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Drug Name Phenytoin Na (Phenytoin)

Dosage/Frequency ER capsules: 30,100,200, 300 mg; injection: 50mg/ml

Classification and Indication mode of action Antiarrhytmic,  Control of grand group 1b; mal and antiepileptic psychomotor seizures  Unlabeled uses: Antiarrhytmic, particularly in arrhythmias induced by cardiac glycosides (IV prep); trigeminal neuralgia

Side and adverse effects


 CNS: nystagmus,  Contraindicated ataxia, dysarthria, with slurred speech, hypersensitivity mental confusion, to hydantoins, drowsiness, sinus bradycardia, insomnia, transient sinoatrial block, nervousness, motor Stokes-Adams twitchings, fatigue, syndrome, irritability, pregnancy, depression, lactation. numbness, tremor,  Use cautiously headache, with acute photophobia, intermittent diplopia, porphyria, conjunctivitis hypotension,  CV: CV severe myocardial COLLAPSE, insufficiency, hypotension DM,  GI: Nausea, hyperglycemia vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gingival hyperplasia, toxic hepatitis, liver damage  IV use complications: Hypotension, transient hyperkinesia, drowsiness, nystagmus, vertigo, CNS depression

Nursing Consideration  Use only clear parenteral solutions  Administer IV slowly to prevent severe hypotension and venous irritation  Continually monitor patients cardiac rhythm and check BP frequently and regularly during IV infusion.  Monitor for therapeutic serum levels of 10-20 mcg/mL

Drug Name Promethasine (Promethasine hydrochloride)

Dosage/Frequency Classification and Indication mode of action Antiemetic  Symptomatic relief y Allergy: 25 Antihistamine of perennial and mg PO or by Anti-motionseasonal allergic rectal sickness drug rhinitis, vasomotor suppository Dopaminergic rhinitis, allergic y Motion blocker conjunctivitis sickness: Phenotiazine  Treatment and 25mg PO bid Sedative-hypnotic prevention of y N&V: 25 mg motion sickness, PO prevention and y Sedation: 25control of nausea 50 mg PO, and vomiting IM, or IV associated with anesthesia and surgery  Adjunct to analgesics to control postoperative pain

Side and Adverse effects  CNS: Dizziness, drowsiness, poor coordination, confusion, restlessness, seizures, tremors, headache, blurred vision, diploplia, vertigo, tinnitus  CV: Hypotension, palpitations, bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystoles  GI: epigastric distress, nausea, vomiting  GU: Urinary frequency, dysuria  Respi: Thickening of bronchial secretions

Contraindication  Containdicated with hypersensitivity to antihistamines or phenothiazines, coma or severe CNS depression, bone marrow depression, vomiting of unknown cause, lactation  Use cautiously with LRT disordres (may cause thickening of secretions and impair expectoration), glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, hypertension, breast cancer, pregnancy

Nursing Consideration  Give IM injections deep into muscle  Do not administer subcutaneousl y; tissue necrosis may occur  Do not give to children younger than 2 yr because of risk of fatal respiratory depression; use lowest effective dose and caution in children 2 yr and older

Drug Name Oxytocin

Dosage/Frequency Classification and mode of action 10 units/ml in 1 Pharmacologic ml ampule, vial or Class: syringe in compatible IV Posterior pituitary solution hormone Therapeutic Class: Uterine-active agent

Indication To induce or stimulate labor

Side and Adverse effect  CV: hypertension, increased heart rate, systemic venous return, cardiac output  GI: Nausea, vomiting  RESPI: anoxia, asphyxia  Others: Low APGAR score at 5 mins.

Contraindication  Hypersensitive to drug when vaginal delivery is advised  Cephalopelvic disproportion is present  When delivery requires conversion as in transverse lie

Nursing consideration  Continuously monitor contractions, fetal and maternal blood pressure and ECG. Discontinue infusion if uterine hyperactivity occurs.  Monitor patient extremely closely during first and second stages of labor because of risk of cervical laceration, uterine rupture and maternal and fetal death.  Assess fluid intake and output. Watch for signs and symptoms of water intoxication

Drug Name Cemetidine

Dosage/Frequency Classification and mode of action Adults Histamine2 (H2) Active duodenal antagonist ulcer: 800 mg PO hs or 300 mg PO Cimetidine qid with meals competitively and at bedtime or inhibits histamine 400 mg PO bid; at H2-receptors of continue for 46 the gastric wk unless healing parietal cells is demonstrated resulting in by endoscopy. For decreased gastric intractable ulcers, acid secretion, 300 mg IM or IV gastric volume q 68 hr. and hydrogen ion concentration

Indication Short-term treatment and maintenance of active duodenal ulcer Short-term treatment of benign gastric ulcer Treatment of pathologic hypersecretory conditions (ZollingerEllison syndrome) Prophylaxis of stressinduced ulcers and acute upper GI bleeding in critical patients

Side and adverse effect Diarrhea, dizziness, tiredness, rash, headache, CNS disturbances, arthralgia, myalgia, gynecomastia, alopecia, blood dyscrasias, nephritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, granulocytopenia, hypersensitivity reactions.


Hypersensitivity, lactation.

Nursing consideration Give drug with meals and at bedtime. Decrease doses in renal and hepatic impairment. Administer IM dose undiluted deep into large muscle group. Arrange for regular follow-up, including blood tests to evaluate effects.

Drug Name Phytomenadione (Vitamin K, Phylloquinone, menaquinone)

Dosage/Frequency 0.1 cc via IM to the Vastus Lateralis of the newborn

Classification and mode of action Sterility of GI tract Administration of Vitamin K Increased Synthesis of precursor proteins in the GIT mainly factors II, VII, IX, and X are produced and increased. From 30-60% compared to adult clotting factor values, blood clotting factors increase.


Side and adverse effect The synthetic form of Vitamin K and Vitamin K3 (Menadione) can cause allergic reaction, Hemolytic Anemia, and Cytotoxicity in liver cells.

Contraindication Contraindicated to those who are hypersensitive to any component of Vitamin K containing products

>To stimulate the clotting factors of the newborn >To prevent hemorrhagic disease of the Newborn.

Nursing consideration >Ensure that the adequate dose is given while following the proper IM Drug Administration. >Apply pressure to the injection site to prevent further bleeding. >Document the giving of the medication to newborn to prevent an accidental doubling of the dose.

Drug Name Nubain (nalbuphine hydrochloride)

Classification and Indication mode of action 10 mg and 20 mg Opiod analgesics  is indicated for of nalbuphine the relief of hydrochloride per moderate to mL. One mL of severe pain each strength  Can also be used contains 0.94% as a supplement sodium citrate to balanced hydrous, and anesthesia, for 1.26% citric acid preoperative and anhydrous; pH is postoperative adjusted, if analgesia, and for necessary, to 3.5 to obstetrical 3.7 with analgesia during hydrochloric acid. labor and The 10 mg/mL delivery. strength contains  0.2% sodium chloride.


Side and adverse effect CNS Effects: Nervousness, depression, restlessness, crying, euphoria, floating, hostility, unusual dreams, confusion, faintness, hallucinations, dysphoria, feeling of heaviness, numbness, tingling, unreality. The incidence of psychotomimetic effects, such as unreality, depersonalization, delusions, dysphoria and hallucinations has been shown to be less than that which occurs with pentazocine. Cardiovascular: Hypertension, hypotension, bradycardia, tachycardia. Gastrointestinal: Cramps, dyspepsia, bitter taste. Respiratory: Depression, dyspnea, asthma. Dermatologic: Itching

Contraindication Hypersensitivity, Hyperthyroidism

Nursing consideration Assess BP, pulse, and respirations before periodically during administration. If RR is <10/min, assess level of sedation.

Drug Name Midazolam (Midazolam hydrochloride)

Dosage/Frequency Injection- 5 mg/ml, 1mg/ml, syrup- 2mg/mL

Classification and Indication mode of action Benzodiazepine  IV or IM: CNS depressant Sedation, anxiolysis and amnesia prior to diagnostic, therapeutic, or endoscopic procedures or surgery  Induction of general anesthesia  Continuous sedation of intubated and mechanically ventilated patients as a component of anesthesia or during treatment in the critical care setting

Side and adverse effect Blurred vision; changes in blood pressure, breathing, and heartbeats; coughing; dizziness; drowsiness; dry mouth; headache; hiccups; low blood pressure (children); nausea; pain during injection; pain, redness, or tenderness at the injection site; shortterm memory loss; slurred speech; vomiting.

Contraindication Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines, allergy to cherries, psychoses, acute barrow angle glaucoma, shock, coma

Nursing consideration Blood oxygenation (pulse oximetry) {01} and Blood pressure {01} and Respiratory status {01} and Vital signs, other {01} (it is recommended that patients be monitored continuously; when midazolam is used by nonanesthesiologists to produce deep sedation for surgical or diagnostic procedures, it is recommended that the patient be monitored continuously

Submitted By: Ulpindo, Gaezelle Mae B. BSN210 Grou40B

Submitted to: Mr. Renville Ladera RN, MAN

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