic pollution due
to the absence of cars all the night and the humidity still being present on the
leaves of most plants in the park make the ambient very fresh and enjoyable.
My favorite hobby is to read, I like to read about many topics, novels are not for
me, I think they don’t teach me nothing new when I re read them, that’s why I
enjoy more reading philosophy or psychology.
Most of my mornings are spend on the gym, I enjoy working out until I am tired,
my doctor has told me: “You have to keep drinking water to maintain your body
hydrated so you should always carry on a bottle of mineral water.” I go to buy to
the market near my home because I make the lunch, my diet its balanced and
healthy. One of my hobbies is to learn about nutrition I am very careful with the
things that I eat, I try not to exceed certain number of calories per day.
Later in the day, I like to spend my time searching on the internet for new books
to read if there is one that I find interesting, most of the time, I will shop it
online. Downloading music is also an important activity for me, I believe that a
specific kind of music will boost your performance in your daily activities so
while running I like to listen to electronic music, for studying my lessons I listen
to classic music and so on.
On weekends is when I visit my grandmother, I like to ride the bike to her
house; taking the bus or a taxi its not necessary when you don’t need to be as
punctual as I need to be when I am not on vacation.

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