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Topic 2: Motion and Forces

Questions Answers Pearson: pp. 11–32

Fill in the gaps to describe the difference between A scalar is a quantity that has ________________ and no ________________.
scalars and vectors.
A vector has both ________________ and ________________.

For each of the scalar quantities shown, state a
corresponding vector quantity.
Motion and Forces


Acceleration 
Force 
Which of the following quantities is a scalar?
Energy 
Velocity 

Briefly explain how velocity is different to speed.

Why is average speed usually used to make

Questions Answers

A demolition explosion takes place 1.5 km away

from a small village. The speed of sound in air is 330

Estimate how long it takes for people in the village

to hear the explosion. Assume there is no wind.
Motion and Forces

A hunting dog sprints a distance of 186 m in 30 s.

Calculate the average speed of the dog.

a) b)
The speed of a car (in m/s) at each second over
five seconds is shown below:
32.4   32.0   32.6   33.0   33.1
a) Calculate the mean speed of the car over those
five seconds.
b) Estimate the distance travelled by the car in
three seconds.

Hint: Use the equation speed=

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