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Activity 2: Connect


Actions: Keesh complained about unfair treatment, but other people laughed at him. Keesh defended
the actions of his father who saved the village.

Words: I will go hunt my own meat for me to eat. And know that what I killed is justice. And there will be
no widows or weak people who will cry at night because of hunger because there is no meat because
greedy people who eat too much meat. I will embarrass those who are greedy. I, Keesh, have said it!

Motives: Keesh is motivated to bring more meat and make the people still remember the existence of
his father even though his father was dead.

Klosh Kwan

Actions: Klosh kwan sent a spy to follow Keesh while hunting.

Words: He wants to know that a 13 year old had a great hunt.

Motives: He gives meat for his tribe and he also wants to know how Keesh hunted the bear.

Guide questions:

1. After hearing the reports of the spies, Klosh kwan confronted Keesh.He confronted him and
further accused himof doing witchcraft. Keesh answered him through demonstrating and
explaining about his devised means to hunt with ease. After hearing his explanation, Klosh-Kwan
recognized Keesh. It was not witchcraft, it was head-craft.
2. Based on my analysis of the two characters, the more effective in responding to the people’s
needs is Keesh because of the action, words and motives he showed.

Activity 3: Listen and Ponder

What a Wonderful World

What word captured your interest most attention? Wonderful

Such word captured my attention since it describes what our world is.

The speaker recounted the human experience by telling us there is always chance for improvement and
growth. When we try to be optimistic, we feel better and good things are happening to us.

I think the composer wrote the song to share his thoughts about life. He also wants to inspire others not
to give up and should see the bright side of things even it seems dark.

The moral that I learned from the song is that we should be grateful that we get to see the wonderful
world around us. We should show gratitude and appreciation on things, may it be small or big.

Activity 4: Complete me
Activity 5: Comptrast

Please write in a venn diagram


-Human being

-caring and loving

-needs oxygen to breathe

Has anatomy and body

Mother and Nature

-has life and source of life

Gives us basic needs

Known for being protective and caring



-needs carbon dioxide to grow

-needs light for photosynthesis

Activity 6: Think it over

1. The qualities of nature are it’s the source of life, nourishment and learning and provides
everything we need to live well, while the qualities of a mother are caring and loving, source of
life and provides the needs of the children more than they do.
2. The words Mother and Nature are quite similar since they both have the same characteristics.
They are different in a way that nature doesn’t have body while a mother does.
3. Nature is compared to a mother since they have similar characteristics which is a source of life,
nourishment and learning. Also, they provide the things that we need in order to live well.
4. Nature is like a mother to me since it gives us food to eat and enable us to share our blessings to
others as well. By planting and taking care of mother nature, we can have food to eat.
5. Well, I want to say to the youth that we need to encourage people to take care of mother
nature as it is slowly damaging. By planting more trees, we can secure the supply of food and we
can enjoy as well.

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