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Sometimes the subject of a sentence is too long and it doesn´t sound natural at the beginning of a
sentence. This can happen when:

a) The subject is an INFINITIVE EXPRESSION.

eg. It´s essential to study English.

b) The subject is an –ING FORM.

eg. It was nice seeing you.

c) The subject is a “THAT “ CLAUSE.

eg. It worried me that she didn´t phone.

d) The subject is another CLAUSE introduced by WHEN, WHAT…

eg. It doesn´t interest me whether you succeed or not.

eg. It doesn´t matter when you arrive.

eg. It wasn´t very clear what she meant.

e) As a preparatory subject for FOR + OBJECT + INFINITIVE.

eg. It´s essential for the papers to be ready before Friday.

f) To introduce sentences with IF, AS IF, AS THOUGH.

eg. It looks as if we are going to get into trouble.

g) To give special EMPHASIS to one idea in a sentence ( cleft sentences).

eg. Tom bought an MP3 for his sister.

It was Tom who bought an MP3 for his sister. ( emphasis on the subject)

It was an MP3 that Tom bought for his sister. (emphasis on the direct object)

It was his sister who Tom bought an MP3 for. ( emphasis on the indirect object)

h) Set phrases that begin with “it”( which is the subject of the verb) often used for describing personal
opinions : It´s a shame you won´t be here tonight.

It´s no use complaining all the time.

It amazes me to hear you say that.

or general impressions:

It strikes me that he didn´t pass the exam.

It seems like a hopeless case.

It appears as if they aren´t coming.

i) After certain verbs, “it” can also be used to introduce a clause. In this case , “it” is the object of the
verb, particularly after verbs to do with liking. eg. Enjoy, hate, like, love, don´t mind, resent

eg. I hate it when she does that.

eg. We´d appreciate it if you turned down the music.

eg. I´d love it if we won the league this year.

j) “It” as an introductory object in the structure subject+ verb + it + adjective/ noun + infinitive /
clause. Verbs commonly used in this way include: believe, consider, find, feel, think

eg. I find it difficult to concentrate if you are talking.

eg.I thought it was a waste of money to throw away the food

k) With the verbs accept, regard, see, take or view we use it + as + noun ( or adjective) + clause.

eg. I take it as encouraging when students attend all my lectures.

eg. We see it as an insult to have received no reply to our letter.

l) With leave and owe in the structure leave/ owe it TO somebody TO DO something.

eg. She owed it to her parents to do well at college.

eg. Don´t bother to arrange anything. Just leave it to me to sort out.

m) A number of common expressions include : It´s no…. or There´s no…

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