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Teacher Candidate(s): Creedence Cameron School: SUNY Cortland Date: 11/2/2021

Unit/Activity: badminton serving Grade: 12

Central Focus (entire lesson segment): in this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate a proper serve to their opponent, while
# in class: 25
showing respect for their opponent by making sure they are ready for your serve, and demonstrate their knowledge on how to
1Lesson Plan score from a serve.
1 of 12 NYS/National (national outcomes)- Demonstrates mature forms of specialized skills in a variety of games and sports. (NY.S1.1.8)
Standards Evaluates the application of personal habits and strategies related to health-enhancing behaviors. (NY.S3.2.8)
Applies rules and etiquette while accepting responsibility for individual improvement in physical activity settings. (NY.S4.1.8)

Lesson Focus: forehand serving low and high in badminton into a hoola hoop on the opposite side of the court.
Domains Assessment Tool Length of class: 7 mins
Situation / Task / Criteria

Teaching Styles:
1. during the drill, the student will forehand serve the birdie into the hoola hoop 2/5 Command
Psychomotor 1/1 Peer assessment and checklist Practice
2. during this activity, students will demonstrate safety and good communication by Self-Check
Affective 4/4 Teacher observation
always calling their partners name before performing a serve. Inclusion
3. at the end of class, students will be able to describe the proper way to serve forehand Problem Solving
2/2 low and high in badminton when asked. Cooperative
Cognitive Exit slip Stations
Academic Jig-Saw
Forehand serve, wrist, flick, follow through.
Language Used
students will measure their heart rate before we start and after 5 serves in a row. They Students will put fingers on pulse and count for 30 seconds.
3/3 will then compare the two and record them on a log.
Fitness objective

Make sure you hold onto the racquet firmly, and always make sure your opponent is References( e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL):
Safety Statement 4/4 paying attention before you serve the birdie.

National Standards – The physically literate individual:

NYS Learning standards 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement
.Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. patterns.
Standard 2: Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance. 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
Standard 3: Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and related to movement and performance.
fitness. 3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a
Standard 4: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 5: Recognizes the value of physical activity for overall wellness, enjoyment, challenge, and/or self-expression. 4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self
Standard 6: Recognizes career opportunities and manages personal and community resources related to physical activity and fitness and others.
to achieve and maintain overall wellness. 5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment,
challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.

What is the ongoing fitness theme or emphasis in this lesson?

Health-related Fitness (HRF) Explain how it is embedded and where in the lesson it occurs: Skill-related Fitness (SRF) Explain how it is embedded and where in the lesson it occurs:
when the students are dong the forehand serve into the hoola hoop, Students need to have good coordination when serving the birdie. Good hand
(Please Bold) they are using different levels of strength to hit the birdie. (Please Bold) eye coordination and timing during the hoola hoop activity will help the
Cardiovascular endurance Balance students get more points.
Muscular strength Coordination
Muscular endurance Agility
Flexibility Reaction time
Body composition Speed
(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, estimated MVPA through a (i.e. Concepts taught, goals, FITT, etc.)
game/activity, heart rate, RPE, step counts, FITT, etc.)

Lesson Time Organization Assessments, Reminders
Components (mins) CFU, Academic Language,
Alignment to objectives

Instant Activity 1 min 4 people per net Students will volley back and forth with a partner using both forehand and backhand shot Teacher observation during warm up

30 On the teachers signal, students will find a partner with a racquet and birdie and go to one of the nets, one person on each side and 3
seconds pairs per net.
Intro- hello, my name is Mr. Cameron today we will be learning how to serve in badminton, if at any point you hear my signature two
Signal for T
claps and a Ric Flair, drop your racquets and give me your undivided attention, badminton is a very fun game that can be played at
Attention, 3 min SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
backyard parties and family gatherings so take what you learn from me today and win a match against family members for me. My
expectations for today’s class is that you will be able to hit the birdie into the hoola hoop 2/5 times using the forehand underhand serve.
Transition Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet.
Tasks – Activities for the whole class. E.g. Hit the Cues (Refinements) – Variations / Modification – Adaptations,
ball over the net to your partner 10 times. Simple secrets to improve Add variations to make the tasks easier and harder Assessments, Reminders
performance. E.g. Low to according to the skill level of the students (lower and CFU, Academic Language,
high higher skilled students). Alignment to objectives
Whole- do the serve full speed 2 or three times from different angles and with/without the birdie in hand.
1 min Demonstration #1
1. students will serve the birdie trying to hit it in a 1. toss Peers will do an assessment and fill
hula hoop with a overhand forehand serve. 2.hit Easier – serve the birdie over the net using the out a checklist.
T S S S 3.follow through forehand overhand serveand have it land in the hoop CFU- what are the cues for overhand
2/5 times forehand serve?
Body of Lesson 2 min
_---------------------- Cognitive obj- students will be able
(Lesson Focus) S S S Harder - use the same serve technique but try and get to reiterate the cues back to them.
the birdie to land in the hoop 4/5 times. Academic language- forehand, serve,
follow through.
30 On the teacher’s signal, students will drop their racquets, return to a semi circle and listen for further instructions.
Part- break down the serve using the cues-drop hit and follow through. Do this with the birdie and without the birdie at different angles.
1 minute Demonstration #2
2 min 2. students will serve the birdie trying to hit it in a 1. drop Easier – serve the birdie using the forehand Have 2 hoops on the opposite side,
S S S hula hoop using a forehand underhand serve. 2.hit underhand serve to the first hoop closest to the net pne close and one far.
3.follow through CFU-what are the cues for forehand
T_---------------------- Harder - serve the birdie using the forehand underhand serve?
S S S underhand serve to the 3 hoop furthest from the net
30 On the teachers signal, students will drop their racquets, return to a semi-circle, and listen for further instruction
1 min Demonstration #3 Whole-do the serve full speed with cues drop, hit, follow through. Do this with the birdie and without the birdie at different angles.

3. students will serve the birdie trying to hit it in a 1. drop Easier – serve the birdie into a hoop of your choosing
hula hoop using a drive serve. 2.hit using the drive serve. Students get to choose which hoop
2 min 3.follow through they want to hit the birdie into for the
Harder - serve the birdie into all three of the hoops easier variation.
3/3 times using the drive serve.
seconds On the teachers signal, students will drop their racquets, return to a semi-circle, and wait for further instruction.
Demonstration #4
4. 1. Easier –
3. Harder -


Demonstration #5
5. 1. Easier –
3. Harder -
Discuss how the students performed the serves and common errors you saw. Also include positive things you saw throughout the lesson.
Lesson Closure, Students get into
Discuss what you will be doing in the next lesson which is learning about the scoring system in badminton.
Hook to Next 2-3 min. semi-circle in front Verbal exit ticket, CFU
Give a verbal exit ticket. (ask what the 3 cues were for forehand overhand serving, where your racquet should send up on the follow
Lesson of teacher.
through, and the safety concerns to keep in mind when playing.
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Evaluation of Post-planning: “Assessment Informs Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results
Teacher Reflection Notes:

(Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and number’
Attachments Peer assessment, verbal exit ticket, check list for peer assessment, check list for teacher observation

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