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Module 2: Ethics for IT

Workers and IT

Jason G. Lemente
ITP130 – Social & Professional Issues

October 3, 2022

In order to form a positive work environment atmosphere, all experts must follow to a set of all-
inclusive standards or principles called ethics. The larger part of individuals erroneously accept that
ethics and profound quality have the same meaning, yet they don’t. Whereas ethics emphasizes a social
structure in which such principles are actualized, ethics are coordinated at the individual's character. In
other words, ethics allude to the standards or rules of conduct that the organization to which a person
has a place anticipates. Subsequently, even if a person's ethical standards are regularly unchangeable,
others may be able to rely on the morals they maintain. This paper was composed utilizing data
assembled from a assortment of sources, including websites. Hence, this exposition will allow a common
survey of the noteworthiness and decide the impacts of ethics for IT workers and IT users.

 To assess the relationship between IT Professional and Professional Code of Ethics.

 To determine the significance of Professional Organizations (ACM, AITP. IEEE – CS) and
Certification (TESDA, Phil Nits).
 To determine the importance of Vendor Certifications, Industry Association, Licensing
 To assess and determine the impact of IT Users in terms in Common Ethical Issues.
The Importance of a Code of Ethics for IT Professionals

A code of ethics for information technology workers urges employees to use the tools
and data that their employers have given them control over in an ethical and responsible

 Standards

The expectations for an IT professional are outlined in a code of ethics document. In

order to be as explicit as possible, it uses language such as "always" or "never" to underline
what is seen as proper and bad.

 Access

IT workers are reminded by a code of ethics that they are not to obstruct or tamper with
pre-authorized access to the data or hardware that they are in control of.

 Prevention

A code of ethics aids in preventing IT specialists from using corporate data and
equipment maliciously or negatively.

 Skills

In order to be more productive on the job for her company, an IT professional has to be
motivated to keep current in her chosen skill set. As technology advances, a committed IT
worker could be inspired to pick up new skills.

 Types

Code of ethics agreements can be customized with language that solely applies to
particular IT professionals, such as programmers, network administrators, or cyber forensics
Professional Organizations (ACM, AITP. IEEE – CS) and Certification (TESDA, Phil Nits)

The biggest scientific and educational computing association in the world, ACM, provides
materials that enhance computing as a science and a profession. The top Digital Library in the computing
sector is offered by ACM, which also offers cutting-edge publications, conferences, and career tools to
its members and the computing profession. The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of ACM has
just been amended. The 1992 version's considerable technological advancements in computers are
addressed in the updated Code of Ethics, as is computing's increasing influence in all facets of society.
ACM produced a booklet that includes the Code, case studies that demonstrate how the Code can be
applied to situations that arise in everyday practice, and recommendations for how the Code can be
used in educational settings, businesses, and organizations in order to spread awareness of the Code
throughout the computing community.

Through the Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System, TESDA works to
assess and certify the abilities of middle-level skilled employees (PTCACS). Based on the established
competency criteria, the assessment process aims to ascertain if the graduate or worker can perform to
the levels required in the workplace. Those who achieve the competency criteria receive certification.
This guarantees the middle-level workers' productivity, quality, and ability to compete globally. The
National Pool of Certified Workers for Specific Occupations is included in the TESDA's Registry of
Certified Workers. The competency assessment procedure is carried out by competency assessors
employed by TESDA at certified assessment centers for candidates seeking certification. And Exams for
ITPEC certification (known locally as Phil NITS certification exams). Phil NITS now offers three different
levels of examination. The tests include management, strategy, and technology-related topics. IT
specialists that successfully complete these certification exams are qualified for life. An IT professional
can immediately enroll in the certification level they choose. There is no restriction on how many times
you may attempt the tests until you pass them.
Vendor Certifications, Industry Association and Licensing

A vendor certification program (VCP) enables your business—whether it is engaged in

agricultural production, processing, foodservice, or retail—to systematically monitor the performance of
your vendors and confirm that they are adhering to your quality and food safety standards. This allows
you to determine which vendors are most advantageous from both a food safety and a financial
standpoint. The VCP is a significant assurance link in your whole supply chain, from the field to the client
or point of purchase. It is more than just a food safety or quality audit. In order to confidently confirm
that the products you receive from vendors have been made or handled in accordance with your
operation's specifications and that the quality of your product is being carried all the way through to
your customers, it is essential that you have a thorough understanding of the product you produce or
handle and how it is made, handled, and distributed. Vendor certification makes sense from a
commercial and food safety/quality perspective.

Over the past 30 years, licensing has increasingly been used as a strategy for brand expansion
and marketing. All parties to the agreement, including the property owners and their agents, licensees
and their affiliates, retailers, and, ultimately, consumers, gain from a strong licensing relationship when
it is properly executed. Each of these parties has individual goals and objectives that ultimately add
value to the finished good or service. Each person involved in the licensing process has obligations to
meet in order to optimize the results. Even these obligations differ to some extent from agreement to
deal between the licensing parties due to the nature of each agreement. There is no denying that
licensing in numerous international markets has significant benefits for businesses that are unable or
unwilling to invest abroad or export their goods. However, before creating global campaigns, licensors
should bear a number of important factors in mind, including the numerous cultural, linguistic, legal, and
financial differences that exist in various territories. Understanding markets outside of one's own place
of origin and the political and economic climate of the nation in which a license will be given are both
necessary components of thinking internationally. Understanding the behavior of consumers throughout
the world and being aware of the demands and skills of the potential licensee are particularly crucial.
IT Users and Common Ethical Issues

The papers and graphical files that are kept on users' PCs or in their folders on the file server
may be read and viewed without any issues, right? We're discussing the moral implications of having the
power to access much of the data on systems under your control as a network administrator or security
expert. If you have access to the recovery agent account, you may even be able to read encrypted data.

Information Technology specifies to the components that are used to store, fetch and
manipulate the information at the minimum level with the server having an operating system.
Information Technology have a wide area of applications in education, business, health, industries,
banking sector and scientific research at a large level. With the leading advancement in information
technology, it is necessary to have the knowledge of security issues, privacy issues and main negative
impacts of IT. To deal with these issues in IT society it is important to find out the ethical issues.

Some of the major ethical issues faced by Information Technology (IT) are:

1. Personal Privacy

2. Access Right

3. Harmful Actions

4. Patents

5. Copyright

6. Trade Secrets

7. Liability

8. Privacy

Consider spending some time reading one or more of the codes of ethics or standards of
behavior for the field if you're an IT professional. It could be a good idea to brush up on your knowledge
if you haven't reviewed one in a while. Given the influence IT workers may have on the workplace and
society at large, considering our professional obligations while we do our jobs should be one of them.
Making these choices ultimately may depend on your professional judgment. Maybe, just maybe, it
comes down to recognizing that just because you can do something, it is vital to pause and think about
whether you should do it.

Professional ethics will help you in this situation. I would prefer to be regarded as a person of
modest means and unequivocal moral character. Because all that is at stake depends on our being
ethical, we must be conscious of the fact that every action we perform has an effect and that a lack of
ethics causes both the human person and his/her environment to self-destruct. As inhabitants of a
nation where a lack of values is spreading, it is important to consider what we want for our descendants.
It is each of our responsibilities to accept the repercussions of our ideas, but much more so of our

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