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University Autonomous of

Nuevo León
Faculty of Accounting Public and
Administration (FACPYA)

Comprehension of Texts in English

Evidence 1. Timeline of on character
of the Business

Mrs. Cinthya Michelle Robles


Group: 3 Y

Members Enrollment
Gauna Lopez Angel Yahir 1982996
Ortega Morales Rigoberto 1964129
Redondo Lozano Angel Dario 1843238
Rodríguez Castillo Jose Emiliano 1848091
Villegas Marquez Marco Antonio 1843696

Guadalupe, to September 1, 2021


At the beginning of the Learning Unit, the language covers different areas and
specialties both in its vocabulary and its understanding, especially the determination
of the labor field, in this case, the corporate, business and commercial world. On this
occasion, the content and purpose of the evidence is the determination of a
description applied in coherence and simple understanding of the facts of a
biography of some important person in business matters, carrying out the
determination of the use of grammar, from the application of the justifications of the
causes to the theme of the relative clauses. In addition to this, the evidence is
presented in digital form and in presentation with the implementation of an
application where it is fun, entertaining and striking, describing the character from its
beginnings (from birth) to its current or final continuity (its death or its recent
Timeline of: Sam Walton

Well, what I learned in this evidence was the progress of the owner of Sam’s Club
he was an American businessman and military man known for having founded the
largest chain of retail stores in the world Walmart, he also excelled in athletics in high
school, winning two State titles in basketball and soccer, growing up during the Great
Depression, Walton did numerous tasks to help his family financially. He milked the
family's cows, then bottled the surplus and distributed it to customers. Later, he
would deliver newspapers at home and also sell magazine subscriptions. Upon
graduation, he was named "The Most Versatile Boy" of his generation. In 1945
Walton decided that he wanted to open a department store that also sold a variety
of merchandise such as groceries and cleaning products. With the help of his father-
in-law, who loaned him $ 20,000 and his soldier savings, $ 5,000, Walton bought a
grocery store in Newport, Arkansas. The store was a franchise of the Butler Brothers
chain, and Walton also innovated many concepts that would prove crucial to its
success, for example, he made sure that the shelves were stocked with a wide range
of products at low prices. He also closed his business later than other stores,
especially around Christmas time.

Gauna López Ángel Yahir

In my conclusion to the evidence carrying out the realization and description of our
incredible character, Mr. Sam Moore Walton, one the most interesting, and not the
best, if not within the iconic terminologies of “God” in the business world, commercial
and negotiable, given his determined loss of many jobs and recurring threats to his
bosses and other allies to him. Sam Walton leads a way to get his improvements
and feats to receive full attention to clients and his working members and to this
determined and internally successful earnings. In addition to his success in being
recognized for being the most expensive man during the 80’s. That’s is to say, the
most incredible thing about maintaining a long hierarchy of applying the discount and
its best promotion to the best product. Talking Walmart to the top, however the
problems come, the health of the great Sam led him to withdraw from the
understanding of large distribution and merchandise stores, assimilating the case of
Walmart, the idea of applying a simple warehouse and provoking the madness of
indeterminate sales for practically expensive products at that time, transformed it to
the point that the current time considers it the gold of surpassing the stores,
premises, branches and store systems of the great store “W”.

Ortega Morales Rigoberto

In conclusion, this company contributes to improving the quality of life of families in

Mexico and Central America Walmart de México y Centro América is a company
dedicated to the commerce sector whose vision is to contribute to improving the
quality of life of families in Mexico and Central America. It operates in six countries:
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua. In Sam
Walton gives the responsible of Wal-Marts success by being able to successfully sell
products to customer to satisfy their personal needs with good prices. (Quick
Resume) The history of so many people, someone that had no resources and
nothing else than their family, but he didn´t give up in his life, he wasn´t complaining
about living in a farm his entire life, he took advantage of all the opportunities that
could help him (going to a university, for example. That’s is to say, the most
incredible thing about maintaining a long hierarchy of applying the discount and its
best promotion to the best product. Sam was known for recognizing that business
success depended on associates and for sharing information with them to achieve
company goals. He always acted with integrity and founded Walmart with a strong
foundation of values that continue to exist.

Redondo Lozano Ángel Darío

We all know Walmart and Sam´s club, two of the super-successful franchises In the
USA and in this first evidence we researched Sam Moore Walton who was a
successful American businessman, he was born in Oklahoma where he lived with
his parents in a humble farm, he entered the military in Utah where he prepared for
war and in the 1950’s he created the Watson’s five and dime store where his
success began. This practice was really useful I am going to give it another read
before my next test I don’t really know what else to say this I can’t fill this with 200
words Sam Moore was awesome man this dude made Walmart have you been
inside a Walmart nowadays? Those things are huge and you can even pay yourself
without a cashier that´s cool I guess I don’t like Sam’s club that much but. If you like
it its ok, the food rocks by the way you should try the roasted chicken, cost has better
hot dogs and pizza so it has better food none can argue that I think Walmart is
cheaper anyways I go to Bodega Aurrera every time because its closer to my home
I don’t really like to drive.

Rodríguez Castillo José Emiliano

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large
discount department stores. Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, opened his own
discount and retail store in Rogers, Arkansas. The popularity of the stores grew so
much Walton open the first Wal-Mart in 1962 and the store just grew beyond any
one's imagination. From there Walton open more and more stores the moving
overseas and finally in the year 2000 Wal-Mart was listed for the first time in the
"Fortune 500" list of the world's biggest corporations. In Sam Walton gives the
responsible of Wal-Marts success by being able to successfully sell products to
customer to satisfy their personal needs with good prices. (Quick Resume) The
history of so many people, someone that had no resources and nothing else than
their family, but he didn´t give up in his life, he wasn´t complaining about living in a
farm his entire life, he took advantage of all the opportunities that could help him
(going to a university, for example. University in the USA is expensive, and some
people can´t afford it). This would be an experience for me to don´t give up early, life
is still going, just learn how to fight to it.

Márquez Villegas Marco Antonio


Time Line:

Casino F. (November 6, 2020). iPro UP. Known the incredible story of the genius
that created WALMART. Recovered on August 29, 2021:

Diaz J. (February 5, 2017). Business and entrepreneurship. The 15 entrepreneurs

plus important of the modern story. Recovered on August 29, 2021:

Lacoste J. (February 22, 2013). Jesus A. Lacoste. Story Inspired: Sam Walston.
Recovered on August 29, 2021:

Gutierrez I. (September 25, 2020). Very Financial. Who was it Sam Walton and how
much was your fortune? Recovered on August 29, 2021:

Link of Presentation:

Team 7.(August 31, 2021). Genially. Comprehension of texts in English:

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