Risk Management Foodprep

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Name: Lyka B.

Zaballero BSTM-1
1. Name the things John did wrong.
First, John thaw the frozen raw shrimp directly into the sink under hot
running water and let it sit for two hours. He then just wiped off the
worktable with a cloth towel instead of cleaning and sanitizing it. He just
left the salmon setting aside while prepping the shrimp. To protect food
during preparation, you must handle it safely, and John failed to do that.
The keys are time, temperature control, sanitation and the prevention of
cross-contamination. Thaw food in a refrigerator at a product temperature
of 41*F or lower, not directly in hot water. The shrimp is in the sink
sitting for two hours. The longer food is exposed to these temperatures, the
greater the risk that microorganisms will grow. It is also important to
practice proper hygiene in food preparation. To prevent contamination,
prepare raw food separately from cooked or ready-to-eat food. Assign
specific equipment to each type of food. Always clean and sanitize
equipment, utensils, and containers before and after each use. Cooking can
reduce the number of microorganisms in food to safe levels, but it doesn't
kill the spores or toxins some microorganisms produce. That is why it is
important to inspect product once it arrives and handle it safely during

 What are the minimum internal cooking temperatures for poultry, pork,
fish, and ground beef?
 Poultry: 165°F (74°C) for 15 sec.
 Fish: 145°F (63°C) for 15 sec.
 Pork: 145°F (63°C) for 15 sec. (roasts for 4 min)
 Ground beef: 155°F (68°C) for 15 sec.

 What are four proper methods for thawing food?

1. Thaw food in a cooler, at a product temperature of 41°F (5°C) or lower
2. Submerge food under running water at 70°F (21°C) or lower
3. Thaw food in a microwave, only if cooked immediately after thawing
4. Thaw as part of the cooking process
 What are the rules for properly cooking food in a microwave?
 Cover food to prevent the surface from drying out
 Rotate or stir food halfway through the cooking process to allow heat to
reach the food more evenly.
 Let food stand for at least two minutes after cooking to let the food
temperature even out.
 Check the temperature in at least two places to make sure the food is
cooked through.
 Heat seafood, poultry and eggs to 165 (74c)

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