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Worksheet No.: NPSHSR/2021-22/WS/GR 11/Grammar- Tenses/07

Name: ________________ Roll No: _____ Class / Sec: 11 ____

Topic: Grammar & Writing

I. Fill in the blanks with the present perfect or past forms of the verbs given in the

1. They had learnt all the new words. They needn't worry about the test. ( learn)

2. Three people had visited him in hospital last Friday.

4. Mary had won the lottery last year. ( win)

5. I _haven't see anyone yet. ( see / not)

6. What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmin had baked a yummy cake. ( bake)

II. Complete the following sentences using either will / going to with the verbs in
the brackets:

1. I haven't got my phone.' 'That's OK. I will lend you mine. (lend)

2. We are going to have a barbecue party tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it won't
rain. (have)

3. You are not going to like that/ will film. It's very frightening. Let's choose another
one. (not like)

III. Use the simple past or the past perfect forms of the given verbs appropriately
to complete the sentences:

1. He had completed his homework so he was allowed to eat with us. (complete)

2. I had not thought of going to Italy before she suggested that idea.. (not think)

3. We had finished all our water before we realised there wasn't any left.(finish)

4. My dad went to the supermarket this morning to buy some milk. (go)

5. I had not prepared for my exam all morning so I was really upset when I didn't do
well. (prepare)

IV.Identify the verb forms in the given sentences:

1. They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived. Past perfect
2. Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work. Past
perfect continuous
3. Harry and Neha walked on the beach. Simple past
4. His mother arrives tomorrow. Simple present
5. She waters the plants everyday. Simple present
6. She has forgotten her folder. Present perfect
7. He has been working in New York since 1993. Present perfect continuous
8. I will be writing a report after the program. Future continous
9. He will have been working in this organization for five years. Future perfect
10. She had undergone a heart surgery before her child was born. Past perfect

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