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But What Does It Look Like?

Illustrations of Disciplinary Literacy
Teaching in Two Content Areas
Emily C. Rainey, Bridget L. Maher, David Coupland, Rod Franchi,
Elizabeth Birr Moje

The authors offer a framework for disciplinary literacy teaching and two illustrations of
disciplinary literacy teaching in classrooms.

here is growing consensus that disciplinary lit- each community (Alvermann & Moje, 2013; New London
eracy teaching is necessary for advancing goals Group, 1996).
of college readiness and social justice (e.g., Lee & Disciplinary literacy practices are shared language
Spratley, 2010; Moje, 2007; Spires, Kerkhoff, & Graham, and symbolic tools that members of academic disci-
2016). However, many still wonder, What does disciplin- plines (e.g., biology, philosophy, musical theater, ar-
ary literacy teaching look like? Would I recognize it if I chitecture and design, psychology) use to construct
saw it in my content area or in my school? How different knowledge alongside others. All disciplinarians engage
is it from what I am doing already? in cycles of inquiry that enable knowledge produc-
In this article, we offer two descriptions of classroom tion; inquiry includes articulating questions or prob-
practice that illustrate central features of disciplinary lems for pursuit, investigating those questions using
literacy teaching in secondary subjects. We have drawn ­d iscipline-­s pecific methods, communicating results
our illustrations from an ongoing, long-­t erm study of of investigations to specific audiences, and evaluat-
how preservice teachers may be supported to learn to ing one’s own claims and those of others (Moje, 2015).
design and enact contextually sensitive disciplinary Because the nature of the questions are distinct from
literacy teaching. In the long-­term study, we have ana-
lyzed video records of practice routinely collected from
skilled attending teachers (i.e., mentor teachers) and
EMILY C. RAINEY is a postdoctoral fellow at the
preservice teaching interns who are affiliated with one University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA; e-mail
university-­based secondary undergraduate teacher ed-
ucation program called Clinical Rounds. We report our BRIDGET L. MAHER is a graduate student at the
empirical findings from the study elsewhere (Rainey, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA; e-mail
Maher, & Moje, 2017; Rainey, Moje, & Maher, 2016).
DAVID COUPLAND is a natural sciences teacher at
Skyline High School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; e-mail
Disciplinary Literacy and Disciplinary ROD FRANCHI is a social sciences teacher at Novi
High School, MI, USA; e-mail rod@thehistorychase.
Literacy Teaching org.
Disciplinary Literacy Practices ELIZABETH BIRR MOJE is the dean, the George
Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education, and
Twenty-first-century literacy involves flexible naviga- the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of the School of
tion among the many discourse communities of school Education at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
and the everyday, including the ability to make deliber- USA; e-mail
ate choices about how and when to use the practices of

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy    Vol. 0   No. 0   pp. 1–9 1 doi: 10.1002/jaal.669   © 2017 International Literacy Association

discipline to discipline, and because of each discipline’s 2. Eliciting and engineering students’ learning oppor-
own history of development, the literacy practices of tunities so they are able to successfully accomplish
each discipline vary. classroom tasks and learn disciplinary practice from
Pursuing questions of history, for instance, re- them
quires historians to seek out and consider primary
3. Examining words, language, and representations
sources in specialized ways (Leinhardt & Young, 1996),
including corroborating, contextualizing, and sourc- 4. Evaluating words and ways with words within and
ing (Wineburg, 1991a, 1991b, 1998). Natural scientists, across domains
such as chemists, employ different language and literacy
practices as a regular part of their work (Lemke, 1990). Moje’s (2015) heuristic for disciplinary literacy
For instance, they consider multiple representations of teaching is a helpful guide for considering what disci-
data patterns using texts such as lab notes (Goldman & plinary literacy teaching must include and why. But
Bisanz, 2002), they develop and use models (NGSS Lead what does it look like to engage adolescents in disci-
States, 2013), and they translate data across multiple plinary inquiry with texts? What types of eliciting and
forms and symbol systems (Pearson, Moje, & Greenleaf, engineering are useful for supporting such ambitious
2010; Shanahan, Shanahan, & Misischia, 2011). Literary learning goals and use of texts? What about examining
scholars, too, work with texts in specialized ways (Lee, language and evaluating ways with words?
Goldman, Levine, & Magliano, 2016; Lee & Spratley,
2010); guided by their construction and pursuit of liter- Overview and Program Description
ary problems or puzzles, literary scholars seek patterns
In what follows, we offer two illustrations of disciplin-
within and across texts, identify strangeness within and
ary literacy teaching, highlighting Moje’s (2015) 4-Es.
across texts, consider histories of use and other contexts,
The instances of disciplinary literacy teaching that we
and develop original interpretive claims (Rainey, 2017).
offer come from classroom videos of two highly skilled
veteran teachers who are coauthors of this article. Rod
Disciplinary Literacy Teaching Franchi teaches high school history, civics, and econom-
ics in the Novi Community School District in Michigan,
Knowing what disciplinarians do does not entirely an-
and David Coupland teaches physics and computer sci-
swer questions about what secondary teachers should
ence in Ann Arbor Public Schools in Michigan. Both
do with students in their classrooms. In her review of
teachers work as attending teachers in partnership
education scholarship, Moje (2007) found four relatively
with instructors in our university-­based teacher educa-
distinct perspectives on disciplinary literacy pedagogy:
tion program called Clinical Rounds.
(1) a focus on apprenticing students to the epistemologi-
Clinical Rounds prepares undergraduates to teach
cal processes of disciplinarians, (2) a focus on cognitive
in secondary classrooms. In 2005, the program was
strategies for supporting students’ comprehension and
redesigned around goals of disciplinary literacy teach-
production of texts, (3) a focus on teaching students
ing and learning. Each semester in the program is or-
how language works in the disciplines, and (4) a focus
ganized to support situated and contextually sensitive
on teaching the ever-evolving cultural practices of the
practice, and each semester has a substantial field com-
disciplines and connecting students’ cultural practices
ponent (Bain, 2012; Bain & Moje, 2012). In the program,
to those of the disciplines. She argued that socially just
we routinely collect video data of attending teachers’
subject matter teaching in secondary schools—teach-
classroom practice so we may study their inquiry-­based
ing that supports all students to learn how to partici-
literacy teaching approaches and provide teaching in-
pate within and among the discourse communities of
terns with models of disciplinary literacy teaching.
their lives, including the academic disciplines—would
As a part of the program, attending teachers routinely
bring together these four lines of research.
come together with university-­b ased teacher educa-
Informed by her 2007 review, Moje (2015) advanced
tors to analyze teaching videos, to plan and lead pro-
a 4-­E s heuristic for disciplinary literacy teaching to
gramwide professional development workshops, and to
represent the four overlapping categories of instruc-
generate new approaches for improving programmatic
tional practice related to the epistemological, cognitive,
­linguistic, and cultural lines of study in the field:
Mr. Coupland and Mr. Franchi were each initially
1. Engaging students in work that aligns with the selected to work with preservice teachers because of
­problem- and text-based work of disciplinarians their proficient teaching records in their disciplinary

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy   Vol. 0   No. 0 2 Month 0000

specializations, their commitment to inquiry-­b ased torical literacy practices but were still learning when
teaching with multiple forms of text, and their inter- and how to apply them in combination while reading.
est in helping to prepare novice teachers. Additionally, Then, Mr. Franchi posed the following question to
they are each recognized leaders among their respec- students: “[The proposal in the early 1800s was that] all
tive school communities, and their students are con- [American] Indian people must move to Indiana….[From
sistently successful on multiple measures of academic the point of view of your assigned historical figure,]
achievement. should this deal happen or not?”
Taken together, these qualities and commitments Mr. Franchi assigned each student a different histor-
define Mr. Coupland and Mr. Franchi as expert educa- ical artifact (e.g., letter, transcribed political speech) to
tors. We offer illustrations from their classrooms not analyze independently using a graphic organizer, which
because they necessarily represent typical practice but prompted students’ use of the historical literacy prac-
because they represent exemplary practice. We believe tices that he had named. The organizer ended by ask-
that their teaching approaches are learnable and that ing students to make a text-­based claim about what the
illustrations of teaching practice such as these may sup- author of their source would say about the 19th-­century
port others to develop similar approaches in their own political proposal that “all [American] Indian people
classrooms. Our belief is bolstered by our research of must move to Indiana.”
preservice teachers’ development of disciplinary lit- After students analyzed their sources, Mr. Franchi
eracy teaching. Novices in our program are afforded then facilitated students’ debate about the question.
ongoing opportunities to observe and work with teach- When framing the debate, he established a set of ex-
ers like Mr. Coupland and Mr. Franchi, and novices’ at- pectations for how students should talk to one anoth-
tempts to provide disciplinary literacy teaching tend to er, emphasizing that he would not be talking during
be evident even in their earliest teaching enactments in the debate, so they should not look to him to keep the
the program. conversation moving. He called this routine “Don’t
In the following sections, we describe and explicate look at me—even if I’m doing jumping jacks!” and in-
aspects of disciplinary literacy teaching in two content dicated that it would be a classroom routine moving
areas at the level of the lesson. Although we focus on forward.
moments of classroom practice herein, it is important Students then began to introduce themselves as the
to note that both focal teachers seek to gradually ap- author of the respective text they had reviewed, con-
prentice students into specialized ways of reading, writ- tributing that figure’s perspective to the discussion:
ing, and reasoning over the full arc of the school year.
Student 1: So, I’m John L. Sullivan, and I think, you
Whereas the 4-Es (Moje, 2015) are visible at the level of
know, that [the American Indians] should
the lesson in our explication, they are also visible at the
leave because we’ve spread our whole idea of
level of the unit and year in the teachers' actual practice.
freedom across the United States. Freedom
is spread, from my point of view, all over.
Student 2: I’m Caroline Kirkland, and I disagree be-
History Literacy Teaching cause you have that freedom. So, the native
The Lesson people, they were part of the land, and…
We begin with a lesson taught by Mr. Franchi. In his when we came here, they shared their re-
10th-­g rade U.S. history class, he first presented stu- sources with us, and they shouldn’t leave
dents with a protocol for analyzing primary sources because they started that whole [idea] that
in pursuit of a historical question. He said, “Historians everyone is equal in America.
don’t read primary sources like others do….You read
differently, you study [texts] differently….The protocol Soon after, in response to an offer to buy land by a
helps us unlock meaning…[but] you don’t need to an- student representing Andrew Jackson’s perspective, a
swer every question for every source. It is a menu.” The student expressed a related but different perspective by
guide included a set of historical literacy practices that saying, “I’m Tecumseh. And, so, you’re just going to buy
students should draw on when reading primary and a country? So, could you buy America? Could you buy
secondary sources and historical accounts, including the land? Could you buy freedom? Could you buy air?”
sourcing, identifying the author’s argument and poten- The discussion continued for about 20 minutes and in-
tial biases, and generating new questions of the texts. It cluded participation of almost all of the students in the
was November, and students had been using these his- room.

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy   Vol. 0   No. 0 3 Month 0000

At the end of the lesson, Mr. Franchi asked students they are considering events or actions that are recog-
to characterize the divergent perspectives of the his- nized as unjust in today’s time. Historical perspec-
torical actors highlighted during the discussion. “As tive taking allows for students to consider the human
you look at the whole debate,” he said, “what does it construction of historical accounts and identify ways
tell us about dynamics between white Americans and to assess these accounts for interpreting the past.
American Indians at this time?” Moreover, the entire debate structure enabled Mr.
Finally, he facilitated a brief conversation about stu- Franchi to elicit students’ historical reasoning with
dents’ use of historical literacy practices, asking them complex texts.
to summarize their process and consider how practices Another way that Mr. Franchi engineered students’
help them construct knowledge of history. Mr. Franchi disciplinary literacy learning was that he named a set of
asked, “When you analyzed this as a historian, what did literacy practices of history. He told students that his-
you notice?” and “As a historian, how did you put this torians use shared practices to make meaning with pri-
[source] into perspective?” mary sources, including sourcing and identifying bias,
and he indicated that these literacy practices would
be important for students to routinely use so they can
Where’s the Disciplinary Literacy learn to pursue historical questions. Notably, he framed
Teaching in Mr. Franchi’s Lesson? these practices not as static rules that students should
This lesson reveals the complex interplay among engag- follow but as approaches to use flexibly and in combina-
ing, engineering, examining, and evaluating that Mr. tion to analyze historical texts.
Franchi used to advance students’ opportunities for his- Mr. Franchi’s engineering was also evident in his
torical literacy learning, even as they learned broader direction giving, particularly in his description of the
historical practices, content, and concepts. expectation that students should look at and talk to
one another. He set a clear expectation that students
Engaging. At the center of his lesson was a carefully were responsible for leading the conversation, and
crafted question. The question necessitated extended he supplied a routine that they would use throughout
work with primary source documents that revealed dif- the remainder of the school year to support extended,
fering points of view of various individuals of the time. student-­led discussion.
It also required that students identify the somewhat
nuanced perspectives represented within those texts Examining Words and Language . Mr. Franchi’s
to make and warrant claims about those individuals’ graphic organizer protocol supported students as they
perspectives during the discussion. To ultimately draw individually examined the language of primary sources
conclusions about the perspectives of historical figures, to consider the point of view that each historical actor
students had to ask questions of the texts, source their may have held. To draw conclusions about a histori-
respective texts, recognize data points in relation to a cal actor’s perspective, each student needed to closely
question, look for patterns and anomalies in the data, attend to the implicit meaning of words used by those
and consider social and historical contexts in which authors. For instance, students closely attended to the
their texts were produced. Thus, the majority of the word freedom and the meanings and assumptions that
class period was spent with students engaging in read- various historical figures communicated through their
ing and reasoning practices of history. uses of it. Students returned to these close consider-
ations of language as they engaged in Mr. Franchi’s clos-
Eliciting and Engineering . Because the texts and ing discussion about the larger historical implications
learning goals were challenging, Mr. Franchi engi- of the time period under study. This lesson supported
neered students’ work carefully. His construction students' critical examination of language and perspec-
of the pursuable question as a debate among histori- tive while reading and using primary accounts and
cal figures supported students’ disciplinary literacy helped establish ways that students would also learn
learning because it both required students to apply his- to read and use secondary and tertiary sources (e.g.,
torical empathy and historical perspective and helped textbooks).
them build these skills in the process. Historical em-
pathy is an orientation that is important when doing Evaluating Ways With Words . Throughout the les-
historical work, but it can be particularly challenging son, Mr. Franchi positioned students as participants in
for adolescent students to bring historical empathy to the discourse community of history while at the same
their reading, writing, and reasoning, especially when time building their understanding of historical literacy

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy   Vol. 0   No. 0 4 Month 0000

practices as tools that serve particular purposes. At their inquiry for the day: “What is the relationship be-
the beginning of the lesson, for instance, he reminded tween position and time for a ball in projectile motion?”
students that the historical literacy practices on the Other groups offered similar questions. Mr. Coupland
graphic organizer should be thought of as a f lexible then conducted a brief demonstration to show students
menu. At the end of the lesson, he led a brief metacon- how to use a software program that allowed them to
versation that invited students to begin to think more import and analyze video of a ball’s motion, and he of-
broadly about when, why, and how to use historical lit- fered brief reminders about how to keep notes in their
eracy practices such as sourcing. By asking students to lab notebooks, stating that records of scientific obser-
consider what they did to put their artifacts into con- vations need to include the date and location of the ob-
text, he laid groundwork for more in-­depth evaluation servation along with careful descriptions about what
of when, why, and how the shared practices of history happened and what it might mean in relation to the re-
are useful and when, why, and how they may not be as search question.
useful. For the remainder of the class period (approxi-
mately 4 5 m i nutes), student s excited ly worked
together in small groups to conduct their work, repre-
Physics Literacy Teaching senting their findings on whiteboards using multiple
The Lesson graphs, mathematical notation, and written expla-
On the first day of a short unit on projectile motion in his nations of the mathematical model produced in the
11th-­and 12th-­grade physics class, Mr. Coupland began investigation.
by throwing a ball to a student in the front of the room. The next day, Mr. Coupland introduced an essay as-
He told the class, “Watch what is happening and make signment in which students would be expected to make
some observations.” Initially, students said things like, a scientific argument:
“It’s a parabola,” and “Constant velocity.” Mr. Coupland The question [yesterday] was, What’s the relationship be-
then said, tween the variables? Now I want to put this into the kind of
question that you might write a paper about, particularly if
You’re mixing observations and explanations….Focus on this were 500 years ago and you were Galileo and you were
what you’re observing….Try to use regular words…try to trying to understand the nature of motion. So, here’s the
separate your understanding, which is considerable, from question: In projectile motion, does the time it takes an ob-
your observation. It’s actually a barrier in science when you ject to fall a specified distance depend on the mass of the
think you understand something. It’s hard to see anything object or on the horizontal velocity of the object? You can
but what you think you’ll see. assume air resistance is negligible.

After students began to offer observations such as, Students were to make both a theoretical argument
“[The ball] goes up and down,” and “It slows as it’s going based on physical laws that they had been learning
up,” Mr. Coupland then asked them to consider what about all semester and an empirical argument using
they can measure about the ball and its motion. He recorded data that they had generated in the previous
asked students to talk in groups about how to phrase an day’s classroom experiments. To construct an argu-
experimental question for their lab; two minutes later, ment in physics, he told students that they should strive
he offered them sentence frames to use to start writ- to follow “how it’s done in physics,” which includes giv-
ing their experimental questions. While writing “What ing an explanation of “naive conceptions” related to the
is the relationship between ___ and ___ for ___?” on the question, “stat[ing] their claim,” “present[ing] a theoret-
board, he said, ical argument using Newton’s laws,” and then making
an argument presenting data and their interpretations.
This is a way to get started with experimental questions,
Mr. Coupland said,
and actually a lot of scientific papers follow this format.
The question is, “What is the relationship between blank If I’m trying to convince you using evidence that this is the
and blank for blank?” Another way is, “What is the effect of correct explanation, then that’s an argument. But, it’s a lit-
blank on blank for blank?” A lot of scientific papers have a tle different than an argument in English or social studies,
title like “The Effect of X on Y for Z.” Please rephrase your because in English or social studies, usually you pick things
experimental questions [using this format]. that you could argue either way….In some sense, they’re
more or less equally valid. In science, we assume that at
Using the sentence frame, one group of students of- some point, we’re all going to agree, but in the meantime,
fered the following research question that would guide we can have an argument about it.

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy   Vol. 0   No. 0 5 Month 0000

Then, Mr. Coupland facilitated students’ talk about conventions of the disciplinary community. An example
their findings from the experiments that they had of this was when he named typical parts of an argument
conducted in small groups the day before. Students in physics. Another example was when he offered stu-
shared their systems maps, equations using data dents a template for constructing a pursuable question
points that they had collected, and reasoning with one in physics.
another by having a whiteboard discussion, which in- Mr. Coupland prompted students to bring special-
volved students standing in a circle around the room ized literacy practices to the work of taking lab notes
sharing the work that they had done on their large so they could return to those notes later to develop and
whiteboards. support claims. Because students understood that they
To set the purpose for sharing experimental find- would be relying on their own lab notes to make larger
ings, Mr. Coupland reminded students that synthesiz- arguments, it may have motivated their deliberate and
ing the results of six experiments would be stronger careful note keeping.
evidence for their arguments than simply represent- He also elicited and supported students’ disciplin-
ing the results of one experiment. For this reason, he ary literacy learning by facilitating their work and
encouraged students to listen closely to their class- talk together in the whiteboard discussion routine.
mates’ findings, considering how the findings relate Because students needed to represent their data and
to their own, and to take careful notes so they could findings in multiple ways and then explain their rea-
precisely represent the whole body of evidence in soning to the class, students were prompted to work
their argument. During the discussion, most students together to build a common understanding of both
participated in describing aspects of their group’s the phenomena under investigation and the techni-
findings and conclusions. Some students took notes cal and specialized ways of communicating scien-
as they listened to their classmates present. Multiple tific claims to an audience. Additionally, it gave Mr.
students also asked clarifying or substantive ques- Coupland many opportunities to notice and intervene
tions of the presenting groups, which Mr. Coupland when students’ reasoning was faulty (e.g., when inter-
commended. preting the meaning of a systems map) or their nota-
tion was unconventional (e.g., when they had marked
axes on a systems map differently than the commu-
Where’s the Disciplinary Literacy nity norm).
Teaching in Mr. Coupland’s Lesson?
Like Mr. Franchi’s lesson, Mr. Coupland’s teaching of- Examining Words and Language . There were mo-
fers an illustration of Moje’s (2015) 4-Es. ments when Mr. Coupland supported students to exam-
ine words and ways with words in physics. A key moment
Engaging . Mr. Coupland’s students were engaged in was in his attention to the meaning and purpose of sci-
constructing, investigating, and communicating about entific observation. An observation—different from an
questions of physics. Students worked together to draft explanation—is what you can see or otherwise notice,
precise and testable questions; to collect, record, and and when collecting and analyzing scientific data, it is
analyze data; and to represent their findings in mul- important to ensure that observations are as free as
tiple ways (i.e., graphs, equations, written prose). Their possible from assumptions or expectations about a giv-
culminating assignment involved synthesizing the en phenomenon. By pressing students’ conceptual un-
findings of all of the trials completed by the class and derstanding of the words observation and explanation,
connecting those findings with theory. Mr. Coupland he also engineered their abilities to conduct meaningful
credits his approach to physics teaching to intensive data collection and analysis in their lab activity, and he
professional development on the modeling method, supported their apprenticeship into the ways of doing
which is a systematic method for engaging students in physics.
active scientific inquiry and discourse (Wells, Hestenes,
& Swackhamer, 1995). Evaluating Ways With Words. There was one moment
in this teaching sequence that exemplified evaluating
Eliciting and Engineering. Consistent with the model- how, when, and why to use particular ways with words
ing method, all of the scaffolding that Mr. Coupland of- across domains. When Mr. Coupland was describing
fered was in the service of disciplinary inquiry. One way to students the physics argument that they would be
he engineered students’ physics literacy learning was to responsible for writing, he distinguished between as-
name disciplinary literacy practices, assumptions, and sumptions that underlie claims of different academic

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy   Vol. 0   No. 0 6 Month 0000

communities, highlighting a key difference between Once the problem space had been introduced, both
the nature of constructing knowledge in the natural sci- teachers engineered opportunities for students to par-
ences—an attempt to ultimately find consensus—and ticipate in building knowledge by naming disciplinary
the tolerance for multiple, potentially competing claims practices, assumptions, and conventions, including
of somewhat “equal…valid[ity]” in English literature and those with texts; reminding students to use disciplin-
the social sciences. ary literacy practices; and facilitating routines that
In this moment, he indicated that there is an im- supported students in making meaning with texts in
portant difference in the assumption that writers of disciplinary ways. Throughout their lessons, these two
physics—and natural sciences more generally—bring teachers’ engaging, engineering, examining, and evalu-
to their work. Scientists assume that not all arguments ating moves were aligned in subtle and mutually rein-
or claims will be equally valid; over time, they assume forcing ways.
that the community will come to a consensus about the In designing and enacting layered, integrated
question under debate. Although this is not the only way literacy instruction that was fully in the service of
that evaluating ways with words across domains could disciplinary inquiry, both educators offered all stu-
look—as such a practice could also include critiquing dents opportunities to learn to participate in the in-
ways with words or discussing when the discourse and teresting and joyful work of constructing knowledge.
rhetorical strategies of a writer may or may not be use- Simultaneously, they honored who their students were,
ful—it serves as an instance, nonetheless, that could and they supported students’ consideration of how they
meaningfully support students over time to learn to might ultimately use tools of inquiry, including disci-
evaluate ways with words across disciplinary communi- plinary literacy practices, in their future learning and
ties so they are better able to flexibly navigate the many their lives.
discourse communities of their lives. It could be easy to read these cases and think, These
students were advanced, so that is why these lessons
went as they did. However, we have seen disciplinary
Discussion literacy teaching like that we have described occur-
The inquiry-­based teaching approaches of Mr. Franchi ring in many Clinical Rounds attending teachers’ class-
and Mr. Coupland are tightly aligned with the bodies of rooms—in middle schools and high schools, in honors
scholarship on teaching and learning in each of their re- and regular classes, in suburban and urban communi-
spective content areas (e.g., Bransford & Donovan, 2005; ties, and across all major academic domains. We do not
Minstrell & van Zee, 2017; Nokes, 2013; Osborne & Dillon, mean to say that this type of teaching is happening ev-
2010; Stearns, Seixas, & Wineburg, 2000). Further, both erywhere. In our experience, this does not yet seem to
teachers are guided by their syntheses of ambitious be the case. However, we mean to say that we do not be-
content learning standards (e.g., AP learning objectives lieve that this type of teaching is meant only for certain
and scoring standards, national standards documents). already privileged groups of students. In fact, the most
What’s more, as we have watched and rewatched these school-­reliant students are probably the ones who most
teaching videos, our team has come to also regard the desperately need regular opportunities for disciplinary
approaches of these educators as cutting-­edge examples literacy learning and who could most dramatically ben-
of disciplinary literacy teaching in our field. We believe efit from it.
that the cumulative effect of such teaching on young To be sure, different groups of students may have
people’s lives would be transformative, as it is radically required different types of engineering to meet the
different from the experiences that many students have learning goals of these physics and history lessons.
in schools. Less experienced readers may have benefited from
To engage students in disciplinar y work, Mr. metacognitive strategy instruction. Students who
Franchi and Mr. Coupland framed their lessons with were relatively unfamiliar with an academic domain
questions that were pursuable, recognizably disciplin- or a specific topic may have required more extended
ary, open enough to invite students’ construction of approaches to developing the necessary knowledge
meaning, and guided enough to provide a structure for to engage with a pursuable question and make use
learning disciplinary practice. Mr. Franchi supplied a of texts. Students who were less practiced at hav-
question in the form of a debate. Mr. Coupland engaged ing classroom conversations and students who were
groups of students in constructing their own lab ques- learning English may have required more deliberate
tions, and he allowed some difference in their finalized routines for participating in academic discussion.
questions. Yet, it is still possible to provide disciplinary literacy

Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy   Vol. 0   No. 0 7 Month 0000

TAKE ACTION! Alvermann, D.E., & Moje, E.B. (2013). Adolescent literacy in-
struction and the discourse of “every teacher a teacher of
1. Talk with colleagues about the nature of the disci- reading”. In D.E. Alvermann, N.J. Unrau, & R.B. Ruddell
plinary work most related to your subject matter. (Eds.), Theoretical models and processes of reading (6th
How do disciplinarians in your content area ask ed., pp. 1072–1103). Newark, DE: International Reading
questions, investigate those questions, communicate Association.
claims, and evaluate the claims of others? Bain, R.B. (2012). Using disciplinary literacy to develop coher-
ence in history teacher education: The Clinical Rounds
2. Consider the alignment between your learning Project. The History Teacher, 45(4), 513–532.
standards and the big questions that drive Bain, R.B., & Moje, E.B. (2012). Mapping the teacher education
disciplinarians’ work. What questions could guide terrain for novices. Phi Delta Kappan, 93(5), 62–65. https://
your unit? How will you invite students into the
Bransford, J.D., & Donovan, M.S. (Eds.). (2005). How students
disciplinary problem space?
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