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질병과 생체방어강의자료
- Kuby 면역학 -
- Kuby Immunology -
7/8 Edition

I. Main textbook,
- Kuby Immunology 7th edition (2013) – Freeman/Owen/Punt/Stranford
- Kuby Immunology 8th edition (2021) – Freeman/Owen/Punt/Stranford

II. Additional textbook

- Kuby 면역학, 7판 (2014) – 범문에듀케이션
- Kuby 면역학, 8판 (2021) – 범문에듀케이션
- 대한미생물학회

III.강의 시간 및 차례 (Contents): 월: 10-12시/화: 09-10시

1. Overview of the Immune System.
2. Cells, Organs and Microenvironments of the Immune System.
3. Receptors and Signaling: B and T-Cell Receptors.
4. Receptors and Signaling: Cytokines and Chemokines.
5. Innate Immunity.
6. The Complement System.
7. The Organization and Expression of Lymphocyte Receptor Genes.
8. The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and Antigen Presentation.
9. T-Cell Development.
10. B-Cell Development.
11. T-Cell Activation, Differentiation, and Memory.
12. B-Cell Activation, Differentiation, and Memory Generation.
13. Effector Responses: Cell- and Antibody-Mediated Immunity.
14. The Immune Response in Space and Time.
15. Allergy, Hypersensitivities, and Chronic Inflammation.
16. Tolerance, Autoimmunity and Transplantation.
17. Infectious Diseases and Vaccines.
18. Immunodeficiency Disorders.
19. Cancer and the Immune System.
20. Experimental Systems and Methods.

4. 성적평가 (Evaluation): 3학점 3시간

100 % = 중간 (35) + 기말 (35) + 과제(15) + 출석(15)
시험: 영어로 출제 객관식 (30-50문제)

5. 과제물 (Report)
1. COVID-19 virus에 대한 Vaccine 개발에 관한 국/내외 현황조사 (A4 용지에 수기로 5장)
2. 제출: 11월 25(금)일 오후 6시까지, 동물생명과학관 501호, 응용면역학실험실, 이수현조교)

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