List Faculties Study in Russia

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+Group Code Group Name Faculty Code Faculty Name

010100 Mathematics
010200 Applied Mathematics & Informatics
010400 Physics
010500 Mechanics
010900 Astronomy
011000 Chemistry
010000 Natural Sciences 011100 Geology
011200 Geographics
011300 Geochemistry
011400 Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
011600 Biology
011700 Anthropology
011800 Zoology
011900 Botany
012000 Physiology
012100 Genetics
012200 Biophysics
012300 Biochemistry
012400 Microbiology
012600 Meteorology
012700 Hydrology
012800 Oceanology
012900 Hydrography
013000 Social Sciences
013100 Ecology
013500 Bioecology
013600 Geoecology
013700 Charting
+ Human-Social 020100 Philosophy
020000 Sciences 020200 Politology
020300 Sociology
020400 Psychology
350100 Social Anthropology
020600 Culturology
020700 History
020800 Historical Archive
020900 Art Criticism Sciences
021000 Museology
021100 Juridical Sciences
350300 Regional Studies
021400 Journalism
021500 Publishing & Editing
021600 Circulation of Publications
021700 Philology
350400 Public Relations
350500 Social Work
022300 Physical Culture & Sports
022600 Linguistics & Intercultural Communication
030900 Pre-school Pedagogics & Psychology
030000 Education 031000 Pedagogics & Psychology
031100 Pedagogics & Pre-school Education Methods
031200 Pedagogics & Primary Education Methods
031300 Social Pedagogics
031500 Thyphlo pedagogics
031600 Surdo pedagogics
031700 Oliofern pedagogics
031800 Logopedics
031900 Special Psychology
032000 Special Pre-school Pedagogics & Psychology
040100 General Medicine
040000 Public Health 040200 Pediatrics
040300 Medical Prophylactic Science
040400 Stomatology
040500 Pharmacy
040600 Art of Nursing
+ 052400 Design
050000 Culture & Arts
052500 Interiors & Equipment
052600 Art of Literature
052700 Library Science & Bibliography
052800 Museum Art & Monument Preservation
350700 Advertisement
053100 Socio-Cultural Activity
060100 Economical Theory
060000 Economics & Management 060200 Economy of Labor
060400 Finance & Credit
060500 Accounting, Analysis & Audit
060600 World Economy
060700 National Economy
060800 Economy & Management (on branches)
061000 Federal & Municipal Management
061100 Management
351300 Commerce
061500 Marketing

351100 Commodity Research & Expertise of Goods (by filed of application)

061700 Statistics
061800 Mathematical Methods in Economics
Interdisciplinary Natural- 070100 Biotechnology
070000 Technical Specialties 070200 Technics & Physics of low Temperature
070700 Thermal Physics
070800 Physics-Chemistry of Processes and Materials
070900 Physics of Metals
071000 Material Science & Technology of New Materials
071100 Dynamics & Endurability of Machines
071200 Tribometries
071400 Physical Electronics
071500 Radio physics & Electronics

071600 High-voltage Electric Power Industry & Electrical Engineering

071800 Mechatronics
071900 Information Systems & Technology
072000 Standardization & Certification
+ Geology & Prospecting of Min-
080000 eral Resources 080100 Geological mapping, Search & Prospecting of Mineral Deposits
Search & Prospecting for Subterranean Waters and Engineering-Geological
080300 Search

080400 Geological Methods of Search & Prospecting of Mineral Resources

080500 Geology of Oil & Gas
080600 Applied Geochemistry, Petrology, Minerology

080700 Prospecting Technology and Technics for Mineral Deposits

090000 Exploration of Minerals 090100 Mining Science
090200 Exploration by Mining of Mineral Deposits
090300 Recuperation of Minerals
090400 Shafts & Underground Construction
090500 Open Excavation
090600 Exploration & Exploitation of Gas & Oil Deposits
Projecting, Construction & Exploitation of Gas-and Oil Pipelines and Gas-
090700 and-Oil Storages
090800 Drilling for Oil and Gas
090900 Maritime Oil and Gas Constructions
100100 Power Stations
Energy Science & Power Ma- 100200 Power Generation Systems and Networks
100000 chinery Engineering 100400 Power Supply
100500 Thermal Power Stations

100600 Technology of Water and Fuel for Thermal and Nuclear Power Station
100700 Industrial Heat Power Engineering
100800 Thermal Technologies Power Generation
100900 Non-Traditional and Renewable Power Sources
101000 Nuclear Power Plants & Units
101100 Nuclear Power Generation Units
101200 Inner Combustion Engines
101300 Boiler & Reactor Engineering
101400 GA turbine, Steam turbine Plants and Engineering
101500 Vacuum & Compressor Technics of Physical Units
110000 Metallurgy 110100 Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals
+ 110200 Metallurgy of Non- Ferrous Metals

110300 Thermal Physics, Automatization and Ecology of Industrial

110400 Smelting of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals
110500 Metal Science and Thermal Treatment of Metals
110700 Metallurgy of Welding
110800 Powder Metallurgy Composite Materials, Coating
Machine Building and 120100 Techniology of Machine Building
120000 Materials Processing 120200 Metal Cutting Tools & Instruments
120300 Machinery and Technology of Smelting
120400 Machinery and Pressure Procession of Metals
120500 Welding Technology & Equipment

120600 Equipment & Technology of Machinery nd Tools Refurbishment and Durability

120700 Machinery and Technology of Processing with High Effectiveness of Materials

120800 Material Science in Machine Building
120900 Projecting of technical and Technological Complexes

121100 Hydraulic Machines, Hydrodrives and Hydropneumoauthomatics

121200 Technology of Artful Tretment of Materials

Aviation and Rockets and 130100 Aircraft and Helicoptor Building
130000 Space Machinery 130200 Aircraft Engines and Power Devices
130300 Technical Exploitation of Aircraft and Engines

131000 Technical Exploitation of Aircraft Electric System of Avionics

140000 Maritime Machinery 140100 Ship Building

140200 Seacraft Power Units

150100 Automobile and Tractor Building
Ground Transportation
150000 Vehicles 150200 Automobile and Service Facilities
150700 Locomotives
150800 Railway Carriages

150900 Pulk Handling Equipment at Ports and Transport Terminals

Technological Machinery 170100 Mining Machenery and Equipment
170000 and Equipment 170200 Machinery & Equipments of Oil and Gas Exploration
170300 Metallurgical Machenery and Equipment
170400 Machinery & Equipment for Forestry
170500 Machinery & Appliances for Chemical Industry
170600 Machinery & Appliances for Food Industry

170700 Machinery & Appliances for Textile and Consumer industries

170800 Polygraphic Machinery and Automatized Complexes

170900 Evaluation-Transport, Construction, Road Building Machines and Equipment

171000 Agriculture Machinery and Equipment

171100 Machinery and Equipment for Land Amelioration and Environmental Protection
180100 Electromachanics (by filed of application)
180200 Electric and Electronic Appliances
180000 Electrotechnics
180300 Electroinsulation, Cable asnd Condenser Devices

180400 Electrodrive and Automation of Industrial Facilities and Technological Complexes

180500 Electrotechnological Equipment and System
180600 Lighing and Sources of Light
180700 Electric Transport
180800 Erelctric Equipment of Automobiles and Tractors
Electric Equipment and Electrofacilities of Firms, Organizations and Establish-
181300 ments
190000 Control Devices Building 190100 Control Devices Building

190200 Controls and Technics for Quality Control and Diagnostics

190300 Avionics and Measuring-Computing Complexes
190600 Engineering in Medico-Biological Practices
190700 Optical-Electronic Control and Systems
190800 Meteorology and Metereological Support
190900 Information-Metreting Equipment & Technology
+ Electronic Technics,
Radiotechnics and 200100 Microelectronics and Solid State Microelectronics
200000 Communication 200300 Electronic Appliances and Devices
200400 Industrial Electronics
200500 Electronic Machine Building
200600 Electronic and Automation of Physical Appliances
200700 Radiotechnics
200800 Design and Technology of Radioelectronic Devices
200900 Communication Networks and Communication Systems
201000 Multichannel Telecommunication Systems
201100 Radiocommunication, Boardcasting and Television

201300 Technical Exploitation of Transport-Based Radio Equipmet

201400 Audiovisual Equipment
201500 Household Radioelectric Applinaces
201600 Radioelectronic Systems
210100 Control and Informatics of Technical Systems
210000 Automation and Control
210200 Automation of Technological Processes & Production
210300 Robots and Robotiechnical Systems

210400 Relay Protection and Automation of Electrical Power System

210700 Automation, Telemechanics and Communication of Railroad Transport

Informatics and Com-
220000 puters 220100 Computers, Computer Complexes, Systems and Networks

220200 Automatic Systems of Information processing and Control

220300 Automatic Design System
220400 Software for Computers and Automatic Systems
220500 Computer Design and Technology
Exploitation and Services of Transportation and Technological Machenery (by
230000 Services 230100 fields of application)
230300 Household Appliances and Machninery
230600 Houskeeping
240000 Transport Exploitation 240200 Seafaring
240400 Traffic and Road Safety
240500 Elxpolitation of Vessel Power Units
+ 250100 Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
250000 Chemical Technology 250200 Chemical Technology of Non-Organic Substances
250300 Technology of Electrochemical Substances

250400 Chemical technology of natural Energy Carriers and Hydrocarbons Materials

250500 Chemical Technology of High Molecular Composition
250600 Technology of Treatment of Plastics and Elastomeres

250700 Technology of Films for photography and Cinema and Magnetic Carriers

250800 Chemical technology of Non-Metallic Refractory and Silicate Material

250900 Chemical Technology of Materials of Moderb Power Production

251000 Chemical Technology of Materials and Products of Electronic Industry

251700 Chemical technology of Rare Elements and Materials on their Basis

251800 Basis Processes of Chemnical Industries and Chemical Cynernetics

260000 260100 Forestory Engineering
Reproduction and Pro-
cessing of 260200 Technology of Timber Processing
Forest Resources 260300 Technology of Chemical Processing of Timber
260400 Forestory
260500 Parks and Landscapes Construction
270100 Technology of Grain Storage and Processing
270300 Bread, Confectionery and Pasta Products Processing
270000 Technology of Foodstuffs 270400 Sugar Products Technology
270500 Technology of Brewing and Wines
270600 Technology of Subtropical and Delicatessen Products

270700 Technology of Fats, Essential Oils and Perfumery and Cosmetic Products
270800 Technology of Canned and Concentrated Food
270900 Technology of Meat and Meat Products
271000 Technology of Fish and Fish Products
271100 Technology of Milk and Milk Products
271200 technology of Public Alimentation Products
Consumer Goods Tech-
280000 nologies 280100 Technology of Equipment for Natural Fibers Production
280200 Technology of Equipment for Production of Chemical
280300 Technology of Textiles
280400 Design of Textiles
280700 Chemical Technology and Eqiopment for Accessories
280800 Technology of Sewen Products
280900 Sewn Products Design
281000 Leather and Furr Technology
281200 Leather Goods Design
281500 Fashion design of Textiles and Clothes
281400 Technology of Printing
Construction and Architec- 290100 Architecture
290000 ture 290200 Design of Architecture
290300 Industrial and Civil Construction
290400 Hydrotechnocal Construction
290500 Urban Construction and Assets

290600 Production of Construction Materials, Parts and Components

290700 Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
290800 Water Supply and Sewage
290900 Railroads Construction, railways and infrasture
291000 Roads and Airports
291100 Bridges and Transport Tunnels

291200 Restoration and Reconstruction of Architectural Inheritance

291300 Machinization and Automation of Construction

291400 Design of Buildings

300000 Geodesy and Charting 300100 Applied Geodesy
300200 Astronomgeodesy
300300 Aerophotogeodasy
300500 Cosmic Geodasy
+ Agriculture and Fishery 310100 Agrochemistry
310200 Agronomy
310300 Vinery and Horticulture
310400 Vegetation Protection
310600 Selection and Genetics in agriculture
310700 Zootechny
310800 Veterinary
310900 Land Amelioration
311000 Land-survey
311100 Urban Land-survey

311200 Technology of Storage and Processing of Agricultureal Production

311300 Agricultural Machinery
311400 Power Supply and Automation of Agriculture
311500 Machinery for Agricultural Procucts Processing

311600 Engineering Systems for Agricultural Water Supply, Watering and Dumping
311700 Aquetic Bioresources, and Aquaculture
311800 Commercial Fishery
Ecology and Nature Utiliza- 320400 Agroecology
320000 tion
320500 Melioration, Recultivation and Lnad Prtotection

320600 Complex Utilization and Ptrotection of Aqautic Resources

320700 Evvironmental Protection and Rational Utilization of Natural Resources

320800 Environmental Furbish of Lands

330100 Health & Safety in Technical Environment
330000 Health & Safety
330200 Protection Engineering for Environment
330500 Technical Processes and Industries Safety
Are you studying the International Relations, MBBS/MD, Energy, Physics or Aerospace Engineering? Maybe you could or even should consider Russia as a study destination. Many pro-
grammes are offered in English and there are also a lot of interesting summer/ winter school programmes available.
Although the educational system in Russia is still in transition, there are many faculties which offer top-notch education. This is a remainder of the Soviet Union, when the country heavi-
ly invested in research and universities. Today, Russia is once again investing in international programmes, English-taught courses and updating facilities, such as labs and dormitories.
A few topics can be studied better only in Russia than anywhere else. Starting, of course, with the Russian language, most of the universities are offering it for foreigners. Wouldn’t it be
great to study within the Arctic Circle, deep inside Siberia or in a city near the mighty Volga River? Russia as a country has always had an enormous influence on international develop-
ment. For example, most of our oil and gas comes from Russia. Today, the only way astronauts can reach the International Space Station (ISS), is with Russian manufactured rockets.
Russia was and still is a big power in the international political order. It might sound like a cliché, but a study in Russia is a solid investment in yourself.

Four invaluable pieces of advice:

 Learn Russian (even a little bit will help)
 Look beyond Moscow or St. Petersburg
 Don’t be prejudiced
 Pack really warm clothes for winter

Faculty Consultancy , Study Program Guid-

ance , Acceptance letter, Visa invitation &
 State Universities  Hostels with universities
 More than 500 faculties  Full Medical Insurance Travelling Preparation, Health insurance,
 Study in English and other  Student card benefits/ Furnished Hostel, Airport Arrival filiations /
local languages discounts
 Economized fees
pick & drop , University placement
 Scholarship available
 Work Allowed
 Worldwide Recognized de-
Sovereign Business Resources SMC Pvt Ltd is an educational and career advisory and services, to promote development education among the young people
in collaboration with academic resources of East & Central European, Baltics, CIS and Central Asian countries.
SMN PVT LTD. is also facilitating other post degree graduate PhD programs, executive MBA, associate engineer, diploma, certificate, vocational certificates,
winter/summer schools/ international symposiums, seminar and academic conferences, NGO, civil society, urban planning, development studies and short-
term training program. SMN PVT LTD. offers enrolments in various faculties including medical, engineering, management, law, social and neutral sciences uni-
versities of East Europe/ Baltic/ CIS/Central Asian and study migration program.

Sovereign Business Resources SMC Pvt Ltd

Our services
• Information about the different higher educational establishments of the Russian Federation.
• Processing of the students’ documents with the chosen University for the chosen specialty.
• Processing of the admission letter and the visa support letter from the University.
• Assistance in issuance of the health and life insurance.
• Visa documentation and file processing in E.form
• Meeting the students on their arrival at the International airport and accompanying them to the University and the hostel.
• Assistance in their hostel accommodation.
• Assistance with the registration, and documentation at the University.
• Assistance in opening the bank account and in sending facsimile and electronic messages.
• Consultation and help in all the regards during the education with the University, teachers and fellow students.
• Transferring the students from one University to the other and all related documentation.
• Communication with parents with regards to the academic and other behavior of the children during the educational period.
• All assistance and guardianship during the complete educational period

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