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the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. truthfulness, sincerity, or
frankness. freedom from deceit or fraud.
Why honesty is important?
 Honest people are trustworthy, dependable, and respected by others.
 It is the right thing to do. It feels good.
 Telling the truth lets everyone know what happened and keeps the wrong person from
being blamed for something they didn’t do.
What are the consequences of being dishonest?
 Losing the trust and respect of others.
 The need to tell more lies in order to cover up.
 You may face punishment and embarrassment.
What are the qualities of an honest person?
 Tells the truth, regardless of the consequence.
 Admits when he or she is wrong.
 Does not cheat or steal.
 Does not exaggerate to make things seem different than they are.
 Keeps promises and encourages others to be truthful.
Grade Level:

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. You went to the school canteen to buy 3 sandwiches for you and for your friends. When
you put your change to your wallet, you noticed that the cashier only charges you for 2
sandwiches. What will you do?

2. Your friend asked you if he/she can copy your answer during your quiz. Would you let
your friend copy your answer? Why or Why Not?

3. While you are walking to your classroom, you found 20 pesos in the hallway. What will
you do?

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