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Background of the study

The new financial system refers to the increased interconnectedness of the

global economy and financial markets, which has been made possible through

development of capital markets alongside technological advancements (Beck et al.,

2014). Internet is the driving engine of the new economy and has given birth to online

banking, a new and increasingly popular way of banking for most customers (Mukherjee

and Nath, 2007). Online banking for customers refers to several types of banking

activities through which bank customers can get information and carry out most retail

banking services. Online banking services such as balance reporting, inter-account

transfers, bill payment can be done by the bank customers simply through a

telecommunication network without leaving their homes or offices (Sathye, 1999;

Sudhan and Varadharajalu, 2012).

The usage of online banking provides information as well as services through

network or telecommunications technologies, leading to establishment of digital value

(Kim et al, 2010). Due to the fact that banking services provide information to users

alongside serving the customers financial needs (Woldie et al, 2008) and can be easily

automated(Peppard et al., 2014). Most banks consider the technology of online banking

as a means for customers trust and satisfaction, and service quality improvement
(Robinson, 2000; Miguel-Dvila et al, 2010). Online banking technology is relatively novel

and has been around for a little over few decades (Biemans et al., 2016) and several

online banking descriptions have been cited in the literature. Nevertheless, banking

technology researchers and practitioners (e.g., Martins et al, 2014; Montazemi and

Qahri-Saremi, 2015; Shanmugam et al., 2015,) agree that the concept of online banking

technology refers to the system that enables banks to offer their customers access to

their accounts to transact business and obtain information via electronic communication

channels; these channels are, Telephone banking, Home banking, Automated Teller

Machines ATMs and Internet banking.

The need for the online banking technology in the banking industry is important in

order to allow the financial institutions to serve their customers worldwide, without

having the need to be present in person or face-to-face to benefit from the service.

According to (Ismail and Osman 2012), traditional banking methods (e.g., back office

processes and tasks such as: file details of bank customers, process paperwork, sorting

cheques and cash handling, from both the bank and customers‘ perspective) has

become the most costly way to engage in banking transactions. In addition, Nasir et al.

(2015) stated that the complex requests of bank customers such as, bill payments, cash

withdrawals, loan applications and cheque clearings was huge task for traditional banks,

thus there was a clear need for customers to trust and accept technology to automate

back office duties. According to Beatty and Liao (2014), the use of computer systems in

the banking industry enable banks to transfer, record and store financial information

inexpensively, thus the overall result will help to drive a reduction in banking costs.
Schueffel and Vadana (2015) argue that the fundamental reasons for the online

banking technology are the transactions-processing cost and time savings. It has been

proven that online banking technology is the cheapest delivery channel for banking

products once trusted and accepted (Laukkanen, 2016). Moreover, the technology

creates new market places and opportunities for banks. It reduces physical trade

difficulties, increases market access and trade efficiency (Schueffel and Vadana, 2015).

From the customer‘s perspective, the online banking system has additional

convenience, functionality and accessibility (Kundu and Datta, 2014). Bank customers

argue that branch banking takes much more time and efforts, and the costs of banking

services are dramatically reduced when they are accessed through online banking

channels compared to at a branch (Jamshidi et al., 2014).

In the national context, online banking in the Philippines was deemed as a rising

trend in business due to the adoption of mobile technologies particularly by the young

users (Vicente, 2016). Despite this growing popularity and acceptance in the country, it

was not exempted from the common problems. As stated by Segovia (2016), e-

commerce was falling behind despite its fast acceleration in the Philippines. One of the

reasons was the lack of establishment in the infrastructure which commonly involved

the connectivity of the internet, electronic payments, regulatory environment, and

logistics. Internet problems were also present as hindrances towards the further

blooming of e-commerce in the Philippines. These internet problems were the slow yet

costly internet connection, internet hoaxes, the absence of internet connectivity, and

internet hacking (Diangson, 2014). Also, Toral (2016), indicated that delivery delays

were depressing the Philippines’ ecommerce sector. Various complaints from

customers surfaced due to these distressing delivery delays induced by the traffic,

weather, and primarily by the scarcity of courier providers. Another problem faced by

the Philippines’ ecommerce sector was trustworthiness issues. Domingo (2017),

reported that trust issues were holding back the development and growth of the

country’s electronic commerce as distrust was still in the minds of the people. Most of

the Filipinos were afraid that they would get conned or scammed by online shopping

sites which caused their doubt towards this electronic commerce. Meanwhile, in the

local aspect, small business owners’ profits were raised due to the tapping of the

advancement of technologies, most especially the internet (Cayon, 2018). Around two

hundred and forty-eight (248) micro-small businesses boosted because of its affiliation

to the social media and internet. Moreover, the use of Facebook had been tapped by

the Davao City Agriculturist Office (DCAO) as the medium of negotiation which could be

useful for the interested people in agriculture (Jara, 2018). This practice of using social

media channel was beneficial to the farmers and producers so that they could

showcase and endorse their products and goods. In terms of e-commerce among the

business owners, it was said that competitions among online businesses were rising in

Davao City (Bagaforo, 2017). Some entrepreneurs tried to sell on different cities only to

discover that other cities did not embrace electronic commerce, in comparison to the

Davao Region. However, behind this expanding market, problems still arose. These

problems include the slow internet connection which the internet users had to deal with;

thus, compelling them to pay 1.5 times more just to experience the same speed of

internet connection in Luzon areas like Makati (Marcelo, 2018). To sum it all, electronic

commerce is a type of business which uses the internet to make transactions and it is
continuously expanding. Behind this widespread popularity, common and problematic

issues slowly ascended, from the international aspect to the local context. These

common problems such as trust issues, privacy concerns, delayed deliveries, slow

internet connection, and lack of interaction towards the user and the product prompted

the researchers to make a study about the customers’ perception in terms of the

trustworthiness of electronic commerce for it could alleviate the difficulties experienced

by the customers and online retailers in online shopping.

There were numerous previous studies and researches about electronic

commerce – apprehending its advantages and impact to the advancing community. As

for this study, the researchers wanted to delve specifically on the online customers’

perceptions about e-commerce. The researchers wanted to know if the findings of this

study is parallel to the results of other researches concerning the trustworthiness of

online business. In this way, it could either contribute to a bigger area of knowledge or

reveal a new one. About the customers’ perception, the researchers also wanted to

focus on the trustworthiness trait that every online business should possess. This study

could both benefit the online customers and the online sellers as it could give

knowledge and initial idea to the former one who would like to try online shopping. On

the other hand, this study could help the latter in improving their businesses from the

common problems they face through the results presented in this study. The findings

could also be a guide for aspiring online entrepreneurs in making their own business in

the future. Additionally, this study could help the general people and future researchers

in providing knowledge and information about this developing e-commerce.

In all, this research intended to solve the previously mentioned issues about

electronic commerce which mainly dwelled on the trustworthiness, privacy, security, and

inconvenience of the online shopping sites. Apprehending the customers’ perception

could aid the problems which most of the online customers and online sellers face for it

could determine the root cause of the common difficulties, and it could provide solutions

to these problems.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the insights of the customers who already have enough

experience in online banking, to guide other customers towards online banking, to help

the online business owners, and to provide information to the netizens. Specifically, it

attempts to answer the following question:

1. What are the consumers’ perceptions on the trustworthiness of online


2. What are the factors affect consumers trust towards online banking?

Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the factors affecting consumer trust towards online banking

services in Mati CIty.

2. To determine the roles of trust and accepting online banking system, and identify

a framework for the improvement of customers‘ trust in online banking system in

Mati City.
3. To draw conclusions and make recommendations for both banks on how to

enhance the trust in online banking technology and customers, as well as when

to trust online banking services in the banking industry.

Theoretical Framework

This qualitative study focused mainly on online business then the online

shoppers’ perceptions about online business. Online shopping researches had

produced theories relating to adoption, acceptance, and consumers’ buying behavior.

The theories involved are: 1.) Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing, 2.)

Source Credibility Theory, and 3.) Grounded Theory of Online Shopping Flow.

The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing claims that trust and

commitment must be present for a relationship to be successful (Mack, n.d.). Trust and

commitment are two of the fundamental factors in relationship marketing. The

businesses need to neglect the possibilities of having short-term profit and acknowledge

the principles of relationship marketing, which is mainly to satisfy the needs of the

customers and recognizing their commitment towards the business. Following this

theory would bring satisfaction and fulfillment for both parties. The customers do not

only receive the product, but also feel that they are honored by the business. In return,

the business acquires the loyalty of the customers. Commitment-Trust Theory can be

related in the researchers’ study by thinking that the electronic commerce must be

relationship-based for them to be viewed as trustworthy through the eyes of the

customers; hence, giving the online business customer loyalty. This theory can be used

by the researchers in a way that the findings in the study can contribute to this theory.
Furthermore, this theory can state that in the context of electronic commerce, the online

businesses must not only satisfy their customers but also acknowledge their presence

in order for them to have long-term profit with the presence of the loyalty of the


Source Credibility Theory states that in a communication process, the receiver of

the message believes the message basing from the perceived credibility of the source

(Umeogu, 2012). For an instance, a sender transmits a message towards the receiver.

The receiver believes the message of the sender because the receiver perceives the

sender as credible and trustworthy. If the receiver perceives the sender as dishonest,

then the receiver would not believe nor acknowledge the message. This theory can be

paralleled on the relationship between the online seller and the online customer. The

relationship between the two could be rooted from the credibility of the online seller

which specifically includes how the seller conveys the product information towards the

customer and how accurate the information matches the actual product. Moreover, this

theory could be applied in this study by having this theory as one of the reasons why the

customers perceive electronic commerce as either trustworthy or not.

Lastly, grounded theory was developed from the study of Mahnke, Benlian, and

Hess (2015). Their grounded theory discussed the flow or sequence of events in the

context of online shopping. The findings of their study affirmed that the quality and

quantity of information were crucial requirements in the said context of online shopping.

The theory also related other theoretical relationships in online business specifically

website design and flow of experience. Their grounded theory could also be applied to
the researchers’ topic for the reason that the theory itself discussed the flow of

experiences of users in the online shopping context. Consumers’ experiences in buying

products online were the basis of their perceptions whether electronic commerce was

trustworthy or not. This grounded theory of Mahnke et al. in 2015 could complement the

experiences of the consumers since the theory focused mainly on the flow of

experience in the context of electronic commerce. Also, this grounded theory could

complement the findings of the study for the perceived trustworthiness of online

businesses could be grounded from its establishment which is the main factor which

affects the online shopping experience of online customers.

Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is a written or visual representation of an expected

relationship between variables. The conceptual framework is generally developed

based on a literature review of existing studies and theories about the topic. Variables

are simply the characteristics or properties that are relevant to the study, and this

includes the independent and dependent variables.


Scope and Limitations

This study focused on Investigating the Factors Affecting Customer's Trust and

Acceptance of Online Banking System Mati City. It also determined the overview of the

respondents on the problems encountered.

Significance of the Study

The primary purpose of this study was to help consumers and businesses in the

field of online banking. To achieve this, the researchers specifically intended to know

the views and insights of online banking from the perspective of the customers. The

researchers wanted to focus on the reliability, convenience, and trustworthiness of the

online businesses based on the customers’ banking experience. Additionally, the

researchers planned to have results which could be useful in alleviating the ignorance of

new online customers. The researchers also aimed to help the online business owners

in devising beneficial strategies and techniques which could raise the sales of their

businesses. Other than understanding the perceptions of the customers, this study

purposed to guide the online sellers in selling their products. Furthermore, this research

sought to help the future researchers in their studies concerning online transactions,

especially in this generation that the advancement of technologies was rapid, and

people continuously accept and adopt these innovations. Lastly, this study sought to be

a contribution to the general academic knowledge in the field of business which could

facilitate the questions and concerns of the general people.

Definition of Terms

Online Banking - accessing your bank account and carrying out financial transactions

through the internet on your smartphone, tablet or computer. It's quick, usually free and

allows you to do tasks, such as paying bills and transferring money, without having to

visit or call your bank.

Customer trust - the faith a consumer has in a company. It shows confidence in a

company's commitment to delivering on its promises and doing what's right for the

customer. Customer trust is the faith a consumer has in a company.

Customer Acceptance - the process by which an assessment is made of whether it is

sensible (or not) to do business with a particular customer or prospect.


Review of Related Literature

Online Banking Services

Online banking can be defined in many ways depending on the level and type of

service provided by banks to their customers. For example, Sathye, (1999) defined

online banking as, in a basic form, the setting up of a web page by a bank to give

information about its product and services; and in a more advanced form, it involves

provision of facilities such as accessing accounts, funds transfer, and buying financial

products or services online. This is called ―transactional online banking‖ and this will

be the more focused of this research (Safeena et al., 2017). Furst et al. (2000) defined

online banking as the service that refers to the use of the Internet as a remote delivery

channel for banking services. Such services include modern ones, such as opening

account or transferring funds among different accounts, and new banking services, such

as electronic bill presentment and payment (allowing customers to receive and pay bills

on a bank‘s Web site).

Tan and Teo (2000) presented a slightly different definition, as they defined

online banking as a service allows customers to perform a wide range of banking

transactions electronically via the bank‘s Web site. Online banking in general, refers to

several types of services through which bank customers can request information and

carry out most retail banking activities such as balance reporting, inter-account

transfers, bill-payment, etc., via a telecommunication network without leaving their

homes or organisations (Danial, 1999; Akhlaq and Ahmed, 2013; Safeena et al., 2017).
In a different way, Aladwani, (2001) defined online banking as the newest

delivery channel for retail banking services. More recently, Ismail and Osman, (2012)

have defined online banking as all necessary activities that are carried out, processed

and delivered through electronic communication devices in an effort rendering banks

services at ease and conveniences for their current and expected valuable customers.

The rationalization for the definitions stated above is that first, Akhlaq and Ahmed

(2013) pointed towards the levels of development for online banking which were basic

and advanced online banking with the usage of web page (Internet) with comparison,

the second and third definitions (Furst et al, 2000; Tan and Teo, 2000) concentrated on

the practicality of online banking by defining online banking as a service including the

use of Internet as a remote control. All definitions refer to the Internet or web page as a

way of using online banking, which would be utilised in this research. Others such as

(Danial, 1999; Ismail and Osman, 2012) have provided general definitions for online

banking that present different types of services through online banking available for

customers. All definitions indicate the way that online banking operates and serves

customers, containing various types of online banking technology available for the

perceived bank customers to use and get advantages.

Advantages of Online Banking

There are numerous advantages of online banking to both, customers and bank

staff. The technology of online banking has advantages to the customers and to the

bank as follow:
Advantages to the Customers

To the customers, there are many advantages of online banking for example:

online banking services are easy to use, lower price (cost effectiveness), convenience,

and save time in contrast to visiting bank branches (Jayawardhena and Foley, 2000;

Montazemi and QahriSaremi, 2015). There seems to be a general consensus that

online banking offers advantages for consumers (Montazemi and Qahri-Saremi, 2015).

The portability of online banking gives the system another advantage, for instance if an

individual is out of the country or in a remote area without access to bank branch and

faces a funding issue, they can access the account at anytime from anywhere so long

as there is Internet access. This is foreseen as the main benefit of online banking (Tan

and Teo, 2000; Montazemi and Qahri-Saremi, 2015). The potential competitive

advantage of online banking lies in the areas of cost reduction and satisfaction of

customer needs (Bradley and Stewart, 2002; Biemans et al., 2016).

Some of the other benefits of online banking technology as explained by Chavan (2013)

are summarised below:

 Banking becomes easier and faster (e.g. can undertake weekly reconciliations

instead of waiting for monthly statements);

 It saves time for customers due to the avoidance of having to go to the branch,

which also assists the banks to better manage the queues in branch and make a

more effective use of available human resources in their branches;

 The ability to access online banking at any-time anywhere, bank can be any-time

of day or night, on weekends and even holidays. This can be through online


 Viewing previous transactions without having to keep old files of account

statements, which has eliminated much of the paper work and thus created much

more space that used to be acquired by statements files. Furthermore, the

reduction in use of paper is also more environmentally friendly;

 Better monitoring and resultant management of cash flow, as an individual is able

to view the account anytime and can see through all transactions that transpired

during the particular time span;

 Can schedule automatic or pending transfer for bill payment, which has

eliminated the problem of overlooking bill payments at the end of the month.

Advantages to the Banks

Online banking reduces physical trade difficulties by increasing market access

and trade efficiency (Khalfan and Akbar, 2006). It also helps banks to present a

potentially low cost compared to traditional branch banking. Tan and Teo (2000) found

that the majority of banks with web sites spent less than US$25,000 to create a web

presence, and less than US$25,000 a year maintaining it. Furthermore, Martins et al.

(2014) argue that even if spending on online banking from financial institutions

increases in the future as a result of increased growth of online banking and the

resultant greater focus of banks on this, this spending would still be less costly than the

traditional branch banking. For example, it requires US$1.5 million to US$2 million to set
up a traditional brick and mortar branch and US$350,000 to US$500,000 a year to

operate the branch (Martins et al., 2014).

Trust in Online Banking

The increased transition towards lesser physical presence of bank branches and the

absence of physical interaction between the bank personnel and the customer renders

a unique environment, in which trust is of vital importance. Customers are reluctant to

adopt online banking because of security and privacy concerns (Liu and Wu, 2007;

Beatty and Liao, 2014). Thus, the lack of customer trust, both in the attributes of the

bank and in the overall online environment has been, and remains, an obstacle in the

widespread adoption of online banking. Luhmann (2000) accordingly, has identified

customers' trust as an important future challenge for online banking.

Customer trust in online banking transactions has some unique dimensions, that is, the

impersonal nature of the online environment, the extensive use of technology, and the

inherent uncertainty of using an open infrastructure for transactions. The online

atmosphere does not allow customers the natural benefits of face-to-face

communication (Citera et al., 2005) to directly observe the service provider's behaviour,

or look into the service provider's eyes (Ba et al., 1999) - assurance mechanisms on

which humans have depended for a long time. This separation of time and space

increases fear of opportunism. As McNeish (2015) noted, the risk is higher when there

is increased separation in the transaction with regards to time and space.

To further complicate the situation, there is concern about reliability of the underlying

internet and related infrastructure with the extensive media coverage about security,

privacy, reputation, legal and fraudulent transactions on the internet. Overall, these

unique differences decrease customer perceptions of control and increase their

hesitation about trusting online banking. This provides a unique challenge to the banks

to find ways in which to initiate and encourage electronic relationships with their

customers. The survival of online banking depends on the bank's ability to convince

customers to bank online, an act that is unlikely to occur if the bank is being perceived

as untrustworthy.

Banks can build mutually valuable relationships with their online customers through a

trustbased collaboration process (Yu et al., 2015), which signifies the importance of

engagement and collaboration with customers to listen to their views and instil greater

trust and confidence in them regarding the services provided by the financial

institutions. However, the way in which trust may be gained and the impact it has on

online banking is not yet well understood (Martins et al., 2014). Trust in internet banking

is a new and emerging area within the field of marketing and financial services

research. Extant literature on trust related to online banking is scarce and focused on

more general issues of e-commerce. Less attention has been given to online banking

trust and related issues.

On the review of Shafiyah, R. Alsaqour, Shaker, O. Alsaqour, and Uddin (2013),

about electronic commerce, they defined electronic commerce or ecommerce as the

upholding of business affiliations, disclosing business information, and making business

negotiations using telecommunication networks such as the internet. The emergence of

this type of business made gradual yet drastic changes in the economies on most of the

countries across the globe. It helped the people in purchasing products with fewer cost

and effort. It also helped the business-minded people in reducing their work yet earning

a profit by giving them a virtual space for their stores by setting an actual and physical

one. Also, ecommerce aided the citizens in providing job opportunities from different

fields like entrepreneurial studies, management, and marketing. Their review also

enumerated the striking features of electronic commerce which includes ubiquity,

richness, interactivity, personalization and customization, global reach, universal

standards and information density. These features showcased why electronic

commerce is growing popular and widely accepted by the people. Although, the

researchers still indicated some problems in this developing e-commerce namely

cultural obstacles and legal challenges, despite those, they concluded electronic

commerce as one who could deal an extraordinary change in the world.

Another study by Vaghela (2014), stated that online shopping is a method of

shopping for goods and offerings from dealers who promote and sell their products and

services in internet. Since the World Wide Web (WWW) emerged, retailers have found

a way to sell their merchandise to people who surf the internet. Shoppers can visit

internet shops from the convenience of their home and relax as they shop in front of

their computers. Today, online shopping has come to be popular among people; they

have been very cozy in using the internet and turned out to be technology experts. The

increasing popularity of online shopping among the people prompted the researchers to

study the utilization of electronic commerce and the perception of the people towards it.
This study sought to discover the standpoint of online buyers towards online shopping

and also distinguish this perception of gender vise. This study gathered data and

analyzed that customers see purchasing online as way better than manual shopping

and most of the online buyers are fulfilled with their online buying transactions. Online

buyers access their internet on their home, office, and school. Most of the customers

shop for accessories, clothes, and electronic appliances. Providing their credit card

number and not seeing the products personally, are the most alarming barriers of online

shopping. Customers agree with the fact that purchasing online is costly than manual

shopping and it takes extra time for their purchases to be delivered to them.

Internationally, Peng (2018), in their study, affirmed that internet shopping has

investigated essentially worldwide over the most recent couple of years. Taiwan is no

exceptional case. May despite that Taiwan has encountered a development in internet

shopping, it seems to linger behind whatever is left of the created nations in Asia.

Concentrate on the variables which impact purchaser's web-based shopping trust, and

fulfillment is in this way focal all together for Taiwan merchants to build up the proper

techniques for online exchanges. This paper seeks to perceive what are the primary

components of the purchaser's expectations to repurchase online in Taiwan; grounded

chiefly on hypothetical models, for example, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) this

investigation extraordinarily points to perceive whether there are relations between

buyer's repurchase aim and saw value, seen usability, saw security, buyers' trust, and

shoppers' fulfillment. An overview was led with 225 legitimate buyers from Taiwan

utilizing an organized self-managed poll and information was broke down utilizing Partial

Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). From the outcomes, we
accomplished new experimental proof for applying trust and fulfillment for considering

shopper repurchases goal. The results demonstrate that apparent value, and saw

usability, utilize huge positive effect on customers' trust. Thus, fulfillment is affected by

apparent handiness, perceived convenience, and perceived protection, which by

implication impacts repurchase aim of the customers. Hence, the online retailer must

focus on the mechanical qualities of their shopping site to decrease the protection worry

of purchasers concerning unapproved access and auxiliary utilization of their own and

money related information that can make strides buyer trust and fulfillment towards

shopping site, and lead to repurchase expectation.


This chapter presents the methodologies and processes used to conduct the

study. It discusses how the researchers will gather the information that will be used. It

also shows who will be the participants of the research.

Research design

This research is a qualitative study; it is associated with a phenomenological

approach to collect relevant data. This approach concerns with understanding and

interpreting the information that the participants gave based on their daily lives (De Vos,

1998). Also, the qualitative approach focuses on the qualities of human behavior

(Ferreira, Mounton, Puth, Schurink & Schurink, 1998). This study aims to comprehend

and interpret the intentions that underlie in humans’ everyday action (Bailey, 1998;

Bogdon & Taylor, 1975; De Vos, 1998, Ferriera, et al.,1998).

Qualitative design deals with results that are orally transmitted and derives

meaning from the perspectives of the participants (Bless and Hugson-Son,1995; De

Vos, 1998). The purpose of this design is to analyze the idea and experiences of the

participants associated with their daily lives. The qualitative approach is suitable in the

researchers’ study because the collected data focuses on the participants’ lives through

verbal communication and the way they convey them. Marshall and Rossman (1995)

stated that this approach is appropriate to reveal the unknown and to explore new

Sources of Data

Primary and secondary data sources will be used to supply and gather data for

this investigation. The major data came from respondents' responses to the proponents'

standardized questionnaires. Furthermore, secondary data will be gathered from

internet, previous study, journals, and websites related to the topic.

Sampling Plan

A non-probability or non-random sampling technique called purposive sample

was utilized to pick up a sample of participants who provided enough information which

is useful for this qualitative study. Purposive sampling is a sampling method that selects

the sample based on the attributes of a population and based on the goals of the

research (Crossman, 2018). Purposive sampling could also be called as judgmental,

selective, or subjective sampling. This sampling technique is functional in this study for

the researchers to have information-rich information related to the topic of the study

(Palinkas, Horwitz, Green, and Wisdom, 2013). Then, the researchers sought for

participants who are discerned to be rich in information and are suitable for the study.

The researchers gathered a sample of people from diverse backgrounds to have

differing results and information, and to comprehend the research topic deeply.


The researchers reached out and invited the expected participants to take part in

the study. The prospective participants have presented a sheet of information. They

were informed by the researchers that the participation is voluntary and that they have

the right to decline the interview. After the participants agreed to take part, they were
further reminded that they have the right to pull out from the interviewing process. Also,

they were informed that the interview is private and the information that the participants

have provided would be handled with confidentiality. Lastly, they were made aware that

it is not necessary to reveal their identification details.

Using Slovin Formula, in a position to calculate a suitable sample size from a

population when a sample of a population is taken, a formula must be employed to

account for confidence levels and margins of error. When taking statistical samples, it's

not uncommon to have a lot of information on a group.

The sample size (n), given the population size (N), and a margin of error will use

to compute the slovin formula (e). It's a formula for estimating sampling size using a

random sampling technique. To utilize the calculation, first determine what your

tolerance mistake should be. The population size of Mati City, which is 161,511 people,

and margin error of 10% (or 0.10). The quantity of samples you'll need will be

determined as a consequence. The sample of this study is 100 samples, by using

Slovin formula. Here is the slovin formula for measuring the sample in this research:


n= No. of samples

N= 161,511

e= 10%

Research Locale

This research study will be conducted at City of Mati, Davao Oriental specifically

in four major barangay in City of Mati. The researchers chose the area as the study’s

research location because it is convenient for the researchers to access the target

customers for Online Banking.

Sample Size

A total of 100 respondents from four major barangay in City of Mati (Central,

Matiao, Dahican, Sainz) are the target respondents.

Research Instrument

In this study, the research questions were formulated by the researchers. The

validator will first evaluate and validate the questions devised by the researchers. After
it is validated, the questions will undergo trial. In this qualitative study, the instrument

which will be employed is interview questions and will be using recorder for authenticity

purposes. The interviewer would ask the questions in English and would also provide a

translator for the participant to further understand the question. The participant can use

the language he or she is comfortable with to be able to express themselves openly and

freely without distrust.

Data Collection Method

Information and data were collected using face-to-face individual interview

schedule. According to Kvale (1996), an interview is the act of collecting descriptions

and pieces of information about the interviewee's lived experiences through

conversation. Additionally, in-depth interviews are powerful in eliciting narrative data for

the researchers to be able to explore other peoples’ view in greater understanding. The

researchers used a semi-structured interview, which means that the questions and

concerns to be argued and discussed were already prepared before the interviewing

process. Semi-structured interviewing lets the interviewer expound and discuss the

important points of the issue that uprises during interviews. The researchers developed

the questions to suit the participants' comprehension. Non-verbal communications and

reactions were read by the researchers through a face-to-face interview, and this

proved to help in data analysis. The conducted interviews were audio-recorded then

transcribed by the researchers.

Ethical Considerations

Informed consents were asked from the participants subsequently after they

agreed to be in part of the researchers’ study. This ethical process was attained by

reading to the participants the informed consents and requesting them to validate their

consents by putting their signature on the consent. They were also oriented about the

clause of confidentiality. This confidentiality indicates that the dignity of the participants

must be considered and respected. Thus, it is essential that the participants are not

reluctant and doubtful about the security and confidentiality of the information that they

would share (Ferreira, et al., 1988). They were also oriented that private information

would only be accessed by the researchers and their supervisor. Also, they were not

obliged to share some pieces of information or details that would cross their privacy

even if some participants personally agreed to disclose their information in the printed

materials. After the transcription, the record audio were secured and kept in private.

After the study had been fully and successfully completed, the record audio would be

Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire

Dear Participant

We are the graduating student in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Financial Management. Our research focuses on investigating the factors

affecting customers trust and acceptance of online banking in Mati City.

We are sending to you the accompanying questionnaire in order to gather the

opinions of internet banking users in Mati City. There are no right or wrong answers; I

am just interested in your opinions. Thus if you are using internet banking please

answer all questions as best as you can and return the completed questionnaire. If you

face any difficulty or have any questions please contact me on the address below. Your

response is extremely important to the success of this research and will be held in strict


I shall be pleased to share the findings of this research once it is completed. To

that extent if you would like to receive a copy of its findings please provide me with an

e-mail address at the end of the survey.

Thank you for your participation.

Part 1: Personal Information



Educational Attainment:


Income per Month:

Part II: Interview Guide

1. What are your perceptions on the trustworthiness of online banking?

2. What are the factors affect your trust towards online banking?

3. Does online banking websites enable you to complete different transactions

more quickly?

4. Does internet has enough safeguards to make you feel comfortable using it to

transact personal business with banks agencies?

5. Do you believe that the bank agency is truthful, honest and genuine in its


6. Does online service provider keeps you informed about the latest


7. Does bank website implements security measures to protect users and offer

secure payment methods?


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