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Semestral II

Semestral II
Guía de Clase UNI

Verb BE

El verb be has the following forms:

I am We are
Affirmative You are You are
He / She / It They are

Am I? Are we?
VERB BE Question form Are you? Are you?
Is he / she / it? Are they?

I am not / I’m not We are not / aren’t

Negative You are not / aren’t You are not / aren’t
He / She / It is not / isn’t They are not / aren’t

The verb be is used in the following patterns:

1. with a noun:

My mother is a teacher.
Bill Clinton was the president of the US.

2. with an adjective:

This soup is very tasty.

The children were good.

3. with a prepositional phrase:

prohibida su venta
John and his wife are from Manchester.
The flowers are on the table.
Verb BE Affirmative

Full form of the verb to be Contracted form of the verb to be

I am a teacher. I’m a teacher.
He is a student. He’s a student.
Sje is a journalist. She’s a journalist.
It is a book. It’s a book.
We are mechanics. We’re mechanics.
You are policemen. You’re policemen.
They are doctors. They’re doctors.

¡Tu mejor opción! 1

Semestral II

Verb BE Negative

Long form Short form

• I am not • I’m not
• You are not • You’re not
• He is not • He’s not
• She is not • She’s not
• It is not • It’s not
• We are not • We’re not
• You are not • You’re not
• They are not • They’re not

Verb BE Interrogative

Am I ...? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.

Are you ...? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is he ...? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
Is she ...? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
Is it ...? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Are we ...? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Are you ...? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.


• Unscramble the following sentences

1. I old. Am thirty-five years _____________________________

2. Colombia. are from we _____________________________
3. And is student. A I’m my Luis García name _____________________________
4. My this book. Is _____________________________
5. It’s day today. nice a _____________________________
6. sister. Mary my is _____________________________
7. is Juan engineer. An _____________________________
8. name husband’s Dominguez. My is _____________________________
9. are my There twelve in class. Students _____________________________
10. at the letter. of address My the new top is _____________________________

prohibida su venta
• Complete the following sentences using verb TO BE

1. He ______ from the United States.

2. They ______ old friends.
3. I ______ a student.
4. John ______ happy today.
5. We ______ good students.
6. Today ______ Saturday.
7. She and John ______ dentists.
8. ______ she your friend? Yes, she is.

2 ¡Tu mejor opción!

Semestral II

• Read the conversation below and answer the questions

Paul: Hello my name’s Paul. What’s your name?

Jack: Jack. How are you?
Paul: I’m fine, and you?
Jack: Great. Where are you from?
Paul: I’m from London.
Jack: Where is that girl from?
Paul: She is from Japan. Why?
Jack: She is pretty. How old is she?
Paul: I don’t know. Her name is Kaori.

1. Who is Japanese? _______________________________________________________

2. How many people are talking in the conversation?  ___________________________

3. Is Paul from Seattle? _____________________________________________________

4. Who wants to know where the girl is from? __________________________________

5. Is the girl pretty? ________________________________________________________

• Complete the following text with the correct form of VERB TO BE.

Peter Baker ____________ from Manchester, but Paul and John ____________ from London. Manchester and London ____________
cities in England. Hamburg ____________ a city in Germany. Sandra ____________ at school today. Jack and Peter ____________
her friends. They ____________ in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker ____________ on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne.
She ____________ a nice girl. Peter says: “My grandfather ____________ in hospital. I ____________ at home with my grandmother.”
What time ______________ it? It ______________ 8 o’clock. ______________ you tired? No, I ____________ not.

prohibida su venta

¡Tu mejor opción! 3



Semestral II:
22 de agosto

Escolar UNI II:


22 de agosto

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