Evidence 3 Digital Brochure

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University Autonomous of

Nuevo León
Faculty of Accounting Public and
Administration (FACPYA)

Comprehension of Texts in English

Evidence 3. Digital Brochure

Mrs. Cinthya Michelle Robles


Group: 3 Y

Members Enrollment
Gauna Lopez Angel Yahir 1982996
Ortega Morales Rigoberto 1964129
Redondo Lozano Angel Dario 1843238
Rodríguez Castillo Jose Emiliano 1848091
Villegas Marquez Marco Antonio 1843696

Guadalupe, to October 22, 2021


All the beginning of the Learning Unit, the language covers different areas and
specialties both in terms vocabulary and comprehension, especially the
determination of the labor field, in this case the accounting and financial world. On
this occasion, the content and purpose of the evidence is the determination of an
applied description in coherence and simple understanding of a digital brochure
where it focuses on one of the content selection topics of the analytical program. On
this occasion, the characteristics of the skills and abilities of the application of
accounting in the area general clarified. Knowing their reflections and legal training
both in the Republic and abroad. Addition to this, the evidence is presented in digital
form and in presentation with the implementation of an application where it is fun,
entertaining and eye-catching. The brochure was carried out in Canva for greater
mobility and ease of making the evidence, to focus and identify the notable aspects
between the abilities for activities operation short than the skills won of the

To conclude in this work was something interesting after an arduous investigation

where you cannot take it for granted that you leave so many skills and abilities that
can be seen in a labor field of what accounting is, it is still known that in the general
area you can afford to take on the role of other careers, specialties and make
improvements in a sector where creativity and mentality of people are developed,
giving recognition and advice in the presence of risks or future events. Before the
realization of this evidence, he is satisfied with the understanding and similarity that
the accounting career maintains a set of actions where we can consist of a lot of
personality, a character in which we are influenced to support the establishment or
entity where we carry out our registration and exhibition service, the brochure has
an important role in that it helps us to the idea in which the general accounting
preserve’s themes and relationships with the records, papers and accounting
structure. The brochure gave us a lot of helps in selecting the simplest ideas to
include in addition to be striking and promising of what is and is done in an
accountant, who is the professional person who performs all the techniques and
technical tools required, time and decision of accounting, in addition to the risks of
maintaining equality in all systems and financial statements.

Ortega Morales Rigoberto

Well, what was learned in this topic of general accounting skills was that you have
to have certain techniques to be proficient in accounting in general, such as good
verbal and written communication skills, capacity for teamwork and problem solving;
leadership skills, interest in how companies work, ICT knowledge; Most accounting
systems are computerized systems, great time management skills, you also have to
be able to analyze and interpret data and explain it to non-specialists, self-confident
and determined, self-motivated, able to prioritize your load of work, what we also
learned was that an accountant must have certain skills such as. Leadership. You
must have the ability to motivate and make your colleagues strive to achieve the
established goals at the lowest cost of time, material and human resources.
Creativity. An accountant must always be ready to adapt to changes that arise in
order to provide efficient solutions to any financial problem. Commitment. Assuming
a commitment role with the company is one of the fundamental characteristics of a
good accountant. Responsibility. You must be able to make important decisions and
take the risk that it entails, accept its consequences, and be accountable for your
actions. Negotiators. They must have the virtue of efficiently reaching agreements
with all the people with whom they have work contact, whether they are
organizations, shareholders, among others. Intellectuals. You must have a good
capacity for logical and abstract thinking that allows you to analyze and understand
facts that go unnoticed by the rest of the team, you must understand the problems
and choose the appropriate alternatives among others.

Gauna Lopez Angel Yahir

Accounting started with civilization, grew up with, and was an integral part. Inventory
control with tokens, abstract concepts of numbers, writing, the birth of banking and
finance, double-entry bookkeeping, tracking increasingly complex business,
understanding big business operations—especially bankruptcy avoidance, auditing
and other monitoring functions, professional accounting as part of professional
administration, taxes, converting instantaneous data to financial decision making,
developing internal controls, obvious accounting applications as the first uses of
business computing, integrating immense financial information into usable
statements and reports for management, investors. Accounting is also termed as
accountancy; it deals with processing of financial information, measuring and
recording of certain financial transaction, it also includes analyzing of certain
economic entities. It is the most important function of any business. Accounting can
also further divide into other branches like management accounting as well as cost
accounting. It is responsible for all the kinds of monetary transactions that help in
taking most of the major management decisions. For any successful business the
accounting team should be highly efficient. The number of members in the
accounting team depends entirely on the size of the business. I won´t considered
myself as the best future accountant, my skills are too low to concern the idea about
manage a part of a company buy, I won´t give up and I´m going to increase myself.
Villegas Marquez Marco Antonio

In conclusion, the accounting information system is a system in which it facilitates

us to carry out the accounting records that are carried out in any company, on the
other hand it also gives us the facility to carry out such operations in an easy and
fast way. For the same company to make internal as well as external information
available to its workers to be able to verify the operation of the administration and
the quality of the company and to make better decisions for the company. Currently
it can be affirmed that the process of counting and recording financial data is
developed in a simpler and simpler way, thanks to computer science and with the
support of the accountant, but it is necessary to clarify that they are still governed by
the principles established to execute business accounting. To finish this assignment,
it can be said that there is no doubt about the impact of technology on the accounting
profession. Information technologies operate as an engine of change that allows
responding to new information needs. Computing advances lead us to a new post-
industrial era that threatens to render obsolete all business structures that do not
know how to adapt. Regarding the impact of information technology on accounting
practices and systems, it is necessary to distinguish between those improvements
that only affect quantitative aspects and those that allow new accounting work
methods to be carried out or allow the design of new information systems. In the
same way, computing is changing the way accountants work and the framework in
which they carry out their activities, because they have changed the way companies
are organized and managed.

Redondo Lozano Angel Dario

What we can Say in conclusion is that the technology advances fast, nowadays we
use the accounting information system which give us the commodity of sending and
receiving accounting records instantly and in the most effective way and even so the
accounting operations itself, every day the ways of counting, storing and recording
of financial information is getting better and thanks to the advances in the computer
science field and the accounting professionals supervision. In the same way,
computing is changing the way accountants work and the framework in which they
carry out their activities, because they have changed the way companies are
organized and managed. For any successful business the accounting team should
be highly efficient. The number of members in the accounting team depends entirely
on the size of the business. I won´t considered myself as the best future accountant,
my skills are too low to concern the idea about manage a part of a company buy, I
won´t give up and I´m going to increase myself. They must have the virtue of
efficiently reaching agreements with all the people with whom they have work
contact, whether they are organizations, shareholders, among others. Intellectuals.
Finally, the development of new accounting systems is revolutioning the way we do
business so it’s logical that the advances get us going further in the accounting

Rodriguez Castillo Jose Emiliano


Anonymous. (D.D.) Euroinnova. Which are abilities of an accountant:


Anonymous. (March 16, 2018). Universidad Mexicana. 10 Abilities than all

accountant should have:

Anonymous. (D.D.). ILET. Professionals’ skill of an accountant:


Anonymous. (August 16, 2016). Contador MX. Abilities and sectors than help an
accountant: https://contadormx.com/2016/08/25/10-habilidades-del-

Link of the Brochure:

Team Nexus Comprehension of Texts in English. (October 18, 2021). Canva.

Abilities and Skills from professional area:

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