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I think books are the best friend of ours. They never leave us. Book reading is a really good
thing for everyone. It helps us to learn new things. Most of the books are containing lots of
important information. I am a book lover and I read books regularly. I collect most of the
books from my school library. We have got a library in our house too. It improves our
communication skill, make us creative and we generate new ideas. Over-all it develops our
personality and lets us think big and express our inner talents. That’s why there is a lot of
importance to reading books.
Step 1: Take a sample passage of at least 100-words and count the number of exact words and sentences.

Step 2: Divide the total number of words in the sample by the number of sentences to arrive at the Average Sentence
Length (ASL).

Total number of words = 107

Total number of sentences = 11


Step 3: Count the number of words of three or more syllables that are NOT (i) proper nouns, (ii) combinations of easy
words or hyphenated words, or (iii) two-syllable verbs made into three with -es and -ed endings.

Long words = 13

Step 4: Divide this number by the number or words in the sample passage. For example, 25 long words divided by 100
words gives you 25 Percent Hard Words (PHW).

PHW = 13/107 = 0.12

Step 5: Add the ASL from Step 2 and the PHW from Step 4.

9.73+0.12 = 9.85

Step 6: Multiply the result by 0.4.

9.85*0.4 = 3.94

The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula

The specific mathematical formula is:

RE = 206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW)

RE = 206.835 – (1.015 x 9.73) – (84.6 x 1.42)

9.88 120.13
RE = Readability Ease 76.83

ASL = Average Sentence Length (i.e., the number of words divided by the number of sentences)

ASW = Average number of syllables per word (i.e., the number of syllables divided by the number of
The New Dale-Chall Readability Formula

Compute the following equation:

Raw Score = 0.1579 * (PDW) + 0.0496 * ASL
Raw Score = 0.1579 * (0.51) + 0.0496 * 9.73
0.08 + 0.48= 0.128 (12.8)
Raw Score = Reading Grade of a reader who can comprehend your text at 3rd grade or below.

PDW = Percentage of Difficult Words

ASL = Average Sentence Length in words

If (PDW) is greater than 5%, then:

Adjusted Score = Raw Score + 3.6365, otherwise Adjusted Score = Raw Score

Adjusted Score = Reading Grade of a reader who can comprehend your text at 4th grade or above.
Elections are the means to select leaders and governments. Through elections, we
can hold leaders and governments accountable, although with varying success.
Through elections, we can ensure that citizens’ interests and needs are
represented in the democratic process, although not all the time. Most
importantly, through elections, we get to exercise our right to vote, although we
don’t always choose to cast our vote. In elections, political parties usually play an
important role. A political party fields its candidates during elections and ensures
its candidates win. Winning an election means seizing power in government. The
more seats a party wins, the greater its control over the decision-making
We need to do scaffolding like activating the schema of the students. Facilitate the reading skills of the student

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