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【Lesson 6】 Law-Abiding Spirit and Law of Peace

1. Understand the law-abiding spirit through the necessity of law

Lesson 2. Understand that one needs to have traits of peace in order to observe law
Objectives 3. Understand that a binding law of peace is needed to achieve peace

1. Law-Abiding Spirit
Q. Why is law needed?
→ A binding standard is needed for various people to live together in harmony

2. Citizens of Peace
Q. Who are the citizens of peace?
Key Contents
→ We call “citizens of peace” those who have internalized traits of peace and those
who are a walking law of peace.

3. International Legal Document of Peace, DPCW

Q. Why is the law of peace needed?
→ A legal instrument is needed to end wars and achieve world peace.

* Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

: an International Law Peace Committee comprised of 21 law experts was established to draft the 10
articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW. The DPCW was proclaimed on 13 March 2016.

| Opening Story

An anthropologist who studies cultures of African tribes made the children of one tribe run a race.

“I’ll give a prize to the one who arrives to that tree as first place!”

The prize was a basket full of delicious cookies and chips that the African children have never tried
before. The anthropologist thought that the children would run with their best efforts in order to take first
place. Contrary to expectation, the children ran together side by side holding hands with each other. The
children who arrived at the finishing line together shared the cookies and chips with each other. When the
anthropologist asked them if they wanted to have all the cookies for themselves by taking the first place,
the children answered in one voice.

“If I take all the cookies by myself, then my other friends will be sad. How I can be happy by myself?”

* Ubuntu: An expression in Bantu language meaning "I am because we are." It is an ideology of African
tradition, and the ideological root of African peace movement.
| Main Points of the Lesson

• Law-Abiding Spirit
Law is needed to maintain order and safety of all people living in a community. For this, law has
binding force. Observance of the law is to keep the law, which is the promise between the members of a
society. When there are law-abiding citizens, a safe and peaceful order of society will be maintained.

• Citizen of Peace
The traits of peace means the value of peace is instilled in oneself. Those who have the traits of peace
can live in harmony within a community and practice peace as the citizens of peace.

• Law of Peace, DPCW

In order to create a world of peace by solving constant disputes, a legal instrument in both national and
international level is needed to secure and maintain peace regardless of nationality, race, and religion.
For this, the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War was proclaimed. This Declaration is being
prepared for submission to the United Nations.
【Exploration 1】

# Law-Abiding Spirit: Basis of Law

I sometimes wish that people would put a little more emphasis upon the observance of
the law than they do upon its enforcement.
- Calvin Coolidge / Former President of USA (1872-1933)

Would laws be needed to a person who lives alone in a deserted island?

Rules that must be kept are not needed for a person who lives alone in a place where there is no one.
However, if there is one other person living in that place together, then they will have to set up rules that
need to be kept. Humanity that lived by hunting and gathering faced a great change as it became an
agricultural society. Agriculture made the people live a sedentary life, and a village community was
created. The surplus produce made by the agricultural society invent the idea of “private property.” The
surplus produce and a desire to possess “private property” created a conflict among individuals and
groups. This became a cause of conflicts and wars, great and small.

Like this, as people started to form communities, the understanding and desire between individual and
individual, groups and groups collided. If this collision is not mediated, then there will be only disorder
and a chaotic society. So, binding law was needed in order to realize justice, ensure security, protect
rights and interests, and maintain order in a community. A law is made of promises and morals in order
for many people to live peacefully by establishing order in a community.

1. The Role of Law

People can live a safe and peaceful life by solving conflicts that occur among each other through law.
Also, law became the standard to punish those who did wrong or did not keep the law. The law performs
a function to maintain social order.
Preventing and solving
It performs a role to solve conflicts between people fairly.

It maintains social order so that people cannot do unjust acts to create

Maintaining social order
a peaceful society.

2. Features of Law

A law which has a binding force is greatly differentiated from ethics, morals, and customs. A law is
more powerful than any other social norm existing within a country, and has the power to control acts
against public interests.

Classification Law Morals

Purpose Realization of Justice Realization of Virtue

Regulation Target Results of Acts Conscience and Motive

Observance Basis With Force With Free Will

Criticized by Society,
In Case of Violation Punished by State
Guilty Conscience

* Binding : An effect which restricts free acts through laws, contracts, regulations, treaties, etc.

3. Law-abiding Spirit and Examples

Even though a law exists, if the one that needs to keep the law does not keep the law, then it is
meaningless. The value of the law is in its law-abidingness. For this law-abidingness, one must have the
law-abiding spirit first. The law-abiding spirit should be on the basis of the heart, willing to live in peace
and harmony within a community.
[Example Story] A Policeman Who Kept the Rules

There was one incident with Winston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
made his driver drive in a hurry. A traffic officer who checked speeding vehicles made the car stop. Then,
the driver yelled at the policeman. “Prime Minister Churchill is in the car.” The policeman answered,
“But speeding is speeding. I will give you a ticket so please pay the fine.” Prime Minister Churchill was
displeased and said to the policeman. “Hey, do you know who I am?” Then the policeman answered,
“Yes! You have the similar face as our Prime Minister, but not in how he abides by the law.” Eventually,
Prime Minister Churchill had to pay the fine. However, Churchill was deeply impressed by the traffic
officer who performed his role faithfully. After Churchill came back to his office, he called the police
chief and explained what had happened, and ordered that policeman to get a special promotion. However,
the police chief refused the order. “There is no such regulation to give one a special promotion for
catching speeding vehicles.” Even though things did not turn out the way that Churchill hoped, but he
was satisfied to see the policeman working to follow the rules.

| Discussion

1. Let’s discuss why law is needed, and the difference between law and morals.
2. Let’s do research and present good cases regarding the law-abiding spirit.
【 Exploration 2】

# Citizens of Peace: A Walking Law of Peace

If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations. If

there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.
- Anonymous

What are Character Traits of Peace?

The traits of peace refer to characteristics based on values to achieve peace. We have learned the traits
of peace from lessons 5 to 11. A thankful heart towards the grace received, consideration for the benefits
of others, sacrifice without compensation, understanding and forgiveness towards others, politeness
towards elders, effort to preserve legacy of ancestors, and a law-abiding spirit. We have looked at each
trait’s meaning and the ways of practice.

What would happen if we have these traits of peace? We would have the power to overcome greed
which is one of the reasons that break order in our society. Furthermore, one would realize his or her own
value and exert good influence on others. The restoration of one’s character is connected to the
restoration of order in the world, and it becomes an important starting point for world peace.

1. I Who Have the Character of Peace : A Walking Law of Peace

In the world, there are people who do not keep the law even though they study law. On the other hand,
there are people who keep the law by consciousness even though they do not know about the law. People
who have the character traits of peace have the law-abiding spirit, and they keep the law voluntarily by
following the law of conscious. They sometimes hear from others, “that person can live even without the
law.” They then become a walking law of peace themselves. They become an example to others by
abiding the law, and can even teach others to abide by the law. We call these people “citizens of peace.”

In the 20th and 21st centuries, science and technology have developed so much, incomparable to that
of the former era. However, the character traits of people and civic consciousness have retrogressed
compared to the development of science and technology. The result depends on whom and how science
and technology are used. If people use science and technology as a tool of war or threat, then the near
future is not so bright. Science and technology are just ways and tools, and the important thing is the
philosophy and mindset of how to use the tools. We need “citizens of peace” who have the mindset to use
science and technology peacefully for the prosperity of humanity.

2. Necessity of Citizens of Peace and Their Role

Why do we need citizens of peace, and what role can they perform? Citizens of peace perform the role
to stop wars from armed forces by becoming messengers of peace, and become leaders to solve various
conflicts by peaceful means. They urge the leaders in their countries and citizens for peace and cessation
of war to spread a culture of peace to the world in various ways.

How can citizens of peace contribute to stop wars? Through lessons 3 and 4, we saw that the order of
the human world has collapsed in the international society, and the current international law has no
legally binding force so it is difficult to solve conflicts in international society with law. Then, who can
mediate and solve conflicts in international society? The answer is: the citizens of peace. Any head of
state cannot ignore the voices of citizens, and it is difficult to push a policy that all citizens disagree on.
The citizens of peace urge leaders of each country to support peace, and deliver voices against wars.
They urge people to solve conflicts not with armed forces but by peaceful means.

Then how can people become citizens of peace? It is through peace education. Just like how students
learn mathematics and science, if they learn about peace, then they will understand the necessity of peace
and reasons why wars must be stopped. They will also understand the process and ways to achieve peace.
Through this peace education, if they have understanding of peace, anyone can become a citizen of peace.
Like scientific knowledge is accumulated through education and brings advanced science to the future
generation, a culture of peace through peace education will be delivered to the future generation. Like
how science and technology do not retrograde, a culture of peace that has spread throughout the world
will not retrograde easily. When a culture of peace is spread to all parts of the world, it will be difficult to
start a war with the greed of a few. It will be the beginning to achieve a lasting peace.
| Discussion

1. Let’s find citizens of peace around us who can live without law and talk about why those people can
be called as the citizens of peace.
2. In order to become a citizen of peace, what are the things we need to do, and let’s share our thoughts
with others.
【 Exploration 3】

# International Document of Peace

: Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

Everyone in the world hates wars and wants peace, and the answer to achieve this is the
DPCW’s 10 articles and 38 clauses. If the DPCW is implemented, then the world will
become a peaceful place free of wars.

Peace is not the work of an individual or the work of one company or country. It is the
duty and work of everyone who lives in this global village. We cannot destroy this
beautiful Earth with wars and we cannot lose our lives from wars.

World peace and cessation of war! We can do it if we do it. All the people around the
world want peace more than wars. We are all one under the Earth. We can if we do it.

- Man Hee Lee / HWPL Chairman, South Korea (1931-Present)

1. Necessity of International Legal Document of Peace, DPCW

In World War II which ended in 1945, there were about 70 million casualties. The international society
realized how dangerous modern warfare that uses nuclear weapons is. So they began to realize the
necessity of peace and international order. The United Nations (UN), which has 193 Member States, was
founded to make efforts to solve various international conflicts by peaceful means. Even in the UN,
various international legal instruments exist, including the International Court of Justice (ICJ), but none
of them are legally binding. So, trials are progressed with the agreement of both countries. Despite the
efforts of the UN and countries around the world, there are still wars and terrors occurring. Thousands of
nuclear weapons that were created after World War II in the Cold War era are possessed by different
countries around the world. The power of nuclear weapons are great enough to destroy the Earth many
[Reference] Limits of International Law

1) Limits of principal agent in implementing international law

No legislative organ transcending States can be found since implementation is done with the
agreement between States

2) Limits in trial norms

No trial of the International Court of Justice is progressed without the agreement between States in

3) Limits in the process of law enforcement

Difficult to impose sanctions on States that do not execute law

What is the international legal document of peace, DPCW?

The DPCW, comprised of 10 articles and 38 clauses, is an international legal document drafted to end
wars completely on Earth and achieve a lasting peace. It was drafted to achieve a complete peace on
Earth and leave as a legacy for the future generation.

Why do we need the international legal document of peace, DPCW ?

First, current international law does not include articles that can end wars completely on Earth.
Secondly, peace is not a problem of one country but the problem that should be solved at an international
level. Thirdly, a standard is needed for all citizens of peace to keep and monitor. The DPCW becomes the
standard of peace, and the citizens of peace become the eyes and ears to monitor and see if the DPCW is

2. The Value of DPCW’s 10 Articles and 38 Clauses and Its Contents

The DPCW’s 10 articles and 38 clauses can be divided into three parts. Articles 1 to 5 are on the
prevention of conflict, articles 6 to 7 are on mediation and resolution of conflict, and articles 8 to 10 are
on sustainable peace. The following are the 10 articles of the DPCW.

Article 1 - Prohibition of threat or use of force

Article 2 - War potential
Article 3 – Friendly relations and the prohibition of acts of aggression
Article 4 – State boundaries
Article 5 - Self-determination
Article 6 - Dispute settlements
Article 7 - Right to self-defense
Article 8 - Freedom of religion
Article 9 – Religion, ethnic identity, and peace
Article 10 – Spreading a culture of peace

<DPCW Parade>

Looking more closely at some articles in the DPCW, Article 1 is about “prohibition of the threat or use
of force.” States should refrain from the use of force in all circumstances, other than where permitted by
international law, and should condemn aggression as constituting an international crime. Through four
clauses in Article 1, it makes States refrain from the use of force inconsistent with international law.

Article 2 is about “war potential.” States should cooperate for the gradual reduction of armament
production and military bases. It is about gradually diminishing trade and production in weapons. It also
consists of measures that decommission weapons manufacturing facilities should be repurposed to be
beneficial for humanity.

Article 9 is about religion. According to Clause 3 of Article 9, it recognizes the threat of peaceful
coexistence that violent religious extremism may cause. Also, States should implement legal measures
against individuals or groups attempting to perpetrate or assist in gross and systematic acts of violence in
the name of religion.
Article 10 is about “spreading a culture of peace” which suggests practical ways to achieve world
peace. According to Clause 1 of Article 10, States should recognize and engage with groups and
organizations that seek to further the cause of peace as a global movement.

3. Process of Realizing the DPCW

①“Legislate Peace” of Citizens around the World

Peace cannot be sustainable and secured only with certain sectors of society or systems, so HWPL
planned out an international legal instrument of peace and various activities to implement the DPCW
around the world with civil society.

“Legislate Peace” is a bottom-up campaign to establish an international law of peace and solve
numerous conflicts by peaceful means. This campaign is spreading throughout the world with the active
participation of civil society. Women and youth of civil society are becoming one and urging their heads
of states to carry out appropriate actions. The following are the specific activities:

▷Signature Project for the DPCW (Collecting signatures and letters supporting the DPCW)
▷Peace Walk
▷Conferences, forums, seminars, and lectures urging support for the DPCW
▷Installing peace monuments and establishing peace museums

②National Support and Adoption by the UN General Assembly

HWPL aims to develop the DPCW into a legally binding international document of peace. For this,
the DPCW will be introduced to the UN General Assembly as a resolution.

③Civil Society Acting as Observers

When the DPCW is adopted by the UN General Assembly as a resolution, it will be implemented by
having a binding force through international institutions such as the UN and the International Court of
Justice. Civil society comprised of citizens of peace will act as observers. The powerful driving force of
the DPCW that shows its effectiveness is in the civil society. Especially, the International Women's Peace
Group (IWPG) and International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) play a key role urging for peace and
cessation of war.

| Discussion

1. Do a research on wars that occurred after the World War II and give a presentation. Let’s find out what
was the cause of war, the scale of war, and the result. (Examples: Korean War, Vietnam War, etc.)
2. If a war breaks out in the location of where you live, what kind of situation will you and your family
face? Think about this and discuss it together. Also, think about the things that you can do to prevent
wars and discuss.
Law is the minimum norm for the social order, and the value of law is in its law-abidingness. The law-
abiding spirit should be on the basis of the heart, willing to keep the law, maintain order, and protect
peace. The law-abiding spirit is one of the traits of peace that can realize peace in the world.

Citizens of peace refer to those who have the traits of peace. A person becomes a pianist by learning
the piano and a person becomes a scientist by learning science. Like this, a person who learns peace
education can become a citizen of peace. The citizens of peace urge for the restoration of order in
humanity and cessation of war. Also, they act as observers so that peace does not break. Peace is an
essential element for the sustainable development of humanity. Therefore, the importance of peace
education and citizens of peace is being emphasized more and more.

The DPCW’s 10 articles and 38 clauses are drafted as an international legal document of peace in
order to achieve a complete peace. The goal is to have the DPCW be adopted as a legally binding
instrument. Various sectors of society including youth and women act as observers to enforce the DPCW.
Through the DPCW, cessation of war and world peace will be achieved and it will be left as a legacy to
the future generations.

Ladies and gentlemen, take a look at the night sky. There are so many stars that you cannot
even count. Some people say that there are greater things in the universe than the Earth.
However, they have not found a star like the Earth where living things can live. Should we
destroy such a great place like the Earth? Please think about this. If a war breaks out now,
then it will not be a war like those in the past. It will be a war where the Earth will be
destroyed completely. After the war breaks out, what can we do? Right at this time, we
have to put a system so that a war will never occur ever again.

- Man Hee Lee / HWPL Chairman, South Korea (1931-Present)

5th floor 20, Nambusunhwan-ro 347-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, South-Korea
Tel.02-514-1963 Fax.02-514-1961

The first edition on 18 September 2019

Published by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Copyright Ⓒ 2019 Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

All rights reserved. You must get consent from a copyright owner to use all or parts of the contents of this book.

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