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Activity 2

Name and surname: Edgar Villanueva

Identity card: 26.465.974

Write a short text of no more than half a page, in which you answer the
following questions:

What do you like about your university program (PNFI)?

What I like the most about my university program is learning new things every day,
both in the IT part and in other subjects, such as, for example, in this English
subject, which we have learned in a short time, some pronunciation, vocabulary,
knowing how to express ourselves in another language and above all what I like
the most about this program is to keep in mind that I will always overcome and be
better and that is why I am here studying this career.

What don't you like about your university program (PNFI)?

Well, this part is what I don't like to talk about, but unfortunately what I don't like
about this program is the assistance of some teachers in this program, such as
critical training, who have already assigned us a teacher and at this point we still
haven't met. Communicated with the teacher by no means, another point is the
issue of schedules, a class in the morning which is impossible for me because I
work but in the same way I make the effort to be able to see it.

Why is your university program (PNFI) important for Venezuelan society?

The importance of our program in society plays a fundamental role in all aspects,
and that is why each of the people who see our program advance by leaps and
bounds, they worry more and more about learning something from this we talk
about what which is computing and technology so as not to be left behind.

Our program is applied in many areas and sectors of human activity, such as:
industry, research, game development, communications, transport control, biology,
chemistry, information storage and consultation, medicine, process monitoring and
control. , industrial robots, computerized design, multimedia applications/tools, etc.
Make a list of new vocabulary. They can be words related to your university
program, to the Venezuelan social environment, or any other.

Exercise Actividad
Importance Importancia
Research Investigacion
Program Programa
Game development Desarollo de juegos
To worry Preocuparse
Communications Comunicaciones
To learn Aprender
storage Almacenamiento
Computing Informatica
Información query Consulta de informacion
Technology Tecnologia
Robots Robots
Areas Áreas
Computarizad Desing Diseño computarizado
Applications aplicaciones
Tools Herramientas
Multimedia Multimedia

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