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We use Present Simple in order to talk about:

✓ Facts (hechos) ✓ Feelings (emociones)
✓ Opinions (opiniones) ✓ Timetables (horarios, actividades ya
✓ Daily routines (rutinas) ✓ Scientific facts (hechos científicos)
✓ Regular habits (hábitos) ✓ States of mind (estados de ánimo)
✓ Newspaper headings (titulares ✓ Telling jokes and stories (al contar chiste y
de diarios) anécdotas)
✓ Permanent and long-lasting situations (acontecimientos permanentes o duraderos)


(Presente simple / Verbos “escuchar” / “volar” / “cantar”)


I listen Yo escucho. Do I fly? ¿Yo vuelo? I do not sing. Yo no canto.
You listen Tú Do you fly? ¿Tú vuelas? You do not sing. Tú no cantas.
He listens Él escucha. Does he ¿Él vuela? He does not Él no canta.
fly? sing.
She Ella Does she ¿Ella vuela? She does not Ella no canta.
listens escucha. fly? sing.
It listens Eso Does it fly? ¿Eso vuela? It does not sing. Eso no canta.
We listen Nosotros/as Do we fly? ¿Nosotros/as We do not sing. Nosotros/as
escuchamos volamos? no cantamos
You listen Ustedes Do you fly? ¿Ustedes You do not sing. Ustedes no
escuchan. vuelan? cantan.
They listen Ellos/as Do they fly? ¿Ellos/as They do not Ellos/as no
escuchan. vuelan? sing. cantan.

* Affirmative:

1. Do not use the auxiliary in affirmative 2. Add “s” to the main verb or “-es” for the 3rd
tenses: do, does person singular (he, she, it),

(No se usa el auxiliar en oraciones afirmativas: (Agregar “s” al verbo principal o “-es” para la
do, does) tercera persona singular)
(ortografía para verbos en 3° persona singular)
Most verbs: Add “s” drink drinks Louis drinks coffee.
(Luis bebe café.)

Verbs ending with worry worries She worries about her

consonant and “y”: change studies.
“y” for “-ies” (Ella se preocupa por
sus estudios.)
Verbs ending in sibilant wish wishes He wishes to pass the
sounds –s, -z, -ch, -sh, or exam.
–x add “ es” (Él desea aprobar el
The verb “have” has its have has She has a cute puppy.
own form (Ella tiene un lindo

✓ Negative form

(subject + negative auxiliary + main verb +
I, you, we, they do + not (don´t) They do not play. (Ellos no juegan.)
he, she, it does + not (doesn´t) He does not play. (Él no juega.)

Exercise 1
Choose the right answer.

1. A) You starts work at nine o’clock.

B) She start work at nine o’clock.
C) You start work at nine o’clock.
D) I starts work at nine o’clock.

2. ____ Alisson _____ the bus at six every day?

A) Do - catch B) Does - catchs
C) Does - catches D) Does - catch

3. A) They don’t go to the museum every Sunday.

B) They don’t goes to the museum every Sunday.
C) She doesn’t goes to the museum every Sunday.
D) They don’t to the museum every Sunday.

4. The classes ____ at 8 o’clock.

A) don’t starts B) doesn’t starts
C) doesn’t start D) start
5. ___ you _____ early on Saturdays?
A) Does / get up B) Do / get up
C) Do / gets up D) Does / gets up

6. My brother ____ to the gym every day and I ____ the piano.
A) goes / play B) go / play
C) go / plays D) goes / plays


Simple present tense is generally El presente simple aparece generalmente

accompanied by an adverb of frequency. acompañado por un adverbio de frecuencia.

Frequency Adverbios de
Freq. Examples
adverb frecuencia
I always study physics on Monday.
100% always siempre
(Siempre studio física los lunes.)
I very often go to the library. (Muy
90% very often muy a menudo
a menudo voy a la biblioteca.)
I often clean my bedroom. (A
80% often
a menudo menudo limpio mi cuarto.)
I frequently visit my parents in the
70% frequently afternoons. (Frecuentemente visito
a mis padres en las tardes.)
usually/ Usualmente /
We usually study together.
50% normally/ normalmente /
(Usualmente estudiamos juntos.)
generally generalmente
She sometimes visits me at home.
40% sometimes
a veces (Ella a veces me visita en casa.)
He occasionally wears a suit. (Él
30% occasionally
ocasionalmente ocasionalmente use un terno.)
I rarely play chess. (Raramente
10% rarely raramente
juego ajedrez.)
I hardly ever go to Gamarra. (Casi
5% hardly ever
casi nunca nunca voy a Gamarra.)
0% never I never smoke. (Yo nunca fumo.)

Position of frequency adverbs

(Posición de los adverbios de frecuencia)

Use with full verbs: the frequency adverb goes before the main verb.

Subject Adverb Verb

I, you, always go to work at 7 o’clock.
we, they never miss a class.
He, she, usually cooks for her parents.
It hardly ever works properly.
Use with verb “To be”: the frequency adverb goes after the verb to be.

Subject Verb to be Adverb Verb

I am always go to work at 7 o’clock.
you, we, they are never miss a class.
usually cooks for her parents.
He, she, it is
hardly ever works properly.

The frequency adverb doesn’t change the verbs in simple present.

Exercise 2
Circle the correct sentence.

1. A) I usually visit my family on Thanksgiving.

B) He usually visit my family on Thanksgiving.
C) I usually visits my family on Thanksgiving.
D) I visit usually my family on Thanksgiving.

2. A) She often is busy at home.

B) She is often busy at home.
C) She often busy at home.
D) You is often busy at home.

3. A) Some people sometimes works on New Year’s Day.

B) Some people sometimes on New Year’s Day.
C) Some people work sometimes on New Year’s Day.
D) Some people sometimes work on New Year’s Day.

4. A) He is never go to work early.

B) He is never early at work.
C) He plays sometimes tennis.
D) They never plays tennis.

III. Word order in questions

To form a question, we place:

Do in front of I, you, we, they Does in front of he, she, it

auxiliary verb + subject + main verb auxiliary verb + subject + main verb
do + I/you/we/they + base form does + he/she/it + base form

Example: Example:
Do you go to school by bus? Does she go to school by bus?
Aditional question words

Question Examples Pronom Ejemplos

words interrog
who Who is the prettiest girl? Quién ¿Quién es la chica más guapa?
Maria is the prettiest. María es la más guapa.
where Where is Madrid? Dónde ¿Dondé está Madrid? En el centro
In the centre of Spain. de España.
why Why is he angry? Because he Por qué ¿Por qué está enfadado? Porque
lost his wallet. perdió su billetera.

when When is your birthday? Cuándo ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

On March 8th El 8 de marzo.

how How do say "agua" in English? Cómo ¿Cómo se dice "agua" en inglés?
Water Water
what What are you reading? Qué ¿Qué estás leyendo? Una revista.
A magazine.
which Which one do you like most? Cuál ¿Cuál te gusta más? El azul.
The blue one.
whose Whose is this jacket? It's Fred's. De quién ¿De quién es esta casaca? Es de
what kindWhat kind of films do you like? Qué tipo de ¿Qué tipo de películas te gusta?
Horror films. Películas de terror.
what time What time do you have A qué hora ¿A qué hora desayunas?
how much How much sugar do we need? 2 Cuánto/a ¿Cuánta azúcar necesitamos?
kilos. 2 kilos.
how many How many boys are there? Cuántos/as ¿Cuántos chicos hay? Hay 5.
There are 5.
how long How long did you live in Paris? 1 Durante ¿Durante cuánto tiempo viviste en
year. cuánto París? 1 año.
how often How often do you go to the Con qué ¿Con qué frecuencia vas al cine?
cinema? Once a month. frecuencia Una vez al mes.
how far How far is the bank? A qué ¿Qué tan lejos está el banco?
About 2km. distancia Alrededor de 2km.
how old How old are you? Cuántos ¿Cuántos años tienes?
I'm 24. años Tengo 24.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct option.

1. _____ is that sitting over there in the table next to us?

A) Who B) Which C) What D) Whom

2. I don't understand a word _____ the teacher is talking about.

A) when B) how C) what D) which
3) _____ is this wallet on the living room?
A) Whom B) Who C) Which D) Whose

4) “I'm looking at the painting ____ you made me last year.”

A) who B) what C) which D) where

5) “It’s seven dollars and fifty cents.”

A) How many is that book?
B) How much is that book?
C) What is the best book?
D) Where is the book?

IV. Jobs and workplaces (empleos y lugares de trabajo)

(lugares de trabajo)
Banco Oficina Restaurante Fábrica Hospital Calle Escuela
bank office restaurant factory hospital street school
empleo banquero recepcionista cocinero empleado doctor policía maestro
cajero secretaria mesero albañil dentista chofer alumno
Job banker receptionist chef worker doctor police teacher
cashier secretary waiter builder dentist driver student

V. Days of the week

Week days Weekend

(días de la semana) (fin de semana)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado domingo

VI. The time

4:00 It’s four o’clock.
(Son cuatro en punto.)
2:20 It’s twenty past two.
(Son dos y veinte.)
6:30 It’s half past six.
(Son seis y media)
8:45 It’s a quarter to nine.
(Son un cuarto para las

I. Choose the correct answer.

Celebrations around the world

All around the world, people (1) ____ to celebrate. During the week we (2) ____, on weekends we
rest, but we also need to have fun. Festivals are special celebrations. For example, in my family
my sister (3) ___ in a choir on the Independence Day but she (4) ____ dance typical music, who
(5) ____ dancing in festivals is my brother and he (6) ____ different clothes. Also, people eat special
food, and give presents to friends and family, but in my family we (7) ____ any give presents.

1. A) need B) wants C) needs D) does

2. A) worked B) work C) works D) does work
3. A) sings B) sing C) does D) isn’t
4. A) have B) don’t C) doesn’t D) isn’t
5. A) are B) like C) is D) likes
6. A) wear B) weares C) wears D) has
7. A) have B) doesn’t C) are D) don’t

8. From the paragraph above, choose if the statements are T (true) or F (false).
A) During the week people rest and on weekends they work. T F
B) Festivals are important celebrations around the world. T F
C) The narrator’s brother wears clothes to dance in festivals. T F
D) The narrator’s family gives him some presents during festivals. T F


III. Circle the right alternative.

9. Did you meet the woman ____ dad works in the NASA?
A) who B) whose C) who’s D) which

10. Almost all students ____ do their homework, but there is one who ___ ____ lazy.
A) always / is / often B) always / are / often
C) always / often / is D) always / often / are

11. A: What time is it? B: ______

A) It's twenty to eleven. B) It’s a twenty to twelve.
C) It’s eleven to twenty. D) It’s twenty to twelve.

* Choose the correct answer.

12. ____ do they ____ to university? A) When / goes B) when / go C) what / go

13. ____ ____ she work too many hours? A) Why / does B) Why / - C) Why / do

14. I __ know __ my mom cooks so well. A) doesn’t/how B) don’t/what C) don’t/how


• Simple Present:

tenses-present/present-simple (Rules in third person)
• Adverbs of frequency: https://www.englisch- (Exercises)
• Wh – Questions:
• Routines:
• Telling time: (practice)
• Days of the week:
• Jobs:
ontent/18/contenido/index.html (practice)

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