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A Comprehensive Review on Solar Powered

Electric Vehicle Charging System

Saadullah Khan, Aqueel Ahmad, Furkan Ahmad, Mahdi Shafaati Shemami,

Mohammad Saad Alam & Siddiq Khateeb

To cite this article: Saadullah Khan, Aqueel Ahmad, Furkan Ahmad, Mahdi Shafaati Shemami,
Mohammad Saad Alam & Siddiq Khateeb (2017): A Comprehensive Review on Solar Powered
Electric Vehicle Charging System, Smart Science

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Published online: 22 Dec 2017.

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Smart Science, 2017

A Comprehensive Review on Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging System

Saadullah Khana, Aqueel Ahmada  , Furkan Ahmada  , Mahdi Shafaati Shemamia  ,
Mohammad Saad Alama  and Siddiq Khateebb
Department of Electrical Engneering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India; bAllCell Technologies, Chicago, IL, USA


Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular in many countries of the world. EVs are Received 3 December 2017
proving more energy efficient and environmental friendly than ICEVs. But the lack of charging Accepted 15 December 2017
stations restricts the wide adoption of EVs in the world. As EV usage grows, more public spaces are
installing EV charging stations. On the other hand, if EVs are charged via existing utility grid powered KEYWORDS
by fossil fuel-based generation system, then it affects the distribution system and could not be
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Solar PV system; EV charging;

environmentally friendly. As solar has great potential to generate the electricity from PV panel, business model; solar
the charging of EVs from PV panels would be a great solution and also a sustainable step toward potential; control; safety
the environment. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of solar PV-EV charging systems
and deployment in the world. Analytical methods were proposed to obtain information about EV
charging behavior, modes of charging station operation, and geolocation of charging station users.
The methodology presented here was time- and cost-effective, and very helpful to the researchers
and students in this field.

1. Introduction births (before 37 weeks gestation) (globally) are related

to exposure to outdoor air pollution [3]. China reported
1.1. Background
1.22 and 1.28 million premature death cases in 2005
Air pollution, particularly PM, is a serious challenge and 2010, respectively [4]. According to an estimate
facing by transportation sector of various countries. of the 2017 Global Burden of Disease, atmospheric
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported 3.7 air pollution is responsible for more than 4.2 million
million death tragedies in the world below 60 in 2012 early deaths, of these, India accounts for 1.1 million
due to atmospheric air pollution, 90% population are each year expiries [5]. Although due to smaller vehi-
located in developing countries [1]. Presently 1.7 mil- cle fleet relative to large population, India fixes low
lion child expiries a year and total 9 million people died per capita transportation emissions. The big factor is
each year, says WHO [2,3]. And nearly18% of premature the exponential growth of vehicle fleet, because of the

CONTACT  Furkan Ahmad

© 2017 The Author(s)
2   S. KHAN ET AL.

growth in vehicle sales (about 10 million in 2007 to 1.2.  Significant Contributions

over 21 million in 2016 and expected to nearly double
The outlined contributions of this review paper are as
to about 200 million by 2030 in India [6]. A number of
health and medical organizations claimed that the die-
sel engine exhaust is more prone to cancer in humans • The aim of the subject matter is to study compre-
[7]. Also, rising fuel costs and growing public concerns hensively several aspects and methodologies for
on environmental problems such as air quality, global solar PV-EV charging technologies.
warming, etc. have led the governments and automobile • The paper presents charging standards including
industries to develop eco-friendly, emission-free means techniques and modes of solar charging, economic
of transportation [8] i.e. green transportation systems analysis, roadblocks and challenges, and sustaina-
e.g. walking, cycling, regular public conveyance, and bility, etc.
rail transport system, etc. Vehicles include natural gas • Control and safety techniques with respect to
vehicle, hybrid energy vehicle, electric vehicle, hydro- PVCS, and also the working of the commercialized
gen-powered vehicle, and solar energy vehicle [9]. business model is explained.
Vehicle emission standards are adopted to incorpo- • To assess the feasibility, a detailed insight of differ-
rate soot free fleet services around the world [10,11]. ent proposed solar PV charging technologies are
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Countries like Europe, the United States, Japan, and discussed.

India adopt Euro 6/VI equivalent standards (for light-
The manuscript is elaborated into six sections followed
and heavy-duty vehicles) that reduce 99% emissions like
by an introduction and ended up with the conclusion. In
(NOx), (NH3), (N2O), etc. [12,6] and justifying the reg-
the second section, mathematical modeling and global
ulation of risk of ischemic heart disease, lung cancer,
solar PV utilization are presented. In the third section,
stroke, and asthma [13]. But the best option is renewable
a survey of the existing electric vehicle charging stations
globally with their charging levels and standards are pre-
The outcome of this paradigm shift, EVs and PHEVs are
sented. Also, control and safety, and business model, etc.
emerging as attractive alternatives to ICEVs [14]. Owing
developed so far are analyzed. The fourth section com-
to the importance of EVs, the national and international
prises different solar charging technologies with their
governments worldwide (U.S.A., U.K., China, Germany,
topologies. In the fifth section, the last section, a technical
France, Japan, Norway, Netherlands, etc.) have passed
insight from the issue of environmental and economic
various resolutions and supervisory steps and allocated
perspective is investigated.
substantial fund to encourage EV and PEV deployment
and implementation [15]. Long-term planning scenarios
specify that the EVs must capture almost entire global 2.  Solar PV Power Generation Potential in the
vehicle fleet, mostly propelled by renewable sources, by World
2050 to avoid worst-case global climate change scenarios
[16]. Solar potential received by the planet earth in 1 h from
The advantages of EV-PV charging system are. (1) the sun can fulfill all energy needs for one year [27] and
Reduction in the EV charging load penetration on the it is the sustainable and cleanest form of energy that earth
grid. (2) The voltage problem in the distribution system received [22]. It can be concluded that the estimated SPV
is avoided [17]. (3) Electric supply charges paid to the based energy generation is probably to reach its maximum
utility are also reduced. (4) Efficiency is on the higher potential in another 40 years [24]. The measurement of
incident sunlight on any surface (i.e. insolation) can be
side in direct DC EV-PV interconnection. (5) Energy stor-
done as energy per unit time per unit area (irradiance) or
age reduces as EV battery doubles up the PV storage. (6)
power per unit area [28]. Roughly, the earth receives four
Feasibility of Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and Vehicle-to-home
million exajoules (1 EJ = 1018 J) of solar energy annually,
(V2H) strategies [18–22]. (7) Lower fuel cost and no emis-
out of which 5 × 104 EJ is claimed to be practically har-
sions at the tailpipe (‘well to wheel’) [23]. (8) No mainte-
vestable [29].
nance/noise because of no moving part. (9) Installation
is feasible everywhere [24].
The development and widespread adoption of EVs and 2.1.  Modeling Framework of EV Integrated PVCS
PHEVs are dependent upon the development of battery
Being nonlinear device, a solar cell can be represented as
technology [25] and facility for these vehicles, in order to
a current source model (Figure 1) [30–32].
meet their power requirements [26]. So complete charging
The governing equation by KCL for current (IPV):
infrastructure with sophisticated equipment is indispen-
sable for promoting EVs. IPV = IL − (ID + Ish ) (1)

efficiency as constant. Besides ηsolar, the electrical power

output at particular solar irradiation (psolar (s)) is likewise
calculated by:
Psolar (s) = 𝜂solar × sa (Watts) (7)
i.e. the solar irradiation intensity (s in W/m2) is multiplied
Figure 1. Equivalent current source model of the PV cell. by the combined area of solar cells (a in m2).
A frequently used solar energy universal model [35] is:
Here, IL = light generated current in the cell (Ampere),
ID  =  voltage-dependent current lost in recombination =a+b (8)
(drop in diode) and Ish = shunt resistance drop. Eextra So
In above single diode circuit model, ID is calculated by
the ideal diode Shockley equation: It is a linear model where ET is the total/global solar energy,
i.e. Eextra means the extraterrestrial solar energy, S denotes
the day length, while So determines the total number of
sunshine hours, and a & b are the constants of the model.
[ ( V +I R ) ]
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ID = Io e nVT −1 (2) Relying on above-listed equations/formulas, here is a

comparative analysis of numerous scientific studies con-
Where VPV is module voltage output, IPV is module current ducted so far on the costs of carbon life cycle for solar
output, n is the diode ideality factor (for a single junction (both PV and thin film). The main gist is the average 3-year
diode it is usually between 1 and 2), Io is the saturation payback, means after 3 years, as much energy solar panels
current, and VT is the thermal voltage given by: create as was demanded in their initial manufacturing and
installation processes. And in the leftover 22–27 years of
kT their useful life, solar panels would be ‘carbon negative.’
VT = (3)
q Now this payback period might vary considerably subject
Where k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.381 × 10−23 J∕K) and to your location. A typical estimate for ‘peak sun hours’
q is the elementary charge (1.602 × 10−19 C) and T is the (Table 1) [36,37] in any country (a numerically equivalent
module temperature (K). data for the aggregated amount of time for which sun
Writing the shunt current equation as: averages 1 kWh/m2 intensity) is calculated here. Say, there
is a standard 300-watt solar panel fixed (no tracking) at an
(4) optimal location. The assumption is there is no shadow
( )
Ish = VPV + IPV Rs ∕Rsh
on the panel during peak sun hours. The panel is rated to
Where Rs and Rsh are the series and shunt resistances, produce 300 watts within 1 h of highest solar intensity. If
respectively (Ω). the typical generation potential is 7 × 300 watts = 2.1 kWh
Where Rsh >> Rs per day with that selected one panel. You have to shave
The typical governing equation of I-V characteristics off about 10% for efficiency (inverter and wiring) losses,
of a PV array for the single diode model is: so net generation is 1.89 kWh/panel/day production or
690 kWh per year.
If for instance, the peak sunshine is available almost for
] ( )
[ ( V +I R )
IPV = IL − Io e nVT −1 − (5) 4 h/day, so it would be expected to generate 1.2 kWh each
day with the same panel, or 438 kWh/year. This average
And also the power is given by: is varying place to place throughout the world. Suppose
the national average of U.S. is somewhere about 4.5 h/day
PPV = VPV × IPV (6) (local average is varying e.g. 10.8 h average for California,
For efficient working of solar panels, the ambient tem- U.S.A. is found from Table 1), on an average, a 300-watt
perature must be low [33]. T solar PV power conversion panel produces 1.35 kWh/day or 493 kWh/year. Now, for
efficiency (ηsolar) varies marginally with temperature e.g. a typical lifespan of 25 years, the panel would yield about
the decrement rate of ηsolar is 0.2–0.5% for the tempera- 12325 kWh. In Sweden, According to the study, a typical
ture rise of 1 °C. Generally, to check larger variations in solar panel generates 50 g of CO2 per kWh, hence a total
temperature, solar cell makers typically use heat insula- of 616 kg of CO2. Of course, we find a significant drop
tion technique. Consequently, the change in ηsolar is rather in efficiency characteristics of solar panels due to high
small due to temperature fluctuations [34]. This clarifies temperature in hotter climates, and thus the amount of
the reason behind the researchers that assume solar cell energy could be twice for the same 50 g of CO2 making it
4   S. KHAN ET AL.

40× less carbon-intensive than that of coal power and the potential map has been prepared based on solar irradi-
national average for domestic solar PV could be around ation maps in the earlier studies, the present work has
30× less carbon intensity [38]. been carried out with a focused attention directly on solar
energy generation considering various parameters. Here
it is shown that SPV power generation does not depend
2.2.  Global Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) System
on solar radiation alone at a location. Instead, there are
various other factors that influence the energy generation.
Encouraged by collected solar PV market, according to the Some of them are working conditions and location, ambi-
Renewables 2017 report, renewables account for almost ent temperature, wind velocity and other parameters like
165 gigawatts (GW) capacity in 2016, approximately weather and topographic conditions and environmental
66.7% of net global power capacity. And it is evident that factors such as the geometric location of the sun, and irra-
the solar PV is the fastest growing industry in 2016. The diation levels [39,41,42], etc. The locations with high and
trend will be continued to have a resilient growth in near low solar energy generation potential have been identified
future. It is estimated that the growth must reach 43% by through systematic analysis by computing the solar energy
2022 [39]. parameters at every grid point (1° × 1°) in [43].
Solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity provides a potential Figure 2 shows a typical solar irradiance map listing top
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source of mid-day charging of EVs and PHEVs which can ten countries with respect to their installed solar power in
be sited at the point of demand [40]. It is a well-established the world [42]. Solar energy potential database is provided
fact that solar energy proved to be the most sought-af- by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
ter source for energy generation. Although solar energy The solar energy potential of the countries located near

Table 1. Monthly average hours per day of sunshine by latitude and altitude, data from [37].
Location Beijing Tokyo Berlin California Rome London Delhi Paris Perth Madrid
Country China Japan Germany United States Italy United Kingdom India France Australia Spain
Longitude/ 39 N, 116 E 35 N, 139 E 52 N, 13 E 36 N, 119 W 41 N, 12 E 51 N, 0.1278 E 28 N, 77 E 48 N, 2 E 32 S, 115 E 40 N, 3.7 E
Sea level 44 m 40 m 34 m 733 m 139 m 35 m 227 m 35 m 31 m 667 m
January 6.26 5.9 1.5 7.5 3.9 1.8 6.9 2.1 10.4 4.77
February 6.9 5.8 2.6 8.5 4.75 2.4 7.7 2.8 9.8 5.6
March 7.47 5.2 3.9 10.4 5.38 4.1 7.7 4.9 8.8 6.9
April 8.4 5.86 5.3 11.7 6.7 6 8.7 7.4 7.5 7.7
May 9.14 5.4 7 13.16 8.5 5.9 8.5 7.1 5.7 8.77
June 8.71 4.2 7.4 14.1 9.5 5.8 6.5 7.6 4.8 10.3
July 6.85 4.7 7 15 10.7 6.3 5.3 8 5.4 11.5
August 7.33 5.6 6.8 14 9.6 5.3 5.7 6.8 6 10.8
September 7.48 4 5.2 11.26 7.9 4.7 7.3 5.6 7.2 8.7
October 7.4 4.2 3.6 10.46 6.3 3.3 8.68 4.5 8.1 6.4
November 6.2 4.9 1.7 8.36 4.3 2 8.23 2.3 9.6 5.2
December 5.8 5.7 1.19 6.8 3.6 1.6 6.96 1.6 10.4 4
Annual 7.3 5.2 4.45 10.8 6.8 4.1 7.4 5.1 7.8 7.58

Figure 2. Solar resource map [37]. Source: “Download free solar resource maps | Solargis.” [Online]. [Accessed 2017 Nov 14] Available

the equator is enormously high due to their convenient Africa was an EVI member up to 2016 and continues as
location as shown. Countries like India, Australia, etc. [44] an active observer [52]. The Indian Government and auto-
being tropical, have rich solar resource e.g. India receives mobile companies have joined hands for the mission of
nearly 3000 h of sunshine every year, which is equivalent adopting e-vehicles and other alternate clean fuel to check
to 5000 trillion kWh of energy and can generate over 1900 the emissions from the transportation sector. Hence, the
billion units of solar power annually, which is enough to first document in 2013 on the EV mission was presented
service the entire annual power demand even in 2030 [45]. in the country as National Electric Mobility Mission Plan
Utility and power conversion industries are preparing (NEMMP) 2020, which become an Act in 2015. And, the
for the grid integration challenges of increasing renew- FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid
able sources, such as the effects of sudden, significant &) Electric Vehicles) India Scheme was also announced in
fluctuations in a PV system’s output power. Prior work 2015 to motivate the Electric Vehicle mission in India by
examined the negative effects of PV variability on local- subsidizing both the consumer and utility sides [53,54].
ized power quality, which can include flicker, frequency The biggest problem India now suffers is in terms of
instability in small grids, increased wear on conventional infrastructure, mainly unavailability of the charging sta-
voltage regulator equipment and frequency limits. This tion. We still don’t have a significant number of charging
problem is taken in the upcoming section of this manu- stations in the country. Collectively, the EVI members
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script. These effects present a major challenge to higher account for most of the global EV market and stock (95%
penetration of PV, particularly at the distribution level of all electric car registrations and 95% of the total stock).
[46]. The fluctuations in the PV power have been removed Figure 2 shows existing public charging infrastructure
with the use of battery [47] and/or ultracapacitors [48]. in the world [15]. From this data, the total no. of chargers
Also, solar energy is in dilute/distributed form and very are slow chargers = 212394 and fast chargers = 109871
intermittent in nature compared to coal/nuclear energy [55].
which is concentrated and have very high energy density.
So harnessing solar energy imposes huge land require-
3.2.  Charging Systems and Their Standardization
ment problem as well.
3.2.1.  Electric Vehicle Charging Standards
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) paves the way
3.  EV and PHEV Charging Systems
for partial electrification of the transportation sector [56]
3.1.  Globally Electric Vehicle Charging while full electric vehicles (EVs) offers complete electrifi-
Infrastructure Deployment cation of the transportation sector.
Figure 3 shows different charging levels [57–61].
In the U.S., an official national goal of deploying one mil-
For plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), on-board level-1
lion EVs on the road by 2015 has been established, and the
or level-2 chargers provide office daytime or home over-
government has implemented several policies to encour-
night charging, whereas high-power off-board charg-
age public domain for achieving electrification at all levels
ers provide fast charging [62]. An on-board integrated
[49]. The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, Canada,
charger [63], capable of fast charging for PEVs, can com-
as stated, the province is spending $20 million through
bine the advantages of both conventional on-board as well
its Green Investment Fund to build approximately 500
as off-board chargers [64]. Focusing on the design of the
electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs) at about 250
vehicle and type and capacity of the battery used, differ-
different locations in Ontario by 2017 [50]. The German
ent charging levels have been standardized by different
National Electric Mobility Platform (NPE) envisages
organizations in the world. Accordingly, charging time
around 1,000,000 EVs in Germany by 2020 with a demand
and behavior varies from vehicle to vehicle. So, the design
of about 70,000 public on-street charging spots specifi-
of PV-EV charger must be according to above-mentioned
cally. To way out the problems faced by China’s renewable
requirements (Figure 4).
energy exploitation practices and to cope with the growing
energy demand by electric vehicles, a model for setting up AC Charging System.  AC charging system
a number of solar-powered charging stations for electric
provides an AC supply that is converted into DC to
vehicles is designed in [51]. In May 2017, 10 countries
charge the batteries. This system needs an AC-DC
(Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands,
converter. According to the SAE EV AC Charging Power
Norway, Sweden, the U.K., and the U.S.) have come
Levels, they can be classified as below [65]:
together and formed a multi-government policy forum
i.e. Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI), dedicated to acceler- • Level 1: 120  VAC, 1-phase, 12 A/16 A depending
ating the growth of electric vehicles worldwide. India and on the circuit ratings. This system can be used with
Korea are also engaged in the EVI’s activities, while South standard 110 V household outlets without requiring
6   S. KHAN ET AL.

charging levels and their standards


Max Voltage rating (Volt) Max Ampere rating (Amp) Max Power Rating (kW)

Figure 3. Graphical comparison of different charging levels.

(a) Number of AC Level 2 chargers

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489 2,215 16550
1,350 1,350 24,658
10,736 17,260

Norway Germany Netherlands China

United States Japan United Kingdom France Spain
Portugal Italy Ireland Austria India
Canada Korea Sweden Others

1231 (b) No. of AC Level 3, DC fast, Tesla Super and Inductive chargers
315 2498
1523 750
5990 25 523 1052 1403


Norway Germany Netherlands China United States

Japan United Kingdom France Spain Portugal
Italy Ireland Austria India Canada
Korea Sweden Others

Figure 4. Publicly accessible (a) slow charger and (b) fast charger stock by country, 2016 (number of units).

any special arrangement, using on-board chargers. • Level 2: 240  V, 1-phase, 60 A and 14.4  kW Level
Connectors such as NEMA 5–15, SAEJ1772 are 2 charging uses a direct connection to the grid
generally used. Charging a small EV can take 0.5– through an EVSE. On-board charger is used for this
12.5 h. Suitable for overnight charging. system. This system is used as a primary charging

method for EVs. IEC 62196, IEC 60309, SAEJ1772, view the penetration of solar PV and EVs would further
IEC 62198-2-Mennekes and 62198-2-Scame con- render the voltage fluctuations, frequency mismatch-
nectors are generally used by this type of chargers ing, and power quality issues, etc. To cater this situation
• Level 3: 400 V, 3-phase, 32–63 amp and power rat- different optimization models have been proposed so
ing greater than 14.4 kW system uses a permanently far [73,74] and the problem will further simplify if we
wired supply dedicated to EV charging. IEC 60309, look into the coordinated, well optimized and properly
Magne charge, IEC 62198-2-Mennekes and 62198- scheduled [75] use of PV and EVs in present power
2-Same connectors are generally used. ‘Fast charg- system scenario. The optimal size of local energy storage
ers’ – which recharge an average EV battery pack for a Plug-in Hybrid Electrical Vehicle (PHEV) charg-
in no more than 30 min, can be considered level 3 ing facility and control strategy for its integration with
chargers. All level 3 chargers are not fast chargers PHEV charging stations and a solar PV system is pro-
though. Figure 3 shows the AC charging character- posed in [76–78].
istics defined by different organizations (Table 2). Typically, a battery charger has two stages: an
AC-DC stage to rectify the grid AC voltage with power DC Charging System.  DC systems require factor correction (PFC) and a DC-DC stage for regu-
dedicated wiring and installations and can be mounted at lating the battery currents and voltages [79]. A PWM
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garages or charging stations. They have more power than DC/DC Converter for 6.6-kW EV Onboard Charger
the AC systems and can charge EVs faster. As the output is proposed in [80], the scheme has a similar struc-
is DC, the voltage has to be changed for different vehicles ture as of conventional resonant converters, the only
to suit the battery packs. Modern stations have the difference is that the controller uses PWM technique
capability to do it automatically. All DC charging systems [81] in place of a resonant controller. By PWM tech-
has a permanently connected EVSE that incorporates the nique, low-efficiency operation and no-load regula-
charger. Connectors which are generally used in this type tion problems due to extremely high-frequency and
are SAE J 1772 Combo, CHAdeMO [70] and IEC 62196 low-frequency, respectively, can be avoided as is the
Mennekes Combo. Their classification is done depending case with resonant converters.
on the power levels they supply to the battery [71]. Substantial reliability of service connection to the EVs
and charging stations is the utmost requirement of the
• Level 1: The rated voltage is 450 V with 80 A of cur-
modern charging system (i.e. smart charging system)
rent. The system is capable of providing power up
[82,83]. General customer’s mandates are faster charging
to 36 kW.
time and longer range, the two entirely conflicting needs.
• Level 2: It has the same voltage rating as the level 1
EV charging station can negotiate with the vehicle to let
system; the current rating is increased to 200 A and
the charging system know how much power is available
the power to 90 kW.
at the station, and safely enable the power only when the
• Level 3: Voltage in this system is rated to 600  V.
connection is verified safe [84]. The simple act of plugging
Maximum current is 400 A with a power rat-
in and charging a car becomes much more complicated
ing of 240  kW. Figure 3 shows the DC charging
when additional features begin to demand more process-
ing power and sensing technologies.
For the current EV systems, on-board AC systems are Figure 5 represents an EV Advanced Metering
used for the lowest power levels, for higher power, DC Infrastructure (EVAMI) operation in the internet
systems are used. DC systems currently have three exist- cloud-connected network. This Onsite Charging System
ing standards: Combined Charging System (CCS): 50 kW, (OCS) consists of an electric vehicle charging station
CHAdeMO [72] (CHArge de MOve, meaning: ‘move by (EVCS) and a Data Concentration Unit (DCU). The func-
charge’): 120 kW and Supercharger (for Tesla vehicles). tion of CS is to serve EV owners in car parks and other
Table 3 shows a comparison between various models of similar areas. Generally, it handles the initialization and
EVs and PHEVs, battery, motor capacity, full charge time termination of the charging session. During the charging
and type of charging, etc. available for the model. period, the OCS monitors the charging status and updates
the meter reading. It also monitors the health status of
the CS. The DCU is a PLC internet gateway which sup-
3.3.  Control System and Safety Aspects Related to
ports TCP/IP communication and connects the OCS to
the UIMS. In this work, PLC is adopted in order to fur-
3.3.1.  Control System Aspects nish the captioned features into both the EVCS and DCU.
It is worthwhile to mention the fact that from distri- Smartphone also has an active role in the EV – EVSE com-
bution (consumer side) and grid (supply side) point of munication [86].
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Table 2. List of Standards of conductive, inductive, and wireless charging system [66–69].
Standard   Scope
IEC 61851: Conductive charging system IEC 61851-1 Defines plugs and cables setup

IEC 61851-23 Explains electrical safety, grid connection, harmonics, and communication architecture for DCFC station (DCFCS)
IEC 61851-24: 2014 Describes digital communication for controlling DC charging
IEC 62196: Socket outlets, plugs, vehicle inlets, and IEC 62196-1: 2014 Defines general requirements of EV connectors
connectors IEC 62196-2: 2016
IEC 62196-3: 2014 Explains coupler classifications for different modes of charging
Describes inlets and connectors for DCFCS
IEC 60309: Socket outlets, plugs, and couplers IEC 60309-1 Describes CS general requirements
IEC 60309-2 Explains sockets and plugs sizes having different number of pins determined by current supply and number of phases,
defines connector color codes according to voltage range and frequency
IEC 60364   Explains electrical installations for buildings
SAE J1772: Conductive charging systems SAE J1772: 2016 Defines AC charging connectors and new Combo connector for DCFCS
SAE J2847: Communication SAE J2847-1 Explains communication medium and criteria for connecting
SAE J2847-2 EV to utility for AC level 1&2 charging
Defines messages for DC charging
SAE J2293 SAE J2293-1: 2014 Explains total EV energy transfer system, defines requirements for EVSE for different system architectures
SAE J2344 SAE J2344: 2010 Defines EV safety guidelines
SAE J2954: Inductive charging   Being developed
UL 2089 UL 2089: 2015 Standard for vehicle battery adapters
UL 2594 UL 2594: 2013 Standard for EV supply equipment
BS EN 61851 BS EN 61851-1: 2011 Part 1: general requirements for conductive charging system of EVs
Requirements of EV to connect an AC/DC supply in conducting modes
BS EN 61851-21: 2002 EV charging station based on AC supply
BS EN 61851 22: 2002
COC GB/T 18487 COC GB/T 18487-1: 2015 Part 1: Details of general requirements for EV conductive charging system
COC GB/T 18487-2: 2001 EVs requirements for conductive connection to an AC/DC supply
COC GB/T 18487-3: 2001 EV conductive charging system AC/DC EV charging station
JIS D 0007 JIS D 0007: 2012 Basic function of EV quick charger
JIS D 1304 JIS D 1304: 2004 Efficiency test method of an EV charging system
JIS D 61851: conductive charging system JIS D 61851-23: 2014 DC EV charging station based EV conductive charging system
JIS D 61851-24: 2014 To control the DC charging, digital communication between EV and a DC EV charging station
ISO 871 ISO 871-5: 2001 Electric road vehicles road operating characteristics
ISO 871-4: 2002 Electric road vehicles reference energy consumption and range test procedures for passenger cars and light commercial
ISO PAS 16898 ISO PAS 16898: 2012 Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles Dimensions and Designation of Secondary Lithium-ion Cells
IEC 61980 IEC 61980-1 Ed.1.0-NEW ADDITION: 2015 Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systems
Wireless Charging system
SAE J1773 SAE J1773_201406: 2014 SAE Electric Vehicle Inductively Coupled Charging (STABILIZED Jun 2014)
Wireless Charging system
IEEE Standard C95.1 IEEE Standard C95.1: 2006 Restrict the Frequency Electric Field and Magnetic Field Exposure to Outside Human

Table 3. Charging statistics of different EV/PHEV models.

100% EV/ Battery Pack Battery size Range Full Charge Motor size Max AC DC Fast
Model PHEV Producer (kWh) (miles) Time (h) (kW) Charge rate Charging
          (L2/L3/DC fast)   (Level 2)  
BMW i3 100% Electric BMW 22 80–100 8 h/30 min 125 7.4 kW SAE Combo
Chevy Spark EV 100% Electric GM 19 80–85 7 h/20 min 105 3.3 kW SAE Combo
Fiat 500e 100% Electric Bosch 24 80–90 4 h 82 6.6 kW NA
Ford Focus Electric 100% Electric LG Chem 24 70–75 3–4 h 107 6.6 kW NA
Kia Soul EV 100% Electric SK Innovation 27 80–100 4–5 h/43 min 81 6.6 kW CHAdeMO
Mercedes B 100% Electric   36 80–90 2 h   10 kW NA
Mistubishi i-MiEV 100% Electric GS Yuasa 17 60–80 6 h/30 min 49 3.3 kW CHAdeMO
Nissan Leaf 24 kWh 100% Electric AESC 24 80–90 8 h/30 min 80 3.6 kW/6.6 kW CHAdeMO
Nissan Leaf 30 kWh 100% Electric AESC 30 100–110   80 6.6 kW CHAdeMO
Smart Electric Drive 100% Electric Daimler 17.6 60–80 2.5 h 55 3.3 kW NA
70/70D ” Tesla 70 200–250   140 & 140 10 kW/20 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
85/85D ” Tesla 85 270–280   140 & 140 10 kW/20 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
90/90D ” Tesla 90 270–280   140 & 140 10 kW/20 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
Tesla Model S P85D 100% Electric Tesla 85 250–260   164 & 350 10 kW/20 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
Tesla Model S P90D 100% Electric Tesla 90 250–260   164 & 350 10 kW/20 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
Tesla Model X 70D 100% Electric Tesla 70 200–220   193 & 193 12 kW/18 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
Tesla Model X 90D 100% Electric Tesla 90 250–260   193 & 193 12 kW/18 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
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Tesla Model X P90D 100% Electric Tesla 90 240–250   193 & 375 12 kW/18 kW Tesla/CHAdeMO
Volkswagen e-Golf 100% Electric LG Chem 24 80–100 9 h/30 min 85 3.6 kW/7.2 kW SAE Combo
BYD e6 100% Electric BYD 60 120–130   75 3.3 kW NA
Chevrolet Bolt 100% Electric   60 150–200       NA
Tesla Model 3 100% Electric   40 100–150       NA
      60 150–200       NA
      85 250–300       NA
TATA Megapixel (in Europe) 100% Electric   22 50–65       NA
Audi A3 e-tron PHEV LG Chem 8.8 80–100 2.5 h 80 3.3 kW NA
Audi Q7 e-tron PHEV LG Chem 17.3     94 3.3 kW NA
BMW 225xe Active Tourer PHEV BMW 7.7     65 3.7 kW NA
BMW 330e PHEV BMW 7.6     65 3.7 kW NA
BMW i8 PHEV BMW 7.1 10–20   96 3.7 kW NA
BMW X5 xDrive40e PHEV BMW 9 10–20   83 3.5 kW NA
Cadillac CT6 Plug-In Hybrid PHEV GM 18.4 30–40   74.5 & 74.5 3.3 kW NA
Cadillac ELR Sport PHEV GM 17.1 40–50   55 & 174 3.3 kW NA
Cadillac ELR PHEV GM 17.1 30–40 5 h 55 & 174 3.3 kW NA
Chevy Volt (2016) PHEV GM 18.4 40–50 4.5 h 48 & 87 3.3 kW NA
Ford C-Max Energi PHEV Panasonic 7.6 20–30 2.5 h 68 3.3 kW NA
Ford Fusion Energi PHEV Panasonic 7.6 20–30 2.5 h 68 3.3 kW NA
Honda Accord Plug-in PHEV GS Yuasa 6.7 10–20 3 h 124 6.6 kW NA
Hyundai Sonata Plug-in PHEV LG Chem 9.8 20–30       NA
Mercedes C350e PHEV Magna 6.2 10–20 2 h 60 3.7 kW NA
Mercedes GLE500e PHEV Magna 8.7     85 3.6 kW NA
Mercedes S550e PHEV Magna 8.7   4–5 h 85 3.6 kW NA
Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV GS Yuasa 12     60 & 60 3.7 kW NA
Porsche Cayenne S PHEV Bosch 10.8 10–20 3 h/90 min 70 3.6 kW/7.2 kW NA
Porsche Panamera S PHEV Bosch 9.4 10–20 2.5 h 70 3 kW NA
Toyota Prius Plug-in PHEV Panasonic 4.4 10–20 2 h 18 3.3 kW NA
Volkswagen Golf GTE PHEV LG Chem 8.8     75 3.6 kW NA
Volkswagen Passat GTE PHEV LG Chem 9.9     85 3.6 kW NA
Volvo S90 Plug-in PHEV LG Chem 9.2     65 3.6 kW NA
Volvo V60 Plug-in PHEV LG Chem 11.2     50 3.6 kW NA
Volvo XC90 T8 PHEV LG Chem 9.2     65 3.6 kW NA
Mahindra Reva (in India) 100% Electric   10 60–80       NA
Toyota Camry Hybrid HEV   4         NA

Our system must have the following listed features [87]: • 
Cloud communications and accurate energy
• Wi-Fi enabled EV charging: real-time monitoring
Smart, low-cost ac charging system for electric
[88] and control with a home or office charging sta-
tion; remotely schedule time with public stations,
etc. Previously, the work using different control strategies
• Contactless prepayment and media-rich user for energy storage sizing, energy flow between the PV
interfaces. panel, battery and switched reluctance motor (SRM),
10   S. KHAN ET AL.

Onsite Charging System Internet Utility Information

Management System

Car Park

Third party Utility A
EV Service platform

Data Concentration

PLC Clou

Utility B

EV charging Car Park

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Figure 5. EVAMI overview [85].

etc. are presented in [89–91]. A typical configuration of needed [97,98]. EVSE refers to charging stations and other
metering and communication system is given in [82,92]. fixtures outside of the EV that provides the controlled,
The system described in this section performs the dual safe ,and reliable operation of the vehicle charging system
functions of displaying the energy supplied to the vehicle (Figure 6) [99,100].
and then generate a bill for the energy consumed. Energy
consumption is recorded by an Energy Meter circuit. As 3.3.2.  Safety Aspects
can be seen from block diagram, Current and Voltage sig- The safety standards that should be complied by the charg-
nals are obtained from the supply. These are proportional ers are as follows [65]: (i) SAE J2929 is the standard for
to the Voltage and Current being supplied to the load. Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Battery System
These signals are given to energy meter circuit which is Safety. (ii) ISO 26262: Road Vehicles – Functional safety ii)
implemented using AD7751 IC (The AD7751 is a high ISO 6469-3: Electric Road Vehicles – Safety Specifications
accuracy fault tolerant electrical energy measurement IC – Part 3: Protection of Persons Against Electric Hazards
intended for use with two-wire distribution systems) [93]. (iii) ECE R100: Protection against Electric Shock (iv) IEC
Battery chargers play a critical role in the development 61000: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (v) IEC
of EVs. Charging time and battery life are linked to the 61851-21: Electric Vehicle Conductive Charging system
characteristics of the battery charger. A battery charger – Part 21: Electric Vehicle Requirements for Conductive
must be efficient and reliable, with high power density, Connection to an AC/DC Supply [102] (vi) IEC 60950:
low cost, and low volume and weight [94]. Its operation Safety of Information Technology Equipment (vii) UL
depends on components, control, and switching strate- 2202: Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging System Equipment
gies. Charger control algorithms are implemented through (viii) FCC Part 15 Class B: The Federal Code of Regulation
analog controllers, microcontrollers, digital signal pro- (CFR) FCC Part 15 for EMC Emission Measurement
cessors, and specific integrated circuits depending upon Services for Information Technology Equipment. (ix)
the rating, cost, and types of converters. An EV charger IP6K9K, IP6K7 protection class. (x) −40 C to 105 C ambi-
must ensure that the utility current is drawn with low ent air temperature.
distortion to minimize power quality impact and at high
power factor to maximize the real power available from J1772 Coupler.  The J1772 Standard EV
a utility outlet [79]. Control and monitoring software coupler [103] is designed for 10,000 connections and
and communication system is a must in these charging disconnections with exposure to dust, salt, and water;
schemes [95]. The online scheduling scheme for a vehicle is able to withstand a vehicle driving over it, and is
requiring battery recharge or vehicles for recharge based corrosion resistant. The J1772 Standard and National
on users’ necessities is very beneficial feature [96]. For Electrical Code (NEC) requirements create multiple
this purpose, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is safety layers for EV components [104], such as:

120/240 VAC Communications

Solar +3.3 V PLC
PV/Grid Power
+5 V
±12 V RS-485

I & V sensors Measurement
And GCIF subsystem


Relay HMI
Pilot- Touch screen

To vehicle
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Figure 6. Configuration of Level 1 and 2 EVSEs, incoming ac distributes to several points [101].

Table 4. Coupler Conductive contact functions [105].

Contact Connector function Vehicle inlet function Description
1 AC Power (L1) Charger 1 Power for AC Level 1 and 2
2 AC Power (L2, N) Charger 2 Power for AC Level 1 and 2
3 DC Power positive(+) Battery positive(+) Power for DC charging
4 DC Power negative(−) Battery negative(−) Power for DC charging
5 Equipment ground Chassis ground Connect EVSE equipment grounding conductor to EV chassis ground during charging
6 Control pilot Control pilot Primary control conductor (operation described in Section 5)
7 Data negative(−) Data negative(−) Negative serial data conductor (SAE J1850 Type 2 only)
8 Data positive(+) Data positive(+) Positive serial data conductor (SAE J1850 Type 1 and 2)
9 Data ground Data ground Serial data ground conductor (SAE J1850 Type 1 and 2)

• The EV coupler – Engineered to have safety features installation of surge protective devices. Protective meas-
like (i) Prevention of inadvertent disconnection. (ii) ures against direct lightning and LEMP must be integrated
The grounded pole that is for to make contact first to provide better protection results [107].
and the last to break contact. (iii) Interlock device
that prevents vehicle startup while connected. (iv)
Unique to EV charging and cannot be used for 3.4.  Social Aspects
other purposes. The acceptance of a new and immature technology, along
• The EV inlet – (i) must be de-energized until it is with its consequences, takes some time in the society as it
attached to the EVSE. (ii) will also de-energize prior means a change of certain habits [108]. Using an EV instead
to removal of the connector (Table 4). of a conventional vehicle means a change of driving patterns,
Like regular power substation, charging station can refueling habits, preparedness to use an alternative transport
be affected by lightning [106]. Most charging stations or in case of low battery, and these are not easy to adopt.
charging piles are provided with sensitive components Deployment of renewables faces many problems
such as a microprocessor and high precision integrated connected to social acceptance. In the concept of social
circuit and are installed outdoor, thus more susceptible to acceptance of renewable energy innovations three dimen-
lightning. Lightning protection of electric vehicle charg- sions are distinguished (Figure 7): (1) socio-political
ing infrastructure should take characteristics of charg- acceptance concerns the acceptance of decisions about
ing infrastructure into consideration. Overall protection the institutional framework; this framework can, in turn,
should be applied to provide a complete lightning protec- create favorable conditions or impede the acceptance in
tion system, including direct lightning protection, equipo- the other two dimensions: (2) community acceptance and
tential bonding, earthing, shielding, proper routing, and (3) market acceptance [109].
12   S. KHAN ET AL.

3.5.  Commercialized Business Model of PVCS will make a considerable profit if the charging demand is
well scheduled [115].
It is important to have a business model of PV-EV charg-
ing station in order to make the best use of economic
performance [110]. Solar charging stations appear as the 4.  Available Solar Charging Technologies
ideal option for those who cannot afford to purchase a
Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) System is considered as an
solar home system (SHS). Solar charging stations increase
important resource, gradually becoming more afforda-
the income of the station owner (which can be the same
ble and proving to be more reliable than utilities. A solar
person who previously sold kerosene). The SCS can also
installation will charge your electric car just as it will sup-
be managed by the community. In a centralized business
ply energy for the rest of your home appliances. Even a
solution, it is easier to have access to loans and credit and
small solar array with only 10 panels (of typical rating) can
to collect batteries and recycle them. Solar charging sta-
provide enough power to charge your vehicle’s battery. It
tions require a lower initial investment (at least if the cost
is here to note that the solar PV charging system requires
per person is considered) and a lower operation and main-
solar panels with EV charger [116]. The integration of
tenance cost [111]. The opportunity to achieve economies
solar photovoltaic (PV) into the electric vehicle (EV)
of scale and the possibility to have lower prices for those
charging system has been on the rise. Numerous review
who have a lower income is an advantage [111]. When the
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articles have published so far, on EV charging using the

station is managed by an entrepreneur or the community,
utility (grid) electric supply, but the detailed comparison
the excess profit can be used to fund other communi-
of different EVPV charging strategies specifically have not
ty’s needs, such as electrifying schools and health centers
been covered yet. With the growing interest in this subject,
[112]. This entrepreneur is the key factor in the project
this section summarizes and update all the related aspects
sustainability, their main purpose should be to provide the
on PV-EV charging, which comprises the power converter
best service as possible to the end-users [113].
topologies, charging mechanisms and control and opti-
According to the data, the parking duration time of
mization for both on-grid and off-grid/hybrid systems.
vehicles around office buildings is usually much longer
Figure 9 shows a typical on-grid solar PV-EV charging
than the charging time they need, which means that
station. Possible architecture combinations for a solar
they do not need to be charged as soon as they arrive.
EV charger [57] and the operation in different modes is
Considering this fact, it is obvious that the combination
described [117] with the help of following different charg-
of the parking and charging demands will produce a more
ing strategies:
effective mechanism. Hence, a typical operation mode for
a commercialized PVCS is shown in Figure 8.
According to the above policies, the economic ben- 4.1.  Standalone-Backup Power PVCS
efits of the commercialized PVCS mainly consist of the
A stand-alone photovoltaic generation system [118]
charging service fees, the parking service fees, the profit of
is a complete set in which components are intercon-
the sold PV energy (sold to EVs users or the grid [114]),
nected for directly converting solar irradiance into
and the subsidies of PV energy from the government.
electricity. The components are PV generator, battery,
Therefore, it is possible that the investors of the PVCS
charge controller, inverter, and the system load. The
system is a PV power generation plant which is not
connected to any utility grid. Stand-alone PV system
[80] concepts found in the market are as follows: –
Socio-political acceptance
Solar Home System [119] (Figure 10(k)): Photovoltaic
* of technologies * of policies stand-alone, for V2H/H2V application (Figure 10(j)),
* of institutional change * by policy maker
* by key stakeholders * by the public that can fully charge at home [120], the BEV over-
night or can supply the residential load through EV
Community acceptance
* place attachment * by residents battery [121–124]. All consumers and PV generator are
* landscape identity * by local authorities
* fairness of process * trust coupled to the DC voltage – Small AC local grid with
coupled components: this PV technology appeared due
Market acceptance
* by consumers * by investors to the desirable supply (minimum power) AC loads by
* of green tariffs
* of new parties
* intra firm
* by incumbents
DC power sources and to charge the battery on the DC
from different sources. – Modular AC coupled systems:
more flexible PV systems with modularly structured
Figure 7.  Three dimensions of social acceptance of renewable components are achieved by coupling all consumers
energy innovations [86]. and PV generator on the AC [24].

Energy Service Grid

Profit of the Cost of
Profit and cost PV energy energy
Meet the sold back to supplied
parking demand the grid from the grid

the grid
PVCS Economic benefits of the PVCS

The demand
PV energy
fees of 2
Type 1 Type 2 subsidies
types EVs

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Adjustable Unadjustable


Meet the charging demand

according to the charging strategy

Figure 8. Typical operation mode of the PV-assisted charging station [92].

Charge controller
DC (PV) isolation switch Charge Battery bank
MPPT box disconnect controller fuse disconnect

DC breaker panel

Grid Distribution AC disconnect Inverter

board AC breaker

Stand alone house Electric vehicle Level 2 charger Battery bank

Figure 9. On-grid solar PV-EV charging connection diagram.

4.2.  Solar Powered EV Charging System Due to the variability in the nature of PV generation,
a grid connection is essential to guarantee the reliable
Electric vehicle (EV) charging from SPV offers a sus-
electricity supply for charging the vehicles. Generally,
tainable way for recharging the car batteries. Workplaces
employee’s vehicles remain there for 6–9 h at the park-
such as factories, office buildings, and industrial areas
ing area and the long charging period results in less
are perfect places to enable solar EV charging where
EV charging requirements and also paves the way for
the area under the building’s rooftops and car parks
grid support through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology
can be utilized to install photovoltaic panels. The gen-
(Figure 10(h)) [57]. While in the off-grid system, vehi-
erated power is utilized directly for EV charging in an
cle-to-home (V2H) technology is possible.
EV-PV charger, without the need for the storage system.
14   S. KHAN ET AL.
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Figure 10. Different modes of operation of solar charging station. (a) PV array supplying the grid in peak demand (P2G) (Mode 1). (b) PV
array charging the ESU (Backup) (Mode 2). (c) PV array charging the EV (P2V) (off-grid) (Mode 3). (d) PV array and grid both charging the
EV (on-grid) (Mode 4). (e) PV array and grid both charging the EV and the ESU (on-grid) (Mode 5). (f) Grid solely charging the EV (G2V)
(Mode 6). (g) Grid charging the EV and the ESU (Mode 7). (h) The Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) [146,147] operation (Mode 8). (i) Vehicle-to-
Vehicle (V2V) operation (Mode 9). (j) Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) [148,149] operation (Mode10). (k) PV supplying the residential load [150]
(island) (Mode 11). (l) The termination of EV charging (Mode 12).

The literature on solar energy for charging the EVs integration with the existing grid. Among the various
is much advanced and diverse. This is because the elec- strategies, one is to charge the EV directly using the
tricity produced by solar PV provides more flexible principle of ‘charging-while-parking’ to supplement

the more common practice i.e. ‘charging-by-stopping.’ mounting systems, cables, solar inverters, and other elec-
Subsequently, the EV can be getting charged by means of trical accessories. The rooftop system is small typically
the integrated PV-grid system whereas at the same time 5–20 kilowatts (kW) on residential buildings and 100 kilo-
EV owner involves in other activities. P. J. Tulpule et al. watts (or more) mounted on commercial buildings [132]
have listed several advantages of the PV powered charg- while the ground-mounted system is sometimes very large
ing station [125]. As the charging is being done during ranging in megawatt capacities. A study for the installation
the hours of daylight, when the demand and tariff are on of a 6KWp grid tie solar system capable of producing 25
their peak, the substantial cost savings is accomplished. units is given in [133].
On top of that, the roofed parking facility provides free There are three classifications based on grid inter-
housings from the sunlight and raindrops, the scheme face: Off-grid, On-grid solar rooftop system, and Hybrid
is very much favorable in hot climate regions. Owing to systems.
these benefits, the on-grid PV system is more favored
one than other renewable-based generations. A. R. Bhatti 4.4.1.  On-grid Solar EV Charging System
et al. [126] submit a case study on charging by a standard Solar PV panels installed on a roof of a building supplying
power grid system, on-grid PV system, and off-grid PV the individual load as well as connected to utility grid
(standalone) system with energy storage unit. Moreover, power is called on-grid solar rooftop system [134]. The
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a large-scale deployment of EV chargers is examined in output of solar PV is directly connected to distribution

a medium-sized Swiss city where solar carports can be systems via grid-tied inverters and cannot operate with-
spread out over whole parking areas. The evidence were out grid reference voltage and frequency. Although it is
found that the solar energy could provide the energy designed to island the PV system under abnormal grid
demand about 14–50% of city’s public transport sector. conditions. There is no need of battery bank, source and
Also, S. Letendre et al. suggested a simple technique to load variations are compensated by grid i.e. increased load
approximate the cumulative capacity that can be sup- demand is fulfilled by taking the supply through the grid
plied by an on-grid PV and V2G (vehicle-to-grid) sta- and when load demands are low and solar is available then
tions in the California market [127]. W. Kempton et al. in surplus energy can be sent back to the grid.
another work, discussed the application of PV electricity This article investigates the integration of Photovoltaic
and storage [128]. The conclusion is that the on-grid PV (PV) solar power, electric vehicles (EVs) and bat-
system is more profitable compared to the standalone tery energy storage into a grid-based charging station
PV and standard grid charging systems. [135,136]. The goal is to optimize the share of Renewable
Energy (RE) sources in the existing power grid to provide
as much of the charging energy as possible. As the name
4.3.  Solar Powered DC Fast Charging System
is grid-connected, the facility of charging during cloudy
A bi-directional DC-DC electric vehicle (EV) charger is or rainy seasons can be exploited. In excess generation
positioned between the high-voltage DC bus of a PV sys- condition, the grid connection also permits exporting
tem and the EV battery [129,130]. In addition, to charging power from PV to the grid. It is recommended that the
the EV battery from the PV or the grid at a faster rate, second-life lithium-ion batteries must be incorporated
the fast changes in PV power output to the battery can be into the system to work as an energy buffer and provide
diverted by the charger itself. Hence, the rate of change of emergency backup in a shortage of the grid supply.
inverter output power reduces to a level below the exist- Grid-tied rooftop/ground mounted solar system pro-
ing grid resource ramp rate. The EVs have inbuilt direct duces electrical energy and this energy is fed to the utility
DC fast charging port and consequently, no inverter is grid with the help of solar hybrid inverter. The design of
needed between PV and EV. But in the on-grid system, solar inverter is such that it converts the solar generated
the inverter is needed between PV and power grid [131]. direct current (dc) into alternating current (ac) and at the
same time maintaining the utility grid frequency. After
that, the ac output power a 50/60 Hz is fed to the com-
4.4.  Solar Rooftop or Ground Mounted System
mercial electrical grid. The consumers can get a discount
It is a most widely used and practically accepted system on their own electricity by supplying excess units (kWh)
in the world. In this system, the solar panels are installed to the commercial power distribution company with help
on top of a roof (of a residential, commercial buildings of their own charging station and could make a revenue
and structures) or the land area can be utilized as ground on their monthly electricity bills [133].
mounted system for the purpose of electrical or thermal The interaction of electric vehicles in the smart grid and
energy generation. As far as the electrical generation is integration of the renewable energy sources using EVs is
concerned, the system includes photovoltaic modules, presented in [18].
16   S. KHAN ET AL.

4.4.2.  Off-grid Solar EV Charging System yearly miles travelled by taking an average annual mileage
Figure 10(c) shows EV charging station deploying stan- of 15,000. It merely accounts for 850 miles driven per year
dalone PV solar on the rooftop at the parking lot [137]. in a very cloudy region. Annually, the saving in the fuel
Solar PV panels installed in a particular area for supply- cost with the VIPV system would be relatively marginal.
ing the individual owner EV or residential/commercial In comparison with gaseous fuel prices which are now
loads and is not connected to any utility grid is called well over Rs. 35.81/liter, the VIPV cars on average would
off-grid solar power system [138]. A battery bank is nor- take more than five years to pay back [88]. Illustrating
mally necessary to guarantee the constant uninterrupted the fact that the amount of electrical energy required in
power supply in order to meet the fluctuations in input state of the art vehicles is cumulating day by day, a VIPV
side due to the intermittency in solar radiation falling on system tags a supplementary source of power not only
the panel. Ultimately the off-grid charging unit is a stand- to charge the battery during vehicle standstill but during
alone power system forming a micro-grid to feed the load vehicle operation as well. Basically, it is a dynamic source
(EVs) during the daytime without battery bank [139,140]. which can supply additional power for electronic control
The off-grid photovoltaic system is a very good choice for units, actuators, displays, heating, ventilation and air con-
supplying distant areas or depopulated areas that are not ditioning units, and other electronic equipment such as
connected to the grid [141]. 110 or 230VAC power converters, refrigerators and even
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microwaves, etc. [151].

4.4.3.  Hybrid Solar EV Charging System An alternative technique is the paintings on the car
The system is connected to grid along with a battery surface with the light resistive material. The thin film pho-
backup. During abnormal grid conditions, they can oper- tovoltaic solutions technology is cheap and can be painted
ate in island mode without grid reference voltage and on the car’s body [152]. The system electrical efficiency of
frequency [45]. Hybridization means charging the EVs the commercially available thin film technology is merely
from more than one sources working in conjunction with 4–6%. And in the laboratory and research work, the thin
one another. One such system is solar–wind system etc. film has efficiency beyond 20% and for organic materials,
proposed in several published papers [142]. The solar– it is about 10% [153].
wind hybrid system can work during the day when solar Furthermore, when the vehicle is parked, the unused
is present and also during night hours as the mostly wind photovoltaic generated electrical energy can supply
is available in the night time. Figure 10 shows different standby currents and ventilation systems to make the inte-
modes of operation of figure 9 PVCS [143–145]. rior cooler in hot weathers. By pre-cooling, the interior
will demand lesser fuel consumption and GHG emissions
(less cooling work for the air conditioning) and safeguard
4.5.  Vehicle-Integrated PV (ViPV) System
the interior equipment (less thermal stress for trim and
There is a much work regarding ViPV prototypes, con- upholstery) [154].
cepts and studies available, but the practical utilization
of power generated by the ViPV system, of course, the
4.6.  Solar Parking Lot: (A Concept of Workplace
very crucial point for the concerned people. The basic
Daytime Charging Without the Need of Battery
design of Vehicle-Integrated PV system defines the EV (or
HEV) car’s body is embedded with the solar photovoltaic
material. Solar cells might be embedded into the chassis Workplaces like offices, factories, industrial areas, and
part exposed to sunlight like the hood, roof and maybe commercial buildings are perfect places to facilitate
the trunk depending on a car’s design. ‘This would allow a solar PV-EV charging where the building’s rooftops and
hybrid vehicle to be partially powered using solar energy,’ car-parking shed can be mounted with photovoltaic (PV)
says Letendre. Hence, vehicle itself resembles a small solar panels [155]. Essentially a photovoltaic parking lot pro-
power plant and hybrid automobiles converted into even vides the on-site energy generation for supplying the elec-
more environmentally friendly. Hybrid vehicles use an tric car batteries [156] and hence the power is directly
internal combustion engine and electric motor both as available for EV charging through an EV-PV charger,
a source of supply to the vehicle. Evidently, the sunnier without necessitating the energy storage [57]. The sys-
the climate, the more the share of the contribution that tem is becoming increasingly popular in areas above the
solar cells might make to fuel efficiency. A typical estimate surface and multi-story car parking lots. Otherwise, the
shows that a hybrid car fitted with solar cells of 500 watts area above a car park is unexploited brownfield site that is
embedded, in the sunniest region of the nation, might exposed to use as renewable energy generating unit that
conceivably generate 1051  kW of energy per year, and can enhance the car parking experience as an environ-
account for around 5100 miles travelled – one-third of mental performance of the asset.

Studying the case of any solar PV-EV car parking lot located island power systems for EV charging station
charging station located at workplaces. Most of the vehi- [161]. Lakshadweep islands are the union territories of
cles are parked throughout the day at workplace parking the Indian subcontinent. The main source of electricity in
spaces and these can be charged from the solar energy Lakshadweep islands is diesel generators, the diesel being
at normal charging rate using photovoltaic (PV)-based transported from the subcontinent. Due to higher cost of
charging facility. Which can help to reduce the load and energy, the islands are proving to be excellent test beds
emissions from the power grid but also affects the cost of for the introduction of new technologies and becoming
charging [157]. so-called renewable energy islands to satisfy their energy
In the countries where, at the managerial level, particu- demand mainly from indigenous and renewable energy
larly in smaller companies, the daytime working hours are sources such as solar photovoltaic (SPV)-based power
typically 11 h a day and 6 days a week. Some of the compa- generation of electricity in particular for balance solu-
nies and MNCs/Government offices and tend to follow a tion to the energy problems of Lakshadweep Island [162].
5-day, 8–9 h per day working schedule. These observations The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
show that vehicles are typically parked for a sufficiently launched its SIDS Lighthouses Initiatives at the Climate
long time during the day such that it is possible to use Summit in New York on 23 September 2014. The focus for
solar energy directly to charge the PEVs at the workplace 2016–2017 will be on reinforcement the present Global
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without using large energy storage. This PV-based parking Renewable Energy Islands Network (GREIN) clusters on
garage concept can be implemented in tropical countries renewable energy roadmaps, power grid integrations, etc.
and the countries having long duration of sunshine hours [163].
with considerable amount of solar potential easily [158].
The big advantages of a carport come from the fact that
5.  Economic and Environmental Analysis
the space beneath the panels is still usable. Your parking
experience is much better than parking out in the open, Today, the world is facing two big transitions in generation
although not as much as a full garage, depending on the and transportation systems simultaneously. The existing
size. system is fossil fuel-based i.e. power generation from
coal/nuclear etc. and transportation from oil and gas as
propulsion power. And to phase out this by renewables
4.7.  Solar Island: Small Island Developing States
completely, there are many economic and environmental
challenges too. In spite of replacing the whole system, it is
Islands are generally disconnected from mainland elec- more economical to scale up the share of renewable energy
tricity grids and are especially vulnerable to price fluc- in the present generation system [164].
tuations for imported fossil fuels. So, to overcome such
challenges islands such as Small Island Developing States
5.1.  Impact on Environment
(SIDS) can exploit the clean and cost-effective renewable
energy technologies, and take part in mitigating the global One of the main factors that propelled the increase in
climate change effect, through sustainable development EVs’ popularity is their contribution to reducing the
of renewable energies. Also, provide an attempt to foster greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Conventional internal
economic progress, mitigate environmental effects and combustion engine (ICE) vehicles burn fuels directly and
hence reduce their reliance on imported fossil fuels like thus produce harmful gases, including carbon dioxide and
coal, gasoline, diesel, etc. The recently advanced concept carbon monoxide. HEVs and PHEVs have IC engines,
offers a geographical landscape which is quite feasible their emissions are less than the conventional vehicles.
for distributed generation in order to cater the end-users If EVs add excess load during peak hours, it will lead
energy demands that are situated in isolated areas. Many to the operation of such plants and will give rise to CO2
times, this distributed generation is in fact accomplished emission. With renewable sources integrated properly,
through on-grid/off-grid/hybrid solar photovoltaic (PV) which the EVs can support strongly, the emission from
systems [159]. both power generation and transportation sector can be
Being tropical, islands have plenty of solar potentials to reduced. Over the lifetime, EVs cause less emission than
prove a very high feasibility for the development of solar conventional vehicles. This parameter can be denoted as
charging schemes as presented in [160] for Indonesian well-to-wheel emission and it has a lower value for EVs.
islands Sumatra, Java, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Nusa According to the Paris Agreement enforced in
Tenggara Barat, etc. November last year, the objective of limiting the increase
The solar PV supported micro-grid is to be the best in the global average temperature to well below 2  °C
practically viable option designed for small and remotely above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit
18   S. KHAN ET AL.

the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial It is shown here that many countries have a common
levels [165]. The automobile is one of the main contribu- goal to overcome the global warming and pollution-re-
tors to greenhouse gases. India is trying to make itself less lated problems and the remedy they are focusing is to
polluting and reduce carbon footprint. It has internal as adopt renewable energy worldwide. One important
well as an external commitment for the same. aspect is that even though solar charging of EVs has all
While most people assume that the CO2 emissions of the environmental benefits over any other type of charg-
an EV are zero that is not the case. This is because elec- ing methods available, it is not feasible economically to
tricity production by itself results in CO2 emissions. This think about the 100% deployment of renewable-based
is especially true in those countries where large amounts charging system worldwide. Among the various reasons,
of fossil fuels like gas and coal are used in the generation the important ones are fossil fuels are the backbone of
of electricity. EV uptake will result in increased demand existing grid-connected power system, and also con-
along with an increase in absolute electricity industry CO2 straints on large-scale production and installation of PV
emissions unless the electricity used to recharge EVs is modules restrict its generalized acceptance worldwide.
sourced from renewable energy. According to an estimate, In view of the present situation, the share of renewable
the net CO2 emission is 910 g/kWh to 950 g/kWh dur- energy must be increased sustainably in today’s power
ing the period of 2001–2002 to 2009–2010 from thermal generation methods. The best-recommended practice is
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power plants in India [166]. The total GHG emission to have on-grid solar charging system having maximum
from the natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) thermal share of solar energy and the rest is fulfilled by grid supply.
power plant was 584 g CO2 eq/kWh electricity generation, The other option is an off-grid standalone system which
whereas, in case of imported coal, it was 1127 g CO2 eq/ is costlier but have no issue of DC interconnection to the
kWh electricity generation. grid, flexibility with design and can be installed anywhere.
India accounts more than 17% of the world’s popula- On the other hand, EVs require energy storage charg-
tion, i.e. about 1.2 billion people. Hence, it is very chal- ing that creates a new challenge to the utility grid inter-
lenging for India to provide sufficient energy supplies to connection and ultimately the use of EVs also becomes
all the consumers at an equitable cost. India’s energy use a cause of pollution. Hence, reduction of the greenhouse
and installed electricity capacity have increased by 16 gas (GHG) emissions from electricity production have
times and 84 times, respectively, in the last six decades been a greater desire for energy efficiency and alternative
[167]. With the rapid decrease in the price of PV mod- renewable energy resources. EV charging from the power
ules, the long-term economic benefit of solar charging grid with coal-fired generation may cause EVs to have
[168] can be tremendous over its localized harmful effects higher well-to-wheel emissions than ICEVs. EVs may not
[169,170]. prove to be that much environmentally friendly if they
In India, about 70% of overall electricity generation is are charged from the power grid relying on fossil fuels
based on thermal energy. Huge amounts of non-renewable for producing power. In the recent years, many countries
sources such as coal are being consumed for the produc- have invested large amounts in renewable energies such
tion of thermal power which leads us to degradation of the as solar and wind to meet the need of increasing demand
environment. Hence, it is imperative to shift to renewable and avoid full dependency on fossil fuels. Furthermore,
sources of solar energy for the generation of electricity. At the use of renewable energy for EV charging can also help
present scenario generation using solar power is perceived to reduce the impact of the additional load in the form
be too costly. Installation of solar equipment for the typ- of EVs on the grid. PEVs have zero emissions from driv-
ical household is difficult as enough technical awareness ing if the electricity supplied is generated from renewable
is lacking in choosing suitable components with appro- resources such as solar energy.
priate ratings. Also, India generally has a strong depend- Comparing the energy efficiency of different internal
ence on the overseas companies for technology as there combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) is easy; just compare
is hardly any research happening in this direction. The vehicle-km for each vehicle per liter of petrol used, for
Indian automaker spends around 1–2% of their revenue example. But for EV vs. ICEV comparisons, both petrol
on R&D. The growth in electric vehicles in these markets and electricity must be converted to primary energy terms
has been mainly driven by incentive and tax relaxation. – for instance, crude oil for ICEVs and coal for electric-
However, the cost of the lithium-ion battery is going down ity from coal-fired electric plants. But a difficulty arises
significantly and expected that in the coming few years, when converting electricity to primary energy for differ-
EVs will become as competitive as ICE engine vehicles. ent non-fossil fuels. For thermal electricity production
Currently, the biggest roadblocks in terms of increasing in nuclear or geothermal power plants, primary energy
the penetration of electric vehicle are the price and range is always calculated from the heat energy used to gen-
of the battery [171]. erate the electricity, just as for fossil fuel power stations.

This problem can be avoided if ICEV vs. EV compari- Germany in the world [176]. Taiwan also expecting 3.1
son is done on the basis of CO2, or more generally, GHG GW capacities by 2030 [177]. France has too set a target
emissions usually expressed as equivalent CO2 (CO2-eq). for renewable energy to signify a 23% share of total energy
But then a new problem emerges: in nearly all published uptakes by 2020. With this effect any new building shall
comparisons, non-fossil fuel electricity (RE and nuclear), be a positive energy building and that the utilization of
it is assumed that these sources generate zero GHG emis- rechargeable electric and hybrid vehicles (HV) should rep-
sions, that they are ‘zero carbon’ sources. [164] But if we resent 30% of all vehicle sales by 2020 [178]. According to
compare to coal’s Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of 975 g FAME India mission of Indian Government, there would
per kilowatt-hour (kWh), the use of PV emits about 50 g be 200,000 EV on the roads by 2020 [52].
of CO2 per kWh [38]. Several studies in different parts of the world discussing
different aspects of economic [179] and environmental
issues/benefits highlights the significance of charging of
5.2.  Impact on Economy
EVs from solar panels. Such a study of Northeast Asia
From the perspective of the EV owners, EVs provide less (NEA) utilizing the abundant renewable resources. From
operating cost because of their superior efficiency [172], an environmental viewpoint, renewable energy has a
it can be up to 70% where ICE vehicles have efficiencies substantial amount of potential to decarbonize the NEA
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in the range of 60–70%. The current high cost of EVs is power system. Renewables’ share grows from 20% in the
likely to come down from mass production and better Base case to 47%, resulting in the CO2 emissions reduc-
energy policies which will further increase the economic tions from power generation of 36%. CO2 emissions are
gains of the owners. V2G also allows the owners to obtain reduced by more than 35% in the China nodes as the
a financial benefit from their vehicles by providing service Mongolian renewables replace carbon-intensive coal-fired
to the grid. The power service providers benefit from EV generation. On the other hand, the results show relatively
integration mainly by implementing coordinated charg- modest effects in Japan. Massive renewables significantly
ing and V2G. It allows them to adopt better peak shaving contribute to saving fuel costs; however, the benefits are
strategies as well as to integrate renewable sources. EV offset by the initial costs for the renewables and transmis-
fleets can lead to $200–$300 savings in cost per vehicle sion lines. The massive deployment of renewables changes
per year. the cost structure to be more capital intensive due to the
Though electric vehicles (EVs) have been around since huge investments required. The relevant planning organi-
the late 1800s. They were very popular and a number of zations need to carefully consider how to secure such large
EVs were sold until about 1918. For example in the year investments, taking into account long-term energy prices,
1900, about 4200 automobiles were on the road, out of capital costs, and environmental policy trends in order to
which 38% were electric, 22% gasoline powered, and 40% assure that implementation will be beneficial [180].
steam [173]. With the advancement of gasoline engines,
due to low cost of gasoline at that time, and the invention
6. Conclusions
of electric starter for the internal combustion engines, the
interest in EVs completely declined. Solar PV and EVs are two sectors that turn out to be
Meanwhile, there is a major move toward large-scale the future mode of transport and have a considerable
decentralized renewable energy production through potential for reducing CO2 emissions and fossil fuel con-
photovoltaic (PV) system due to dropping the cost of sumption. Unfortunately, both of these has barriers to
PV panels. The combination of EV and PV provides a very large-scale deployment. For PV, its variable nature
unique opportunity for sustainable charging of electric and the concentration of electricity output in the day-
vehicles. Many countries have set their benchmark as time restricts its contribution in meeting a large frac-
2030–2050 and making their policies accordingly. German tion of typical electricity demand. Though EVs provide
Act on Granting Priority to Renewable Energy Sources a clean, efficient, and noise free means for commuting
(Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz, EEG), the renewable for when compared with the gasoline vehicle. This paper
energy share to be reached up to 40–45% by 2025 and then has presented in-depth review of solar powered EV sys-
to be raised further to 55–60% by 2035 [174]. China is tem, various aspects such as charging infrastructure,
the world leader in both the photovoltaic production and methodology, and EV energy management has been
electric vehicle market and ranked number one PV manu- discussed in detail. However, numerous challenges still
facturing nation with roughly 58% of global market shares need to overcome. The key challenges include the cost
overall, and of course, faces economic impact [175]. The and performance of the battery storage systems that
top five solar cell suppliers in progressive order are China, restrict their economic consumption. Aand also has a
Taiwan, the United States of America (U.S.A.), Japan, and limited utility as well owing to driver range anxiety and
20   S. KHAN ET AL.

charging infrastructure access. The driver range anxiety DC  Direct Current
significantly effects the selected utility and may vary sub- DCU  Data Concentration Unit
ject to the average high and low range anxiety drivers. E  East
According to section four, various charging opportunity EJ  Exajoules
options illustrated deploying a particular charging infra- ESU  Energy Storage Unit
structure seems to overcome the range anxiety impact and EVAMI  Electric Vehicle Advanced Metering
increase utility, as projected. Across these scenarios, the Infrastructure
potential gains of different solar PV-EV charging tech- EVARC   Electric Vehicle Autonomous Renewable
nologies have highlighted, yet not cater the vehicle utility Charger
and infrastructure cost relationship for affordable, more EVCS  Electric Vehicle Charging Station
realistic models setup. Hence, great future prospects are EVSE  Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
there regarding these mentioned roadblocks to mitigate EV  Electric Vehicle
out. Social barriers also check the wide adoption of this EVI  Electric Vehicles Initiative
technology, particularly in developing countries. People FAME   Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of
have a tendency to resist new technologies that are consid- (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles
ered unaware/unaccustomed, consequently, the effective GHGE  Green House Gas Emission
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 23:31 22 December 2017

way will be the policy-making decisions that show their GREIN  Global Renewable Energy Islands Network
critical concerns. There are still a number of technical G2V  Grid to Vehicle
problems to overcome, particularly in the area of power GW  Gigawatt
electronics i.e. bidirectional converters and motor drive Http  Hypertext Transfer Protocol
propulsion systems in EVs and PHEVs. Of course, sev- HV  Hybrid Vehicle
eral technologies are on the horizon to be adopted in the H2V  Home to Vehicle
next generations of automobiles, major obstacles must ID  Diode Reverse Saturation Current
still be catered in the area of volume, weight, and cost IL  Cell Photo Current
to realize the desired performance and efficiency. Other IC  Integrated Circuit
related issues are manufacturability, consistency, safety, ICEV  Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle
and robustness, and from section five, the most significant IRENA  International Renewable Energy Agency
factor from the customer viewpoint is the cost function. KCL  Kirchoff ’s Current Law
Barriers and challenges regarding direct DC PV charging kWh  Kilowatt-hour
of EVs are lack of equipment and application standards MNRE  Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
for dc distribution, security, and power protection device MPPT  Maximum Power Point Tracker
application, etc. Also, the robust ecosystem is not yet N  North
developed so far to sustain the use of dc in commercial NASA   National Aeronautics and Space
level electrification. Despite these challenges, if both these Administration
technologies deployed together, the improved economic NEA  Northeast Asia
performance of EVs might be possible by the availability of NEMMP   National Electric Mobility Mission
daytime charging, increasing the distance travelled using Plan
low-cost electricity and potentially reducing the size of NGCC  Natural Gas Combined Cycle
the battery. The best optimum feasible option is to set NH3  Ammonia
up different solar PV-EV charging stations in distributed NPE  National Electric Mobility Platform
form globally as different methods are signified in this NOx  Nitrogen Oxide
paper. Accelerating the deployment of renewable energy N2O  Nitrous Oxide
and the electric vehicle will fuel economic growth, create OCS  Onsight charging System
new employment opportunities, enhance human welfare, PEV  Plug-in Electric Vehicle
and contribute to a climate-safe future. PFC  Power Factor Correction
P2G  Photovoltaic to Grid
PHEV  Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PLC  Programmable Logic Controller
AC  Alternating Current PM  Particulate Matter
BEV  Battery Electric Vehicle PV  Photovoltaic
CH4  Methane P2V  Photovoltaic to Vehicle
CO2  Carbon dioxide PVCS  Photovoltaic Charging Station
CS  Charging Station PWM  Pulse Width Modulation

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