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Report of weeks 34-35:

From Production side:

In South America:
In this past table grape season, the Southern Hemisphere achieved a new export record
of 1.5 million tons, an increase of 0.3 million tons. According to TopInfo, 40% of South
Hemisphere grapes exported came from Chile, 34% Peru, 22% South Africa and 4% Brazil.
-Peruvian grapes of first semester showed a good performance in quality and condition
terms, counting the second harvest crops with a growth of 14% compared to last season
and 5 times the volumes exported 10 years ago. We can find Autumn Crisp and Sweet
Globe into the top varieties and a decrease on seeded (Red Globe changed from 75% in
10 years to 25% of total exports). Between May and June, Peru exported over 5.5 million
kilos of table grapes (+66.5% percent increase compared to the 3.3 million kilos exported
past year). According to Provid, Peru would export no less than 70 million boxes of table
grapes in the 2022-23 season. At the moment, first Red Globe are being packed mostly
for internal market and near Countries in LATAM. The season in general is expected to
start at the beginning of October in the north zone of Piura and then moving to Ica.
- Chilean grape season has been a disaster due to the logistical costs and problems that
derived in a lot of condition issues of the fruit, united to the severe pressure on the
market, that made that most of the fruit had to be cleaned before final deliveries, adding
another very high cost to those already mentioned. Also, only the fruit that was already
allocated on retail’s program could have a good issue on price, due to the high pressure
and volume on the open market. 43% of the exported varieties were red seedless
following the worldwide trend changing in detriment on seeded grapes, 24% white
seedless and 2% black seedless. Red Globe occupied 20% of total exports.
-On Brazilian side, severe rains whole first semester affected exports volumes, that have
been focused on local markets/near countries to minimize costs and uncertainty:
- From W20 to W33: 203 containers loaded mostly to EU
- Same weeks past year: 329 containers were loaded
Season is closed with a lot of logistical and condition problems. Total exports have been
13.150 containers; Russia reached 941 containers with a decrease of 496 containers
compared to past season and 6710 containers loaded to Europe (increase of 277
containers), and 966 containers to UK.
Namibia and South Africa:
For the first time it is reported that this year exports of RSA reached 350.000 tons, 50%
more than 10 years ago. Half of the exported grapes were red seedless, then close to 35%
white seedless and the rest black seedless. European Market received 76% of its exports
trying for next season to diversify paying special attention to Asian market.
The 2021/22 table grape season concluded with a total of 77,7 million cartons (4,5kg
equivalent) inspected and passed for export (intakes). SATI’s latest vine census indicated
that national table grape plantings decreased by 185 hectares (1%) to 20 379 hectares
compared to the previous year.

SanLucar Fruit S.L. • Serra Llarga 24 • 46530 Puzol • Valencia • España • Tel +34 96 142 40 40 • Fax +34 96 142 41 58 •
It’s been a very difficult season due to vessel delays, rains, condition problems at arrival,
problems with transport to the ports, problems on the port, higher costs, etc.
Egypt and Morocco:
Due to the lack of export statistics, we cannot know how many containers have been
exported or the breakeven by varieties/colors. Season started with good demand, but the
inflation rise in Europe impacted in the mid-end season demand making a very difficult
season ending with low movement of fruit.
We could see some rains these past weeks on the area of Puglia, affecting in different
ways the crops depending on its location. In any case we can see some condition problems
mainly due to mold and cracking on arrivals mostly on white seedless and that may have
an impact on the condition of future harvest of mid-season varieties as Timpson or Ivory.
We could also see some rains in Spain but now they are not affecting the condition of the
final product harvested. The weather is warm, and we expect the mid-late season red and
black varieties will be with correct coloration and good quality but will always depends if
it will be rains in Puglia area that may affect the condition of late white seedless varieties
We start to see some loadings of Sweet Globe, Autumn Crisp on white seedless and
Crimson and Sweet Celebration for the red seedless. On the seeded side, Italia is making
its transition on the white seeded variety from Victoria to Italia seeing condition problems
on last loadings of Victoria. Red Globe is having now good color, with no such high
coloration problems as last year.
Market continues unchanged: high offer for a low demand, what is making the prices get
lower each week. The highest demand is for standard confections due to the loss of power
of people and the need of promotions to take out as much product as possible. Even if
August is traditionally a month with a low market movement on grapes, this year due to
inflation and the end of COVID (so most of the people are abroad) it’s being difficult to
reach good sales. The season is expected with good volumes, quality, and availability,
following the trend into seedless grapes, with more premium varieties to replace the
traditional ones (200k tons from Spain as first APOEXPA approach.
Seedless cultivation on the area of Sicily as Sweet Globe, Sugar Crisp or Sweet Celebration
continue the planned growth in detriment of seeded ones with a well performance under
plastic, creating greatest expectative for an early season next year.
On the Greek side looks like the weather is not accompanying the season due to drought
followed by heavy rains these past weeks not a season with a low demand.

North America:
First approach of Californian grapes reaches the 95 million boxes for this season, like past
year total volume (95,2 million boxes). It is expected a higher export into national and
near markets as Canada, Mexico, and Central America to avoid logistical costs, delays, and
problems. First stock release will be around 15th September to start showing how could
be the season end position of the country.
On W 34, Californian grape’s exports are a little lower than last year (21.376.150 boxes
8,2 kg vs 21.900.587 boxes 8,2 past year) while imported grapes in the US are a little bit

SanLucar Fruit S.L. • Serra Llarga 24 • 46530 Puzol • Valencia • España • Tel +34 96 142 40 40 • Fax +34 96 142 41 58 •
higher than past year (22.852.267 vs 21.400.313 past year not including Chilean season
for the comparison).

Weekly California Table Grape Shipments, 8,2 kg boxes equivalent

Market in Europe:
Some rains hit Europe, consistent depending on the region but this didn’t change the
warm weather we are having. Once summer holydays are over people are ending their
vacations some relief is expected on the market even as now it remains unchanged: high
offer for low demand. Each new promotion comes with a lower price, but they continue
ahead as the product cannot stay on the vines. Every effort to launch a promotion passes
by low purchase prices to try to position the product on the store and take out as much
volume as possible. This is aggravated talking about seeded grapes as their main purpose
has become the entry price more than the product, mainly focused on Easter Countries.

As past weeks, the low consumptions we figure is more focused into fresher and seasonal
fruit as melons or watermelons, making the movement for grapes quite slow on the
market. Inflation continues its growth, making the consumer spend the money on
essential needs or vacation abroad. The trend is expected to be less purchases by week
and with very specific purchases, buying only what is necessary; this will lead into lower
prices due to high offer.

Very strong remark: all fruit must comply arrival quality and condition specifications,
because if there are problems, claims or rejections from retails will be almost impossible
allocate at any place in the market, as don´t exist plan B channels.
Retails & Supermarkets are facing lower sales due to less purchase power of final
consumer. We expect this situation to continue after vacations due to high inflation
focusing the house money on essential needs. The traditional/Specialist/Wholesalers,
HORECA & Open markets are more focused in seasonal European crops like stone fruits
and cherries, melons and watermelons, etc.
We must consider the worldwide problems we are facing like increase in energy, gas,
shortage of raw materials increasing prices of power, pallets, carboards, plastic,
transport… in addition to the port congestions, schedule disruptions and rising of freight
rates will immerse us in a complicated campaign with very high operating costs.

SanLucar Fruit S.L. • Serra Llarga 24 • 46530 Puzol • Valencia • España • Tel +34 96 142 40 40 • Fax +34 96 142 41 58 •
Prices FOT Rotterdam weeks 34/35:
-7kg Seeded White/Black ITA: 7,00-8,50 €/box.
-7kg Seeded Red ITA: 8,00-9,50 €/box.
-10x500g WSD ESP-ITA: 8,50-10,00 €/box.
-10x500g RSD ESP-ITA: 9,00-10,50 €/box.
-4,5 kg WSD ESP-ITA: 7,50-9,00 €/box.
-4,5 kg RSD ESP-ITA: 8,00-9,50 €/box.
-10x500g MIX seedless ESP-ITA: 9,00-10,50 €/box.
Numbers based in good quality/condition fruit, changing depending origin-label-size.
Fruit with quality/condition issues will be sold in open market out of this ranges.

SanLucar Fruit S.L. • Serra Llarga 24 • 46530 Puzol • Valencia • España • Tel +34 96 142 40 40 • Fax +34 96 142 41 58 •

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