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1. Language space - is a set of geographically contiguous languages that
are more similar to each other in their structure than would be expected
on the basis on their degree of genealogical relatedness.

2. Language space – an area or expanse where the language is spread.

( The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics entries/ Oxford University
Press,2014 – p.376)

3. Language space is the territory in which the organized system of speech

used by human beings as a means of communication among themselves.
(New Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus./ Lexicon Publications, 1993-
4. Language space – a period of time when certain language exists.
(Wedster’s New Explorer Student Dictionary. by Merriam – Webster,
Incorporated; 2005 - p.533)

5.  Языковое пространство- языковой ареал;  географическое 

пространство распространения языка или формы его существован
(Словарь лингвистических терминов: Изд. 5-е, испр-е и дополн. —
Назрань: Изд-во "Пилигрим". Т.В. Жеребило. 2010.- ст.976)

My definition

Language space - is a territory of particular language.

LINGUISTIC SITUATION [lɪŋˈgwɪstɪk ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃən]

1. Linguistic situation - is a way for society to satisfy its communication

needs using one or more languages.
(Izborniki / / literary encyclopedia: in 2 vols. / auth.-way. Y. I. Kuznetsov.
- Kiev: EC "Academy", 2007. - P. 406)

2. Linguistic situation- is a set of languages or forms of existence of a

single language, as well as social and functional relations between
them in a certain territory.

3. Linguistic situation - he situation of interaction of different

languages or different forms of existence of one language in a certain
state, taking into account their functional specificity and distribution
(Duzhik N. / / Modern terminological problems / / - K., 1998. - P. 124.)

4. Linguistic situation is the result of some linguistic as well as extra-

linguistic factors.
(Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. Ch. ed. Yartseva V.N. (Moscow:
Nauka, Publishing house “Big Russian Encyclopaedia”, 2003- p.673)

5. Лінгвістична ситуація – сукупність умов і обставин, що

створюють певне становище у мові.
( Словник української мови, IXтом, ст.875)

My definition

A linguistic situation is an indication of which languages are located in

a particular territory, how many of them there are, and their functions.

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