Why bsCEM

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Mai Ghaas hun,

Mai apke har kiye-dhare par ugg ayunga,

Bumb phenk do chahe Vishwavidyalaya par,

Bana do hostel ko malbe ka dher,
Suhaga fer do bale hi hamari jhopaddiyon par,

Mera kya karoge,

Mai toh ghaas hun
Har cheez par ugg ayunga!
- Avtar Singh Paash

Humans through their struggle against social material conditions have developed from apes to
fully grown modern humans with an incredible intellect. Had it not been for the struggle against
the old by the new forces human civilization would have not seen its day. The new forces in every
historic social formation have challenged the old decaying ideology, having grown in the womb
of old society it smashes the old and thereby creates a more free and developed society. Youths
have always played a dynamic role in propagating the ideology of these new forces, be it the story
of working-class youth in Russia or that of Indian youth in anti-feudal anti-imperialist struggle,
they have fought for a society with more free consciousness.

History tells that youth represents a strong determined force that a society produces at the certain
time development and therefore it is the historic responsibility of theirs to smash the old and create
a new and more just society.

Having said so, we the youth of India present to ourselves these historic responsibilities that would
pave the way for the liberation of Indian society and with it the liberation of ourselves:

➢ Struggle against caste-based oppression of all kinds.

➢ Struggle against religious fundamentalism and superstitions.
➢ Struggle to smash the patriarchy and its manifestation in different cultural
➢ Struggle for the rights of all the marginalized communities and nationalities.
➢ Struggle for the rights of all the marginalized communities and nationalities.
➢ Struggle against feudal exploitations by landlords, money-lenders, and
patriarchs in family and other institutions.
➢ Struggle against the exploitation of our working-class population and
natural resources by the imperialist powers and their lackeys in form of
Indian big capitalists.
➢ Struggle against the current form Hindutva-Brahmanical Fascism.
Why bsCEM?
‘BHAGAT SINGH CHHATRA EKTA MANCH’ was formed in Jan 2018 as an organization
with having its root in the revolutionary ideology of Bhagat Singh. Basing our struggle on the
democratic rights of the students we have a vision for the larger transformation for our society.
Unlike any other students’ organization, we believe that the struggle against the manifestation of
anti-people ideology shall continue both inside and outside our organization. We are not the
representative of any parliamentary political parties that mobilizes students for vote bank; we are
those who have struggled for the rights and freedom of the students and the other oppressed
sections in the university campus. We stood with the karamchari union when the workers were
pushed out from the job in the university; we stood up and fought against the politics of mass
failure in the Mathematics, Physics, and other departments of the university; we stood with the
more than yearlong ‘Kissan Movement’; we stood and organized people against the anti-people
CAA NRC. bsCEM was also at the forefront of the Campus Reopening demonstrations. On 28th
Feb. 2022, when Students were beaten up by the fascist goons just for campaigning in the
Aurobindo College, they even tried to threaten one of the bsCEM’s members too, but we firmly
stood against them and will claim our democratic space in the university. We believe that the
campus should have a truly democratic setup wherein everyone has the space to exercise her or
his fundamental rights of free speech and expression. When Mahashweta Devi’s ‘Draupadi’ and
Kancha Illiaha were driven out of the syllabus, whereas Savarkar and other ideologues of the
fascists were inculcated in the syllabus, we stood against such fascist dictates. Recently when the
English Department Professor Hany Babu was arrested under false implications, we stood for him
and participated in the protest movement.

We have participated in various united protests against privatization and communalization of the
education system. Fee hike has been a regular phenomenon in this university, in the name of
autonomy and the self-finance has pushed policies like NEP that provides space for finance capital,
which will lead towards more privatization, and as well as for Hindutva ideology, which is
regularly spreading the hate against specific communities, in the university. This is a planned way
to push the marginalized identities away from the university space. In addition, the fee hurdle
hostel is another great reason why students, particularly women students, are held back from higher
education. Whereas, the hostel is our basic right even stated under section – 33 of DU Act, 1922.
The university promises hostel facilities to all but we all know that only 1% of the students can get
hostels. The Idea of the public university is to provide welfare measures to the oppressed sections
of the society but with the rule of meritocracy in hostel allocation, people from oppressed caste
and classes are thrown out of the university. Most of them are not able to complete their degree
because of financial crunches. When the administration is fully able to build hostels but is building
‘gaushalas’ and ‘yagayshalas’. Why is it that the demand for hostels has still not been fulfilled
by the administration? The university authorities have their interest tied up with the interest
of the landlords in the area near the campus. Besides the non-availability of hostels, university
administration sets different rules for different gender in the hostels, women students are not
allowed to get in or outside after a certain time. BsCEM from the very beginning of its political
activism on the campus took a struggle against the discriminatory nature of our hostels.

The university campus has been turned into an anti-student architectural setup that stands for
alienation and mechanization of students. We have been converted into an exam writing machine,
we learn a lot but not for the sake of knowing but for the exam. We are constantly being trailed by
assignments and tests. We don’t know whence we forget to watch the beauty of the sparkling
sun’s ray on the wet grass on our campus. We don’t know from when we created enmity with
the co-student who never was fully known by us. For the sake of the best assignment, we forgot
to help others. The professors teach us in a language that only a few can understand, a language
that is so real that reality has become an illusion. We are being given an education that is
completely cut off from the production process in our society. It appears as if we are being asked
to fit into a matrix. We are compelled to sit in classes that have no meaning to us; we are sitting in
those classes just to skip the dreading face of low attendance and dropouts. Why can’t we have a
system where students are attracted to the class because of the live experience in the
classrooms? Why are we being compelled to sit?

Today, the campuses have been converted into a deadened space where fear haunts anyone who
rises for their rights. We have seen how in a second the university gets converted into the prison
house of the dissent. The architectural design of the university haunts the free consciousness in us.
We have seen how in a second the university gets converted into the prison-house of dissent of the
students. The architectural design of the university haunts the free consciousness in us. We have
seen how every time students came out for the protests for any of their issues, whether it was
campus reopening issue or the issue of arresting of their professor, the students were thrashed with
FIRs. The administration allows police to get inside the campus and stifle the right to dissent of
the students. The police in the campus, as we can see while we enter the arts faculty itself, are a
disciplinary mechanism too, the police have often been seen terming women protesters Randi, thus
they ensure that women never rise to protest for their rights. When the pen and papers of the
professors are not sufficient to ideologically control the students, it’s the masculine identity of
feudal patriarchal police that physically abuses and controls the students.

Besides struggling for the democratic space on the campus we express our solidarity towards
the struggle masses of India and abroad. We believe that the fight for democratic space on the
campus is linked with the struggles of peasants, laborers, and all oppressed sections of society.

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