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Day 14: 18th Sept 2022

Opening prayer.
Today is day 14, and today is to devoted to all the knowledge we have learnt.
Low Stimulation!
Consistent knowledge, replace not remove!

Communicate with your family.

Squish juice when you drink juice.

Satvic Momos
Take 15-18 mins to finish the quiz.
Another answer is Less, harder. Both answers are correct.
Sleeping is to charge our body like we charge
our phone. We often heard 8-9 hours sleeping
is encourage, but somehow some people after
8-9 hours sleep, still not waking up fresh or
energetic, which tell us the simple truth that it
is not about how many hours that we have
sleep, it is about how deep.
And for that, it is not just light eating for the body, it is also keeping the mind light so that it can
experience deep sleep. First, early dinner, and a very light dinner, finish the light dinner by 6pm-
6.30pm and don’t eat anything after that, by 8pm disconnected from work communication. Eat early
dinner, so that our digestion is over before we go to sleep. If eat late dinner, our body takes extra hours
during the sleep to digest the food. So, it is crucial to finish the digestion at the waken stage.

Second, we need to finish digestion of everything in the mind, shut down all the files in the mind. For
those who sleep early but before sleeping, you are checking emails, checking the news, watching drama
series, these kinds of contents stimulated the mind, and let the mind in overthinking stage,

in this way, when your body is sleeping, your

mind doesn’t sleep, hence when you wake up,
body has charged during the sleep but the mind
was doing a lot of work in the night, so you don’t
feel like waking up, or if we wake up, we are like
not as if we woke up, the vibrant of energetic is
not there, there is why we snooze to sleep again
another 5 mins more. Why are we snooze to sleep
again after 6-7 hours of sleep? Which means still
feeling tire, reason is only one, content consumption and working communication before you go to
sleep. Make it like a principal, keep to 7,8,9 rules, give time for your mind to slow down, the mind
cannot go from the build up stage suddenly go into deep sleep, it has to go back gently.

Last hour before we sleep, and first hour when we wake up, these are the 2 timings where the sub-
conscious mind is active. We need to take special care of these 2 hours, not a single word should go on
to my mind, because that word is not going into my mind, it is going into the subconscious. It is like a
bed, if something falls on the bedsheet only, we just clean it off immediately and it is clean. If I don’t it
just go deep into the mattress, once stain has gone into the mattress, we will not able to clean it.

So why should I put negative words onto my mind

when I know these 2 hours where words not just go
into my mind but it stays in my subconscious and
subconscious is creating my Sanskar, my
personality? If you come on to social media, oh I got
less light, she got more lights, there, you are
consuming content of comparison, competition,
jealousy, criticisms, fear just before go to sleep, and
these are the emotions that you want to change in
yourself. I want to change these emotions and I am consuming them and putting them into the
subconscious. Once we understand how things work, we just need to implement it.

First of all, put our phone outside our bedroom. Just like people trying to give up cigarette, they keep
cigarette away. We should keep our bedroom gadget free. Sleep is not just one part of life, sleep decide
our complete lifestyle and our state of mind and our body, then we know that the 4am-5am is Brahma
Muhurtham, today a lot of people from the west are teaching 5AM Leadership Club, why are they calling
it as such? Because a leader needs intuition, clarity of thinking, accurate decision making and leader
needs to be very calm and stable even in the crisis.

If we get up at dawn, don’t start with your phone or

laptop to work or study, do these after the first hour,
use this one hour to energies yourself, with spiritual
study, Yoga, Pranaya, experience says energies
ourself within this 1 hour, the energy that we gain is
more than what we have slept for 3 hours.

4-5am is like highest internet speed for our focus,

clarity and high vibrational thinking, those who
wants to study or any leader who wants to make decision, wake up at 4am, meditate for some time
and then sit to study/working, what concentration you would have at that time you can’t have it
number of hours during the day time. So waking up at Brahma Muhurtham, but for that sleeping early,
don’t sleep late and say you want to wake up at 4-5am.
When you are staying with 3-4 people in the house, you decided to change your lifestyle, first thing first
is you don’t make an announcement of the change. Just say from today, I am going to experiment with
this lifestyle for the next 3 months, giving it a trial, or else your family will panic, and try to pull you away
from the change, they will give you negative advices, like you will lack of protein, don’t start this change,
all logic all facts will be given to you, a lot of scientific data will give to you to convince you. We are
excited and motivated to start this new lifestyle, and go tell your family members you also cannot have
this food that food, you also stop eating, suddenly there is a lot of energy. They are not wrong, first to
remember, my family is not wrong, because if I feel they are wrong, they will think I am wrong, and we
will be both sending rejecting energy to each other, to remember, up till yesterday I am having same
food, and I did not know it was wrong, so I should not call them wrong, that you are eating wrong food.
No, do not criticize other people, this is like 100%, not even in your mind that they are wrong. It is
vibration, if I think for somebody that “you are eating wrong food”, then they think for me “you are
eating wrong food”, then we are sending very wrong energy to each other, I say I eating the right food
of what I have understood, and you are eating the right food of what you believe is right, we accept
each other, we live with harmony, and I am going to do this for 3 months, I just need support and care
of everybody for 3 months and I will support you in everything that you are going to do and I request
your support in what I am experimenting with. Be gentle, make it a short-term goal, don’t make it a
long-term announcement, because many of us don’t do it long term, but we first create the chaos in the
house by announcing it. I have to experiment it alone, I have to get the result, and people around me
will get inspire to change, don’t force people to change, don’t criticize people for their habit. If one
person starts in a family, they become the instrument to heal the rest of the family, because everybody
is going to do it after that, we are certain that everybody is going to do that provided you do it the right
way. Don’t force them, change should come willingly after they see your result and they know it is for
health and knowing that we cannot kill someone for our health, and cannot consume food that has pain.
When they decided to make the change, it has to be with choices, without compulsion. Your vibration
of transformation is in the house, so everybody will see that you are not sacrificing but gaining. When
we make these changes, people feel sorry for us, because they feel we are sacrificing, actually we are
not, we gaining so much. So do it with right intention, people around you will see how much you have
gain out of it, it will show in your face, your body, your health, your personality and also in your
behaviors. And your family will be the first person to be benefit after you have changed, and then be
ready, that within 1-2 months the next person in the family will going to join you, and they going to try,
at this point don’t force them to change entirely, little bit by little, hand holding them in the journey,
and very soon everyone will be doing it together, and for anyone that hasn’t join you yet, continue
acceptance, acceptance, acceptance, keep accepting them and be 100% certain they will accept what
you are doing, that is the law of energy, I have to radiate that vibration, to receive that vibration.
Initially, it does happen to everyone. We decided to change but it is hard to resist the craving sometime,
never mind, you go ahead and have it, when you have it just be aware of the changes it does to your
mind and body because that will help you to make decision next time. So at least live with that
awareness, today I have an animal product, never mind, I chose, let me see the difference, in how my
stomach is feeling, in how my mind is feeling, next morning how am I feeling after I having that in the
evening, and that awareness will help you make decision, creating guilt is just waste of energy, because
you only depleting yourself even more, you chosen it, take responsibility of your choice, and next time
think before you choose.

How many times I am going to take my mind

and my body through this correction progress
again and again? I believe the simple thing is,
if you keep consuming information that help
to revise, read or watch one related story or
video everyday to keep you going. A lot of
content we are going to get every day that
might take you away from the right path, so at
least revise daily for 15-20 mins will keep
your mind very alive and keep you on track.
The world is going to change, that is 100% certainty, and we can also see it happening also, but the
change is in two ways, you see, it is like the night and the beginning of the morning, like 4am, in a family
of 4, one will say good night, another one will say good morning, they both living in the same house. It
is like the world that we are living, some people that saying “Good Night” are people who are toward
the karma of their own benefit, their energy is “TAKE”, whatever product or behavior they do, it is only
for the intention to “TAKE”. Some people at the other side will be the opposite, their energy is “GIVE”,
right now the bigger number is on “TAKE”, but that is a significant number on who are “GIVING”, the
world that is going to be created very soon is going to be the world of “GIVER”, because “GIVE” energy
is high vibration than the “TAKE” energy. When we have pure intention that we have something to
share and only for the intention of sharing, if you share you just share, don’t even look where it has
reached, we will never ever know where it has been reached, because the world is too big, we get to see
few people around us only, but changes are not only reach to few people around us, the changes has
reached all over the planet, we will not always see the number and how much has been benefited. We
only need to know that my intention is clear that I am GIVING, and the rest is for that energy to flow all
over the planet, and it is 100% going to flow, we are not going to give even with the desire that what I
am giving should be used by everybody, that desire also we have to eliminate, because it is a form of
“TAKE”. I have to have no desire from what I am doing. It is like you get “Prisha”, then you give “Prisha”
to everybody, now what the other people do with their “Prisha” is their choice, somebody will eat it,
somebody will give it away. Like video that you made, somebody will watch it, they will not live it, but
they will forward to 10 more people, so that means they give away the “Prisha” to somebody else,
someone will just throw away the “Prisha” because they don’t want it, so they will just delete your
video. Some who have thrown away your “Prisha” when they has problem in their life they will
remember about the “Prisha” and they will go find it and get it back again, we don’t know what will
happen, so we just have to give the “Prisha” which we received, and we are not even the owner of the
“Prisha”, we only an instrument, it is between the Divine and the Children, as an instrument, we keep
using it and it will be more radiance and share it, and be 100% certain a very beautiful world is going to
get created, Certain and Faith but No Desire. So don’t look at how many people has changed, just look
at the direction of GIVING and GIVING, the more we give, the more that is reaching all over the world
which Satvic Movement is doing, it is changing, it is creating magic, it is not easy to change in the
opposite direction, it is like going against the tide, the number is always be smaller, but it is not about
the numbers but it is about the power of those numbers. So, if million are on the lower vibration of
energy, a very small is on the higher vibration energy is going to overpower the lower energy and
change. Is like four people in the house, three of them could be very chaotic, and very disturbing, and
one of them is powerful and stable, the one will find the solution and change the energy of the house.

Positive energy will

eventually overtake the
Negative energy and create
a very beautiful world, that
is certain.

The purity of your intent,

because of your pure
intention that somebody
should benefit, they will
eventually benefit, you are
radiating that healing
energy to the world, even if
only one person is heal, our
life purpose is solve, now million are getting heal, even for one person we can do something in our
lifetime, it is beautiful feeling, here million are getting heal, so many blessing, not just from those million
who gets heal, from all their families, imagine one family member get heal, the whole family changes, so
how much changes is happening, you all are doing miracle with a very pure intention, with absolutely no
desire to get anything in return, no name, fame, nothing. Only with the pure intention of Giving, and
every pure intention has a very big multifold results, just keep giving and watch for the miracle to
happen, in fact it is already happening, it will spiral down in a big wake very soon, it is like a ball, when
it start rolling, it is at a certain speed and then suddenly it goes, very very fast, because suddenly the
world start looking for it, and the “Prisha” is all ready, we are not in the cooking stage, it is all cooked
and everybody will be there. So congratulation not just to both of you but to every single soul who has
joined you in this journey, to first to heal themselves, so congratulation to them, is amazing, because it
doesn’t just reflect their priority to health but reflect their will power. Every soul who has taken up a
Satvic lifestyle, it is not just creating a healthy body but it is a very powerful soul, so that is the real
success, and of cause each one who become an instrument and take it to the next person, so everybody
so many have joined you, the journey started with you alone, then it became you and Harsh, then now it
has become a big global family. So this is Satvic world for you already isn’t it? So congratulation and lot
of lot of blessing from the divine for each of you of the family.

----------------------- end of the interview----------------------------------------

Subah: Let’s take few minutes to reflect and internalized what sister Shavani has shared with all of us.
You are encouraging to write down onto your note book and keep your reflection for your future

Challenge of the day!

We have done with the BODY, tomorrow we will start with the HEART.

Thank you for those who shared in our FB group:

Quiz winner: Shivani Kalva ji
We highlight some cooking that shared in our FB group:
Lakshya by Shankar Ehsaan Loy & Shankar Mahadevan (

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