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Chatper-3 Logarithms Definition of logarithm: Logarithm are simply the power or the indices to a given base. Type equation here. The logarithm of a number to a given base is the index or the power to which the base must be raised to produce the number that is to make it equal to the given number. John Napier (1557-1610) - Who invented logarithms to the base e=2.71828 which is used mostly for theoretical mathematical purpose. But for common calculations, logarithms to the base 10 are used. These common logarithms given by Henry Briggs (1561-1630) ~ The logarithm of a number to base 10 is called common logarithm or Brigesian logarithm. ‘The logarithm of a number to the base e = 2.71828 is called natural or Napierer logarithm. ‘Suppose, a* =n 2% =16 logan=x | log, 16=4 Note: The logarithm of 1 to any base is zero, Because any number raised to the power zero is, one. For example, a° log, 1-0 ‘Note: The logarithm of any quantity to the same base is unity. Because any quantity raised to the power 1 is that quantity only. For example, a Jogyo 10=1 log, @ Area of uses of logarithm or Importance of logarithm: Logarithm is an important mathematical device for complex and larger calculations. Before calculators, it was the only way for solution of calculation beyond normal human ies. ‘© In finding out simple and compound interest, . 9f different type of depreciation, ; iti a eae sinking fn allowances and insurance premium and annuities, ‘* Other complex calculation ete. Sf jons: ithms of the Logarithm of the product of two numbers is equal tothe sum of the logarithms o ‘numbers to the same base, Thats, loga mn= log, m + logan, © The logarithm of ‘the quotient of two numbers is equal to the difference of theit logarithms to the same base, ‘That is, log, = logam— logan * Logarithm of the number raised to a Power is equal to the index. of the power ‘multiplied by the logarithm of the number ‘to the same base, ‘That is, Togam™=nlogam | logia(25)'=2nlogie 25 Exercise: 1 7 loB10 25 — 2logig 3 + logye 18 = logio(25) F —logie(3)? + logis 18, =logio 5—logio 9 + logo 18 sx18, =logio—) ~logio® = logy 10 [SICH A base HST AT log,m = [common logarithm rule] Tog, Change the base of logs 31 dopo 31 logs 31 = Tu CAE IRA 10 STA FATS ACA] Exerise-11 12838 = slog? howtal, log y 16% log 4 10 B10 = — bes Togs 16x1og, 10 log 38 Toe s03 og 103 = 3108 192 = flog 192 108 103 208 103 log58 Tog, 16x log, 10 slog 10? Tog 103 ae 210g 103 “210g 107 = Boer 5 Hoes Tog 103" 4log 492 Blogyo ? =RHS (proved) + LHS = R. HS (proved), v Exereise-02; Show that, log 2 + 16 log 2£+ 12 log2= +7 log #t LHS, log 2+ 16 log 2+ 12 logit +7 log 55 =log2+log Co) 164 log) 25) 12 + log e’ = log (2x G6 x "x EG} =log (2x 2 16 x & 2x Qe’ } =log Ox GED * Gam) x Gawd) = log GS) = log 2 6-8 x log 524-28 =log2? x log 5* =log2x 5 =logl0 =I =RHS (proved) 4 LHS=R.HS (proved). loge x = —— [This is one kind of rule] logra Exercise-03; Prove the following, 1 1 ae Tog G2) * TogyaCaye) * Toxestayay 2 According to the rule. 1 1 7 LHS, eGo) * mate * bextoo = logxys XY + lOgeys YZ + logyys 2x = logsyz(xyz)? = Dlogsye(xyz) =2x1 oa =RHS (proved) s LHS = R.HS (proved), Exercise: ay a Tog 24” Tog, 24” logy, 24 =logag 6 + logo, 8 + logz, 12 = logs 6 X BX 12 =logz, 576 = logs(24) ? = 21ogz4(24) =2 log =2 (Ans) Exereise-04; 1 1 1 te logabe+1 \ logy catia + loge ab+ Using the rule, loga x ==—— logra LHS = Toga be+1. logy cat! loge ab+1 md ed Ba bc+logaa logycatlogyd — logeab+logec 2 1 1 “Toga abe + logy abe + loge abe =logane @ + logane b + logane = logape abc =1 =RUHS (proved) = LHS=R.HS (proved). Exercise: logy x? x log, y? x loge 2? =27 LHS = logy x? x log, y? x logy z? » loge , loeys 5 lowed logy logs loge logs, Slogy lone = Hoes 4 H0By 4 Bose Togy Toes” loRe = 3303 =27 =RHS (proved) 1 LHS = R.HS (proved), Exercise-05: Prove the following: 1 1 — iv impo * ogg * Toneco = ° i A i 1 logp@) a HH. S= one @) fi ~logs(G) + loge) + loge =logsE x2 x 2 =log,* =0 =RHS (proved) 1. LHS=R.HS (proved), Exercise:6 Prove the following: logy (vx) x logz(y#) x log, (Vz?) = 1 LHS = logy(Vx) x log,(y) x log.(Vz) a 2 4 1 — 18x; a logy 3 4 8 logy “ logz loge y 2 a BO 5 Slogy Hoes logy ~ loge | loge 1 2 2X 3x5 1 =RHS (proved) - LLH.S = R. H.S (proved), Exercise: 07 Prove the following: — ess 1 49. = 1+zlog(p)+ Flog ste) _ log 343 HS 2 yHlog) 2 OB) 5108s) = Jog(7)* ~yHlog® 24210g@ > 14 3Jog(>) 7 +5log() 3log7 = Tow ixsloat 145x2log>+5x3logz _ 3log7, log 10-+log=+logz ___3log7 log(10x2x2 _ 310g7 1og7 = RLS (proved) .. LHS = R. HS (proved). Exercise:08 1, fsiogi76 6 147106036 4Fiogs 1 a) _3losca7207 og Hoga i ay 31og(1728)2 6 log 10+3t0g(5 24Hog23 2 aie 3og(12)7 6” log 1045 2log(E)+xalog2 2 aby doe 6 log 10Hog toga 1 drop 12 6 log(t0xx2) Flog 12 aly 6” logiz 19 EXE can Exercise-09: 1 x [_Seet8 e S 10g36 + logs Blog 12? 243 3 Toes ont 1, [am ay, [ees 6 4] Fxtiog 6 xatog2 Tog 12 Tog 6+10g 2 ax 6 1, [een chy [Peet log 6x2 ay fe 6 bs log 12 a =Exv9 2x3 6 5 (logx+ logy) 1 } logzy log)? = logliay) #2 = x? +2xy+y? = log tae? = logxy =x? 4 2xy +y? = oxy Exerelse-11;, log v27 + logVB—logViz5_ 3 Tog6=TogS _ lon V27 +108 VE—ton VRS log 6—log 5 LHS 1 1 1 = 10R(27) 2-+1og(8) ?=1og(125) ? Tog(3x2)-log5 Hog(3) 242 10g(2) >= 210g(5) > Tog3+log2-logS _ Hog3+2log2—2logs Tog3+log2-logS 2(log3+log2— log 5) Tog 3+log2—logS 3 2 = RHS (proved) LHS = R.H.S (proved), n of Exervise-6; aie in From the rate of interest compounder annually which a sum of money will be double it years. Now, F=P(1 +4)" [Compound rate formula] Solution; Let, principle amount P= TK, 100 Future value F= TK, 200 Number of years n= 10 years. aF=P(l+p" Or, 200 = 100 (1 +1)” Or, 100 (1 +1) = 200 200 +110 = 200 Or, 1+ = TS Or, (1 +1) = 2, Or, log(1 + r) #°=log2. OF 1log(l + ¥) = 0.301 [apace wa creERE IA seCTIng ROU Ge ACHE FAS We] 0.301, OF log(a + 1) TO Or, Log(1 + 1) = 0.0301 Or, Log(1 + r) = antilog 0.0301 Or, 1 +4= 1.07176 [Antilog 4 WH a FATS SIAC Or, r= 1.07176 -1 shift CICS RI ACH log TA Or, r=.07176 FMB 0.0301) TAT Sad CAA (=) IS P= 718% + The 7.18% interest rate a sum of money will be double in 10 years, Exercise-07; Taking a loan of TK, 9000 from a bank, a man was not able to pay it tll the end of 4 years. ‘Then the bank was demanded TK. 11250 from him. How much percent of interest compound yearly on the demanded money he was paid? Let, present value (P) =TK.9000 Future value (F) = TK.11250 n=4 Interest rate (r) =? 2 F=P(i+n" Or, 11250 = 9000 (1 +1) Or, 9000 (1 +r) 4= 11250 or, tie y= 22222 . ‘9000 Or, (141) 4= 1.25 Or, log(1 + 1) *=log1.25 Or, Alog(1 + 1) =0.097 (log 1.28 8 WA ARTE TM SUT og CU 2 SH HUET FS FAS ATT] 0.097 Or, log(t + 1) —— Or, Log (1 + 1) = 0.02425 Or, 1 + r= antilog 0.02425 eee [Antilog 4 WA CA FATS SAN 1, r= 1.057-1 shift CS 3A 1A log CA Orr=.057 aeMfB(0.0301) FIT we CAP (=) BITS ATA r=5.1% 4 The 5.7% of interest compound yearly on the demanded money he way paid. (Ans) Exercise-8: Find the rate of interest compounded semiannually at which TK.18000 will grow to ‘TK.45000 in ten years? Solution: Let, present value (P) =TK.18000 Future value (F) = TK.45000 a =10 Interest rate (1) =? sPePa+dm (Or, 45000 = 18000 (1 +£)""0 Or, 18000 (1 +2)? = 45000 45000 +120 45000 Or +2) =F e000 Or, (1+) *=25 Or, log(1 + 5) 20=log2.5 Or, 20log(1 + 5) =0.398 r 0398 Or logl +) = Or, Log (1 + 2) = 0.0198 Or, (1 + 5)=antilog 0.0198 r, (1 + 5) 1.0466 Or, r= 0.0932 $1 9.32% (Ans) Yearly SCH 1 fra GIN FES BA | ‘Semiannually TPC 2. Bi-monthly WETS Quarterly TSU — 4 Monthly 81 -12 Annually SEC. 1 fica win few =I | Exercise-9: In what time, will a sum of money double itself at 5% compounded interest payable yearly? Solution: |Let, present value (P) =TK.100 Future value (F) = TK.200 | n=? Interest rate (r) =5% = 0.05 ia F=P(l+n* Or, 200 = 100 (1 + 0.05)" Or, 100 (1 + 0.05)"= 200 200 Or, (1.08)"= 55 Or, (1,05) "=2 (Or, log (1.05) n= log2 r, nlogi.05 =log2 log 2 that means 14 years 3 month (Ans) Exercise-10: ‘A washing machine deprecated at the rate % ofits value at the beginning, ofa year. The washing machines was purchased for TK. 20,000 and scrap value utilize when sold was TK.14, 000. Find the number of years thatthe washing machine was used? Solution Let present value (P)=TK.20, 000 Future value (F) = TK. 14,000 Depreciation rate (D) = 5% = 0.05 a=? 2F=P(I-D)" — (S8CT1- D GTA RONTR FIAT, Depreciation rate] (Or, 14000 = 20000 (1- 0.05)" Or, 20000 (0.95)*= 14000 14000 01, (095)"= F550. Or, (0.95)*=0.7 r, 1og(0.95) "= log(0.7) = r, n 10g(0.95) = log(0.7) _ a(0-7) 10g(0.95) n054 Or, n=—— BY Do0n Orn Or,n=7 “n= 7 years (Ans)

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