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Natalia Starosta, Natalia


The advertisment of our choice is a campaign created by an

American fast food restaurant chain- Burger King. It launched in
2020, at the beggining of the national quarantine, due to global
Covid-19 pandemic. The ad appeared online, all over various social
media platforms and websites. The main target was not really
distinguished, as it was aimed at any fast food fans and lovers, but
also people that eat such food occasionally. In addition, it targeted
any socially responsible americans, that were willing to follow the
recommendations of the government to prevent the virus from
spreading. There were three main objectives of this ad. One, to
introduce to the customers the new “triple onions” whopper. Two-
to inform them that due to the pandemic, all restaurants were going
to work in “take-away” and “drive-thru” mode. The last goal was to
encourage clients to practice social distancing and stay safe during
that time.

The ad is presented in the form of a photograph of the

burger, wich is placed in the center, with slogans above and below.
At the bottom of the advertisment there is the Burger King logo and
“take-away” and “drive-thru” options listed. The logo includes brand
name in yellow and blue. The company portrays itself as the king of
burgers, meaning it delivers superior, quality and tasty fast food. The
composition brings customer’s attention mainly to the message that
is written with big, purple letters and to the picture of the delicious
burger. The color of the slogan also plays a big role. Different shades
of purple stand out from the plain background, but they also
distinguish the key words. Phrases such as “Whopper” and “Stand by
for a burger” are presented with the darkest shade, while “risk” and
“social distancing” are much lighter. Such tactic brings customer’s
attention to the more positive side of the add, rather than harsh
reality. Such goal is also achieved with a joke written below the
burger saying “The whopper with triple onions, that keeps others
away from you”. Cheerful and funny catchphrases like that tend to
stay in customers’ minds for longer. As for the selection of colors
used, all of them evoke some sort of positive associations, for
example: dark purple means creativity, dignity, authority, wisdom,
and power. Light purple show us luxury, nobility, and spirituality -
Basic purple is taken for mutiny and changes. The other colors we
can see are visible on the logo: - red color symbolize life and beauty -
blue is hygiene, peace, purity, and freshness - Yellow primarily
associates us with the sun, so we easily connect it with happiness,
relaxation, and vacations, wchich brings us mostly positive
The main intetion of the ad was to encourage more people to
consume Burger King’s products by using availivble, pandemic-safe
services. The company made clear that they are aware of threats
connected with the virus, but also used this opportunity to jokingly
promote their new burger. This advertisement might’ve had a great
impact on people who were on quarantine and wanted to treat
themselves with something tasty, to forget about the overwhelming
pandemic. It also appeals to anyone who lives in a rush, has little
time to cook a healthy meal at home, and any teenagers and young
adults who don’t have much money to spend on food. The ad is built
well because it brings customer’s attention to key words, tempting
photo of the burger and the pursuasing slogan. Our personal feeling
about this particular advertisement is that it is done well, clear, and
thoughtfully. Admen thought about every social group and the colors
are perfectly chosen. It also creates a positive PR, as the restaurant
seems to care about the safety of clients. We definitely would “stop
by for a burger”, so as many americans probably did when the ad
was released.

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