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3. During the doctor's absence a telephone call comes in asking him to go to the home of a patient.

Write out the questions you would ask and the information you would give. How would you let the
doctor know about the call?

If the doctor is on leave or busy but a patient will call asking if it is okay to have the doctor come
over their house, I will inform them the reason why the doctor is out and I will also be asking series of
questions (verbatim) such as:

Basic questions:
- Did you make an appointment beforehand?
- Do you have previous sessions with the doctor?
- Is the condition needed to be treated as soon as possible?
- What is the current state of the patient?

Basic medical related questions:

- Do you have difficulty in breathing?
- Do you have any significant traumas?
- Have you been admitted to a hospital?
- Have you conducted a checkup? If yes, what were your findings?

- What is your full name?
- What is your exact address?
- What is your age?

After addressing the questions, I will inform the patient that I will contact them after I tap and
relay the information that I have gathered to the doctor. I will simply call the doctor if he’s out of the
building or approach him personally, if possible, especially if the situation is needed to be rushed, and an
option to make a memorandum or letter with the attached information of the patient could be done as

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